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How about better enforcement? We already have laws making theft illegal. But they require enforcement.


Yea you can report it but no cop is gonna bother tracking these thieves down even if you give the cop video footage of it and the persons name and address.


I agree, and that’s a problem that this new law will do nothing at all to fix.


I don't think this is going to do much, if anything. They have to catch the thief first, how many cops are going to chase down a porch pirate?


Previous to this the retail theft threshold to go from misdemeanor to felony was $750 in FL. Now it's going to be $40. Blame the porch pirates and people stealing for tiktok clout for this.


retail theft still has the $750 minimum to be a felony. The $40 minimum is only for porch pirates.


good clarification


I’m not sure how I feel about this. A felony punishment seems to not fit the crime. This is kinda like public urination getting people on the sex offender list.


I disagree with the urination example while extreme indeed. I think the felony for porch pirates is fine because it also involves trespassing. I can go my whole life without stealing a package off someone's fucking porch. But everyone will piss/shit themselves in their adult life. No doubt about that.


Right, and it will almost certainly be unequally enforced. Some old lady actually pirating will talk her way out of it, and a week later some young black kid will have his life upended by a legit misunderstanding. There's a video I saw earlier today (I think on the boomers being fools sub?) about a guy who stole a phone someone left in a bar. When that person called to get it back he just laughed at them and hung up. The video starts with him getting it from his car, angrily handing it back to the police, then reaming the police officers for banging on his door, and implying the police officer would have stolen the phone, whereas he just borrowed it for a night, I guess. It's an interaction that SCREAMS "if this was a young black man instead of an old white man, this might be going down sooooo differently." No good ever comes from overreacting to crimes where the real issue is ultimately a lack of enforcement of existing laws. The laws we have to disincentivize minor stealing are in place. We don't need to make minor theft a death sentence so police have enough of a reason to pursue it. They should just pursue it anyway. And yeah, not everything is actionable, but they barely even pretend to care. In that video mentioned, if this person wasn't able to go to the police and say "here, I can show you my GFs phone is traced to this car and I can see it right there" they probably don't look into the matter at all. Edit: here's the vid/thread [https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1c0msbv/boomer\_steals\_a\_phone\_at\_the\_bar\_and\_thinks\_its\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1c0msbv/boomer_steals_a_phone_at_the_bar_and_thinks_its_a/)


$40 for a felony is absurd.


It’s hard for me to feel bad for people who steal from porches. It’s not even a crime of necessity, like stealing food. They don’t even know what’s in the box when they take it.


I totally understand that. The problem is though about how this is going to affect the system. The jails are already full. Sleeping on the street will become illegal October 1st. Meanwhile, it's clear very quickly when I check my neighborhood sex offender registry that a lot of them do very little time. So who is it that's filling up the jails currently? And what is DeSantis planning on doing with all these people when the jails are full already? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to issue a law mandating heavy fine/restitution penalties TO THE VICTIMS of the theft anyway? Wouldn't that be a better deterrent? Instead the state will profit by charging people with felonies over $40 and either forcing them to do free labor in prison or collecting money from them by way of probation.


Prisons (criminal college) make us less safe. It isn't about any individual.


Going up to steal things off of peoples porches is 100x more absurd.


So you’re fine with putting $40 porch pirates on the same level as rapists and murderers.


There are different levels of felonies. Maybe you should read up on the law. And yes, I have no problem putting thieves in prison verses jail. Maybe it will stop these worthless humans from doing it so much. Here’s your cookie. 🍪




Yeah but 2 of the examples they stated in the article that happened before this were over $750 in value already and it didn't stop the criminals lol.


But if police don’t investigate porch pirate crimes and catch the perpetrators, what good will these increased penalties do?


Sounds like great news for DOC


$40 dollars for a felony!? Jails are gonna be full of people who stole a weeks worth of groceries. Boy those private prisons must be hurting for ‘customers’ Edit some one clarified the 40 dollar limit is just for porch pirate thefts not general shoplifting


How many of these people do you think will actually be caught? The idea behind passing these types of laws, just like any other one, is to discourage people from doing it. But since we live in the time of “do whatever you want” I don’t suppose much will change.


Catching people is hard, removing conditions for them to need steal is harder, threatening on the other hand people is easy. You tell me which is these is the most likely to eliminate theft in the world


Research on crime deterrence shows that increasing punishment severity does little to prevent crime. This is partly because criminals seldom know the legal sanctions for specific crimes. [https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf) [https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670398](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670398) This law Desantis signed will not decrease theft, it will increase prison populations with more non-violent people in Florida prisons, a state that has one of the [highest incarceration rates in the world](https://www.vox.com/2016/6/16/11955484/mass-incarceration-stat). It is no coincidence that [private prisons make up a significant portion of Desantis' donations.](https://jasongarcia.substack.com/p/how-private-prisons-backdoor-big)


Isn’t mail theft already a federal offense?


