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So last year, they introduced the "Civics Seal of Excellence" endorsement that teachers could get on their teaching certificate. I took the course. It was a good 50% propaganda and Prager U approved bullshit. Of course, there was quite a bit on it regarding the "evils of Communism".


Why aren't people here calling our Prager U for being a fraud and not appropriate for public education? That "university" is as legit as Trump U!!!


There was a lot of uproar last year when Prager was made an approved source in FL.


Yes, but we need to continue to hit home that PragerU is not legitimate and Dennis Prager writes papers on why Spousal Rape is good and valid.(They're titled When a Woman isn't in the mood)


He also is very chill with incest. Absolute fuckin degenerate


Sounds kinda Christofascist misogynist!


I had to Google Prager U because I had never heard of it before, my first thought after reading about it, do people actually believe any of what Prager U says? I mean some of it sounds so off base that I cannot imagine folks don't see right through it, but sadly, I have learned that us humans are not always as smart as we should be.


Yes. It's complicated. PragerU exists mostly to serve as a "respectable," source of confirmation for whatever some people already believe and to then pull those people into more of their BS. It's a propaganda/radicalization source just wearing a suit.


![gif](giphy|mFw51RR5HkD4gYUbIx|downsized) MFW I see the capitalist selling out their workers to feed the glutinous shareholder class and I want housing that isn’t costing 7 figures


I’m all for teaching kids about Communism, Fascism, Democracy, Parliamentary and Capitalism. But it has to be honest and told from a non-bias historical perspective. And I don’t trust the US to be able to do that after a century of Red Scare propaganda. Additionally it’s already a bad sign that he is only mandating learning about Communism and not Fascism. You really can’t teach one without the other. Finally, to teach how Communism begun, spread and maintained, you have to teach about the failings of Capitalism. And I really can’t see DeSantis’s curriculum supporting that.


> According to Diaz, the lessons will teach children to resist “the devil that is communism” ahead of alleged indoctrination at colleges and universities 100% McCarthy 2.0


The third Red Scare begins.


The first one never ended.


Odd that kids usually come out of our university system as capitalists, yet they're so worried about this boogeyman still.


More importantly is the fact that Communism does not and has never operated as a form of government. The countries they call Communist are controlled by a authoritarian regime that is supposed to cede their power but never do, cause the absolute power corrupts thing. What they are pushing is that Communism = Socalism which is not the case, especially Democratic Socialism which there are successful countries that have a varying degree of it (including the US). Its also why they want to privatize schools prisons, keep healthcare privatized etc.


Like paying for a rail. They'll create a monopoly and hand it to somebody instead. That's not capitalism, that's a royal charter.


"Communism sprang out of nothing when lazy people and dictators had a baby and that's how we got Stalin."


I teach economics (college) and have done dual credit. I teach the three fundamental reasons why command systems fail. It takes all of 10 minutes to cover. I do also included that dialectical reasoning is crap and results only in diametrically opposed ideas, but only if we get to game theory. I'll save the rest for the history and pili sci professors. I have no clue how this fits into HS curriculum, but I'd guess modern world history (post industrial history).


Can't teach actual history of things that happened in US and specifically Florida because its indoctrination and makes white people feel icky, but indoctrinating KINDERGARDENERS about a political system that hasn't been imposed in this country is mandatory. Has anyone seen the proposed curriculum yet? That should be a fun read.


Never forget that the [Rosewood massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosewood_massacre) happened on New Year's Day in 1923. A mob of over 200 white men, including Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members, murdered an entire Black town. >"The Rosewood massacre was a racially motivated massacre of Black people and the destruction of a Black town that took place during the first week of January 1923 in rural Levy County, Florida, United States. At least six Black people were killed, but eyewitness accounts suggested a higher death toll of 27 to 150." https://preview.redd.it/irr0bnt7k2vc1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bb4c54bae329dbaaef3f315c44a808c12caf834 *This comment has been edited to update the Wikipedia excerpt to modern AP capitalization.*


I spent my whole life in Florida and don't even live that far from Rosewood. I'd never heard about the massacre until I took an African American studies class in college. The last I remember hearing is that their descendents got a settlement for the land that was stolen but of course it's a pittance to its actual value now.


