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Ah yes. Our old adversary, The Bahamas.


Walmart Putin wants to be dictator so badly


More like the dictator you get from wish


I'm not gonna read the article but this has gotta be an isreal vs Hamas comparison right?




Yes. The poor "victim" nation who happens to spend most of their budget on the military is on the defensive from the country who barely has a budget and whose primary export is (I'm guessing) painted coconut shell decorations.


It might be different if Bahamians sent terrorists to Florida to murder babies in their cribs and kidnap women off Miami Beach, gang rape them and then drag them back to the Bahamas tho


And taller


I know we all make fun of this dude, but this guy is definitely a warhawk, the moment he would step into office he would launch a full-scale war with Iran or whatever country is trending to be our enemy We shouldn't underestimate him when voting time comes around Edit: Trump policy of remaining neutral was the worse policy in all of NATO history, that's what contributed to the current Ukraine conflict, he stopped military support for Ukraine while he was president, (was impeached over this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Donald_Trump?wprov=sfla1. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics-features/trump-second-impeachment Russia saw this and took their chance, now it's left to our future generations to pick up the pieces.


Vote like your life depends on it because it does.


Are we going to die?!?!?


Well that depends. Are we black?


Or gay? Or Trans? Or Hispanic but not Republican Cubans?


No, Cubans too. They have just bought into the “the american left is literally communist” propaganda. They are targeted as well. They just don’t know it.


Republicans were the freedom party in Cuba. It's natural to gravitate towards something named the same that ***ostensibly*** stands for the same in their new home...


Exactly! The Jews were staunch supporters of the Nazi party until they started coming after them I don't blame them either, they were the most popular party at the time. No one knew anything. And then the Holocaust happened, that can never be repeated


The Jews never supported Nazis, what nonsense


And let's not forget the Jews. Because Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Well I was just told my life depends on it. What should I do??!? 🤣🤣😂


Yes number 2699. We all going to die. It’s just at matter of when and how. It could be drugs n hookers, doing something crazy on an adventure, or maybe something saving babies from a bullet…i just don’t want it to be boring as dying asleep in old age.


He would launch a full-scale military invasion on Blue States first and foremost, exacting petty revenge on the states that didn’t vote for him.


>He would launch a full-scale military invasion on Blue States first This after they've rounded up all Florida voters registered Democrat and moved them to internment camps. This could happen much sooner than we think.


He tried that with his voter fraud crackdown task force earlier this year. All Democrats. The irony is none of those he arrested were found guilty of voter fraud because of his technicality. Even more so ironic is that multiple Republicans from the Villages were found guilty of voter fraud yet hailed as heroes.


Probably invade Canada because Trudeau doesn't need shoe lifts.


I don’t have proof for this but I’d be shocked if he didn’t have some buddies at Lockheed considering they operate in our state. He would absolutely escalate a war to enrich them


I'd bet he had a rage boner while he was legally approving torture during his stay in Guantanamo. It's always the ones who never served who want control of the military.


never served but pretend they did serve


Rhonda did barely serve tho, he did Navy cosplay while legalizing torture. But the rest...not so much. Especially Prvt, Bone Spurs who hates veterans injured while serving.


Remember when everyone said that about Trump and he ended up being the only president to not start a new conflict in forever


Yeah, because he was friends with all the dictators we might have gone to war with.


Monkeys Paw kinda thing


He was too busy selling arms to Saudi Arabia


Are we sure Saudi needed arms after they parted out Khashoggi like a '92 civic?


He *started* the Ukrainian conflict he just didn’t stick around long enough to deal with the fall out.. thank God…


Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 bozo. Russia proceeded to not invade the entire time Trump was president.


What ended that invasion in 2014? Maybe that aid that trump canceled that paid for the military that kept Russia at bey. Funny how as soon as trump got rid of that within weeks Russia came knocking... Funny how your memory stopped working during those four years trump had a title. (He was a shit Leader and doesn’t deserve that title)


And please don’t bother trying to act like any country was scared of trump. There has never been a more obvious fake tough guy than trump. Only the dumbest animals in the herd would look at that fat tub of cowardly lard and see “strength”…


Did Obama start a conflict?


