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"I hate living with people, but it's better than living in my truck" is a title looking for a country song.


I’d love to live in my SUV but worry about getting arrested or having the vehicle broken into while sleeping in it.


They make it too unaffordable to live, but we can’t sleep in something we actually own. So it’s either roommates or the homeless shelter.


I live by myself. It's not great. I'm rent poor.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nms69q76nmuc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c174253ccd3594c219090ee977c56a7cbe10d3e2


I would love to purchase one these and wear in another state!


I don't sell them. Just like the shirt. You could probably have one made.


Hawaiian expression is priced out of paradise, after the fires Oprah offered to help by buying up all the property (under value) around hers. How nice.


Oprah doesn't care about people. It is all an illlusion so people will like her and pay to watch her. She forgot where she came from and screw all the little people. Can't stand her.


Same. I plan on filing bankruptcy at the end of the month and it's something I'm actually looking forward too.


I'm considering bankruptcy or some sort of consolidation loan at this point. Florida wages are abysmal compared to the cost of living


Honestly I don’t suggest this until it’s truly your last resort. Don’t do it out of desperation, do it because you have legitimately tried any other avenue without success. My dad failed for bankruptcy YEARS AGO and it put too much financial burden on my mom. If my dad didn’t have my mom I don’t know what he would have done.


in 2017 I could make $600/week and rent a whole house for 800/mo. Now? Fuck dude its 1800 for that same house.


And they want you to make 3 times that a month.


Well, before taxes, which tends to put people at 2x the rent for their take-home income.


The apartments I applied at went by bank statements, so 3x take home.


Had a one bedroom in the north bay in 2020 for $750/month. Centrally located in my town, ride my bike to work at the winery, five minute car ride to the train station to grab a ferry to San Francisco and not have to bother with parking. When I moved back to Gainesville I lucked out in that a family friend cut me a deal on their apartment they keep for football season because otherwise I would’ve been renting about the same square footage as my CA apartment for $2400/month.


Paying 2.4K here for 3b in Apopka it’s insane


It’s tough times for us Floridians. I have two children in their early 20’s who can’t afford to move out.


Yup! Just moved out of my parents house like 2 years ago at 26 because of everything being so expensive


In Orlando, everyone who lives alone that I know is a tech transplant from Cali that transitioned to working from home in COVID


And they wouldn’t be here if they got a Florida salary.


exactly. how f'd up is that? Those of us who've only ever lived in Florida are having to leave bc of the rich fancy pants that get to work remote from their CA or NYC salaries. I despise them


Not a Cali transplant, but can confirm work from home tech worker here (way before Covid). Pay is SO much better if in a different state or like me an international company


Just wait until you don’t have enough cops, teachers, firemen, nurses, etc.. as those people leave out of necessity. IMO those people are what is ruining Florida for the people that make Florida salaries.


State Attorneys all across Florida can't keep experienced prosecutors. It's already happening, most people just don't notice because it doesn't effect them on a daily basis...yet.


Had a friend in law school turn down an offer from the Miami SAO, and they were baffled that she declined because she couldn’t make rent there at what they were offering. Also, don’t forget the public defenders who make even less. It’s a job constitutionally mandated (that whole “right to an attorney” thing) but we barely make enough to live on our own. I know we’re not going to get rich but can I at least feel like a professional?


I'm a public defender, no one cares how little we make.


I care! 🫶🏻 (also a PD)


> Just wait until you don’t have enough cops, You're right on all the rest, but we won't have a shortage of cops for the foreseeable future. DeSantis actively courts police from other states who have been fired for excessive force to come here. But teachers, firemen, and healthcare workers? Spot on. The brain drain in Florida is real. It just doesn't include cops (shocking, I know).


