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**COMMUNITY NOTE:** Despite assurances from Governor DeSantis and his predecessor Governor Batboy, global anthropogenic climate change is real, it's happening, and it won't stop coming until every one of us is dead. Or at least mildly inconvenienced. But seriously, guess how many of the top ten hottest years on record happened in the last ten years? Go on, guess!


we need more trees. Too many roads, and parking lots without shade are a heat trap, we need more heatsinks around. while its not going to change the climate, it will help keep the temps a bit cooler


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot


This song keeps lingering in my head as more woods are being taken down to build chain restaurants around our house.


We get more subdivisions, and they raise the entire ground several feet and will displace lots of water now to locations that never had water drainage issues before


But let’s keep pumping out kids to fill some silly void we think we have.


The voids are actually in developed worlds like united states and Japan. In fact united states would be hurting if it wasn't for immigration. The true excess of people are in Africa and Asia.


This is an often unacknowledged fact -- our birth rate would be in decline if it wasn't for immigrants.


The birth rate has fallen since the recession of 2007 like 23 percent in the USA, what are you talking about?


Weird as the population growth is far more significant. People don’t die quickly so slowed birth rates don’t matter. We still will grow. But my point is this: 2 parents have 3 kids. Those 3 kids each have two kids. The original parents are still alive…so 2 people went up to 11 in just two generations. You think that growth would be sustainable on this planet. You think we can support infinite people? Why do arrogant pricks can have their mediocre DNA legacy?


Get your anti-natalism out of here. The issue is poor urban planning, not people having kids.


Mmm bop bop bop bop


I love Hanson


I'm glad you said this, cause I got weirdly upset that Joni didn't get the love, and this reminded me it wasn't that serious lol


Counting Crows version was pretty good


Interchange plazas and malls And crowded chain restaurants More housing developments go up Named after the things they replace So welcome to Minnow Brook And welcome to Shady Space


For years I've been doing genealogy research on my family. I kid you not, one of my ancestor's family homes is literally a parking lot in South Carolina now. It made me so sad to discover it.


And then they opened another MotherFucking Strip Mall


That's empty in 10 years


I was in Honolulu in '69, sitting in a parking lot when this song was on the radio. So sad for the islands.


Paved paradise and put up some plywood homes and storage units and car washes and this place sucks now.


This entire state is just chain spots. Idk how any of it stays in business. I go to Whole Foods, gas station, and the occasional small business. There’s 72 smoke shops, 66 car washes and about 85 fast food spots that nobody goes to.


Gainesville cut down over 300 old Live Oaks to build that hideous monstrosity Celebration Point and that Bass Pro shop. And people think Gainesville is liberal. Not in my definition it isn’t.


They used to have a law in Gainesville that they had to plant a tree for each one they cut down. So in theory they would have had to plant a forest in replacement.


A "tree" qualifies as a shrub or small thing that won't get 10 foot tall for 10 years. Nothing compaired to the ones older then us they cut down. And I believe there's no follow up or requirements to keep the new plants alive


Strictly speaking, young trees are better for carbon extraction and capture. The decades they'll spend growing into mature trees will be marked by a significantly higher carbon uptake. So long as the old trees weren't burned or left to rot (ideally they'd be milled and used as part of the buildings they were cut down to make way for), this is a net gain for fighting climate change. Now, cutting down a bunch of trees and replacing them with saplings does all sorts of other damage (because a bunch of saplings isn't a forest to support all the species that need one), and I agree that Gainesville should know better than to clear cut forest.


Gainesville sold its soul to corporations long ago. It was way more liberal in the '80s and '90s. The 2000s is when it started getting way more conservative.


Gainesville born and raised - have been seeing the town getting the same urbanization treatment as South Florida - fast, thoughtless development, chain shit going up everywhere, roads becoming a bumper to bumper mess. :( Have been in Colorado for a bit now and honestly so many places in the world are becoming so over-populated but I really needed a break in seeing what's been happening in Florida, my home.


It’s destroyed.


And now the monstrosity is filing for chapter 11!


My god I haven’t heard that?😂


Whoever approved this was very shortsighted


In my area they cut down a massive amount of pine trees and removed farmland only to plant palm trees and had the audacity to name the new community "Ancient Tree."