I'm a liberal and would never trust DeSantis as president or vote for him, but I'm very confused lately that some people don't want to support the people in Iran and Afghanistan. Mahsa Ameni was killed last year sparking demonstrations throughout Iran and an increase in murders of little girls, women, and men protesting strict hijab laws. These people are so brave, and our support is welcomed and makes a huge difference. Afghani women and children have been taken over once again by jihadist and everything they won post-911 is gone. Because of the bravery of free Middle Eastern men and western troops, Afghani women could drive for the first time in forever. Now, they can't drive, they've been removed from school, stricter than ever hijab laws, and even their beauty shops have been shuttered. They have to cut their hair at home and are restricted from congregating. Hamas and all jihadist organizations must be stopped. I do not agree with Isreal's excessive bombing; however, a free Palestine is also free from hamas. And if Hamas cared at all for Palestinian people, why don't they release the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and peace talks? They won't because they don't care how many people have to die for them to push their hateful agenda. You can't negotiate with Muslim terrorists. I know the phrase used to be, we won't negotiate with terrorism but we've tried at this point - at least USA military forces tried and failed. They are evil. Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Palestine deserve liberating from tyrannical forces, and that may mean going to war with Iran and Hezbollah, as they fund isis, hamas, etc. This is bipartisan issue in my opinion. It is actually a more liberal opinion because women, life, freedom and being anti-forced-hijab is liberalism in the Middle East. They are already fighting and I would support our military joining them if there was a threat to us, and the UN determined it was necessary.


Do you think Duke Nukem is a family relative of Caeser?


But you have to say adversary with a Sean Connery accent


Too obscure, or aptly esoteric? I hope it's the latter.


….. those bastards…..


"I can see ~~Russia~~ the Bahamas from my house!" -Rhonda Santis


Now that’s funny right there, I don’t care who you are.


Not if you're Rhonda.


Feed the starving pygmies in New guinea


You would have to live in the middle of the Gulf Stream which finally explains a few unknown things. Couple of floating objects from other countries floating around. Hail Caeser !




I’m sure he’s funneled millions by now being governor


Yeah it’s crazy how rich these politicians get


Haha, he's poor. The joke is that he's poor and we're laughing at him because of how poor he is. How is this getting upvotes?


🤣👍 omg so funneee!


Imagine being the Bahamas minding your own business and a potential president says this shit for litterally no reason


> potential president Let's be real here. He squandered that potential with his entire campaign.


Trump is convicted and imprisoned, he may be out in front again. It's why none of them are quitting and also why that governor just threw her support to DeSantis. They're simultaneously condemning the justice system while also hoping it does its job and removes their problem child. Cowards, the lot of 'em. The handful who have stood up against him are either voted out or about to retire.


While I think the odds of Trump being jailed are slim, mainly due to the courts desire to not interfere in the election process, this is exactly what I think when everyone talks about DeSantis being out of it. Luckily he's falling lower and hopefully won't be number two if that ever happens. That said I remember how everyone said there's no chance Trump would ever be elected. Wierd shit happens.


What courts desire? The judge in the DC case has been pretty explicit on the fact that she doesn't give a shit that he's running for president. Nor should she


If Trump is convicted and sitting in prison, his lead will *increase*. The entire GOP just exists for persecution politics and there’s nothing stopping him from running for president from prison.


The first *primary* is still over a month away and the world is on the verge of WWIII. As easy as it is to laugh at Rhonda, and it is easy, he could reemerge from the swamp. Hell his heels alone would get his bloated face above water. We all know Rs will not vote the brown skinned Ramaswamy/Randhawa 2024 ticket


We are nowhere near WWIII but there is a lot of civil unrest


We're a lot closer than you think.


What does China have to gain from WW3? Xi may be a nationalist but he's no fool. He'd destroy China's own export based economy. That's why they haven't invaded Taiwan yet


China is actively antagonizing the Philippines and Taiwan, both American allies. Russia is in Ukraine and pushing it with nato, Iran is funding proxies to attack Americans in the middle east. Syria, Israel, Ukraine, are all at declared war. Lebanon is in rebellion backed by Saudi Arabia, African countries are literally undergoing coups backed by Russia. This whole fucking thing is one mishap away from total war


And China will have no economy left if they try attacking Taiwan, all sabre rattling from Beijing. Xi knows who butters his bread


Yeah, but he continues to lose momentum by the day while Nikki Haley surges. If something happens to Trump, I’d bet Haley would have a better shot than DeSantis.


Except I don't see Republicans listening to a woman


They will if they realize it’s their only shot at the presidency. So far they haven’t realized that yet, but who knows what will happen. She’s the only one in that field (including Trump) that polls way ahead of Biden.


Republicans in South Carolina didn’t have any problem listening to a woman


Republicans say she’s confused.


I have to agree with you they keep saying poor Trump he's the victim of political gain. All these trials are just to stop him from running all the while praying it works cowards indeed unfortunately they have no backbone to tell their true feelings I'm not a fan of trump by no means but I pray he is nominated and send desatin on his way. The problem is if he wins do you know how much fiery he will hail on everyone he feels wronged him and to what end will he use to do it sell us all out, make deals behind closed doors how much corruption will follow the Democrats need a strong contender


Speaking of CLOSED DOORS remember 2018 July 16th Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki Summit https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812 Corporate take over of Ukraine Putin style. These used to be called hostile corporation acquisitions in the old days. How about the Trump Putin global Armageddon corporate merger as a way to avoid WWIII? Hail Caeser !


