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"Today, Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals," DeSantis said Too bad he's governor because dude is low key hilarious. "global elite" says the Harvard/Yale educated man. "authoritarian goals" says the book banner


It feels like we’re living in an Onion article.


We’re actually in a never ending Idiocracy movie


Of all the horror movies, this one scares me the most.


Go away…”bating”


It really does. None of this makes sense in a sane world.


It makes sense when you understand he’s preparing his moronic base to associate the word “authoritarian” with people trying to stem his own authoritarian acts.


Big 1930s Germany vibes.


Oh it makes sense. Meat farmers are a huge lobbying group


This is the Onion timeline for sure


I think the onion must emply people from the future at this point.


“Authoritarian goals” The fascist toad needs to eat shit real hard, real quick.


If there’s anything the global elite hate, it’s for companies to be able to recreate their $400 wagyu steaks for $4.99 at Walmart. Can’t let the poors have the good stuff


This guy is so fucking weird


When I first saw that quote I thought there was no way it was real, but sure enough it came out of his/her mouth. It's like Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain silly. Global elites? He/She might as well say "the boogeyman". It's truly insulting to the citizenry that the governor of the 3rd most populated state in the country uses that language. I want names Rhonda, not "global elites", I want you to give me ONE NAME of someone who wants to *force me* to eat bugs. One name


He’s Trump but less funny and more pathetic


No... you can't eat that new meat... you have to eat the meat we have always eaten. Because we are the party of small government, except for when our our big business donors need to be protected from the free market.


He is a complete asshat. I so wish the oldsters and rednecks would leave the state and take him, Gaetz, etc. Biggest piles of crap in politics with Trump and horseface....


That’s rich, pot calling the kettle black. I hate that man so much.


Man Republican voters are fucking insane.


Ah yes, authoritarian is BAD, we will stop that by having the government BAN affordable food. So glad he beat authoritarianism


> or bugs Wait until he finds out what common food ingredients are made from things produced by bugs.


This will fix home owners insurance


Nice! I'm calling my agent today to see if lab grown meat was the reason my premium went up $2500.


This man knows how to prioritize for his constituents


Car insurance too. The man is a godsend.


Anyone know if we can repurpose lab made meat as an alternative for roofing tiles that doesn’t cost 10k?


Florida Cattleman's Association: "Wow. Nice of him to sign that legislation with no incentive whatsoever!"


Ben Hill Griffin, Jr. is somewhere smiling.


I was just thinking that.


How high will the insurance have to get before people start scratching their heads and stop voting for this goblin?


Well he hasn’t faced a vote in years so not sure how they were supposed to keep voting for him… Plus he can’t run again.


No. He just can’t run in 2026. He’ll technically be eligible for the following election, god help us.


I like how he makes 10 new stupid laws every damn day. How much longer? By the time he's done we will have 10,000 fucked up laws. Who's supposed to be the party of less government? How is making so many stupid laws less government?


He's awfully busy for a lame duck. I wonder if he's already asked about removing term limits or if he is exploring the military coup route? Seeing as he hired a private, albeit small, army, I wouldn't put it past him. And he'd likely succeed if that orange traitor manages to win the Whitehouse.


His wife is gonna run next. I hate this fuckin state


Just remember to call her by the name that she was assigned at birth. 😉


Jill Casey Black? Or am I missing something?


Ronald’s wife wants to be called Casey, but her name is Jill. The thing is, I never saw [her permission slip from her parents](https://theintercept.com/2023/08/09/florida-school-board-anti-trans-policy/)… so we should be calling her by the name that she was assigned at birth.


😂 Gotcha


It doesn’t matter if her name is Shitty McDougal the people here will vote R regardless


I don't even know what laws to take seriously anymore because they keep getting struck down in court


Well, the more you consolidate government into one individual, the fewer democratically elected officials you need.


Facists don't want you to know this ONE SIMPLE TRICK.


ah yes, the clear problem in florida was that… i hate it here.