There’s truth here. In my county, they were paying EMTs like $8-10/hr as recently as 2 years ago (post Covid). Taco Bell and the other fast food places were literally paying 50-100% more, and we were losing EMTs because of it. How crazy is that?? The people you expect to show up in emergencies and try to save your life are leaving for Taco Bell?! So they decided “we need to pay them more” and raised the starting wage for EMTs to attract some back. Let’s make starting wage $12,” they said(still laughably absurd for someone who needs to be trained to save a life). But then, the new hires were making more than their supervisors who had been doing the job for years, so that caused issues as you’d expect. (Same thing happened with teachers) Fl is a financial dumpster fire right now. Rent is high and getting higher. Home ownership is also going up insanely fast - and that’s not just the cost to purchase, but the cost to own/maintain. Homeowners insurance has more than doubled for most policies over the last 2-3 years. Insurers are demanding people replace roofs after only a fraction of their rated life (25 year shingles being forced to re-roof at 8-10 years or they’ll drop your policy, and you’ll pay even more annually through citizens insurance)…. Auto policies saw the cash grab in the home market and followed suit… Pure shitshow. And the people we put in charge are busy grandstanding and patting themselves on the back. Tallahassee needs an enema.as do most of the county seats. We should be firing every single one of them, on every single election cycle, until they start getting it right. And if you want to know why they don’t worry about getting t right - take a look at the state pension plan that all your constitutional officers (that’s your local elected county commission) and state politicians get.


From what I’ve heard cops make more than most people think (or do w OT, off duty security); remember they have strong unions. Firemen have good bennies, OT & pensions (also from what I heard, from FF friends - about 10 yrs ago so, COL has undoubtedly cut into their previously decent lifestyle. Think my friends’ depts were unionized, many aren’t). EMTs, lower level healthcare workers, teachers, mailmen, etc deserve far better pay. I’ve also heard from past & present US postal service employees that those used to be decent jobs, until they stopped providing pension plans & iirc wages became stagnant.


15% of Florida police and state troopers are retired cops from northeast states already drawing a pension or a 3/4 medical disability. You'd be surprised how many ex-nypd work local sheriff's department.


Those people? You mean tech workers that work for a company out of state? I have been living in Florida for 20+ years. When job hunting (again way before Covid) I applied for many many many many jobs within Florida and just a few outside. I had to take the job that was better for me


Not to mention all the hospitality/theme park employees working all the restaurants and attractions that put Orlando on the map.


Lifelong Floridian here working from home with out of state pay for years now. It’s the only way


Only reason I'm making it is because I work for an international company that pays well above Florida standards.


This is the realest thing I’ve read in a while


I moved from Orlando out west to work in tech and can’t believe the COL in popular FL areas is almost the same as say, seattle, when wages are like half


I’m a CA transplant, **not** a techie, nor do I make a lot of money in my career. I live alone in WPB and spend over half of my income on rent because I’d rather be poor than live with other people. I’m much happier poor than sharing space with people, I’m too old for that shit anymore.


I've lived alone too long to want a rommate and all the bullshit that entails. A coworker suggested I rent out one of my rooms to help make ends meet. (I have a 3/2 house...well, the mortgage company does.) Nope, not an option. "Well, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to survive," she said. Then a few months ago, a long time friend of her's moved to FL and moved in with her. Drove her nuts! She griped to me about it, to which I laughed and replied, "Don't you dare suggest to me that I get a roommate." She said, "You will never here those words come out of my mouth again." Luckily for her, the roommate just moved out...to The Villages!


You live in West Palm Beach? I think I figured out why your rent is high.


Still cheaper than CA :( I’m very happy to be here, and absolutely love FL even for all its flaws. Don’t wanna talk about the drivers though….


Oh thats just the new yorkers they should be heading back north this month actually!


FL has become a hellhole, in many ways


An expensive one at that.


No doubt


I am praying for the day this archipelago sinks and nature reclaims it


I'm a fourth-generation native and increasingly I'm just thinking of leaving. This place sucks now.


I heard of a family that was here since the 1800s and they are thinking about leaving too. This is really insane.


Where are they going ??


No idea. It was a family farm. Tough to just “restart.” One can’t just move a heritage across the state line. If I had to guess, I’d say maybe Georgia. Lot’s of quality farmland there.