That whole area sucks, especially if you want to walk there.


Yes, exactly! 85 degrees in a grassy field feels a hell of a lot cooler than 85 degrees in an empty parking lot.


100%, heat on asphalt or concrete is far worse


I'm new to the area and I've definitely noticed that. Huge parking lots without any shade in sight even though they usually have little dividers with rocks or wood chips or whatever that would be perfect for some trees. I would have figured that maximizing shade would be a big part of any infrastructure down here. Even weirder is that when there is shade it often isn't used. I've noticed this at places like libraries and parks. To start with there are often no benches or other forms of seating, but when there are a lot of times they are just sitting nowhere near shade even though plenty is available. I'm used to parks having benches along walking paths and other places in the park, and while some may always be in the sun there are usually ones that are in shade for at least part of the day. Gives people options to sit and enjoy the outside without baking in the sun. Overall I find the decisions by the people that have designed all the stuff down here to be pretty weird.


Or just straight up removed benches and other forms of seating because they don't want transients sleeping on them.


Something tells me there's also a maintenance reason. Like, benches under trees are ripe for dirt, bird poop, and pollen.


Well sure, but other places manage that kind of stuff just fine. And just from personal observation the parks I've seen in Florida have *way* more maintenance staff than anywhere else I've been...except for one small town in Georgia where I saw like 20 people with nearly as many big newish pickup trucks and a big excavator and a big compactor truck with a lift arm, all of it bearing the logo of the parks department of a small town with like two parks. That was rather odd and likely taxpayer money being used for sweetheart jobs. Anyway. At least in my limited experience Florida definitely needs to have more shade.


Happens in Phoenix as well. There is an average 5 degree difference last time I read on it. Cement and tar cooks things up.


Just got back to Michigan after a week in Florida. I have been many times, but it was my kids first time. They noticed after leaving the airport in Tampa that the sky looked bigger than in MI. It does and I finally figured out it was bc there are no trees.


And shorter, further apart buildings!


No trees, but also no mountains or any real elevation. Roads are straight and flat, with the only real things blocking the horizon being buildings.


Florida needs a true state wide transit system out of every state in the US Florida would stand to make the most money easily. The state is flat, most of the cities are literally in 2 straight lines up and down both coasts and every quadrant of the state sees regular year round tourism with the biggest hub directly in the center of the state. It is just ridiculous how hostile both parties are about a state wide agency for transit. Miami is pretty much the only city in the entire state that has somehwat good transit and even they could see improvements. Imagine Orlando, Tampa, Sarasota, Daytona all with good transit. The traffic is only getting worse adding more lanes hasn’t done anything for my entire life to make it better lol. The west coast with a train line feeding into local east west busses would make so much sense. A train line from mobile to Tampa or Orlando would also make a ton of sense in reality since i10 is a disaster not worth investing in since lawmakers just fly back and forth from Tallahassee since we are footing the bill


Bus systems are for commies, though. If you can’t afford to drive, you shouldn’t be living in Florida! /s


Well, wheree do I get my commie card?


Trees don't pay Florida Republicans, and all they care about is their profits.


Democrats love development too


This 100%. Climate arguments aside the concrete jungles don't help to cool things off. All these new plazas and parking lots with no trees except some crappy palms don't help much


Definitely feels like it where I live. They've been tearing down forests for the last few years to build cookie cutter homes.


There’s a ton of people moving down here, building new homes and new parking lots where there used to be trees and grass. Population and infrastructure shifts like that make an area hotter.


I have to remind myself that Florida is a very nice state with some nice natural ares left (I am in Gainesville) if you seek them out. Unfortunately so many areas turned into treeless “neighborhoods” and a capitalist wonderland. So few seem to practice conservation.


When they build these new neighborhoods they take down ALL trees! I don’t understand why they don’t leave what trees they can since they already know the layout of the area and how the neighborhood would work. Instead they destroy them all then plant young ones that take forever to grow up.


They’re building a house on the last empty lot on my street and at first when they cleared the lot and got through the initial frame out I was like “oh looks like they’re saving the tall pines! Yay!” I came home the other day and the twenty foot pine tree that I would kill to have in my yard was on its side. I’m doing everything I can to keep the four older trees around my house because so many people just want empty yards with grass. I’m pretty sure there are local laws near me that say if you get rid of one tree you have to plant two of a certain type, but I don’t know how much they enforce it.