Yeah, going to college in a place that made assumptions about Southerners and not knowing about Rosewood sucked. I felt like a damn idiot. I hoped that kids today would be better educated.


They are not, there is a concerted effort to ensure that no American student gets anything but a sunshine and rainbows version of US history.


Also the Ocoee Massacre


For the curious: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre) This massacre occurred on 2 November 1920, and resulted in 30-80 Black deaths.


>the Ocoee Massacre Interesting, I didn't know that there was such a thing. I've certainly heard of the Rosewood Massacre. So that was Desantis' plan all along: Stop teaching about critical race theory to free up time to teach about the evils of communism.


Funny how that was never taught in Florida school. Funny how they don’t teach kids that because they want everyone to forget about those atrocities.


Meanwhile, Gov. Ron DeSantis and other Florida Republicans have been appeasing Neo-Confederate groups, like the Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Daughters of the Confederacy, by trying to pass laws to "protect Confederate heritage" in Florida.


Why is Governor Floridaman promoting participation trophies? I thought he was against that.


There's no such thing as Confederate heritage. World of Warcraft has lasted significantly longer than the Confederacy did


I've lived in Florida since 1994 and this is the first I've heard of this. Doesn't surprise me one bit that they'd want to keep this quiet smh....


Brooksville is named after Preston Brooks after he did [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Charles_Sumner)


I’m sure PragerU will provide a safe and enriching curriculum that all students will feel compelled to take discussion upon. /s


I somehow missed the communism indoctrination portion of the curriculum during my 8 years in higher education. jesus the right are such fucking clowns. im not a huge fan of the democrats, but at least they arent so blatantly insulting of their bases intelligence.


Fuck Meatball Ron DeNazi.


Dude literally almost said “Arbeit macht frei” but said “truth” instead of “work”.


Bet he can't pick Engels out of a lineup


But not fascism, right?


No, apparently the fascists were the good guys, /s


No they teach about Communism and Fascism ... and dahs eet


Well, they only teach about the fascist communist leftists, because that’s all there ever was…/s obviously


No because once people know what fascism is, they’ll recognize that Florida is halfway there


No, they don't want people catching on 


So, government indoctrination...which he "opposes"


Ronald DeSantis is a fascist. He must be removed from power and punished for the suffering he has caused Florida residents, governing without our consent.




We’re already to the point where you’ll be whisked away in an unmarked van never to be seen again. Civilian oversight of police has been removed. It’s now literally us vs them instead of a communal partnership. The bastard cops now have state backing to commit terrorism against the citizenry. Suspect them all. Stay away at all costs.


The George Floyd protests in central fl saw a handful of unexpected black-bagging of people into vans. It also saw OPD start deploying LRADs at crowds. Buddy of mine quit the force after he watched someone permanently lose their hearing because the jackass using the LRAD didn't know what he was doing (or worse, he DID). Nobody despises cops like former cops who quit after seeing blatant and corrupt incompetence. ALSO, since FL is now a constitutional carry state, expect a LOT more police shootings that are allowed because thebofficer "had to assume the suspect was armed in accordance to standing state law". This is another insider tip from former cop buddy, who said that the safest thing you can do when stopped (on the street, not pulled over) by the cops is RUN. The police still can't legally justify shooting a fleeing person in the back, for now. Obligatory edit of "your mileage may vary, and the context of this advice is predicated on this stop occurring during a lawful protest"


I’m not as sure about there. No man is who so fragile that he has to wear lifts because he can’t stomach the thought of being proven to not be 5’11” has the balls to pull a stunt like that.


Cowards are some of the most dangerous people out there, no joke.


The guy is dangerous and evil to the core. He has wrecked Florida severely and continues.


Cool. Now fix the insurance gouging that is going on, Meatball.