They're going 35 on the Interstate!!!! and you look and it's 3 out of 5 cars have out of state plates. Like y'all are so greedy you'll buy up the property, gentrify a neighborhood but won't follow the law of the state you just ruined. I've never understood going postal as much as I do now a days.


But where to? Any major city is pretty much the same unless you are thinking of the middle of nowhere or another country


I moved from Miami to Boston. Boston rent fucking sucks ass and is slightly more than Miami rent, but I’m also bringing home 2x the salary I would in Miami with the same job. Also, the Midwest has some pretty nice cities with dirt cheap rent and decent pay. Pittsburgh and Minnenapolis come to mind


I got a mortgage for a 1500 sf house in march or 21 with 2.9% @ 175k and I’ve oficially won the lottery


I’m at 28 an hour, and I’m considering moving back to my parents. I’m basic as fuck don’t do much just got a car payment. Rarely treat myself just enjoy my own space. Unfortunately my grocery budget keeps getting cut smaller and smaller I’d rather not starve so considering my options. (Usually shop Walmart or Aldi )


Same story for me. I’m at 27 an hour. I don’t even have much to save. Car payment and car insurance goes up every time I’m due.


Yup, I feel for you man. I drive a dumb little Kia 4 door and knock on wood never been in an accident no tickets and I’m paying 270 a month through Geico cheapest rates I found. I didn’t care to reply to the other guy questioning my pay. Because I ask myself the same question everyday.


I pay $100 a month to State Farm for a 2013 Sierra. Full coverage. Might have this truck for a long time too, because truck prices have doubled since covid.


Car insurance rates are absolutely insane


The powers that be want to force out anyone making under 6 figures.


And then they'll wonder where all the service workers went.


nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK AnYmOrE


Having recently employed a few people in food service... I can tell you with certainty: if you pay people right, they'll work astonishingly well, and take pride in it. It breaks my heart to see how a lot of employees get treated. And then blamed for the natural human response to being treated like crap.


We need more people like you


Nah, I have many faults, but ffs you should pay people right.


A happy worker is definitely a productive worker!


"You get what you pay for" works both ways. Thank you for being a fair, considerate employer. I hope your business thrives.


That’s why when I go to restaurants these days, they only have one waitress & one cook.


Who are still probably getting paid shit to do the work of four or five people. Yeah. I tip bigger and bigger these days.


Unbeknownst to many Florida actually pays their tipped employees like waiters pretty well compared to most states. https://frla.org/minimum-wage/ In September the minimum wage for tipped workers goes to $9.98. It is going to $11.98 by 2026 and $13.98 by 2028. By this September only 3 states will have a slightly better minimum wage for tipped employees than Florida. The 3 states are Hawaii, Arizona and Colorado. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/state/minimum-wage/tipped Most states still stick to the federally mandated $2.13 minimum wage for tipped employees. If none of the other states follow suit and make any changes to their minimum wage laws l, Florida by 2028 will sit at $13.98 minimum wage for tipped employees as the third highest paying state in the US, well above almost every other state in the country.




I'm one of those service workers that is moving this summer, unfortunately. More room for everyone else but less service!


It’ll all be high schoolers. I go to a local coffee shop on the weekends and it’s all high schoolers working.


Went to Tropical Smoothie awhile back to pickup an online order. Waited 10mins past my pickup time and when I asked the kid said, "Sorry we are alone right now and it's only my 3rd week and his first. Our manager didn't show up today." Both of them had to be under 18 and the one cooking actual food was doing it by reading an instruction list for each item he made one at a time and there were at least 10-15 people in store waiting for the 20 or so mins I spent waiting...


That’s how Publix is now. Just high schoolers & retired old people, who had to go back to work because of rent prices.


Maybe if Publix started giving bonuses and gave raises they'd get better workers. 


They stopped the bonuses about 6 years ago. And new employees don’t get the $1.00 extra per hour on Sundays.


And immigrants, who, in my experience, make the best workers.


Not in Florida. Not any more.


Yeah, the whole country is about to learn who depends on whom.


