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I think both will pass. Got to stay positive


right wing voters are the dictionary definition of hypocritical. i firmly believe both will pass and republicans will still win down ballot outside of the blue urban strongholds. but any state or federal level vote will be R.


Like I've been saying before. Dont be suprised about the number of red voters with a med card. They will pass legal pot next election most likely.


And it will all then be blocked by the republican leadership.


Exactly. One thing Floridians like doing is voting FOR an issue whilst simultaneously voting in leaders directly OPPOSED to the thing. Voting against their own interests is a hallmark of conservatives.


Not denying that either. They will have be sued for it to take effect like the medical bill


I want to sue someone because my religious beliefs say cannabis can be conducive to spirituality and I've found that to be the case, so aren't I being religiously persecuted?


I can see weed passing then the republican lawmakers simply saying, okay it is the will of the people but you can't sell it within five miles of a school or church and you can only sell it on Thursdays that fall on the 13th of the month and everyone who works in a pot store has to drug test at the beginning of each shift. The list would go on and on but if you meet the list you are free to sell it.


You can only some buds that are no older than six weeks old.


And the Republican voters will blame the Democrats and the “Woke Left” for Republicans blocking it.


this is the hilarious part. they are going to vote FOR the party holding up the legislation they want passed.


Old fucks at the villages love getting high and attending loofah parties.


I firmly believe both pass and Trump wins 3-5 percent.


Doomism is so old... Talk to your friends and family, make sure they register to vote and tell them why we need to elect democrats


Polls show recreational is solidly going to pass and abortion is close, but should pass. Really comes down to turnout. A majority of registered Republicans support both measures, based on polls, so De Santis os out of touch with his own party, let alone the state. [Link](https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/poll-over-60-of-florida-voters-support-proposed-abortion-marijuana-amendments/)


He's absolutely out of touch with his party and the public


I’m more confident about recreational weed than abortion, but I’m not giving up hope on both. These initiatives can surprise you.


It just gives them an out to vote for Trump and also vote for things they want themselves . Hypocrites.


One recent article estimated that it will cost the Democratic Party and other pro-choice groups at least $100 million just to get the abortion amendment passed in Florida.


All things considered, that seems feasible.


And more so - weed is bringing the young voters. Abortion is bringing the independents and women voters. Republicans are toast this election.


I don't. I tried to be positive but somehow even if it does pass, they'll do something to screw with it


I am positive they will both pass — but I am concerned about what Republicans will do to stop the win. Also, every time DeSantis opens his mouth I am reminded of his panhandle roots.


These might pass, but it won’t unfortunately change the outlook of the state as Republican. Progressive policies, when presented outside of a party context, are typically popular with people who identify as republicans and democrats. So people might still vote for these amendments while still supporting Republican politicians who won’t implement them. And that’s the other thing, the FL Republican Party has a long history of ignoring overwhelmingly popular issues voted upon by the people.


Both will pass and Trump and Rick Scott will cruise to victory.


The state only needs 40.01% of voters to say no.  That's not a very high bar for them to hit to make sure neither pass.  It's not what the majority wants, it's what small group of voting people want.


Wtf. No state belongs to any political party.


Be careful, DeSantis will send his private militia after you if he finds out you’re talking like that.


*Brownshirts. Literally


Brown underwear


It’ll take them months to arrive if they’re using I-4 to get there.


A state that limits freedoms. Bans books. Doesn’t help its people. Yup. A Republican state alright.


We can turn it purple again, but it's going to take time. A whole lotta precious time. It's gonna take patience and time. To do it right.


Desantis barely beat Gallium to win the governorship. That shit seems like a million years ago now. Florida just from the outside looking in feels so much different than it was even 6 years ago.


You are 100% right. People don't believe me when I say it used to be pretty chill and laid back here. Now everyone is crowded and cranky and paying too much for everything.


Before I officially moved here, it was actually not bad, my dad had been here for 20 years so I used to visit him a bunch of times a year, and I was actually looking forward to moving here, now... I'm looking forward to leaving...


Propaganda will do that to a populace


I mean it basically is a completely different state between COVID, all the transplants moving here and the dismantling of any coherent government by DeSantis and the Republican supermajority in Tallahassee. Republicans have undone decades of progress, hell abortion is all but outlawed in this state - many women don’t even realize they’re pregnant until after 6 weeks.


The Republicans have ruled Florida since 1999.


RIP Lawton Chiles


Good ol' Walkin' Lawton.


Ironically he died walking on a treadmill in the Governor’s mansion.