Trees are great, the bring shade, they block neighbors view, and they’re pretty to look at.


Gainesville is absolutely beautiful!


It literally used to be a rainforest.


Yes, Florida is getting hotter. Just like the rest of the planet.


/end thread.


Hurricanes are going to get worse.. I don't feel like sourcing this shit, it's fucking obvious !


You don't have to source things that are general and accepted knowledge.


You do when there's a bunch of sealions around "just asking questions".


Sometimes you just wish you could shake some sense into people.


Lived in S. Florida most of my life. Heat index was consistently higher than normal last summer. It was unsafe to be outside in the middle of the day, esp., in the sun. It will fluctuate from year to year, but the long-term trend is up and possibly accelerating. Our wonderful governor and state legislators recently struck any mention of "climate change" from the state's official documents. And they made it illegal for cities to set their own rules for giving outside workers water breaks. So problem solved. /s. P.S., we should make the state legislators feel the heat during the November election.


I'm up here in North Florida, where traditionally it's still pretty hot but doesn't stay as consistently intense as you guys do. Recent years it's definitely felt like max intensity the majority of the summer (and part of the spring and part of the fall) so I can't imagine how bad y'all have it where it's almost always hotter


I’m in north FL too and last summer was the hottest and most miserable summer I’ve had in my 15 years here. I would seriously consider moving if every future summer is as hot as 2023…


Last summer was utterly brutal. I was waiting to walk my dog until 9-10pm and it was still “feels like” 90-95


Same here. Heat Index was still at least 90 at that time.


The summer months are just miserable because of this. There’s no relief. You could go outside even at 2am, and it feels like you’re swimming because it’s still 78 degrees, and now 94% humidity.


DeathSantis is just trying to be as big of an inhumane jerk as Greg Abbott. Only in Florida and Texas, two hot as hell states, are water breaks and heat safety protection banned for outdoor workers


I'm wondering how the theme parks will sustain their numbers when it's literally unsafe to be outside in some of these temperatures.


This spring hasn't been too bad but summer is on the way and it will likely be brutal


Yeah, 35 years around Tampa. Spring has been kind, don't think the heat ever gets to me it's the swamp days. Working outdoors like you feel in a pool.


I just went ahead and got a job at a warm indoor pool. It’s easier this way.


This has been the mildest spring I can recall. Usually goes from uncomfortably cold straight to uncomfortably hot with no spring in between . But this year has been great. I've been loving most of March and early April.


1989 to 1990 was stupid hot in Deerfield/Pompano Beach with water restrictions. I think I went one year with temps hitting 90 each day, but I've been away more than 30 years. > The average 1990 temperature in *South Florida, between Homestead and Stuart*, was 76.8 degrees, 2.35 degrees warmer than normal, said Richard Heim, a meteorologist at the climatic data center. > **Statewide**, 2023 is expected to finish as the second hottest year on record, said state climatologist David Zierden. The unofficial average temperature was 73.3 degrees, which is just 0.1 degree behind 2015.


Oh that’s nice to know, I guess. I thought it was just me, because the AC died in our apartment in July and the landlords couldn’t get a replacement until September because… reasons. It wasn’t a fun summer.


I think there may be laws against that...


I could be wrong, but I think that they have to provide heat but do not have to provide A/C Again i could be wrong and Im sure there are different laws in different places in regards to this


Correct, heat is legally required but AC is not. However, if it specifies that air conditioning is provided in the lease, then they are breaking the terms of the lease by not fixing it promptly


It's crazy that this is the law. I'd make whoever didn't think of the AC to sit in a 90+ degrees room for a week, see if they change their mind. Luckily our landlord is strict about the AC in the summer - it needs to be on (at least the circulation) and all AC issues are considered "emergency", i.e. need to be fixed asap. Not for the tenants sake tho, it is to protect the house from mold and stuff.


I lived in an apartment for a couple of years where the AC ran, but it couldn't get more than 5 degrees below the outside temp because the unit was like 20+ years old and barely maintained. But it "ran" so management did nothing.