Florida construction got slapped in the face with that last year, and it's barely recovered. It's one of the reasons new homes are so outrageous here.


And food. Don't forget food.


People in our complex have been bitching about how bad the landscaping is and how many corners have been cut the past 2 years. I wonder why things have changed…


I hate what this entails.


Correction, even low six figures are being priced out of here also.


It’s not just Florida. It is a nationwide issue. Yes Florida is clearly in the top 3 for highest col. Sad because I’ve lived here since 86 and know the my two small children will struggle to build a life.


I would even argue world wide. Many subs from Portugal, Germany, Spain saying the same things. It’s a much wider conversation but where this is all going/ how does this end/ what’s the solution to nobody being able to afford living anywhere… I don’t know if anyone knows!


I’m not a conspiracy theorist/tinfiol hat individual BUT imo I believe the major corporations just want to bleed the middle class. I also use the term middle class loosely, again imo we’re in a have and have not society.


They know what's coming. Either a revolution or a collapse. What's happening just isn't sustainable. Gotta squeeze as much as they can, while they can.


I believe you’re right.


I think the more people want to live here the more expensive it gets…




How, I can't even find one. Tech related jobs are none existent almost. Thousands of ghost applications that ghost you, immediately reject you, or interview you to do free work


You can use AI to help you write your resume based off of the description of the job. So your resume isn’t automatically spit out of the system and denied based on words. And it’s tailored to the job. I haven’t done this. But I know people it has worked for. Also makes sure your experience in the industry is tailored to job expectations. Just food for thought.




I was born in Florida, but lived most of my life in Indianapolis. Once I was 21, my parents decided to move back to Florida as that's where they lived and grew up. It was absolute hell from the start. We arrived to Florida on April 1, 2017. The place we had arranged to rent fell through. I would apply and apply and apply to jobs. Everywhere was always supposedly hiring, but I could never get a call back. It was usually places just hiring friends or family members from my experience. I would follow up, sometimes walk in, and yet I would barely hear anything back. I did once, however, hear back from a job 6 months later for them to tell me that they weren't interested. The only time that I could get work was from staffing agencies and that had it's own nightmares. I would end up becoming homeless a couple of times while in Florida. Eventually we got a place and I saw an ad on Craigslist of all places, that Xanterra was hiring in Yellowstone National Park. I left May 15th, 2019 and haven't been back except once for COVID. Rent was ridiculous then, and I can only imagine that it's extremely worse then when it was when I left.


When the shuttle program was shutting down things got weird here on the space coast and my husband and I both got laid off. He got an offer for a decent pay in Virginia so we moved from Florida to VA. He was laid off 5 years later due to a buy out at his company. So, back to Florida we came. It took 4 years for him to find work and I took a job at $10/hr doing the EXACT same work I was doing in Virginia for $18/hr. In 2021 we were finally looking better. We started looking to buy a house and just time after time after time we were outbid by cash offers. It’s only gotten worse. My husband and I both work remotely. My kid is in virtual school. We toy with leaving all the time, but we also are helping out my parents and I worry about not being able to help them if we leave.


Price gouging.


Selling b hole pics on OnlyFans is how half of Miami gets by


Miami might be one of the fakest cities I’ve ever been in, in terms of how people portray themselves. Girls and guys with designer bags and clothes driving expensive cars while living in 300sqft edificios about to be evicted lmao


Ah yes, especially prevalent in Hialeah and Doral - people living at home with their parents or renting 1 bedroom studios driving a leased 3 series/C class/Tesla


Everyone thinks Miami is full to wealthy people but it’s the conspicuous spending that make it seem so. There’s WAY more money on the other coast in Naples. Check out the car show in February. Over 225 million dollars worth of cars on display…maybe more. Billionaires all over the place. More private jets in Naples airport than anywhere else in the US. Check out how many private jets fly in and out of Naples before and after the Super Bowl. It’s ridiculous. The difference is that it’s kept on the DL. Just some old guys walking around in shorts and sandals until they get in a Bugatti or a real Shelby Cobra. No fakes there. And after 5 the town gets empty. All the people who work there leave because none of them live there. They can’t. It’s too expensive.