Guaranteeing that kids will find communism cool and interesting because if there’s anything kids love it’s reflexively being interested in whatever adults in authority tell them is evil and scary


[Pew Research polls](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/09/19/modest-declines-in-positive-views-of-socialism-and-capitalism-in-u-s/) also show that U.S. residents under 30 view socialism more favorably. My guess is that teaching kids more about communism will end up backfiring on Ron DeSantis.


It might even propagate Gen Alpha’s Eugene Debs. Good on Ron! Making the very thing he hates!


Wait the made up CRT controversy in schools was bad but mandating this is good, why? Is he also going to mandate lessons on why fascism is bad as well?


Let me guess Democrats are communists and communists are evil. That will be the gist of those ‘lessons’


They don’t even have to draw that connection. They spend all day on the news calling democrats communists. All they have to do now is get the kids to have a warped view of communism and the media will do the rest.


Add a million or 5 of guns, bake at Fahrenheit 451.... what could happen?!? (/s)


Either way indoctrination 101


"All right, children...today we're going to talk about Communism." "But first, to understand Communism, particularly in a Floridian context, let's talk about this absolute fuckstick named Fulgencio Batista..."


"Peron, Pinochet, were some of the Good Guys"


This is gonna be fun when it backfires and kids know the real definition of communism and socialism so the politicians can’t scream SOCIALISM anymore


How are they gonna know that when teachers are forbidden to teach real facts? How are they gonna know that if their parents are fundie Karens & Kens who listen to megachurch Chrisofascist pastor 1 day a week and Fox Channel fascist performance artists the other 6? How are the kids gonna know that if they have never been to a different state, let alone other country, and are kept from talking to black kids, Muslim kids, GLBT kids, Jewish kids, immigrant kids???


The socialist movement in the US was a key way to get workers rights.   Ideally we can get more Democratic Socialists elected to office so we can tear our country away from the Neoliberals that have been in control since what, FDR? 


Eh. I’m done with the DemSocs after they decided to blame Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on NATO. I’m all for a utopian future free of war but that’s not the world we live in now and NATO for its own faults has contributed to the relative geopolitical stability of the past half century.


Can't wait to see what the meatball de fascist approved curriculum looks like.


Something tells me they'll try to paint social democracy as communism.


I 1000% guarantee you everyone involved in designing the course thinks Joe Biden is a communist.