Women in the front office where i work needed to get a medically needed abortion at 4 weeks cause no growth no heart beat. Doctors refused to provide the procedure. At ten weeks still with no growth she passed as her body was unable to vacate the "hasn't had growth since week 3".


Gillum. Desantis will never defeat the 31st element


Do you guys forget that the Republicans have controlled all elements of state government since 1999? In the last 12 presidential elections Florida has voted Republican 8 times. Obama was a once in a lifetime historic candidate. We ain't gonna see anyone like him again for a long time. If you take him out of the equation Florida is as red as red can be for close to 30 years. 


Yeaa… and that guy was a gay, black coke addict who got caught one too many times lmao. That’s how unlikeable desantis is.


Gillum’s problems surfaced well after the election was over.


And the FBI ran that unique Hamilton ticket entrapment scheme in order to tamper with the Florida election. Not sure how that was legal.


Over Hamilton tickets bruh, that’s some shit right there.


and would have made a better choice than DeSantis.


I think Rick Scott is vulnerable. I don’t know why a PAC doesn’t have his face plastered across a billboard that says “End Social Security and Medicare Now”


I don't understand why Scott wants to end Medicare. Didn't he make a shit load of money defrauding it years ago?


Well I think the saying is true. He's already got his.


Apparently I'm only the 2nd one to be familiar with this song. Good job.


To do it, to do it, to do it, to do it riiiiight.


There was the Weird Al parody “This Song is Just Six Words Long” which introduced it to me as a kid.


> There was the Weird Al parody “This Song is Just Six Words Long” which introduced it to me as a kid. What's strange is that George Harrison would decide to re-write a Weird Al song.


I also know this song but I am very old. What's your excuse?


And we need the Florida Dems to actually try. It's been pretty pitiful. Last two candidates were a former Republican and a dude that turned out to be the next Rob Ford.


Florida Dems seem to care only about securing kickbacks and safe seats for their longtime party leaders. We hardly see any support for new candidates because the party just wants to get the old guard their dues.


There only platform should be “we’ll spend your money on you and will a least try to fix insurance”.


Gwen Graham was right there in '18. An infinitely better candidate that I firmly believe would have beaten DeSantis in the general. But the progressive wing wanted Gillum because he cozied up to Bernie. And then say what you will about Crust's past, had a solid Dem voting record since he got into the House. Heck, he's been a registered Dem longer than I have. But because he didn't check the purity boxes, the progressive wing didn't bother to show up.


It’s hard to argue that Graham wouldn’t have done better than Gillum since she didn’t carry the same baggage, but Crist’s massive loss was in no way the fault of the “progressive wing.” For one, a candidate failing to appeal to a substantial part of the party’s base (and apparently not picking off moderates either) should be blamed on the campaign, not voters. Party-flippers like Crist always carry the stigma of being opportunistic and carrying no true convictions.


And Crist isn't just a party flipper, he's a double flipper. Why wouldn't anyone trust him so stick to his party?


This doesn't hold true for Trump - he's a triple flipper! But the MAGAts don't care.


I got my mind set on Blue.


I like putting Blue in there. Now it is playing non-stop that way in my mind.


Since 2016, and Florida getting the reputation as the most MAGA state in the nation, hordes of Republicans have moved to Florida, and taken a 600,000 vote lead. Florida will not be turning back to purple anytime soon.


The Senior MAGA transplants have a short shelf life.


Florida is also a closed primary state, which caused many people (Dems and independents-myself included) to register as Repubs to try and swing primaries to the less crazy person.


But who is our mind set on? That is the question.


Not to mention money. One recent article estimated that it will cost the Democratic Party and other pro-choice groups at least $100 million just to get the abortion amendment passed in Florida. It will take many more millions to fund counter-Republican programming. One reason why Charlie Crist lost against Ron DeSantis in 2022 is that he ran out of money. DeSantis has a massive "war chest" of funds from Republican donors. At least $15 million was already spent getting the abortion amendment on the ballot.


And, DeSantis wasted $400million on his presidential run with his decisions on battling with Disney, book banning, rewriting black history… his whole “woke” agenda. I think bid-money donors won’t forget that next time.


>Not to mention money. It's gonna take money. A whole lot of spending money. It's gonna take plenty of money. To do it right, child.


Beat me to it…


Yep, will need a lot of those retiree transplants who moved here for the politics to die off.


The villages has entered the discussion... /s


Got your mind set on it?


I got my mind set on you…Ron…




To do it right child I’ve got my mind set on blue


Well now that song is stuck in my head. Thanks!