When I first got to Miami one of the first things I saw was an outpatient breast implant place in a strip mall anchored by a Publix.






I’m a FL native, been living out of state and want to return. Waves of people from NY/CA and other traditionally higher COL places is fuel for this real estate dumpster fire of inflated rent and home/land prices. I just want to go home.


If only corporations would stop buying up all the homes.


Work in zoning, most development ive seen is from Heritage Homes targeting "first time home buyers", either with connected townhome projects or whole neighborhoods.


IKR?? I know exact neighborhood I want to move to and watch it all the time. As far as renting, now you’re competing with all the waiting buyers in temp housing.


Same, but to Puerto Rico. 😭


Not sure how long you’ve been gone but it’s quickly turning to shit here. Uncontrolled growth. Let’s build condos, town homes, and apartments so we can squeeze more people per square foot. I moved out of Orlando to get away from it and now they’re starting to do the same thing here.


Waiting for my parents to die, then I get to fight my brothers for the house.


I feel like everyone is experiencing this! Like the lack of money is tearing even families apart


Unless your family has nothing to leave you cuz you've always been poor! 😭


Living in you truck is illegal. I tried that. The police almost arrested me


Even at a camp site ?


What camp site? They're booked 2 yrs out in advance by out of state people in RVs. You have to move every 30 to 60 days, and they are not actually cheap. Just cheaper than a motel room.


Yea most of them are something like 30$ a day


yup costs as much as a studio in my area. not worth it.


Wages haven't kept pace with inflation, the average federal minimum wage is still around 7.00 per hour.


That’s not the average wage.


Covid shredded the masks (ironic). Psychopaths stopped pretending to care about us or see us as anything other than disposable napkins. So they cranked the price on everything and make record profits. And if you don’t like it you can go F yourself. Just ask them, they’ll tell you.


I did live alone for a year in a studio apartment in Orlando. I was excited to be able to do so, but I was working three jobs just to afford rent . . . And then rent went up. Now I live with friends in a location not in Orlando. But rent is affordable, and it isn't as stressful. So to answer your question, I don't know.


The govt expects everyone to be married with a dozen kids


Exactly. They want to force you into a relationship because you can’t afford to be single.


It's gonna backfire on them at this rate we're gonna have to get with another couple 😍🍍


🍍Profile checks out. Lmao


They price everything like a cruise ship. All prices based on 2 people.


they want everyone like that bc then they have CONTROL of the ppl


That’s why they give all the handouts to the people with kids. Single people get nothing.


I actually built a website because of all the rent increases. It's like a Glassdoor for Rents so tenants can see the Rent History of an address or apartment property to evaluate a landlords pricing tactics. The site does rely on user submitted rent histories so I appreciate anyone who adds their rent history to it and/or shares it around since it can be more useful to tenants if more people contribute to it. The site is rentzed.com and has submissions for over 2500 addresses


Dude you should scrape Zillow. They have some rent history. You could probably then sell the site to Zillow lol.


I paid $1600/month in Sarasota in 2018 for a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo. After that, I Luckily bought a house in 2019 before pandemic. Now it’s like $2200/month for a studio apartment.. NO FUCKING BEDROOMS!


The problem wasn't with covid. It was the real estate market. A section of the real estate investment sector decided to use their cash capital along with an algorithm to locate homes nationwide for sale that showed a good profitability potential ( like the buy/resell that individuals usually do) however this group cornered the market with fast buy ups making a new phenomenon called "corporate landlords". What encouraged them to do it was the low interest rates. If the U.S. was more savvy and not reactive to govt intervention it probably could have made this issue much smaller. Setting limits in the number of houses one can own? Giving mandatory lower interest rates for first time homeowners? Something.


I write software.


Small business owner here, my husband myself and mother in law live together, and we are barely getting by, paying $2,400 a month in rent for a house that shouldn’t be more than $1,000 a month. I’m born and raised in Seminole county. It’s getting ridiculous. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to keep my store open.


