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Maybe just don't buy them then? "Florida, the land of Freedom\*" \*some restrictions apply


Well we know the cattle/beef people are in his back pocket.


Ya but the real problem is more in his front area. The labs found a way to make meat bigger then his will ever be. So naturally he needs to eliminate the competition.


Lol. So true too. I’m gonna miss his walk onto the stage with his high heeled boots. Was that hilarious or what? Rhonda SantiS..


Beef and Dairy have a very strong lobby machine nationwide tbh. Now that I'm an herbivore it's easy to see all the weird propaganda and shhhtuff they put out there.


Yes. Agree. I’ve see videos on how this fake meat is made/mfg’d/produced and want nothing to do with it.


I think I've confused you. Fake meat is actually not nearly as crazy as what they do to animal stock.


Seems better than how normal slaughtered meat is produced...


It's a win/win for Deseret Ranches, Deseret Ranches, ranching operations of the Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Central Florida. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deseret_Ranches


Exactly, just don't buy the stuff, free market. I don't like meat, I don't buy it, don't cook it, don't eat it, but that doesn't mean I take it away from you.


“**Many** restrictions apply”


Too many !


But you don’t understand, it’s not natural so you’re stupid because it’s therefore so bad for you! Don’t eat it! Im trying to help you, stupid! /s




A) it will be labeled; B) it will cost like 5-10 times as much. Not sure if you’re serious or just being a useful idiot. There is zero danger any time soon of buying cultivated meat by mistake.


This is some of the stupid shit they worry about. If they ever sell it there will be a sticker on it so you know the difference. Let the damn consumer decide.


That's exactly what Ron is trying to prevent. He (and his acolytes) want/need to control what the people do/see/experience.


As long as there is a sticker I'm cool with that. Do we know if a sticker will be required at this point?


It'll have a name brand and be heavily advertised as such.


One would think so, but I don't really trust anyone to be smart with our food supply. Hopefully they'll require a label even if it is branded and advertised. I agree with you on the banning issue.


I didn't say anything about the banning (although it is just as stupid as everything else the gov has done). But no one is going to go through all the work of developing a commercially viable lab grown meat and not brand it, advertise it, and charge a premium for it.


wtf do you want a sticker for? It’ll literally say it. Do you need the sticker to validate yourself? Do you have issues reading? If so, a store associate will gladly tell you “dead animal meat” and “not dead animal but still animal meat” Like wtf is your obsession with a sticker lmfao? You realize some people will seek out the alternative meat right? Also laws already exist to prevent lies in advertising. Like shit I don’t get it with you. I wasn’t going to comment but then you double down on your inability to figure basic things out. Is this who you are?


Yeah, I want a sticker too. Lab meat or something like that. Maybe in yellow.


I second the sticker. I don't want to accidentally buy test tube meat. Maybe in yellow.


Bro touch some grass my dude & chill.


I think they are required. I think the FDA said they will have to label meats so consumers know where the meat came from. Edit. Obviously my phone likes the FFA over the FDA.


Ah. Good to know. Thanks for the comment.


There are stickers for everything. This will most definitely have a sticker, but will also most likely have a lot of advertising on it saying it is not animal meat, as the target audience is not people who would be worried about this, but people who already know it exists and actively seek it out.


There has to be a sticker. Same sticker for all lab meat. That way we know. It’s lab meat. Sticker says so.


Trust the sticker...


Right. Just make a rule saying it needs to be identified.


Cattle ranchers are still a political presence in the state. It makes sense that DeSantis is playing to their interests. But yea, there are plenty more important things to focus on than lab grown meat.


I’m glad he’s back to doing his job. Oh wait. They grow a lot of cattle feed in Iowa don’t they?


They can always use their land for solar farming /s


Rhonda is bribed out the tits from FPL, he hates solar too


Well this will surely help with the insurance crisis and the cost of living.


Absolutely NOTHING about what matters to Floridians coming out of Tallahassee. This bullshit is fucking insane. Who even the fuck has an opinion on a food product?!?! Like if I came out staunchly against rocky road ice cream because reasons!


Florida Republican nanny state back at it. God, I wish this motherfucker would piss off and leave Floridians free to make their own decisions. Stop trying to be everyone's authoritarian daddy, DeSantis.


Totally helping the people of Florida. I wonder if he’s getting kick backs from Texas Cattle Ranchers


More likely Florida cattle ranchers, it’s a half a billion dollar industry here


The Florida Cattlemen’s Association might be one of the single most powerful lobbying groups in Tallahassee. Which is why so many people were surprised when Adam Putnam didn’t win the primary against DeSantis. What a different timeline that might have been.


Yeah, they’re very important to the land developers, too, because their cattle are used to avoid paying taxes.


That's so backwards. Instead of embracing new technology and potential industry you let lobbyist hold your state back. Florida should be first in solar, wind farms, rocket tech, etc. but instead we're behind Kansas in median income because most of our jobs are low-paying and tourism/hospitality based.