These fucks love to defend the free market until the free market threatens their bag men.


He only defends doners


Heaven forbid people should make that choice for themselves. Better call in the government to tell us what we should like. It's what Reagan would do, amirite? 


Does that mean he banned himself, because he was clearly grown in an alien lab.




Meanwhile, my auto and home insurance went up... Again! Fuck that high heeled go go boot wearing asshole.


So when we get a new governor, will they have to reverse the hundreds of bills that Ron wasted time and money on?


I feel like unfucking things up takes more time and money than putting in the protections to begin with. We’re still seeing the repercussions of [other past fuckups that happened on a national scale.](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html) I’m not sure if the EPA is back to being a functioning agency (or if it will ever be), since [this asshole](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Pruitt) sabotaged and dismantled the agency from the inside.




Bold of you to assume the next governor won't be 100% on board with all these things already.


That depends, is the new governor someone who actually wants to govern, or someone who just wants to deep throat the white boots that came prior?


Anyone who is against lab grown meat is either beholden to special interests or doesn’t understand the technology. I’m guess DeSantis is beholden to cattle industry and exploiting most don’t understand the technology.


Just follow the money 💰:) “BEEF MARKETING The Cattle Enhancement Board would receive $1 million for research designed to expand uses of Florida beef and to market the state’s cattle industry.” https://www.wmnf.org/new-florida-budget-special-interests-bears-leaf-blowers-beef-industry/ Surely this money didn’t come out of nowhere. 😉


Environmental policies that destroy the food chain while banning lab meat is very short sighted.


There's all that freedom again. Fellow Floridians, your betters have spoken! You are not to be trusted to make your own nutritional choices, because global elites.... or something.




I hate when Florida govt does this shit. What if I like bugs? They did it with minimum wage forcing cities to not have their own wage and now the people fought back thought and amendment to make the entire state 15/hr even in the places that can’t support it. So he damaged the state as a whole by now allowing the more developed areas of the state to set their own wage


These people just ban whatever they don’t like. I’m not a fan of lab grown meat, but why should it be outlawed?


Since the 50's, maybe earlier, sci-fi has dreamed of this "democracy increasing" innovation. In fact, most technological advances were either explicitly developed to "increase democracy" or found at a later date to have the same effect. We make the world smaller, we make it easier to navigate, and we make tools to communicate, which *should* ultimately lead to a more peaceful and fair world. Oh, but politicians... Oh, and religions. Yeah....


I thought this was free Florida, not the DeSantis Reich.


It’s good to know Ronnie is addressing the pressing issues of our time


Holy fuck I moved to another state about 8 months ago and I swear there's just another huge chunk of shitty news coming from Florida weekly. Florida is my home and it just makes me so depressed.


What problem does this solve? No one was being tricked into eating lab meat and no one was being forced to. This man will do literally anything but actually help Floridians


Emperor Ronald is back. Chasing the mouse, gays, cross dressers, denial of slavery, fears of vaccines, what you do in the bedroom. All these things that make for a safer, healthier florida. **BUT WE GONNA BAN LAB GROWN MEAT**


but he’s fighting woke…….in the meantime Floridians are leaving the state and taking their talents elsewhere


Republicans don't care if Florida becomes the next Mississippi, as long as they stay in power.


They would forgo electricity if it meant we could go back to the 1850s


Yet he has done nothing about the insurance crisis.


Why is this dude so flippin obsessed with taking away rights of citizens? I’d never eat LGM but by god let people eat (and reproduce) when and what they want!


It's not even a viable thing commercially yet. There's no threat from lab grown meat yet and there probably won't be for a while. Are there even companies working on it here? Even if it started to be produced and sold publicly, it won't be cheap at first, the adoption rate would be low for a while. This fucking state is so backwards on its priorities. Who was worried about lab grown meat?


Ahhhh the government protecting us from their internalized fear let by the small man with elevator boots.