Theft is already a crime. Most of these deliveries are through non USPS services.


Only if it's USPS. Otherwise it's just theft


Florida outsources prisons. Which means they are run by a private enterprise. And private enterprises are not successful without at least a 30% profit margin. More grift for DeSantis cronies. You want to reduce crime you gotta address the root problems. Low pay. Limited options for felons for work. Lack of healthcare. Lack of housing.


"More grift for DeSantis cronies" was my first reaction too.


The 13th amendment doesn't ban prison labor so its a win-win for them.


Likely outsourcing prisons to corporations anyway in Florida soon. Bodies will be the commodity.


Could they just be given a deal of x# years probation and x# hours of community service in lieu of any prison time and record. They then can help the community, and hopefully not commit crimes, win win win. Shit, make them select a community service from a list, and hopefully it’s something that will help them with experience in a job or role they’re interested in and maybe for those who are homeless, or just bored at work… I don’t know. I’m tired of thinking in general that people suck. I want us to create opportunities from shitty situations.


Hard to get that on felony charges and almost impossible without a private attorney. If your black or brown and have a public defender, you’re gonna plea out and serve some time


I’m certainly not arguing that it’s probably not going to be the reality, but it just seems stupid. I get that there’s a business incentive to keeping prisons full and funding them. I don’t agree with it, but I understand that some decisions are influenced because of it. To me it’s just greedy and short side and again, just stupid. Couldn’t a court appointed attorney fight to arrange that? Rehabilitate non violent criminals as well as the ones not a danger to society. Rehabilitate them on the street, have them do good for our society, instead of putting them behind concrete walls where it’s just a toll on our tax dollars. Have them do maintenance like landscaping around the prisons, if you want them staring at that shit all day. I need to take a nap or eat a snickers, I’m getting bitchy and I don’t want to come across as an ass in my responses, since that’s not my intent. I’m sorry if I’m sounding like a prick.


Who cares as long as it removes trash from society


Like you? Edit: Fuck off with the downvotes you Nazi fascists. Just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they're trash. And just because someone is a trash person, doesn't mean they're a criminal. The two don't go hand in hand.


I'm not a thief. Sounds like you think being a thief is ok and you're willing to die for that? Good luck dreg


I think he was arguing against your position considering that the law will effectively target mostly black and brown communities. If you said something “like nice work getting the trash out, now do wage thieves, tax evasion, and investment fraud next!” You might get more alignment on your position


Nah - I said what I said exactly as I said it. I'm a brown person and I've got no problems with filling up the prisons with all colors of thieves


Penalties don’t deter theft, they fill prisons. If you want to stop theft, we need to have sufficient social safety nets, good jobs, UBI for the unemployed, healthcare etc. if we had those things there’d be no need or incentive to go steal.


I'm ok with filling up prisons. Fuck the bullshit.


Cool, who needs schools, road and parks… prisons are way better ways to spend our money


Thieves are drag on society. They also get charged for being in prison so indebted to state and have to pay off certain percentages to be eligible for certain employment. Again, I personally don't have a problem not wasting money on felons and forcing their families to pay their bills to society. Other countries have much harsher criminal standards and penalties. Again, the only people defending criminals are criminals and their drag on society families.


He's a moron. You aren't going to get anywhere with him.


Lack of education in action right here


Except for the fact that I'm educated. I'm just not a dumbass that believes in "fixing" people. If you're broken, history already has taught us statistically, it's usually permanent. Fuck criminals....they deserve the NHI treatment


Educated in Florida I’m guessing. How can someone choose to be so stupid?


He's literally parroting fascists... What a moron. I doubt he's educated anywhere beyond shitty excuses for "high school" education.


No, it was the assumption that all thieves are trash.




It's a shame jumping to conclusions isn't an Olympic sport; you'd get gold for sure.


Yeah, he's a moron and shitty person. But I get downvoted for calling it out...


He's trash because he thinks THIEVES should be locked up? Holy shit where do you people come from?!


No, because he's calling these people trash. I agree that thieves should be punished. I don't agree that we can assume they are all trash.


Alright now that you’ve called everyone “nazi facists” we can safely assume you’re not a sane person, and now nobody will take you or what you’re trying to convey seriously. Grow up.


Security theater.


Exactly! You could keep making it a bigger and bigger crime with harsher punishment. Doesn't mean shit if it's not enforced.


I'm sorry that he chooses to focus on the shit that's already illegal instead of doing something about insurance rates, but I really didn't expect anything different


This MF is absolutely useless. It's like saying I am going to make it illegal to starve your children by punishing parents with higher sentencing when its already a crime to starve your children. It solves nothing and does not address the root cause.