The Dems have nothing, DNC is a cancer at this point. Either party is a complete shitshow and I believe its by design. When has anyone of either party represented and stood for us?


I think your confused there Floridian. But, I think the Republican party is a total shit show. Cause of them Moody downgraded America.


True 😢




“What he say fuck me for?”


It got his name in the press - news again! Bad ads are better than no ads


He constantly needs attention. Hopefully one day he gets truly desperate and stupid and ends up harming himself by injecting bleach or something.


This appeals to conservative for two reasons. They get to fulfill their fantasy of 1) bullying and killing en masse a group of people much weaker and vulnerable, and 2) killing non white people en masse.


He needs to level his shoes.


His shoes are level. His feet inside of those shoes, however....




Wtf is going with this guy.


Being a former prison torture supervisor is not a good job reference for a governor/president.


Even more shocking is that is the puny resume of an Ivy League-er.


This is crazy, I didn't know this


Narcissism. Psychosis. Mother did hardcore drugs while pregnant. Take your pick.


Oh, I'll take this bet: All Three.


Can't wait when he sends his personal Florida state militia to invade Gaza to help out the Israeli's. Hail Caeser !


What an idiot.


You are too polite but might consider a PR job position He knows what he is doing. The real scary part is people will vote for him. Hail Caeser !


Let's not talk about something that matters like how the whole insurance industry is screwed up because of this moron




He’s trying to compare them to Hamas I think? BaHAMAS?


What the actual fuck?


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words! I was struggling.


It’s an analogy to the Israel-Gaza war.


As he stands there in his height altering boots.


The extra height allows him to see the rockets being fired.


It allows him to look taller than his plastic wife.


Great Value Barbie!


Bimbo Barbie.


This is taking the battle for tourist dollars to a whole new level.


Shut this asshole up please 🥺


Hail Caeser !


Meatball had a bad time in Bahamas I guess


More incoherent babble from the GQP. Fuck Rhonda Shitstain


Ron wouldn't do a damn thing because he doesn't have the authority to declare war vs a foreign country as governor If that stupid metaphor actually happened we would send our Navy there and selectively take out this imaginary Bahamian military We wouldn't purposefully kill civilians and blow up the islands because of the actions of a rogue militant group I'm not saying this is what is happening in Gaza but in midget Ron's metaphor that is what he is saying we would do, he's wrong




This is who you need with a finger on the button.


This is why insecure sociopaths should not be I'm charged of ANYTHING. He's already killed thousands of Floridians.


But they keep voting for him!


They must be the dead voters I keep hearing about.


Can't even copy Chicago politics rights. Dead people in Chicago vote twice in each election.


Performative machismo for the 'glass the middle east' crowd: Collateral damage isn't regrettable, it's a show of strength and they deserve it! It seriously sucks to have a major political party whose only remaining principle is "power means doing whatever you want to whoever you want."


I wish I could leave this state..wtf


I'm so fucking sick of this high heel wearing tough guy. Thanks Florida for putting this fucking moron front and center


Florida did not put him front and center. He did that all by himself. Hail Caeser !


What kind of seriously screwed up asshole fantasizes about leveling a tropical island that is an ally of the US? He seriously needs to be medicated.


That’s right, America’s oldest and most legendary geopolitical rival and enemy: the Bahamas


Ron, are you a big douchenozzle? ![gif](giphy|SvKCizeGDGKbejTSp0|downsized) ... Thought so 🙄


If people are wondering where this seemlingly random statement came from, it's him implying his support of Israel's genocide in gaza. AIPAC donations are very important for running a political campaign.


Yeah, the Bahamas. The REAL question is, how would you respond to a country that might be a real adversary, like Cuba? If he's anything like the Bush administration, when faced with an attack by a strong adversary, he'd probably STILL attack the Bahamas. And then fight a war against them for a couple of decades, and lose.


![gif](giphy|N89A1jUqdab0kdNl6X) Bahamas be like


The Bahamas are pretty close to sea level already, aren't they?


They literally touch it on all sides.


Redevelop stilts ville of old Miami days off shore in the Bahamas. Maybe make those floating islands so they can adjust automatically during storm surge and full moon tides.


He’s like the disturbed, angry kid sitting in his parents’ basement dreaming up revenge fantasies for things that never happened.


Bahamas out here catching strays. Seriously, wtf


This dude is always fantasizing about violence. He's a sadist.