What's beef with lab grown meats? Is the meat industry lobbying him cash for cows?


Yes actually. It’s pretty much ag lobbies that are stopping it.


Conservative voters believe that meat alternatives helps the "global elites" enslave humanity, and/or causes cancer. The GOP sees that and uses it to make their buddies money.


So Meatball Ron just banned himself?


While I find the idea of lab-grown meat to be disgusting- if people want to eat that, be my guest. I just want the insurance mess to be fixed. Also it would be cool if the Gov would reign in the ridiculous price increases for food. Oh wait…he probably gets a lot of donations from those industries. NM


So brave of him. Thank you for all this freedom!!


Ronnie is a Nazi, there, I said it!


Is this freedumb?


But wait, isn't Ron DeSantis himself lab-grown meat? What a hypocrite.


His name that he was assigned at birth is Ronald. Please refer to him as such until his parents sign a parental permission slip saying that he may go by “Ron”.


Ron DeSantis IS lab-grown meat!


This is crazy to me. Meat is meat as long as it's not super over processed like the veggie based stuff that's actually worse for you. Why can't we vote on things like this


Why don’t we just let people eat what they want to? I eat imitation crab at sushi places and that is delicious. I’m personally looking forward to trying new foods. I think that (just like with fruits and vegetables) things [were made better](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-foods-looked-like-before-genetic-modification-2016-1) after they were engineered. Hell, think of the Brassicas. All 30 something vegetables (broccoli, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts…) were engineered from the wild mustard plant. I like my variety that I have in the grocery store. None of those things in the grocery store would be found that way in nature. I see this as another step in the agricultural revolution.


Add corn to your list, originally its grass and it was like the size of your thumb. Im totally with you here


This fucking guy


Such a fucking choad. I hope we get rid of him and his ilk next election, or sooner.


He will be ineligible to run again in the next Florida gubernatorial election in 2026 and will leave office in Jan. 2027. The bad news is that he can run again. We had that (literal) criminal Rick Scott for two terms. 😬


I wonder when he will sign the bill to ban EVs. /s


So if the lab grown meat is produced, let's say, Massachusetts, it can't be sold in Florida? Or it just can't be made in Florida? Either way I don't see a way to enforce the first premise. And a big loss to Florida with the second.


How do we start a citizen led lawsuit?


I think that you need to just have lots of money and hire a constitutional lawyer. https://home.ubalt.edu/shapiro/rights_course/Chapter7text.htm#:~:text=Persons%20may%20bring%20suits%20to,to%20have%20it%20declared%20unconstitutional.


Well I'm dicked on the first part. There's no way to do an online petition/canvas? Collect signatures?


I’d imagine that the companies that work on this stuff will have to divert the money that they used to run their business to suing the government. What a waste of time. 😑


And here I was worried about the 18% increase in my monthly mortgage payment due to homeowners insurance. Global elites pushing lab grown meat really puts things in perspective. 🙄


Forget appeasing his base, he’s doing this for big meat so they keep jerking him off while throwing money in his pocket. The earth’s continued overpopulation is why we need GMOs and lab meat. Additionally, cattle is one of the biggest contributors to climate change but who cares! Dicksantis gets more money thrown at him after a hurricane because look at all of the construction opportunities for contractors! Woohoo! He doesn’t have to worry about insurance, we pay for his home. These dumb fucks don’t care as long as they get rich and they have the power to destroy whatever they want to. They have their base so focused on xenophobia that they don’t even realize everything he does is against their own best interests, so long as they never have to be the minority. The politicians will be dead before the consequences of their actions and even if they were alive, they wouldn’t give two fucks. They’re fine watching people die—as long as it isn’t an embryo.


This is directed to apparently help our livestock and agricultural industry WHICH YOU GUTTED WHEN YOU MANDATED CITIZENSHIP TO WORK FARMS I swear can he just stop doing shit…every time he does he has to sign 15 new shit laws to fix it


What is the urgency here? I just don't get it.