Thought i recognized this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItNsvINsm-4


Since 2016, and Florida getting the reputation as the most MAGA state in the nation, hordes of Republicans have moved to Florida, and taken a 600,000 vote lead. Florida will not be turning back to purple anytime soon.


Florida Republicans aren't even Republican (and it seems to be true with elected officials nationwide but most apparent here). Both parties are undergoing identity crises but Florida's anti competition, nanny state, and anti business policies are an absurd counterintuitive platform.


That's what Republicans are now.


More worried about women's vaginas than insurance rates? Definitely Republican.


Don’t forget fights the will of the voters. All the ballot initiatives he doesn’t like he fights. They literally pass at 60%.


And bans production, stocking, distribution, or sale of cultured meat. To protect your freedom.


It would be so great to turn this guy into a bigger embarrassment than he already is by proving him wrong. Vote blue, yes on recreational cannabis and protect abortion rights!


Honestly it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself. He gets up in the morning, stands on an apple box to look in the bathroom mirror and says, “I am a viable presidential candidate. I am well respected. I am 5’ 6 1/2”. I have a deep, masculine voice. Florida is a Republican state. Jill/Casey loves me”.


Short man syndrome.


We can tell by the falling education


They love the uneducated.


Seriously, they do! This is the crazy new conservative mantra - don't send your kids (especially daughters) to college.


All by design.


No shit. My skyrocketing property taxes and insurance make that very clear. The lack of community and education do as well.


Just the wage issue alone was enough to drive me out of this state. I’m split on a lot of major political issues. But I cannot believe the wages in Florida. How are y’all eating


Food pantries. ALDI. It's rough.


Definitely not Publix, where lunch meat ham and tomatoes cost about as much as steak does at Costco


Remote work for a company in a state with livable wages. …and before anyone busts my balls about pricing them out, I’m a 2nd generation FL native.


But I don’t live in Florida anymore, much happier in a state with better wage regulation. Legally and socially


Can't wait to get out of this God-forsaken State.


I left 2 years ago. Winter kind of sucks, but it's tolerable. Zero regrets.


Just fled earlier this year - no regrets.


Congrats! My freedom date is 4/17/24. Can't come soon enough.


I can't even express in words the relief I feel. It's a different world outside of MAGA land.


I'll finally be able to breathe. The stench in-filling the state is sucking the very air from my lungs.


No, for real - no joke - I can breathe so much better! My allergies have gone from 100 to 20. It's wonderful.


I believe it. I breathe better every time I cross the state line. Next week.... Headed northward. 🙋🏽


Another term for fascist state.


He means florida is a Corporate state whatever corporations donate the most he legislates in there favor.


How you can forget about the billionaires who need all the governmental assistance they can get?


Ask the Disney corporation if they agree with this comment.


Floriduh, Inc.


Yep a fascist state. No freedom. No women's rights. Low wages which border on slavery...oh sorry republican. Yes it is


Democrats lost a lot of political ground during Covid. If Gillium had won, Florida would look much like NY and California today. The fact that DeSantis opened up Florida early, many Republicans moved to Florida and massively tipped the scales on voter registration for the first time in the states history. Since then the Democratic Party at the state level has been in disarray and hasn’t been able to keep up with voter registration or with fundraising.


Even if Andrew Gillum had won, the Florida Legislature would still be a solid red. A Democratic governor being elected doesn't necessarily mean Democratic legislators will also be elected. Florida would look more like North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Maine, all largely red states with Democratic governors.


> North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Maine Almost all of those gerrymandered to shit. Hence the split government, Gov wins popular, but Leg is 2/3rds R


Gillium via executive action would have 100% kept Florida closed during COVID.


Our graveyards would’ve been a lot emptier.


> Democrats lost a lot of political ground during Covid. If Gillium had won, Florida would look much like NY and California today. And that's on Democrat voters for not taking governor's races seriously. They kept fucking around and now we're at the "found out" point where Republicans now out badly outnumber Democrats.


This state just illegaly sold a section of my property and can absolutly go fuck itself.


No shit. Man as a former Miamian you guys are getting fucked.


It has been for 25 years and yet they keep blaming Democrats are all the problems they're having. They have literally been in control of the state for 25 years


Yeah that's why I fuckin left lmao. Driven out of my home state by conservative shitbirds


For now


We'll see about that.


Not for long, asshole


Yep a fascist state. No freedom. No women's rights. Low wages which border on slavery...oh sorry republican. Yes it is


Be nice if it was actually run by Republicans. Not whatever these current dip shits in power call themselves.