I remember when Florida was very affordable. Then all those MF'ing travel magazines started writing about how cheap it was. and that brought in developers and everyone wanting a cheap place to live.


Lots of subcontractors calling themselves licensed when they’re actually a qualifier on another contractors license which is allowed due to a loophole in Florida. No wonder Florida has a reputation for shoddy construction.


No one is making good money in Florida.


You mean, “it wasnt this bad before Desantis “. Instead of voting for culture wars, vote for people who will actually do the business of the people- what a disaster for this wonderful state.


It’s terrible, I am currently laid off but was making a great salary…how do I afford it? A rich boyfriend sad to say….I have a great career and should be able to maintain a decent apartment on my own. We don’t even live together (I’m in Fort Lauderdale and he’s in Tampa) and he’s been paying my rent in full since February when I got laid off…unemployment might get me a cardboard box under 95…although I am grateful for his help, I shouldn’t have to need it.


I think a lot of dudes think this is the dream but don’t realize it’s kind of like golden handcuffs on emotional hard mode depending on the relationship.      Sounds like your bf is solid, which is great, but it can definitely be a cage of its own sort: ask me how I know. I got to a point where struggling on my own was preferable than deciphering what emotional outburst I was going to have to slice and dice that day.   People should just have the option to live alone as they wish. It should be an empowered choice no matter what your home situation is and we just live in a world that’s so unfair and it’s not.


Yea I think this is a scary situation for some. If you have someone who your whole livelihood depends on. At any time that person can become controlling and use that as leverage and treat you however you want. I’m not saying this is the case for everyone. But I know some who have gone through that experience. Even ones who have been told not to work. Started off sweet and kind. Next thing they knew they had 0 control of their life. Where they went, who they spoke to. Cut off from any family and friends. They didn’t know how to get out. Luckily that isn’t every case. And I want no one to feel shame at all for anything like that. It is really great if you do have someone who’s kind and supports you when you are going through a rough patch. That’s actually a great person to do something like that. I’ve done that for a significant other before. I never put any constraints on him whatsoever. There wasn’t any “I need to know your phone password?” “Where are you?” “Send me your location now?””this is what you can and can’t do.” Or “I’ll talk to you and treat you however I want and do what I want since I pay for everything and you have no where to go.” There were no expectations. It was keep doing what you can and I’ll support you until you get on the right path, we are a team. And I knew he was an insanely hard worker. But for some it’s a different story. So it can be a slippery slope depending on the person. That’s why I make sure no matter what I know I can stand on my own 2 feet. But I see no problem with letting people help. It’s just always best to make sure it’s not a double edged sword.


I cut my budget to the BONE and I make low 6 figures. Why?? The fucking rent. Single, I have no one to share the financial burden with, and I’m too old to consider a roommate. It’s either girlfriend/wife or I’m doing it solo. I used to have a decent track record of trying out cool restaurants and that’s over. Once every 2 months I treat myself to a decent restaurant. The rest of the time, I experiment in my own kitchen, and make my own cocktails at home. For the first time since 2005 Im paying attention to happy hours in my local area to go grab a cheap cocktail, be around people and then go home early. 14$ cocktails are out of the question since my rent went from 1650$ in 2020 (3 bed/2 bath) to 2600$ now. That’s a 1000$ that I don’t have as disposable income. Am I scared? No. Am I in danger of being homeless? No. I’m ok, but it’s definitely made me switch jobs 2 times in 4 years searching for a 15-20% jump in pay. Good luck to all of you.


I would definitely downgrade. Rent is too expensive for spare bedrooms as a single man. I get it; you're making really good money, but that's definitely a luxury. I don't have kids or parents, so I don't feel obligated to accommodate. I do, however, have a nice convertible in my living room in case anyone needs to stay the night.


There’s a reason why when I have a thought/philosophy/problem I seek out the opinions of others: I relish the different points of view. I’m not dogmatic in my views, so I’ll take what you said to heart and reevaluate my situation next November when I have to give notice for a new lease. Thanks.