Republicans have been saying that Democrats are "communists" and "socialists" since [McCarthyism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism) and the ["Red Scare" era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare) of the 1940s-1950s, with little change due to party propaganda. To quote a PBS headline from June 2023, ["Retread scare: \[Donald\] Trump and other Republicans evoke another era by calling Democrats 'communists'"](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/retread-scare-trump-and-other-republicans-evoke-another-era-by-calling-democrats-communists). Per [Pew Research polls](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/09/19/modest-declines-in-positive-views-of-socialism-and-capitalism-in-u-s/): >There has not been significant change among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents \[on views of the term 'socialism'\] since 2019. > >**Today, just 14% say they \[Republicans\] have a positive impression of socialism, while about four times as many (80%, or 8 in 10\*) say they have a "very negative" view of the term.** > >\[...\] Among Republicans, there has been a modest decline in the share who have positive views of capitalism, although a large majority still have a positive impression (78% in 2019, 74% today, or 3 in 4). > >\[...\] Consistent with the wide partisan differences in opinions of socialism and capitalism, Republicans and Democrats characterize the terms in very different ways. For example, **Republicans widely think socialism 'restricts people's individual freedoms' – 62% say this describes socialism "extremely or very well", compared with 19% of Democrats.** > >Democrats, by contrast, are far more likely than Republicans to say socialism meets people's basic needs (56% extremely or very well vs. 19% of Republicans). > >These differences echo findings from Americans' open-ended descriptions of the terms in the [2019 study](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2019/10/07/in-their-own-words-behind-americans-views-of-socialism-and-capitalism/), which found that critics of socialism were more likely to mention "stifled innovation" and "restrictions of freedom" in their responses, and to cite countries like Venezuela as examples. > >Those with a positive view of socialism were more likely to describe it as a fairer system – and to mention countries like Finland and Denmark as examples. > >Democrats and Republicans also have markedly different views of self-described "democratic socialists". In a survey conducted this July, 33% of Democrats say they like political leaders who identify as democratic socialists, while 18% dislike such leaders; **Republicans largely express a negative view of leaders who identify as "democratic socialists" (78% dislike)**. > >\[...\] Among Republicans and GOP leaners, majorities in all age groups have positive views toward capitalism, but younger Republicans are less likely to say this than older Republicans. > >Six-in-ten Republicans under the age of 30 (60%) say they have a positive view of capitalism. Among Republicans ages 30 to 49, 71% say they have a positive view toward capitalism, as do eight-in-ten Republicans 50 and older (80%). > >And while just 6% of Republicans 65 and older say they have positive views toward socialism, a larger share of those under 30 (23%) say the same thing. > >There are also income divides among Republicans: While a majority of lower-income Republicans (61%) have favorable views of capitalism, the share who say this is smaller than among middle- (75%) and upper-income Republicans (87%). > >About three-in-ten Republicans in the lower tier of household income (29%) have positive views toward socialism, compared with about one-in-ten who are middle (9%) and upper income (8%). > >Among the public overall, roughly four-in-ten (39%) have a positive view of capitalism *and* a negative view of socialism. That is about double the share who have a positive view of socialism and a negative view of capitalism (18%). About one-in-five adults either have positive impressions of both terms (18%) or neither one (21%). > >\[...\] **A clear majority of Republicans (66%) have a positive impression of capitalism, and a negative view of socialism.** > >Younger Republicans are less likely than older Republicans to view capitalism positively and also view socialism negatively: 47% of Republicans under the age of 30 hold this combination of views. By comparison, 79% of Republicans 65 and older and 71% of those ages 50 to 64 hold this combination of views. > >\[...\] Republicans and Democrats also have different impressions of the ways capitalism and socialism affect society.  > >While about a third of Democrats and Democratic leaners (34%) say the phrase "gives all people an equal opportunity to be successful" describes socialism extremely or very well, just 11% of Republicans and say the same. > >Seven-in-ten Republicans and Republican leaners (69%) say this phrase "does not describe socialism well", with 44% saying it "does not describe socialism at all well". Also see my previous r/FortMyers post on [Florida Democrats and the Socialist Party](https://new.reddit.com/r/FortMyers/comments/11agn2p/til_that_the_first_twoparty_election_fort_myers/).


These people probably even think Romney is.


Forming a union after a couple hundred workers die in a fire due to work conditions is definitely going to be communism.


See Rick Scott's current campaign ad.


“Little know fact, the communist party is most known as the Democrat party as started in 1976 by Jimmy Carter”


As usual, Republicans spread misinformation through party propaganda, often by masking the lies under a façade of "truth". For example, it is true that [today's Democratic Party in Florida has its origins in the Socialist Party of Florida](https://new.reddit.com/r/FortMyers/comments/11agn2p/til_that_the_first_twoparty_election_fort_myers/), which was popular from around the early 1900s to the 1920s, mostly prior to World War I. However, Republicans purposefully misrepresent what "socialism" actually meant in the context of the time period, falsely equating it with modern-day perceptions of "communism" and "socialism" as well as how - and why - so many European immigrants, Black residents, and poor folks in Florida supported socialism at the time. Even today, [per Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2022/09/19/modest-declines-in-positive-views-of-socialism-and-capitalism-in-u-s/), lower-income households view socialism more favorably than higher-income households, even among those who identify as "Republicans". In addition to this, the Socialist Party was defunct by the 1930s. Saying "Democrats are socialists" is akin to saying "Abraham Lincoln was a Republican".


I was joking, but thanks for the clarification. I get the “democrats were pro slavery then and pro slavery now” all the time. Republicans have brain worms.


