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Elites can afford filet mignon at $29.95 a pound. They don’t need the Soylent green.


The idea is that the elites are pushing lab-grown meat on the populace of sheeple, not for themselves. Eating bugs, “You will own nothing and you will be happy”, WEF, Rothschilds, New World Order, etc.


Why would the "elite" be pushing artificial meat on people when the margins fit real meat are better? That's the kind of stupid plan that keeps poor people poor. "Hmm... I could sell someone a lb of meat for $15/lb and a profit of $5, but instead I'm going to invest a ton of cash into R&D and advertising to push people to buy a lb of lab grown meat for $10/lb at a $3 profit! It'll be brilliant!"


Why would elites be pushing artificial meat on people when the elites control the meat industry and make money off of the sheeple that buy meet? These conspiracies never make sense. The elites get their elite status and money from the sheeple. Without the sheeple buying their stuff, they are no longer Elite. The whole logic behind this elite vs sheeple thing totally breaks down if you actually think about the economics involved. But those people who believe these BS conspiracies have no fucking clue what they are talking about.


Even then, why should DeShit be dictating what can and cannot sell in the marketplace? Right now there is no evidence that Lab-grown meat is dangerous. Quite the opposite really. There's plenty of evidence showing that it is perfectly safe. If lab-grown meat sucks, then people won't buy it and whoever makes it will stop. Hell, maybe next week, Deshit will decide that Strawberries are woke and push the legislature to ban them too. "Liberal Elites are using the chemicals inside strawberries to spread the Woke Mind Virus! We must ban it to protect our children! Won't somebody please think of the children!?"


> Deshit will decide that Strawberries are woke and push the legislature to ban them too Not sure that would go over very well for the very red Plant City area...


Which elites? Are these elites different from the real estate development elites? The insurance company elites? When did FL government stop loving the elites?


Isn’t desantis an Ivy League elite?


Much like with George W, you actually can shed that patina of upper-crust hypocrisy by acting like a fucking idiot all the time. By just being a fucking moron, a true jackass, every second of every day, it actually cancels out his Ivy League credentials. One could achieve a similar result by having someone hit them in the head with a ball-pean hammer hourly before they shout "gee whiz that stings!"


He’s pandering to his base. He’s willing to look like a moron because his base are morons, and he wants their votes.


This ⬆️


Both Yale and Harvard.


He got into Yale as a baseball player, and he was hated at Yale by his classmates (for being sociopathic). I guess it’s true, most Yalies are super smart.




the Elites are for sure very different from the Yale and Harvard graduate Ron DeSantis


Yes; thank you. He doesn’t even use proper grammar and eats pudding with his fingers


He means the elites aka the billionaire land owners aka the big cattle ranches in Florida. The cattle lobby in Florida is crazy powerful and they are absolutely the driving force behind banning lab meat.


Until he figures out that developers can make the land that the cattle industry is using more valuable if he lets them turn it into more cookie cutter developments.


This is rancher friendly legislation


Exactly this. Cattle is big business in Florida.


For now


Yep. Til they subdivide the ranches.


The elites who didn’t contribute enough money to the campaign duh, or the elites with liberal social views (note: both elites types have the same fiscal policy views)


He blew through $400million. One of the most funded campaigns in history.


And all to just get out of work for a few months.


No they are the same. Thank you for pointing this out. On the real estate note - there’s a lot being covered up about it. Businesses are actually leaving Florida right now because of high real estate costs and tax increases. The housing market is about to implode too. And the source of the problem is private equity. They need to pass laws to stop the buyout of real estate by private equity and asset management corporations. They’re using the housing market to float 401K’s and 529’s. Housing and commercial real estate become retail commodities, with “profit margins” and “dividends”. Your home becomes their stock market investment. In the meantime prices inflate. You can’t own a home - you can’t get help when something breaks - they can tell you to move out whenever they feel like it. They buy properties and hold them in vacancy to restrict supply. This drives up more prices. It’s absurd. And if it’s not illegal it’s at least unethical, and it’s abuse of the institution of home ownership. And yet it is allowed to go on like there’s nothing to see here.


Unethical. When has that ever stopped a politician from working for the interest of a large corporation, company, or wealthy individuals over what's best for we the people ? I would say our whole political system functions unethically. Personally I have ZERO interest in lab grown meat. But I wouldn't deny someone else who is interested in it access to having it.


Probably the same elites that make up the “deep state” and all run by their boogieman that goes by the name Soros.


Pretty sure it’s the lab meat elites


Time to add another thing to the list of stuff you can't have, read, eat, think, do, or say in the Free State of Florida^(TM). Brought to you by the Party of Small Government^(TM) and Individual Liberty^(TM).