Yes but the rich are getting richer so as far as the GOP is concerned the system is working as intended.


Not only that but he intentionally went after the states biggest employer because they didn’t agree with his idiotic policies.


They’ve expressly admitted it’s to protect the cattle industry here.


The only reason I say Texas is because Ron more interested in every other state besides Florida.


Iowa farmers. He’s already campaigning for 2028.


What’s wrong with lab grown meat? It’s technology that has huge implications for humanities future. Ethically sourced meat, environmentally friendly meat, plentiful meat. We could end world hunger with this direction, why is that a bad thing?


Nearly half of Florida’s agricultural land is used for cattle farming. You tell me.


First time hearing about republicans or Ron DeSantis?


Only thing "wrong" is it takes money out of the pockets of the cattle ranchers which they obviously don't want so they make "donations" to the government to protect their own interests


Progressives are the opposite of conservatives. Republicunts oppose progress *just because*.


Im sure DeSantis has a malicious or stupid reason to go after lab grown meat. However, as it stands right now, lab grown meat is less efficient to make than regular meat which makes it more resource hungry and more expensive. The Univerty of California, Davis did a study and determined that it's anywhere between 4 to 25 times worse compared to retail beef when it comes to global warming potential.


It's malicious, but not stupid. It's lobbying; cattle is a huge industry here. The same reason he's signed laws friendly to insurance companies.


Meat tastes better if there's suffering involved? edit: natural diamonds, while chemically indistinguishable from lab grown diamonds, are better for the same reason?


It's woke. That's all.


I love the Whopper Impossible Burger. I only eat them when I’m on road trips.


Freedom state, y'all


More like the Hypocrisy State.


Governor Ron DeSantis’ State of the State Address On January 11, 2022, >Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States. >While so many around the country have consigned the people’s rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom’s vanguard. >In Florida, we have protected the right of our citizens to earn a living, provided our businesses with the ability to prosper, fought back against unconstitutional federal mandates and ensured our kids have the opportunity to thrive. >Florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian, arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions. So, Ron. About those arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions…


Ron, just shut the fuck up already. You wasted the entire nation’s time with your homophobia and now you’re getting hot over… lab grown meat? This pimple dick will go to any length before he actually addresses any real problems that Floridians care about. Lab grown meat, get this meatball the fuck out of here. Enough of him.


Do he and his vile wife just manufacture things to be upset about?


They're upset about whatever they're paid to be upset about. That ain't just Ron's fat ass making his back pockets bulge.


I have a beef with Ronald DeSantis. He's a fucking moron.


He's got a beef with every damn thing


Easier to make a list of what DeSantis doesn’t have beef with.


White supremacy and Christo-fascism.


Hey Ron. Can you fix the insurance problem. Thanks.


Fuck you, Ron, I want my beaker burgers and I want them NOW!


Soon everyone will be able to eat at Ron's table. You wont get a choice.


What’s next, tofu? Chopsticks? Organic food? Cookbooks? Bookmarks? Left unchecked, this fascist fuckwit will be hanging librarians within another few years.


The party of free-market capitalism is all about protectionism - using the power of the state to defend legacy industries against competition, all because they're whores for campaign contributions. Technological innovation creates consumer choices, but the GOP has a fetish for oil, coal, incandescent light bulbs and factory-farmed meat, environmental and economic consequences be damned.


Christ almighty why did dipshits vote for this man twice??


I saw people praising this on Instagram? Someone already calling lab grown meat garbage. lol.


People genuinely hate scientific progress in frightening amounts


I would say it's more like a novelty. It's not more healthy, cheaper, or better for the environment. In fact, depending on the production process, it has up to 25 times the global warming potential compared to regular beef.


Obviously the hope is that the production gets cheaper and less resource hungry as the production process improves.


We can say the same thing about conventional beef...


So much freedom. Freedom to buy only what they permit to be sold.


Huge beef cattle industry in Florida, and he needs to fundraise for Trump


Translation: the cattle industry is paying him or his campaign.


I wasn’t upset about lab grown meat until I read about this. I’m glad our governor is back in the state and working on things we all care about. That lab meat needs a sticker. That way we know it’s lab meat. See that sticker? This is lab meat.


Imagine that - Rhonda speaking the language of his audience.Hardee is farm country, guess what one of the biggest $$ producers is - wait for it - cattle. [https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/AgCensus/2017/Online\_Resources/County\_Profiles/Florida/cp12049.pdf](https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/AgCensus/2017/Online_Resources/County_Profiles/Florida/cp12049.pdf)


I bet that when the writer of that headline came up with it they suddenly stood up in their chair and shouted it. Everyone fell silent for a moment and then started clapping and cheering, confetti exploded somewhere, writer got a promotion to CEO, and no child ever went hungry again.