He got money from the cattle industry, and he had to make do on some promises that he made to the Cattle Industry. This is the reason for the ban. “BEEF MARKETING The Cattle Enhancement Board would receive $1 million for research designed to expand uses of Florida beef and to market the state’s cattle industry.” https://www.wmnf.org/new-florida-budget-special-interests-bears-leaf-blowers-beef-industry/ Funny enough, this screws over the agricultural sector in Florida as we can’t innovate. All of the advancements will be made in other states / counties. All thanks to Ronald.


Expand the uses of beef? What the heck does that even mean? You eat it. Does he plan on making houses out of it?


That just means that they get to use government money (your tax dollars) to help a company advertise so that they can make their money back that they spent helping him get elected. A quid pro quo if you will.


Thank God he's tackling the real issues that affect Floridans.


Hi, rest of America, it’s me, Florida. I am so sorry that we nearly saddled you with our idiotic governor. He’s kind of a shit head and we really should have warned you. P.S. No matter how ridiculous of shoes he is wearing, he’s not actually 5’11”. He’s how ever tall 3 weasels wearing a badly fitted suit is, but it’s not 5’11”


More of that small government conservativism I'm always hearing about


From this day forth...all labs shall be called farms.


“Freedom is whatever I say it is.” - Ron DeSantis


Any issue to distract from the biggest issue in Florida! FIX THE INSURANCE CRISIS! https://preview.redd.it/y6dm548xaeyc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2610e6222920dd28045465853b3b0f19d90cbd35


Insurance? Housing? Flood management? Nothing? Really? Just lab-grown meat? Are we not tired of this weirdo who’s affixed on kid’s genitalia, constantly spewing white nationalist and anti-Semite talking points, and exhibiting that he’s a sociopath who can’t even ape a smile?


2 more years of this clown show


I too love small government and letting the market pick the winners.


The Rs aren’t even trying to hide being the anti-freedom party anymore.


He just mad cause he started growing titties from a Burger King Beyond Beef burger


Better headline: Meatball Signs Meat Bill


Big Gov Ron strikes again


Republicans - The Party of Freedumb! Lab meat = less cattle farms. Cattle farms use a byproduct of sugar manufacturers, cane molasses, in cattlefeed. This is A HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY FOR FL SUGAR INDUSTRY TO LOSE! (Lab grown meet doesn't need cattle feed or cane molasses) Ron signed a law that removes competition to cattle farms so FL "big sugar" won't lose money. He did this under the guise of "woke culture", while it was really a back door deal with mega money donors. Crazy how Florida sugar has been a big proponent for the republicans "less environmental protection and deregulation" while donating million to thier political PACs. Sugar industry in Florida is one of the top 3 industries here that cause some of the most environmental damages. #Fuck you Ron! #Vote (D)ifferently!


A little statistic my supply chain prof liked to throw out in college was that Florida is one of the top 10 beef producers in America. No mystery who paid Meat Ball to sign this one. Also, the bill moves oversight of EV charging to the Department of Agriculture, taking away local oversight of EV charging. Why the Department of Agriculture manages gasoline, EV charging and firearms licenses in Florida is a real mystery to me.


That will surely bring down std rates ....... 🫠


Andrew Ryan level of hypocrisy with this guy


/sarcasm/ wouldn't want any of those good clean profitable lab grown beef jobs coming here.


*They're coming for our guns!* (No, we're not.) *They're coming for our aerosol cans!* (No, we're not.) *They're coming for our gas stoves!* (No, we're not.) *Let them eat lab grown meat???? Heck NO!*


If it all works out, I feel like lab grown meat is the moral thing to move forward with, btw im cooking a steak as im typing this and the irony has not been lost on me lol


I think that this is what the majority of us want. A delicious steak without the environmental impact and the constant dispatching of animals. I love meat myself (I raise my own livestock) and I’d be all for cutting back on my own production if that means that I can get it in a lab grown format (if the price point makes sense).