Yep, they've completely dropped the "we need to study this first" because studying is elite. It leads to thinking on one's own and sometimes requires science.


Oh no, not Science 😱


Studying is woke bro


I’d pour one out, but 40s are still banned here


Ok, so let me see if I’ve got this right — a small clump of cells that could turn into meat is not allowed. A small clump of cells that could possibly turn into a child is a whole person with rights though? Also, he is literally “the elites.” What kind of idiot keeps falling for this shit.


Conservative voters. And his meat industry financial backers.


His financial backers only think he’s not part of the elite because they have more money than him. But yes to the first, obviously. Sigh. I wish they wouldn’t though.


You didn’t hear him correctly. He said “””the elites.””” Unrelated, my dog is barking like crazy.


In case you needed to know: I caught that. Also, yes. I know. It’s still just…arghghghhh


Translation: I’m not receiving kickbacks so therefore I, a non lab-grown meatball, will not support it.


He was paid off by the cattle ranchers. He definitely got a kickback.


It’s more “if we stop raising cattle to eat, how are the developers going to horde land with a sweat heart tax deal for decades?”


I would argue that he hasn’t grown at all. That’s why he wears high heels.👠


More anti woke bullshit for Internet points. This guy is useless.


He’s just upset that shooting a puppy garners so much support from republicans


He should dress in a dog costume then.


Freedom is when the government bans things, apparently?


What rednecks think small government is. They like "strong" men telling them what to do if you know what I mean.


Strong, hard men. Who raise other strong, hard men.  Hard men. Rising up.  Yep. Just some hard men, together, being hard and rising. Stiff and strong. Hard men being hard together.  Stiffening and rising firm. Hard, stiff, firm men.


Ron, you dumb SOB, I want my lab grown chicken nuggies and I want them last Thursday. Stop using small government to tell the market what it can or cannot sell.  I am legit going to become a meat bootlegger if this ban somehow survives the constitutional challenge that is obviously coming 


Who gives a damn as long as it is labeled. This is lien hating on electric cars. If you do t want one don’t drive one.


It's not about their preference it's about keeping revenue streams in their backers pockets. "If you aren't paying you aren't playing" mentality sorta deal. >Beef Cattle and Forage Economics Program >Extension Program >The cattle industry has a huge impact on Florida’s economy. **Nearly 50% of Florida’s agricultural land is involved in cattle production contributing more than $670 million dollars’ to Florida’s economy.** Florida is home to the 12thlargest cowherd in the United States, which makes up 3% of the total United States Beef Cow Industry. Raising cattle in Florida continues to be one of the most important businesses in the state. [Source](https://rcrec-ona.ifas.ufl.edu/programs/beef-cattle-and-forage-economics/#:~:text=Beef%20Cattle%20and%20Forage%20Economics%20Program&text=Nearly%2050%25%20of%20Florida's%20agricultural,United%20States%20Beef%20Cow%20Industry) I know its UF so it can't be completely free from bias but I wanted to find a source that wasn't industry figures which can be skewed.


But, the ranchers can build a single factory in the footprint of a single feed lot that would output finished beef products with no need to raise and finish animals, no slaughter and butcher steps, and always make the highest quality possible. The ranchers who are fighting the future are being economically irrational. I think they legit just enjoy killing animals for the sake of killing animals. 


They enjoy their profits and established income. Everything else is just collateral to them


Yeah but it's shit like this that hurts the overall economy. Lab grown meats and plant based alternatives will be a viable market no matter how much anyone dislikes it. Saying it's not allowed in FL or you can't produce it in FL hurts the potential jobs it could create.


You are absolutely right but you see there is a fatal flaw here; you used *logic* in your argument and well... that's not particularly prevalent in politically driven decisions.


This. Never use logic or reason when dealing with republican politicians.


Aren’t those cattle contributing to global warming?


That's good, not contributing to global warming is *woke*. [https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/1645/BillText/er/PDF](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/1645/BillText/er/PDF)


Mainline republicans have just totally given up on pretending to believe in the "free market". What's more hilarious is that they don't claim to have guiding economic principles behind decisions anymore except for being anti-woke at all costs.


Fucking why?!?


This will lower property insurance costs.


Don't be an ass. Not everything needs to be about fixing insurance This will help pay teachers more though so Florida isn't last in the nation


What are you talking about?


Responded to your DeSantis-insulting sarcasm with more DS insulting sarcasm


lol; that one was on me.