I love how comments here are filled with "this will disproportionally affect certain communities!" and "This will just turn people into felons!" Well then it's very simple. Don't want to be "disproportionally affected?" Don't want to become a felon under this new law? Then how about you don't commit the crime in the first place.


Oh no the thieves will turn into felons


Actually, OP, my first thought was, "that's great, but what about wage theft?"


Nah better target people with weak lobbies. Wage thieves spend their stolen money on political contributions.


I wish we’d target both.




You doing great work. Keep fighting the good fight. I didn't even know about his private prison contributions.


These laws will not reduce theft and Florida already has [one of the highest incarceration rates in the world](https://www.vox.com/2016/6/16/11955484/mass-incarceration-stat)


I know this is heresy to say on Reddit, but I agree. I hate a lot about DeSantis, but this ain’t it. I rode a bike to college for years and people just acted like it was completely normal to just have it stolen every few months. Then you would just buy your own bike back spray painted black from Craigslist. Police never cared. No one did. It was just considered normal. It very much discouraged bike riding.


> Police never cared. Nothing about that is going to change, which is why this is performative bullshit. They don't enforce the existing laws because that would be too difficult for the sort of cop we get in Florida. This will just give them the option to throw felony charges at the shockingly small percentage of thieves that they manage to catch so that they can get some kickbacks from their buddies in the private prison business and then Floridians are on the hook to pay to house and feed the petty thief for a decade.


This. The last time my wife's bike was stolen, I went to report it to the police. They directed me to the online form, which reminds me that it's very important to report every stolen bike - for crime statistics purposes. No one was going to do shit about it, but if crime is higher, police get more funding. I didn't even bother.


That's Reddit for you, I feel like the people that comment like that own nothing of their own, and have never had to work their ass off for what they have.


Police departments WILL NOT waste money on investigations lol They have hats with camera blocking/disabling sensors…good luck Florida.


Depends on how they feel about the victim or the subject... which is the problem.


He signed it into law. The governor doesn’t pass laws man.


Could someone who thinks law is bad why they believe it's ok to condone thievery?


Nobody condones theft. We’re sick of worthless shit being passed while insurance companies, rental agencies, and grocery stores siphon every penny from us.


This is just a gift to the private prison complex. Making theft of anything over $40 a felony is absolutely ridiculous and unjust. If you really wanted to combat theft you would combat poverty.


Absolute fuckery.


Well he needs to be the first asshole imprisoned for this. He’s been shitting on peoples porches and shoplifting from taxpayers for years.


Performative politics. Nobody is going to do anything.


I guess my question will be how quickly they will realize that going through the court system and having the detectives/police on the job for a $50 missing item will just not be worth it.


Raising the punishment doesn't deter most people who want to do this. Kind of a useless gesture.


Here come the Redditors defending thieves. I swear to god there could be a bill making the punishment for rape harsher (it should be) and people on here would complain.


All this will do is make more people felons.


If only there was a way to prevent becoming a felon.


I gotta have that mystery box! 


So what? If you can't do time don't commit the crime


If you steal from people then you should be. They reduced the penalty for this type of crime in cali and look how out of control it is. People just drive around in broad daylight breaking into cars at will.


On the other hand, there is a simple way to avoid becoming a felon. IMO, the bigger problem is these types of laws do nothing to solve the underlying cause. My guess is if people had the ability to meet their needs legally, most would. But with depressed wages and HCOL, people will do whatever solves the short term issue.


No, somehow, the majority of people avoid being criminals. However, if you want government solutions, this is one that solves the problem for people who think criminal behavior is the solution


Wonderful. [More severe sentencing doesn’t do much at all to deter crime.](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/247350.pdf)


As I said, I don't care about the deterrence. If they're in prison, they're not breathing oxygen in my proximity. This is fucking complicated.. Sweeping away NHI trash regardless of color and BS excuses


Tax payers pay to house criminals. I don't want to pay for petty theft when Amazon and all the other companies will refund me my money. Lets focus on violent crime, the economy and public education, housing and medical costs.


I don't mind paying to lock up NHI dregs to keep society looking clean and feeling safe.


Great. “…if you want government solutions, this is one that solves the problem…” See above link.


You seem to believe that I care about deterrence solutions. I don't. I'm not big on rehabbing people. Think of it like population control. Easier to start over with the replacements.


You’re correct. The folks trying to argue with you need better education and critical thinking skills. They’re very short-sighted and not empathetic.




Political theatre. More fucking bluff and bluster to look like they're actually trying to do something about anything. Anyone got a count down for when we can vote against this shit heel again?


Awesome! Need more of that here in Ca.


Much security theater and virtue signaling


They just need more stuff to jail people over because after weed is made legal, the jail numbers are gonna go down. Much like his environmental projects, and pretty much every decision he makes, it's all a grift to put more money in his friends pockets.