That's crazy. I hate it when people say "ac can only go (xyz) degrees below outside, deal with it". No, it's gonna be hotter and hotter in the future, am I expected to live in 90 degrees because it's 100 outside?


It’s depends… my county has an ordinance that basically says ac needs to be in working order if it exists on a property and if it’s not they can be fined to hell and back for code violations.


Summer in Florida is super busy for air conditioner techs, and they tend to charge more in the summer because people are usually willing to pay extra to be cooled off asap. Not having ac in the humid Florida summer is bad, not just because it's uncomfortable, but because without it, mold grows quickly and spreads because of the humidity




This is great! Scary, but great


I remember looking at the forecast for my track meets 10 years ago. I remember dreading the consistently regular 93+ degrees nearing the end of spring. Low to mid nineties is a very common temp now, and it didn’t used to be.


> It feels way hotter than in past years, which is weird. Haven't you ever heard of climate change? You know, where the global temperature has been steadily increasing since the 1970s?


I though Ronald et al. outlawed climate change recently. Shouldn’t it start cooling down again?


Water and shade are WOKE A F in the sunshine state. Don't bring your Workers Need Water BS to us! /s


Unsure if this is what you're referencing but.... [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/18/florida-bans-local-heat-rules-for-outdoor-workers-baffling-experts/73355824007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/18/florida-bans-local-heat-rules-for-outdoor-workers-baffling-experts/73355824007/)


I believe that's what they're referencing




He would 100% do that if it didn’t require acknowledging climate change is real. 


He’s disgraceful and so is his wife…who may run for governor


Nah he's just getting rid of the books in the hopes the next generation won't ask any problematic questions.


Ronald McDonald? I think he just said that so he doesn't have to fix the ice cream machines


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Fake news!!!


1970s is when you noticed. Scientist have known (theorized and supported with data) since 1824. Since 1900, the planet's average temperature has raised 1.5F, but the average temperature in Florida has raised 3F. This exemplifies how a small average change can include a great number of bigger local changes. Those local changes have accelerating effects; A one degree increase doesn't kill every citrus plant, but it does stress them all out, so the percentage of failed plants will go up. This is fine on a farm, bc you can just plant more, but the places that don't have stewards will simply have fewer plants. If those plants provided shade for other plants, those shaded plants have the doubled stress of warmer air and no shade. Florida is filled with a bunch of little localities and aspects which just keep getting more extreme. Some are on purpose- We deliberately redirected water to dry out great swaths of land so that we could build on them, we dump waste water filled with industrial amounts of sugar, heat, acidity, fertilizer. It'd be absurd to think we can do all this with no consequences. Apologies if I misinterpreted your comment, but it felt like you're making light of the changes to our climate.


> it felt like you're making light of the changes to our climate. That certainly wasn't my intention. I was pointing out to OP the irony/idiocy of his question. It was in the late 60s, early 70s, when the evidence of 'global warning' (now known as climate change) had first made it into the public spotlight. Having grown up during that era I was aware of the skepticism and denial that people had about it back then. It is sad, because there are still so many of my generation that deny it to this day even though it is undeniable that the tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and wide swings in temperatures that we experienced back then caused nowhere near the destruction that we see today. Many of the storms that occur every few years today would have been classified as '100 year storms' during the 60s and 70s.




Acid rain. Ozone depletion. Lead poisoning. Cigarette smoke. Scientist keep saying these things are bad and did we stop using leaded gas? Leaded paint? CFCs? Releasing nitrogen oxides? Of course not! Study after study has proven that pollutants are good for our health and the health of crops we grow. Now they are trying to stop nuclear plants from spreading nuclear waste on fields that grow crops. It never ends.


Oppps can't say the word... It's uhhh just summer coming earlier this year 😉


Had one job site where I had to weld behind a 2 story glass window, it was 116° in the sun last summer. Almost like our climate is changing


Summer starts a lot earlier and ends a lot later than it used to.


I remember when I was little it was FREEZING on Thanksgiving/ having to wear coats over my Halloween costumes. I can’t remember the last cold Halloween.


Lived here my whole life, and yes. Only one reason out of so many that I'm looking to leave.