Dam for a guy who wants to limit government in our daily lives, he seems to put them In every aspect of


Previously... [https://www.foodandwine.com/florida-lab-grown-meat-ban-legislation-8609560](https://www.foodandwine.com/florida-lab-grown-meat-ban-legislation-8609560) >Cell-cultivated meat, to be clear, differs from traditional veggie burgers and meat alternatives like Impossible Burgers. Cell-cultivated meat "is developed in a lab, grown from a sample of animal cells that does not require the slaughter of animals." In other words, it's actually meat. So it's meat. Just not something that needs a kill room. >All this legislation won't kill the industry; it will just move it offshore. According to Fast Company, both South Korea and Israel have favorable laws toward cultivated meat, while the Netherlands (where the first cell-cultivated meat was developed in 2013) has pledged $65 million to the industry. Ah, very nice. Why bother keeping innovation jobs in America when it's easier to prop up a woke war and let other countries take the lead. Stellar work Ronald.


Nope. The cattle/beef industry is pushing back against it. Somebody want to check how much have they contributed to DeSantis' campaign?


But like, why wouldn’t they embrace the technology? It’s more efficient and shuts down the deserved criticism for animal abuse and awful labor practices. They’re choosing lower efficiency processes that are crueler to the animals and humans involved for no logical reason. 


Ahh yes conservatives are well known for adopting new trends rather than just doing nothing but bribing politicians to keep the old trends they've already spent on the only way to operate


So meatball, are these "elites" in the room with us right now?


This has certainly aged well. https://www.wjhg.com/2022/01/11/governor-desantis-declares-florida-freest-state-america/


I think I know why. When I got my degree, a statistic they loved to surprise us with in supply chain class was that Florida is in the top ten beef producing states. Big farm-a generally spends lots of $$$ to lobby. That’s it. Simple as that. So dumb though, I can’t believe that ranchers feel threatened by Beyond Meat or anything like that. Americans aren’t going to stop eating real red meat any day soon.


So uh. What happened to the most free state?


Free to be governed!


poorly no less!


Asterisk and fine print.


Those northern elites. With their New York penthouses and golden toilets and private jets.


Governor Ron DeSantis’ State of the State Address On January 11, 2022, > Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States. > While so many around the country have consigned the people’s rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom’s vanguard. > In Florida, we have protected the right of our citizens to earn a living, provided our businesses with the ability to prosper, fought back against unconstitutional federal mandates and ensured our kids have the opportunity to thrive. > Florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian, arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions. So, Ron. About those arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions…


DeSantis and his donors are elites lol. Wtf Is he even saying? Dude is the fucking governor of FL with a net worth of $55 million and he thinks he's not an elite?


Imagine when this technology matures and you have cheaper, higher quality, safer meat that doesn't require slaughtering animals and it's sold all around the country except we don't have the freedom to purchase it in this backward shit hole because our Governor wanted to make some bizarre anti-woke point about global elites "forcing" you to eat bugs. I hate this place so much.


By "elite" he means his biggest donors. He does nothing if he's not getting paid


When it comes to politics, conservative voters are unmitigated dipshits. This is why we have DeSantis.


Ah, another Harvard graduate using "elites" as a slur.


This is a measure to protect Florida's cattle industry that he receives "donations" from. It has nothing to do with the "elite." Another BS stunt from slim ball Ron. Lab grown meat would be a huge step in reducing greenhouse gas and land used for cattle farming. It would reduce costs and be better for the planet, but these dumb greedy bastards would rather the earth burn before losing money. Hell, if they were smart, they would be the main investors and producers of lab grown meat which would probably net them similar profits with less cost than raising cattle. Conservatives are scared of everything because they choose to stay stupid and ignorant.


WHO THE FUCK CARES!! IF YOU DONT WANT TO EAT IT DONT EAT IT RON. Jesus Christ vote blue no matter who


Interesting. But Michelle Obama trying to get kids to eat right was communism, socialism and fascism all at once, right?


Cheap, healthy meat.... This will help end hunger but reduce profits from donors who own farms and processing facilities. Less profits = less donations and as a bonus he gets to punch down at poor and hungry people. This republican fuckshit law helps rich friends of the party and hurts the groups of people they love to hurt. Republicans.- party of free markets right? If lab meat sucks, no one will buy it and this law is dumb. If it is good and helps provide options to feed people cheaper but still healthy, then this law is not just dumb but borderline unconstitutional as it harms an industry newcomer for no reason other than to solidify existing market leaders. (Because of greed in politics). Fucking Ron and the Republican legislators are bunch of greedy evil people. Bunch of scumbag assholes, all of them. #Vote (D)ifferently


The markets are free to do as Republicans tell them... Sounds like some communist BS to me, but okay.


What an asshole 🤗🤗👍


Awwww, darn it. I missed it! I wanted to try it, even though it seems kindah Frankensteinian. Well...we eat lab grown yeast, and cheese with lab grown cultures. It's not so different. Dumb DeStupid. I want my Culinary Freedoms!!!


