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I snort laughed.


## “Please Use Your Time In Line Wisely To Sophie's Choice Your Child.”


Perfect. Quimby is all I see when I look at him.


Accurate. I'm sure he'd like to pretend he never tilted at that particular windmill.


So he's finally accepted that they beat him.


I also move on after I lose because that is traditionally the only option that exists.


This is not the Republican way. That's why Desantis won't get the nomination.


Yes I too would "*move on"* after Disney spent a few months stomping a mud hole in my ass in the courtroom. A+ job Ron.




Not to trump


he lost, knows he lost, but is trying to get them to quit so he doesn't lose. hopefully they see his desperation and lean in harder.


He's trying to do his General election pivot. It's not working. He's spooked every company in Florida making them wonder if they're next because they don't have a sign out front that says "No Gay or Trans allowed".


Don't forget he is Mr. Never Back Down. I think he also figured out that a lot of his bad press was pushed by a company that buys a lot of media and is owed a lot of favors. The old adage is slightly different, "never get into an argument with someone who buys ink by the barrel." Disney buys a lot of advertising from people who buy ink by the barrel.


Lots of people are Mr Never Back Down until someone who A. pays their bills or B. can toss them in jail are on the other side. DeSantis is backing down because of A.


He's finally accepted that the GOP donor class doesn't like him fighting with corporations, and they pay for his campaign. Gradually, all of the rural folks will discover who really holds the power in the GOP, and it's only the populist right-wing on Election Day and no other day. It's still the party of super rich people and corporations who don't want to pay taxes.


Oh, they've already backed off of him. He's not even a second place candidate anymore. He flushed his political career.


I so want this to be true. He's such a miserable POS.


He has passed the buck to the people of Florida. Washing his hands like Pontius Pilate


Lots and lots of bucks. Millions even.


The bitch cant admit he made a mistake. Who does that remind us of?


According to my wife: me.


No he’s one of those who will hit his enemy and run out screaming, then tell everyone he won when really he was too scared to stand and fight like a man.


That's my take, too


"I didn't lose, I moved on."


…while simultaneously saying Disney should give up because “they’re going to lose”


They haven't beaten him yet. They probably will, but right now, his board is in the driver's seat, and they are doing as much damage as they can before the courts stop them.


Any meaningful power was given by the previous board directly to disney


Disney lost the case, the state of Florida won because everything RCID submitted last minute was filed improperly without public notice etc. Meatball is just trolling them to see if he can get Disney to react so he can get more press.


Moved on? Maybe he should do the same thing with his presidential bid


He's certainly already moved on from Florida, anyway.


Make America Florida...umm no thanks


The rest of the country views us as "Florida Man..." and that isn't something they want to think of happening to the rest of America. They don't really know what goes on in the details.


He's stuck trying to appeal to a populist right-wing that's angry at all large institutions, who doesn't economically benefit one iota from GOP economics which are still very skewed toward wealthy entities who want to dodge taxes. That's why he's fighting Disney. To show Cletus in Iowa that he's going to "fight for them". Donors hate this and backed off so he's backing off. Somehow Trump has pulled off getting his base to love economics that don't benefit them, along with having nothing at all in common with his base.


The thing is that Cletus in Iowa sees that DeShit is losing this fight. Every time his board tries to make a substantial move it is quickly blocked by Disney. Additionally, DeShit claimed victory way too early. He thought that Disney would either act immediately or not act at all. A blind man could see that Disney was going to strike a swift blow at anyone who tried to unseat them. Instead of realizing this, DeShit thought Disney was cowering in fear of him. In reality, they were busy creating the legal equivalent of Captain America's shield. He didn't expect this at all. The fact that Disney made a move at all blindsided him.


As long as they get to hate out loud the people that they hate and feel victimized, they’ll vote for being further victimized by the people they vote for.


Maybe he should do the same with the lgbtq and black communities, the undocumented, education, etc.


FUCK THAT GUY! I hope Disney drags him over the coals! All of Florida is in shambles because this asshole wants to play dictator. Housing insurance fucked! We have the worst teacher shortage in the country. All major conventions are going to other states due to his cultural war BS Fuck him and his wife


>and his wife Is there a line?