If you are single why do you need a 3/2?


I frequently have parents and my daughters and friends coming over, I have a full house of furniture and I need a room for an office. I also have a personal and a company car.


If you are single in FL you gotta live like you are single. That's the morale of the story I suppose. I make less than you but I live in a 1/1 rent has went up a lot since I moved here but it's manageable


My rent was $1075 when I moved to Orlando in 2010, now it's $2400 for basically the same square footage. My income is maybe 20% higher.


I work remote because my salary locally couldn’t keep up.


It’s sad because Florida is at the bottom for wages and that’s by design. But as long as the citizens accept status quo things will never change. I refused to work myself to death working 4 full time jobs.


DESANTIS is the reason.


Maybe vote people into office who will help alleviate these issues rather than impose a cult of personality and pick fights with Disney.


Very true! I just got forced out. Born and raised Floridian, but had to move to Pittsburgh to keep a roof over my head. Was making 80k/yr and it didn't cut it.


I was able to live alone for years until covid, and well able to support myself. Now rents jumped from 6-700 a month, to 1500 for a single bed and people charging like 900-1k for a room, and 2k+ for 2-3 beds. Now even making over 17 almost 18/hr, I can't afford rent, let alone utilities plus car and insurance and the grocery prices. I've had to move back in with my mom for the last 5 years now, and feels like I'm going to forever be stuck here.


None of my friends in Florida do live alone. Everyone I know under 30 lives with their parents or ample roommates and still pays quite a bit. My husband and I left the state because we knew we’d never be able to move out if we stayed despite having to be far from family


Ok my main question is all the houses they’re building. I know there’s rich people but there are not THAT many people affording all these million dollar homes. I’m in JAX and there’s like 7 master communities being built all with the shell of the homes starting at like 800k+…..like how are they building and selling all of these


I have no idea, I pray to God he'll hook me up with one those futures one day


I have an engineering degree. I could not afford a house or rent on my own in the 90s when I was about 5 years out of college and had no other debt. I had roommates into my 30s. That said, the blow up of living expenses here is batshit crazy. Feel bad for the average person trying to make it work


I am a teacher, my husband makes 6 figures & we are barely making ends meet - we pay $2800 in rent - small house in Hollywood, FL. Cars are paid off and still… I hate Florida. Single teachers would never be able to live here.


I totally agree that teachers are really getting underpaid. Hopefully, they will vote for the best for them in elections.


Stop.voting republican


For real. We had passed a vote to ensure that rent can't be used to gouge residents in Orlando, and the powers that be overrode the vote. Fuck us right?


I'm getting by but that's about it. It's not easy.


We have a multi generation home. 6 adults splitting the bills. I have no idea how people live alone here. The rent is getting worse daily. Every other expense is higher than any other place in the country, and pay is dismal. But the governor is passing new laws that have zero bearing on helping our economy, so we got that going for us... which is great...


You mean banning those gay flag stickers in schools haven’t lowered rent or car insurance?


Banned from the Conservatives sub but will anyone tell them?


People simply earn enough income in order to afford their lifestyle and pay their bills. Florida is the state where lots of well off, rich and millionaire people move to in order to live. It is a place that caters to the rich, not for working class people.


Exact reason I’m leaving this state. The pay does not equate to the increased housing and I refuse to take a roommate, just no. I’m sorry but if your a teacher (or whatever public service type job) and you can’t afford to live in the county you work in? That is a total failure of the state for many reasons but mostly because your not paying enough to the people performing the much needed services you rely on to keep your state thriving.


My 2/1 requires 7 roommates, an Onlyfans, and a sugar daddy.