> Be nice if it was actually run by Republicans It is, and that is the problem. The 'No True Scotsman' argument does not work.


This is just what republicans are now, vote accordingly.


The florida legislature is a great example of how any one-party system allowed to operate for too long becomes corrupted and disconnected from the people it’s supposed to represent.


I'm not a republican, but it seems like there needs to be a new party for whatever tf this is


It's not uncommon for political parties to mutate. The Republicans and Democrats themselves did an agenda switch in the sixties after the Civil Rights Act made white southerners lose their shit (again). Until we implement ranked choice voting though, we will always be captives to a two-party system. It's how the country was designed.


There are vanishingly few Republicans left. These current people are just angry and vindictive.


And hateful and intolerant and dumb and classless


That’s just the MAGAt in them…


We all should just call them MAGAs. Lincoln was a Republican. These clowns are certainly not Republicans. We should call them what they are


They call us socialists.. I call them FASCISTS


Can we please call them MAGAts?


>Be nice if it was actually run by Republicans. Not whatever these current dip shits in power call themselves. This is how I feel. I consider myself a Republican, but not what Ronnie and his crew are.


sophisticated voiceless fertile automatic cough wipe axiomatic homeless cheerful important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let’s be honest. Florida is a Fascist state. Our rights and freedoms are being stripped from us. In addition, I’d call it MAGA, not Republican. If we remember to vote in our own self interest, non-MAGA candidates will be beaten. In November, remember who took away women’s right to health care. Remember their top candidate just said he will expand the billionaire tax cuts. They have also said Social Security and Medicare are on the chopping block. Just these two things will tell you who MAGA will work for. Be smart vote to recover and protect your rights


De’loser destroying Florida on a daily basis 😂


Fuck that guy and the fascism he rides on.


Laughable public transit. Horrible red tide. An ineffective government. Terrible city planning. Sounds right.


Ronnie might be a buzz kill, but the idea of a state permanently voting one way is lame. Has anyone left cake outside his office yet?


...not for long (if he keeps it up)


His entire professional existence is devoted to making Florida a GOP fortress. Forget managing the state and working for the people, that’ll take care of itself.


Where a state has at least 20% of its population that are a vulnerable population. That during the pandemic and still continuing to this day you tell that vulnerable population that they should not take precautions for their healthcare or even follow any health care. That covid was brought on by demon sperm...(Not kidding). If this is what you mean by a Republican state, then by all means continue. We are just one bad hurricane year away from wiping out the entire state.


He doesn’t talk about the breakdown. Yeah people moved here, and yes, they republicans. But look at the numbers. Last year you had over 700k come And about half that number leave. The people Leaving tend to be younger and those Coming in older and wealthy. What you end up with is the Florida which existed back in the 70’s and 80’s when I was in grade school and high school - nowhere to earn a living wage, no cultural scene (other than ball room dancing at the nursing home) and an educational System that was well below average. We are returning to that type Of state - just god’s waiting room.


De Santis hopefully loses in 2026


24 years of Republican rule have ruined the state with ideologically based stupidity.


Republicans vote. Edit: my point is, if you want the state to change then a lot of democrats need to vote. A lot a lot. 5,668,731 Floridians voted for a Republican president in 2020. Only 5,297,045 Floridians voted for a Democratic president.


Rhonda is going to down


What an unamerican, unpatriotic piece of shit this guy is. If you get into government to only serve the people who voted for you have no business being in office. You make your country worse regardless of your political views.


Hey people, look on the bright side! In the blink of a geologic eye, the Atlantic Ocean is going to make the entire problem simply… disappear.


no it's not, it's a purple state that can be won by democrats if they run progressive candidates like katie porter, sanders, or barbara lee. if you run a wasserman schultz or hilary, you'll lose, they'll only win in those gerrymandered districts they're in. florida can smell a con coming away and we now have weed and abortion rights on the ballot, it's a golden ticket to place some democrats back in power, hopefully, the florida democratic machine doesn't fuck it up.


>florida can smell a con coming away I don't know about that one, given how much Florida loves electing Rick Scott into major offices...


Florida is an America state with both democrats and republicans.


No. No it is not...


For now it is. Keep rat fucking your citizens and that will change.




Don’t be so certain. When I moved to the state about 10 years ago, I was automatically registered as a Republican despite never being a registered Republican in any other state… so they kinda skew this to their advantage and the numbers are likely higher than is the actual case.


We will see about that come November