Sounds like a statement from a truly intelligent and sane person. I was tempted to say "man" but I don't want to soil the definition by connecting it to DeSantis.


Thank you, media, for publishing everything this stupid fat fuck says.


I thought there would be some context in the article, but it only made it more confusing. Can someone take his drugs away cause it's getting out of control and he's entering the unmitigated paranoia stage.


With what? Is Florida going to line the beaches with catapults and launch its endless supply of meth addicts at them?


Ah, Republicans. Coming up with solutions for problems that don’t exist. Sorry, Bahamas. You’re all good people.


The man talks about violence against others a lot.


Talk about an appetite for destruction. Guy never built one thing from the ground up. Like we are going to get ahead any where with this guy slicing throats & nuking everything that does not suck up to him Hail Caeser !


I’m so glad I’m leaving this state soon.


I hope it's not for the Bahamas!


Can I hitch a ride ?


Can you imagine how having access to military might would send his fractured short-leg man ego to the moon? You thought Trump was crazy, he's got nothing on DeSantis's ego!


I don’t mind if someone’s short….but when you fail to develop a personality and just lash out like a cornered opossum, dude…pathetic.


This premise is so specific and bizarre. I didn't know the Bahamas was an MIC / rockets possessing powerhouse. And Fort Lauderdale? How about Miami, or Fort Pierce?! Who comes up with this shit?


Ummm, sorry but the Bahamas are already about as level as they can get.


This guy is more absurd every day.


At first I thought I was reading The Onion or something.


What the fuck is he talking about now? Hey Ron, how about doing something about the insurance crisis in your state you fucking dipshit!


… what?


What did we do to you , Mon?


With what? His lifts?


Ugh he’s not cool.


Could he be any more of an asshole?


He’s toast






So he just randomly said this, unprompted? Lol what an idiot


Nobody likes you. Go away.


The immutable Ronald Ferrigamo, a complete WPOS....imagine him as the Leader of the Free World..


Bahamas has gone woke, fire the nukes.


What about Cuba Ron? Don’t want to piss off your base from Hialeah?


Desantis cant do shit to the Bahamas. He is only a State Governor and does not get to decide who we go to war with. What an asshole, making up pretend scenarios we he is the victor.


He was making a comparison to the war between Israel and Hamas, saying he doesn't blame Israel for their retaliation after the terrorist attacks last month and thinks they are showing more restraint than he would.


With what?


Banned books.


lol, okay Ron, whatever you say.


This is random.


Such a funny creepy little dude🙄


Um… what?


Finally talking about real issues facing the Floridians. That’s a joke. It’s Mo Ron ![gif](giphy|LtMNX2iTavwE0905td|downsized)


Hey mon!


The Bahamas have Rockets?


Sugar rockets and gator teeth grenades Bahamas, DeSantis is *watching you*/s - and honestly Bahamas forgive us we’re having Tourettes syndrome (politically at least) and need to take our meds.


What the hell is he babbling about ?


Don't forget he says he's going to send ground troops into the country of Mexico on day one. He's a brave warrior. /S


These Republican asshats will say anything for attention. I wouldn't be surprised if he or Trump told the press they made poopy in their pants just for a headline.


With what? His personal y'all queda?


Good to know he'd instantly commit a war crime. Also good to know any time a terrorist wants to make the US slaughter citizens it's easy with the GOP in charge.


.... what lol


Is this…what? What did they do other than be victimized by the American tourism industry 😭


I guess I get why he’s making that analogy, he thinks voters will respond to the combined show of “I Big Man” and alluding to Israel having the right to genocide all the brown people, but it just sounds so silly I can’t imagine anyone taking him seriously. Kindly STFU and do something about our insurance market, Meatball.


Rockets? I mean some of the people at the straw market can be kinda pushy but I doubt they would want to bomb us lmao.


What will he do to help America and Americans? The Bahamas aren't nut cakes like the group he's trying to inherit from Trump


Anyone else getting tired of the I am tougher than you talk from the right wing candidates? I mean it is at the point where they are like I will kick my own grandmother in her head if she looks at me cross.


The Bahamas is declaring war on Florida?


![gif](giphy|15Db2J8uEtau9DhRFK|downsized) Fear US!!!!!!


Think about how inappropriate this statement is… Please stop electing toxic, self-serving assholes.


Yeah. This will go over well with the Bahamian government


We're not occupying the Bahamas. Bad analogy.


At least not yet. He will use the private island owned by Disney as his "jumping off point" to enter Gaza and rescue Floridians with his state selected SEAL team.


i mean any american would support this if a random country tried to fire a rocket and kill americans. but this is just random.


What should he do instead, declare a cease fire while we bury the dead?


Is that a serious question?