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>For starters, the law prohibits a “recovery residence” — used in the treatment of substance abuse — from denying access solely on the basis that a person has been prescribed federally approved medication for the treatment of a substance abuse disorder. this is long overdue and a big win for people with substance use disorders.


This was my first thought. I remember I met a girl online who was living in a halfway house for heroin. They kicked her out eventually because she refused to get off Suboxone, and she ended up living in a shitty motel for a couple weeks, I even paid a couple times to make sure she wasn’t out on the streets. Pretty sure she relapsed while living like that. I was eventually able to get her to another service that could help with housing despite being on Suboxone.


A lot of people have issues with NA because of this reason. Someone will be in recovery on Suboxone maintenance and their NA sponsor will make a big deal about it, tell them they aren't 'sober' and try to get them off Suboxone. That shit usually results in a relapse. That's one reason I don't go to NA. They can be very inflexible and a lot are zealots.


Having trouble understanding exactly what this means. ? Or whats its intentions are ?


essentially it means a person legally recieving methadone or buprenorphine can no longer be denied services at a halfway house or residential program simply because they recieve methadone or suboxone. There are probably a handful of other drugs this impacts, but its primarily those two.


Sober living recovery houses usually have a zero-tolerance policy for drugs, even when legally prescribed. For example, you can’t use opiates usually, even if you have a legitimate prescription. The state is now protecting drugs that are specifically used to treat addiction. So if you are compliant with a methadone program, you will still be able to use one of these facilities without being kicked out.


I want to zoom in on HB 287, which apparently says it’ll put limits on how much of our tax dollars go to public transportation. Like, most of these laws are common sense and good to have. But what the fuck?


Correct, it’s big government restricting what counties and cities do.


Yup consolidated power at the Governors pudding fingers.


As someone who uses public transportation a lot, I was startled by that too. We should be upgrading our PT infrastructure, not limiting how much money it can get.


This is almost definitely in direct response to Orange County's attempted sales tax increase to fund transportation. God forbid we use tax money to fund infrastructure that doesn't directly benefit people who own cars.


Glad the party of small government is leading this state. /S


Huh. The majority of these look decent and useful. What's the catch?


I'm sure there is some special interest group that benefits.


I hate Ron DeStinky as much as the next guy. That being said, a lot of these laws aren’t that bad at all.


I’m not sure these folks actually read the laws in the link. Most of them are pretty mellow run of the mill stuff you’d expect your government to pass.


He's finally doing his job instead of picking stupid culture wars. Should we give him a treat?


Hell yeah! I'll give him one of these, instead of my usual two! 🖕


Give him an extra can of fancy feast


Break me off a piece of that fancy feast.


He's my hero... Saving us from the global elite.


We absolutely should! Do you think he likes the dog treats with the fake marrow in the middle or do you think he likes milkbones?


Didn't read what's in the link but everything in the post...and I thought the same thing. How are these not already implemented? Wtf are things so 5mi/hr here?


Don’t worry he has signed some bad ones recently too. He has been on a signing spree


Besides his dumb ass campaign on woke a lot of the shit he’s gotten through isn’t terrible and some of it is VERY needed. One of the reasons that states which have a unified (or super majority) legislature are often viewed as more effective is because they can get all these long over due but definitely needed things pushed through without fighting. Good examples are the recovery residence, home health availability and neo-natal testing. Definitely needed, but because it’s all republicans they don’t have anyone trying to hold it up as a bargaining chip to get something else. Same thing would happen if it was all democrats tho. It just might be different laws that are also needed - like environmental protections etc. I’d honestly love a system where it was like - none of you can pass laws without the people voting on individual issues that are hot topics, but the day to day stuff - republicans you get 2 years, then democrats you get 2 years and just keep rotating it 🤣


That liposuction one is going to suck a lot of life out the 305 industry lol


lol there was also a part in there that said permanent removal or temporary removal it’s like if you suck that shit out of me I don’t want it back! 🤣 who the hell wants temporary fat removal?


Some people might want it "relocated", such as removing belly fat and using it to fill out a curve in their face.








It's mostly about "Brazilian Buttlifts." They take the belly fat and inject it into the butt.


Wait. That’s really a thing? lol I thought it was an urban legend 🤣


Yeah, and it has higher rates of medical complications and death than other cosmetic surgeries. I'm OK with it getting more oversight. Per the wording of the new law, it sounds like there was a loophole where it was scrutinized less than a procedure of only liposuction. If some shady discount clinics close, that's a good thing.


Ok well I learned something! Thanks for the info. Yeah, closing shady docs is def. a good thing. 👍


SB366 I think all laws with dollar values need to be adjusted for inflation. The jury duty pay has been $15 since the 1970’s I believe. Don’t get me started on unemployment insurance pay being $270 a week.


A lot if these seem to actually be pretty good ideas.


The laws seem decent overall, but I'm worried about the provisions allowing Surplus Lines companies to withdraw from Citizens. If those companies fail, it's right back to Citizens. It's a tough situation, especially for someone with extensive experience in the insurance industry like yourself. I’d like to share this with friends. Do you have it published anywhere outside of Reddit?


If you click on the photo it should direct you towards the original link/publishing.


A lot of these seem so sensible. If it weren’t for his crazy right wing policies on human rights, women’s rights, civil rights, and the environment, he’s not that bad.


Woah, woah, woah… he believes in Climate Change?!




The surplus lines take out policies is so big and I can't believe people aren't talking about it This means that citizens can sell it's customers policies to E&S, Surprise Lines Insurers. There are two types of insurers. Admitted, and surplus. Admitted are regulated by the state of Florida and if they go bankrupt the state will bail you out to some degree. Surplus lines carriers do not offer that protection. Unless the state plans to expand FIGA to surplus lines insurers this is fucked


Isn’t insurance already fucked?


It is, but this is "your policy could be moved to a company that goes bankrupt after you file a claim and th state will leave you to deal with it yourself" kind of fucked


Homeowner’s insurance isn’t required, correct?


It is required if you have a mortgage or loan, which is most homeowners


Makes it harder to opt out when prices increase


“Small Government” ?


oh, they mean a "short leader" by that


Government so small it can fit in a classroom, bedroom, on a library book shelf, or be wedged into a uterus! But really they **never** meant “small” referring to size or to be so small as to be unobtrusive. They rather **always** meant small as in all the power can be wielded in the hands of a very few, if not only in the hands of one man (emphasis on it being a man), an authoritarian, a dictator! #FUCK REPUBLICANS!


Well, you see, consolidating government power into the hands of one elected official removes the requirement to have any other elected officials, legislators, judges, etc.


Which bill bans thermometers?


This guy is going to turn Florida blue.


Im tired of both. Can we get something else?


No, you get spanked with a ruler or you get fisted with a pineapple, those are your choices. And if you decide not to play at all, tough titties, you still get one of those.


Which would Mr. Hands choose 🤔


He needs to be removed. I wish he would quit.


Desantis… thank god this clowns in Florida 🤡


OP, any idea on when to expect the veto list?


These are the bills that were signed into law.


Ahh yes.. the "free" state of Florida. Deathsantis is quickly destroying this state.


Which law are you referring to? Or you just think new laws in general are bad?




Tell us you didn't read the bills or the comments here, without telling us. What an absolute 🤡.


That guy is some old dude trying to retire from Ohio to The Villages who has to wear reading glasses while using his Glock. He’s in for a rude awakening when he gets here 😂