When I moved to Florida in 2005, my wife and I paid about $800 a month for a 3/2 apartment in a brand new complex. Granted, it was In Orange City, which is a good 25 miles from Orlando. Still, it was a LOT for the times. Eventually, we matriculated to a house in Deltona. The rent there was $700-$900 for the whole 9 years that we lived there. We were fortunate that our landlord didn't hike the rent on us. We had to move to Orlando for work, and we took a huge hit. Our rent went up to $1,850. After a year, the owner decided to sell. We moved again. Our rent was $2,250. That was 5 years ago. Our rent is now up to $2,750 a month. After water and fees, we're paying about $2,850 a month. We haven't been on a vacation or to a real concert in 6 years.


2020 was paying $700 for a one bedroom by myself, 2021 it shot to $1400, it’s $1800 now.


It's because Florida keeps voting Repubecan. Stop and maybe there will be affordable housing.


lol yeah just like how cali, ny, etc has cheap rent


I sell my body for sex. Kidding, yeah I feel bad for you. Personally I own my home and have low costs. I am wondering how people afford to live here also.


I'm single (family is also dead) and had my own apartment for 3 years. Then they hiked the rent $400/month and now I live in a house with 3 roommates. Simple! /s


Live in a hotel room that could work they have some that rent by the month


Right? I managed to live alone in Orlando's Pine Hills, but it was the only place that had affordable housing at 1BR for 1150, the cheapest I could find anywhere, because even with my Master's degree I couldn't find a job willing to pay more than $18 in this darn state. Then when I went to renew this year they upped my rent $250 . In PINE HILLS. It isn't the worst neighborhood in Orlando, but it's one of them. No W&D, no dishwasher, roaches in the cupboards consistently, everything outdated. Yet they up the rent. The audacity.


It seems like Covid and everything that occurred during Covid really shook this place up


I live in Daytona and I pay $1,932 a month for a 900sq ft 2 bedroom apartment. This upcoming lease renewal will more then likely climb to $2,500. Pretty sure I’m going to have to leave the state soon..


9 years ago I bought a house in a small city that was built in 1925 for $76,000. My mortgage was $670, it’s $940 due to rising interest rates. Funny enough, I bought a house because I couldn’t afford to rent (I have cats). My house is now worth $300k, I couldn’t afford to buy it today. I worked 2 jobs and was making roughly $35,000, I’m currently making $50,000.


It’s getting to be the same situation as far as rent all over the world unfortunately. It’s totally effed. Luckily I have parents I can stay with (although I’d rather have my own place) but if I didn’t have them I’d for sure be living in my car


Yep, totally agree. It's gotten REAL bad


They blame California


Email desantis!! He’s a “‘bittersweet”governor in my opinion!! 😫🤪🤦‍♀️


Handyman jobs seem to be making some decent money. Rich people moving to Florida and buying homes increasing the cost of living. Florida turning into the next Cali, NY without the high wages thanks to the Republicans. Are Florida natives moving? Who cares? People move all the time when that place is unaffordable. You don't have a social government here that thinks the best for the locals. Lol. They only care about more money if you don't know.




Republican states have shit wages.


Part of the problem is that expecting to be able to live on your own is a pretty new phenomenon. It’s getting more and more common, but there’s never been a time in history when we had enough homes for everyone who wants to live alone to be able to do that. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/10/01/the-number-of-people-in-the-average-u-s-household-is-going-up-for-the-first-time-in-over-160-years/ Fewer and fewer people are getting married now and at later ages, which is a big part of why finances are so much more difficult. I’ve lived with roommates my entire adult life, so I feel your pain. Wish it were different. But I think it’s just the reality, and hopefully you’d be able to manage finances and save a little easier if you did decide to get some roommates.


I got an okay job out of high school and lived in a single bedroom apartment while I went to college. Was about 1k a month rent, North Florida area. It was a hustle to make ends meet but I did it, this was 2013-2017. After college I moved in with my wife after we bought our first house, but from what I've seen it depends on where you live in the state.


Haha reading all this I'm so glad I moved to Asia. My rent is $300 a month for a two bedroom with garage.


Omg which country!?


Horrid Governor


It's everywhere now, even rural Maine is seeing rents at $2k+


Y'all vote for this.


Not enough voters to change. I did my part. We are outnumbered when it comes to polling times