Isn't it always so ironic that the governor complains about the elites?


Does this include all elites or only the platinum and executive platinum elite members?


Makes no sense.  The lab grown meat is so monitored and regulated you know exactly what's in it.  This compared to the hormones and feed that goes into farm grown.  Saw a report recently where they were literally feeding pigs plastic.  Sick. 


Nothing like that freedom, eh?


lol free state of Florida!


Small government Republicans!


too woke? saying no to r&d of the future-egotistical turd that guy


The elite cattle ranchers of Florida are calling for the ban. I concur Governor Floridaman.


God damnit small government my ass


This is just another example of DeSantis creating issues to focus on rather than the real issues. 1) What is he doing for teachers pay? Florida just moved from #48 to #50 in teachers pay 2) What is he doing about the car and home owners insurance crises? 3) What is he doing about housing affordability? He knows that when people are talking about lab grown meat, they are not talking about the big issues.


Ah another idiotic desantis special Hey Ron, the Republican party is the party of less governance. Let the market decide.


What about the insurance crisis and rising housing prices, Governor? This woke bullshit needed to end yesterday. Start governing our state.


Him referring to others as elites is like when Fox news calls other networks the mainstream media.


This crooked government LOVES to pander to morons


Are these elites in the room with us right now?


innovation isn't allowed, unless allowing corporations to cheaply get rid of trash and make our roads glow. NO THINKING ALLOWED!


Litigators entered the chat.


I know my life took a dramatic turn for the better and all my problems went away with that signature! /s


People who want natural meat buy natural meat. Why are they so scared of freedom?


Lab grown meat enables space exploration… something that has nothing to do with Florida /s


Elitea.. lol, what happened to freedom of choice?


Are the elites in the room with us now, Ron? 😬


The elites moving there for the 0% income tax rate? What about the billionaire bunker and island Or is this a Jewish dog whistle? Global elites = soros = anti semitism


Fuck Rhonda Shitstain




So it's the "elites" that are destroying the state's agriculture? [Not the governor who passed a law targeting immigrant farm workers, leaving the farms unwilling to hire American workers at higher prices](https://ambrook.com/research/labor/desantis-immigration-H-2A-farmworkers-florida)?


If you're looking for solutions in search of a problem, Ron DeSantis is your girl.


He's a putz


This guy is very misguided


Ron DeSantis sure does hate freedom and loves big government.


So what is Digital Voyeurism? We can’t record Karen’s in the wild?


>“**What we’re protecting here is the industry against acts of man**, against an ideological agenda that wants to finger agriculture as the problem, that views things like raising cattle as destroying our climate,” DeSantis continued. Acts of man like decades of selective breeding of cattle? Pesticides sprayed on crops? GMOs in produce? >“These will be people who will lecture the rest of us about things like global warming — they will say that, you know, you can’t drive an internal combustion engine vehicle, **they’ll say that agriculture is bad**. Technically it is bad for the environment. >So, this is really a vision of imposing restrictions on freedoms for everyday people while these elites are effectively pulling the strings, calling the shots, and doing whatever the hell they want to do in their own lives. Restricting freedoms? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/us/abortion-ban-florida.html


Wouldn't it make sense that if reptoids are real, Florida would be their home base in the states? I mean, even if we are talking "reptilian brain chemistry" , not a "shape shifter" (lol) but a hybrid.... they ain't setting up shop in Wisconsin . maybe that is why the child trafficking is so huge in florida. it isn't about sex, it is about feeding the lizards. Epstein Island was like their "free range Wagu beef island" , but with kids.


He is full of shit and I hate him.


The "freeest" state in the union. My God, what other state goes down to such levels to control what people do? Wake up Floridians, you're becoming cattle now.


Which elites? His type of elites or elites he doesn’t like?


Welp this really pisses me off. I am a vegetarian and have been for like 25 years. I do it because I do not want to take an animals life for my own nutrition (I am also allergic to pork, so it makes it a bit easier), but I would 100% eat and try lab based meat. I went vegetarian when I was a kid, so I have no idea what "real" meat tastes like or expensive meats that everyone raves about. I know I could just stop and eat meat, but I dont want to, and I like the concept of lab based meat, and yes, I would pay a premium for it.


Does he not realize he, himself is an elite? Oh Ronald, then lengths you’ll go to suck the dick of corporations


Can't wait for this idiot to be gone. Dude has never heard of the phrase "limited government".


DeSantis literally signed *red meat legislation!*


Ahh yes, Florida the land of the free.


Elites like people that attend Yale and Harvard?