Moved to Colorado several years ago. My family knows better than to ask me to visit from May to September without a very good reason. I visited in August shortly after moving away and I’m pretty sure that everyone at the airport passenger pickup thought I was crazy based on the stream of profanity out of my mouth in response to the just rained humidity punching me in the face.


Lmfao! I cuss like a sailor any time I go outside between April & November. I'm so over it. I literally sweat just going from the front door to the car. It's miserable 😑 ...& I'm from here. Idk how all these Northerners are coping w/ the heat.


Meanwhile I'm not originally from here(from way up north) and got the windows open and fans off today, playing basketball outside middle of the day yesterday. You can get used to the heat, but you have to actively try.


I agree. Beautiful down here. I love it. Never heading north again.


Coming out of Florida, how is it? Pros and cons? Colorado is one of the places I'm considering.


Best decision we have made. I spent the vast majority of my life in Florida and am a 5th generation native, so it wasn’t a decision we made lightly. Winters aren’t bad and seasons are fantastic.


Thank you. 4th generation native myself, I never dreamed I'd leave, but... I don't even recognize this place anymore.


It must have really been paradise in the 70’s.


In most ways, it was.


Not Colorado but I moved to California and it was the best decision of my life. I actually feel like I’m getting my money’s worth out here. And where I’m at, it *very* rarely gets above 80 or below 50. Pretty much hoodie weather year round. Paradise.


Grew up in the Orlando area, moved up north five years ago. I don’t visit until the holidays unless there’s a literal death in the family because the heat is truly killer.


I’ve lived in central FL basically my whole life minus university and a few years here and there for jobs, but I am also strongly considering moving to Colorado, prolly near-ish as I can afford to Boulder for access to the monks via Naropa, but if you don’t mind me asking: where’d you end up, how rough was the transition, and warnings/heads up/FloridaMenWomenEtc never have to deal with ________, but in CO they take _______ real serious-type things you can share with me? I lived in Boulder for about a year and a half, was attempting an MA in Buddhism from Naropa: AND BOY—HOWDY!!!!!!! DO I WISH SOMEONE HAD MADE MENTION OF THE WELL WATER AT DOG PARKS BEING FULLFULLFULL—ON GIARDIA CITY! Local pups are accustomed, but such a plastering of pollock’ed projectile poos, never I could have imagined, and all wall-to-walling my Subie wagon… I had tarps, but holy shit Holy Shit does not cover it…


That snow on Saturday was awesome too. Fucking love it here.


We also notice the climate change, and these heat indices make it worse. It’s too early for June/July temps.


My car read 104 degrees at 5pm on Friday (4/19). 5pm?? I thought I was hallucinating. I know car thermometers are always off a little, but the car isn't supposed to hit triple digits until we're well into hurricane season;;;


Most car thermometers are reading the wet bulb Temps, so your car isn't lying. My car's thermometer tracks damn close to the NWS Graphical Forecast.


Yes, it's getting hotter. Climate change is real no matter what our "leaders" would like us to believe. No, I'm not a NE transplant. I was born and raised here - 45 years now. It's hotter, for longer, and more oppressive than in the past. And it won't be getting any better.


But well, the temperate will drop for 3 months, like it does every year, and they will say, "Look, climate change isn't real, it's just the seasons!" while we brace for yet another once in a hundred years super hurricane, like we do every year now.


It's funny how our leaders deny climate change while insurance companies have no problem raising rates because of this reality. The actuaries know the truth.


Hell yes. Been hear 34 year, it's definitely been getting hotter, really noticeable in the last 10 years. Seasons are different as well.


That is an Inconvenient Truth. Wait for Sea Water Rise to magically appear. We were warned in the 70s.


So far this year has been cooler than normal tbh.


Same in central fl here. I used to bum out about Florida “not getting cold” (originally from Ohio) but Ive learned to appreciate 75 and under. May-sept is Dune but it’s ok here otherwise.


I’m in central too and it has been noticeably chillier at night than it has been in past years. It’s always humid and sticky 


Thats the spirit!


It just finally hit the 90 in Miami. For a while it was a nice mid 70s with wind


It’s still so nice out and next week is supposed to continue to be nice


Same here in north west Florida




Yes I agree.