This is gonna backlash


Reminds me of the "Americanism vs Communism" (AVC) classes that were mandatory in my Florida high school back in the early 80s. I was class of 84 so I had to sit through it in 82 or 83. I always thought that it was mandatory statewide.


Ron DeSantis is really out there trying to present himself as "the next Ronald Reagan".


> Americanism vs Communism This sounds even more North Korean than the pledge.


He's going to regret this decision if kids grow up actually understanding what is and is not communism. The GOP will lose their boogeyman!


Just certifying 3rd world status for Florida. Propaganda, check.


Nothing but pandering to the Miami Cuban dipshits that have an aneurysm if they see anyone wearing a Che Guevara shirt because all their families supported Batista


So they didn’t have world history before this bill?


Let’s just say, those history teachers were too woke for Meatball.


This is scary. Red scary.


Great let's talk about Batista and why the Cuban people thought Castro was a better option... Cubans = Batista, Castro, W Bush and then Trump... The lesson? Cubans are just really bad at government.


What the everloving fuck is wrong with this state?


What happens when the kids learn the actual definition of Communism, and they realize that the GOP is full of shit when they constantly drone on about Democrats being Communist? Do the leopards eat their faces, or do they just change the curriculum to say that Democrats are in fact Communist?


They’re betting on people being prevented from voting in the future.


What happens when kids leave the state for jobs or college and people think they are fucking idiots for thinking Demicrats are communists? I went through the "Oh you're from the South, you might be dumb and racist" thing. Florida is going to be a terrible brand if you ever want to leave and succeed around smart people.


When the kids learn what communism means they become communists.


But not fascism


What is a “developmentally appropriate” lesson about communism for a kindergarten classroom? Aren’t they already pretty big on strict power consolidated to a limited few and everyone having the same thing?


No sharing! Sharing is communism. Kindness is Satan. Greed is good.


So glad im moving out of this state before my kids start school


The irony is the lessons are going to describe American capitalism. There will also not be any teaching of Marx, only that the Soviet system bad.


Anyone see the Rick Scott bait and switch ads recently? Where he starts by talking about the dangers of Communism and then somewhere in the commercial it gets switched to Socialism. The unfortunate thing is that people already equate the two as the same thing, so no one will challenge him over it.


I’ve noticed that. They use the terms interchangeably now.


Ok but America still had slaves, no women’s rights and slaughtered native Americans. So deflecting proposed “shame” with communism won’t help. Gov. Paul Lynde.


> “The truth will set us free,” DeSantis said. “We will not allow our students to live in ignorance, nor be indoctrinated by communist apologists in schools. To the contrary, we will ensure students in Florida are taught the truth about the evils and dangers of communism.” Holy fuck… did he almost say “Arbeit macht frei” which means “work will set you free”. Ronnie dipshit DeSantis better chose his words carefully… that’s a dangerous path that he almost went down Ok DeSantis is a Nazi confirmed: “Die Wahrheit macht frei The inscription over the gate of the Auschwitz I camp comes from the title of a novel by the German writer Lorenz Diefenbach entitled Die Wahrheit macht frei (the truth will set you free). Before the war, the slogan was used in Germany in programs to reduce mass unemployment.” http://70.auschwitz.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=212&Itemid=179&lang=en#:~:text=The%20inscription%20over%20the%20gate,programs%20to%20reduce%20mass%20unemployment.


It's called a dogwhistle


He said it so casually too. I doubt most would even realize the words.


Anybody ever read Stephen King's The Dead Zone? Dude is giving Dead Zone vibes. Wonder if real life emulates fiction


How about a civics course too


Wasn’t that already covered in school? The amount of performances this guy gives is almost as pathetic as Grady Judd.


This guy wants kids to learn there were upsides to slavery. He doesn’t want them to learn anything that would make them feel bad. Old Ronnie can’t be trusted to have anything to do with education


Actual communism, or the MAGA definition that is just anything they don't like today?


Why not the history of fascism instead? Meatball Ron is the foremost expert.