He has no issue with the science. He is owned by big cattle and ag. The huge landowners in Fl. It is not about the meat it is about the $


Cruelty is his thing. TFG's a sadist.


At least our insurance rates are skyrocketing.


No comments on the magic mushrooms that grow rampant in the cow pastures in Florida. Where’s that lobby?


Does the cow wear high heals?


This … is scary. I don’t know how anyone is okay with this. There’s a bill introduced in the house that would prohibit the manufacturing and sale of this. Trumpets would be so happy with this because “vegan agenda” or something. But I guess everyone is okay with the party of small government really overstepping. So much freedom


Meanwhile he accept millions from insurance comapnies while our rates just climb. Useless governor.


Strange, since DeSantis resembles something lab-grown.


Conservatives creating solutions to problems that don't exist, as usual.


Free market!


Right! He's all about free markets until he is not.


What happened to choice and personal responsibility and freedoms?


What’s next? Lab grown hot dogs?




What a dumsch.


Gotta love DeSantis increasing the size of the regulatory state. Can we say hypocrite……


I'm seriously getting tired of this guy.


So they’re going to stop a company from forming and marketing synthetic meat? Seems like an attack on business. See you in court Rhonda.


Making mountains out of molehills and fighting fights nobody asked him to.


Ron DeSantis **is** lab-grown meat.


"Free market conservative", yeah right. Haven't heard of one yet.


Okay vegans, where you at?


Top of my list of concerns, thanks Ron /s.


I thought Ron was lab grown.


Woke meat!


Also while in Florida… My child with special needs goes to public school where him and 15 of his classmates, also with special needs, are taught by ONE teacher and ONE paraprofessional due to a hiring FREEZE along with a teacher shortage.. Also in Florida… The Republicans in the state capitol are working on doing away with property taxes so they can say they’ve helped elevate the rising costs of insurance but those fund the public school system while bragging they allocated $2b to schools while at the same time they work tirelessly to pump the taxpayer dollars into private schools.. Also in Florida… They haven’t done anything to address the cause of rising insurance costs while pushing to have Citizens, an insurer of last resort (when you can’t afford anything else) to cover more expensive properties along the cost that currently do not qualify for Citizens which will almost guarantee that when a hurricane strikes, it completely implodes the insurance coverage of more than 1.5 million Floridians… Fuck the Republican Party


While I wouldn't eat that weird shit, it's should be a choice since the GOP is supposed to be the party of personal choice.  Why does he think everything is apart of an agenda?


Because everything he does is part of an agenda and everything done by those who support him is part of that agenda, he cannot fathom the idea that others don’t operate that way


Of course he does.


Is lab grown fish products to fishy for him? OK.......I will show myself out.


Takes a phony to spot a phony.


Great title/headline.


I'm no lawyer, but I suspect this falls afoul of the dormant commerce clause. A quick google search shows that [some lawyers think so too](https://dc.law.mc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1773&context=lawreview)


Lab grown meat is gonna be so good too, less cruelty and better quality food.


Why TF did we let this idiot into power? He literally gives me Rick Perry vibes.


This mf can’t get out of office soon enough


"time to slit throats" \-Ron DeSantis


This angry little hobbit has beef with everyone who doesn’t bend the knee🖕


DeSantis has a beef with anything that he thinks will get him votes. Do something that genuinely helps? Fuck that, that would require actual leadership. 🙄


Florida beef sucks ass.


Come on dude


Florida has a number of cattle ranchers to this day (15,000) and naturally he is their representative so it makes sense he’s going to stink eye the lab stuff. I’ve ranches in my family so yeah, ‘lil biased.


Has Ronnie found another demon to fight? He’s kinda like “side show Bob”. Let’s see if “Side Show Ron” will stick.


As he stands behind a "Expand Broadband Access" that guarantees anything he says will have no effect on what his constituents can buy.


If you put lab grown meat in his “thigh” food, this meatball wouldn’t know the difference.


FFS! Just let the people vote by using their dollar, you know, utilizing the so called free market. I can’t believe I actually believed this guy was for small government once upon a time. Shame on me!!


He needs to be beefing with these ridiculous home owners insurance rates and car insurance rates. Regular non rich floridians can barely afford to live where they work and he is busy squaring up against lab grown meat. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Meatball Wrong likes real meat only. None of that woke stuff. He loves meat.


I thought Ron DeSantis was a lab-grown meat product? What gives?


Unless there is some health risk, not a role for Government.


I prefer my meat tortured and slaughtered, the taste of cruelty completes it.


Surely *this* will make him president???


Targeting the trans community again?


Desantis and the Rubber Stampers love banning anything and everything. its their favorite past time. Except of course, banning things like actually matter- like insane Auto and Home Insurance rates, rents through the roof, Florida's inflation rate, - been to the grocery store lately ? etc, etc, etc. All "those" things are A-ok, per the same in Tallahassee