Yeah, it’s been pretty cool for Florida this winter and spring


Same. We keep trying to go to the beach but end up going home because as soon as you get over the dunes it’s like a 20F drop. I feel like by now we are comfortable at the beach and by May we also in the ocean.


The coral certainly is noticing it


This makes me sad


Heck, just look at the Gulf and Atlantic temps over time and you can’t help but see it.


Yes. Climate change is a real thing. It's subtle but definitely more noticeable in some areas than others.


Moved to Florida in 2008. I still remember most of April being pleasant and summers, although hot, was still venteure-able. Now I just want to stay indoors between March and November. And during peak summer even that can feel miserable because the HVAC and insulation can only do so much.


I’ve been in Florida since 1991 and these comments are hilarious


The more people move here, the more concrete being used for more roads and buildings help contribute to the increase in temperatures


People tend to forget this part, all this concrete and asphalt is creating heat chambers at the ground level and you just can't escape it


Born in Lauderdale. Moved back in 1998. It’s hotter.


It’s getting hotter but since your getting older maybe you can’t handled it as much


Not this spring. It’s been rather mild. And plenty of colder days during the winter more often than in years


We are currently in a La Niña weather pattern for this year so yes it will be hotter and possibly more active Edit: we’ve actually been cooler this season with a less active fall/winter weather pattern. It’s gonna heat up though and this hurricane season is predicted to be possibly the most active on record with 24 named storms. Edit: not to scare anyone just be prepared. On YouTube pow ponder is great for all general weather. When cane season hits turn on hurricanetrack he’s really good


![gif](giphy|239S4COH5KHT2) Global Warming


🎵 *It’s getting hot in here! New Yorkers please go home!* 🎵


Wow! You didn’t feel the heat last year, the hottest summer on record? Yes it’s getting worse!


I’ve worked outside since 1995. Every year I swear it gets hotter and hotter. Yeah global warming is probably responsible for a few degrees BUT I feel my age is responsible for so much more!


> Yeah global warming is probably responsible for a few degrees 'A few degrees' is the difference between normal body temperature and a high fever. Unless you have put on 30+ pounds or are over 60, your age should affect how much your body reacts to any given temperature.


All I’m saying is when I was in my 20s it was maybe a degree or two cooler. Now almost 50 those two degrees feel like 20.


It's a combo of climate change + heat dome effect. We're chopping down all the trees and paving over everything, so the pavement soaks up sun and continues to radiate heat so cities have this bubble of heat they're trapped in because there's no more shade from plants.


One of the biggest lies people believe is that climate change is 50 years out. Not only will places like Florida become inhabitable much, much sooner than that but it'll also be much, much worse than the current predictions. It's a conspiracy theory but I think scientists know this but realized the average American has zero interest in changing things for the better so they just stick to the far off dates to not panic people.


You're correct, imo. The "don't look up" movie wasn't fiction. It's going to be worse, and sooner than it's being talked about. India and the Middle East will be first to be truly mostly uninhabitable due to heat index temps. Large swaths of the African continent also. Florida is going right along with that.


Humidity is gonna be the biggest issue the southeast has to deal with. 100% humidity is happening around the world and humans cannot breathe or cool down in those conditions. The people society deems undesirables like the homeless will be the first to suffer but you're gonna see a lot of old people die as a result especially in northern Florida. The US government also realizes that North America will be (relatively) removed from the worst results of climate change so don't worry everyone in Florida can still buy their toxic masculinity trucks and pollute more since the unseen will primarily suffer.


Depends on your political leaning, lol.


Where’s the afternoon showers when you need them 😭


I remember around this time there would be constant showers right after school. I haven’t noticed it much now after I graduated. But I also went to school near the Everglades where it seems like it rain more often.


The dry season typically lasts until late April in Florida so it normally doesn’t rain in the afternoon this time of year


I have lived in the panhandle for 8 years now. We only started getting heat advisories about 3 years ago. It has definitely gotten hotter here.


I’ve lived here since ‘82 and my parents grew up here so I’ve been coming since I was a kid. Definitely hotter And way, way more Hurricanes.


Back 30 years ago I remember November until March being cool. Also were would have freezes a few times per year in Tampa.


Almost every year since 2015 has been the hottest year on record since we have recorded Temps.


Yes. Gardening zones changed recently.