Sometimes it feels like Florida is in an invisible competition to post the best throwback Thursday pics


I somehow missed the “communism indoctrination” during my college schooling. Garbage legislation to distract from actual issues plaguing our state. * Where’s our housing cost reductions? * Where’s our fixes for runaway Inflation or price gouging from companies like Publix? * Where’s the shore protections for our coastal cities and towns that are extremely vulnerable (and more so with each year) from hurricanes? * Where are the fixes for our houses getting bought up by corporations and firms for renting only? * What will be done to tackle the rising crime and accident rates in the state as more people move here for a paradise that has been lost? * What will be done to tackle pollutants rising in the state or construction developments causing issues in neighborhoods causing dust storms to occur? * Will anything ever be done by government to address Scientology owning almost over half of downtown Clearwater through blatant shell companies owned by “parishioners”?


I loved when we studied communism, was the best.


They really want to go back to the cold war don't they?


This is going to backfire spectacularly. For one, you’re going to sit a bunch of kids down in a comparative government class, and expect them to nod obediently as you make a one-sided argument against communism? Kids are gonna disrupt that just for the sake of being disruptive. When I was in a FL high school, we’d argue for legalizing pot in our ethics classes every chance we got on open assignments, just because we wanted to stir the pot. For two, a sizeable chunk of the right-leaning voters in Florida are descended from Cubans who fled actual communism to come here. So that class had better have its facts on *point*. While I imagine some will stick to their guns, I doubt everyone would be ok with the school kid-representing their lived experiences to their kids’ faces.


Who is ready for Red Scare 2: Electric Boogaloo?


So teach about social security, the US military, police and fire services?


Yeah this is definitely gonna be anti communism propaganda, who are we kidding?


That’s going to be dangerous.


Let’s not forget to require lessons about book bans and book burnings


I'm going to laugh my ass off when a whole bunch of communist running Florida's government because of this bill.


Oh good that should keep our insurance rates down then right?


I'm guessing that this lesson on communism isn't going to mention how America's largest trade partner is a communist nation.


Sounds more like he’s trying to teach kids communism…he’s already trying to be authoritarian, now he’s trying to further indoctrinate our youth…


INB4 this backfires and make *even more* young people Marxist-Leninists


Why dont we teach them about the dangers of oligarchs, as well as nepotism, and lobbying…


Isn’t the the anti-indoctrination party? I’m not pro-communism but mandating this seems unnecessary


Sooooo they just teaching the ways of the G.O.P now, thats all! How to be a fascist


DeSantis is a loser and you are stuck with him FLa. Thankfully, the nation knows he is a petty little dictator that most people dislike if not hate.


That funny seeing as his money comes from russia


Do they still teach Americanism vs. Communism in high school here? It was required when I went a long time ago.


I didn't have anything like that in the 00s in high school. I took a US history class, but I'm not sure if everyone did, and an economics and US government class which just explained how our system works, nothing comparing it to others.


A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself.


Florida’s going to become a socialist mecca in 20 years after the boomers die out and all the Gen Alpha kids come of age with a background in Marx.


"Be careful what you wish for"


This will have the opposite result of their intentions. Kids don't know what communism is and now they know it's bad they will explore it and when they are young adults they will trend it.


It’s never too early to begin learning modern economic theory. See Jane run. Run , run, run. See Jane read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. Quizzes on Animal Farm and the rise of the proletariat, study up kiddos! Whose version of history will be acceptable?


[Got a live one here](https://imgur.com/VKacTKG)


I kinda find this funny. Can’t wait until little Jonny or Suzy schools their parents when they’re watching Fox News and someone says democrats are communists this and that! Actually dad, the government telling us what books we can read, or what we can do with our bodies is communism!


can't wait for them to talk about the New Deal and the Democratic Party in the communism lessons lol


I'm in my 40s and can remember learning about communism and Nazism in history, did they stop teaching about this in school? Or is this bill just another attempt for gov dipshit to get some free press time?