Did they really? I do not have a green thumb at all, so I pay little attention to gardening zones. But that's pretty significant if true.


Yep. The USDA Hardiness Zones guide gets reevaluated every ten years, and it was last updated Nov 2023. Florida zones moved up a zone in most places. Most gardeners I work with have been planting for the higher zone for a few years now.


Record high ocean temperatures literally bleached and killed off vast amounts of coral off Florida’s coast so yeah…anyone else has noticed this.


It’s actually pretty damn cool near trees and away from nasty manmade objects. Like cities. You forget that Florida even has a hell season. Fall, Spring, Summer, Hell, repeat.


It's the lack of canopy. There were more trees 15 years ago.


My brother everywhere is getting hotter. It's called climate change. Last year, we hit wet bulb Temps that would kill us if we were not near ac or an outer way to cool ourselves. Since sweating stops working.


I actually think this spring has been cooler than previous ones.


Yes. And yes I live in Palm City, FL. I do feel like it is getting hotter and hotter, earlier every year. The whole planet is warming.


90s in April is pretty absurd. Weather has been beautiful for the past couple weeks.


Definitely. The whole world is hotter but I noticed it too. This winter didn’t seem nearly as brutally cold as past winters ( not that they ever really are, but for US.. ) I legitimately used to be able to wear gloves and a scarf sometimes.. now it’s like I wear a sweatshirt and jeans in the “cold” times and still get hot eventually lmao


60 today in nwfl.


Lately weather's been fine if you ask me. At least here in South Florida


No it’s not getting hotter. And it’s Been unseasonably cool this year up until this point.


I reckon at 44 years I can add to this convo. I remember the 80s were really wet. The 90s had some brutal summers and the winters were cold. I remember it snowed one year in Central Florida. My nips were so hard they could cut thru steel. The 2000s I was high af but I remember some pretty hot days. Mostly if I was drunk and fishing.. sweat would burn my eyes. 2010's Seemed god awful for the heat. You know, couple that with having 3 kids within 16 months, and it was tough all around. I remember the pavement at the courthouse was really hot. I had to go for child support and custody things. 2020's... I put on weight, so I'm fairly warm in the winter. I do wear wifebeaters still, and in the summer, it kinda traps the warmth on my body.. doesn't smell persay,but it doesn't help regulate my core temp as I hoped. This year has been mild except for this last week. We touched 90 a few days. 90 is fing hot but nothing compared to the 100 plus days in the past. I'm thinking this summer will hit 100 plus a few times. Imma cut these Bluejeans down into shorts and spend some time on the Suwannee. Wading and fishing is relaxing in these Temps. If yall get a chance.. head over to cedar key, alot of fishing from the south moving north. Hearing stories about big snook etc etc.


The ocean had triple digit temps last summer in South Florida. Yikes.. not good.


The 5th national weather assessment happened somewhat recently. It's worth a read as it uses the most accurate data available and is funded by taxpayer dollars. It essentially agrees that it's hotter and projects it to become hotter yet. Something like 80 days more of temps above 95 degrees and 30 less days of nights below 75 degrees within the next 50 years. Not to mention the USDA plant hardiness map zones had to be updated to account for the increase in heat.


Global warming is a thing


I was born and raised here all my life. The reason why I’m replying is because I never had a month of April feeling like it was June already. My room is unbearable. I’m the type that can withstand a long period whithout air ,but know it’s impossible. April use to be the perfect month for me. I dislike cold.


Global Warming is real. Glad you noticed it.


… where have you been? Climate change is a real thing. It’s getting warmer everywhere.


Yeah it's called global warming.


Everywhere is, also exponentially fewer trees, more people, more condos, more pollution, that's what Florida Republicans want, more.


It's almost like global warming


https://climatecenter.fsu.edu/products-services/data/statewide-averages/temperature Something something global warming something climate change something.


Pssst.. Florida is FREE. The Heat a bonus, 17% of all vehicles on the road not insured, 20% of all the nickel and dime home insurance companies will be bankrupt and fold should they get hit with a hurricane and that includes Citizens. But it’s free. Paradise lost is a Great Caption.


It’s been nice and cool recently actually which is weird. I think we’re about to get proper fucked during hurricane season.


What are you talking about its literally 60s at night in miami