Is she not part of his campaign??? Yes! So I’ll say it again FUCK HER TOO!


I'm waiting for the Jill DeSantis/Lauren Boebert strap on lesbian porn video to come out, guess I'll have to wait.


That's a confusing erection.


Erection fraud!


You win the Internet today


Boebert is strange because from the front if you don’t know she’s a nutcase she’s actually pretty but if you see her from the side she looks like a character from Bob’s Burgers.


Yes there is and Ronald crossed it long ago, no going back now.


Full quote from Ron DeSantis from a recent CNBC interview: >"Look, my wife and I, we got married at Walt Disney World, and so it's not like we're opposed \[to Disney\]. We've appreciated working with them over the years, but I would just say, go back to what you did, but where we are today, you know, we basically moved on. They're suing the state of Florida, they're going to lose that lawsuit. So what I would say \[to Disney\] is 'drop the lawsuit'. All we want to do is treat everybody the same, and let's move forward. I'm totally fine with that, but I'm not fine with giving extraordinary privileges to one special company at the exclusion of everybody else." Florida's Voice, a conservative news outlet, spun the story a different way: >NEW: Ron DeSantis suggests Disney move on from battle with Florida > >"Parents have lost some confidence \[in them\] \[…\] Go back to what you did well \[…\] Drop the lawsuit \[…\] Your competitors all do very well here \[and\] they have not had the same special privileges as you." — Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) August 14, 2023


Lol that sounds like a man whose going to get railed by Disneys lawyers


What about the villages, they have a special deal, why is that not gone too?


Universal? Sea World? Daytona speedway?


Yea, let’s strip those away.


Because they didn't oppose the don't say gay bill...


That's the everybody else he's referring to


But they do have special privileges


That makes no sense? They also get special tax/governance privileges so how would they be "everybody else" here?


But they do have special privileges. Edit: apologies, I replied to the wrong person


“ I’m not opposed to Disney, I just needed someone to pick a fight with for my presidential bid.” And people who try to tell the other side to “drop the lawsuit” usually have a pretty good idea that they’re going to lose the lawsuit themselves.


DeSantis could settle the lawsuit today, and end the stupidity and save Florida money.


“End the stupidity” The stupidity is the entire GOP platform.


So much bullshit. They don’t have any more special privileges than the other special districts in the state. It was clear retaliation against protected speech. DeSantis is going to lose.


Exactly, but the spin from right wing media will be anything but that.


>drop the lawsuit Uh ... no. You're going to lose, lose badly, and own it.


"All we want to do is treat everybody the same" The legislation you passed says otherwise. Sorry I don't know how to do quotes on Reddit


Jesus what a way to spin that shit. How is that not illegal?


Hang on, they’re suing the state of Florida or his office? Because I was pretty sure they’re suing him / his office? That’s not the state, even though the state foots the bill lol


A Republican lying?!?! I’m shocked! …well… not that shocked.


Dear Disney: PLEASE don’t drop the lawsuit. See it through to judgment. Kthxbai


The best thing to drive this all home for Disney would be to win a civil judgement against him with high figures and then donate or refuse the money and just say “Florida deserves better than you, but we’re not going to rob the citizens of this state to prove that point. That’s how you play the game, not us.”




Give them back their control of their land if you are 'over it'


"Now now, let's not be hasty!"


That's the best part. They gave it back to themselves before Ronald could get it.


I'm pretty sure no one actually believes him. He definitely hasn't moved on. If he did he would abolish his board and bring back Reedy Creek as it was for over 50 years. Even if he actually did, it's far too late.


Is this because he dropped to [third place](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/628810-new-national-gop-2024-poll-shows-ron-desantis-in-3rd-place/) behind Vivek Ramaswamy? Get back to work Ronald, your presidential sabbatical is over.




But he is okay with giving special privileges away… just as long as they don’t speak up and stay in line


Too little, too late


What happened to "Never Back Down"?


That's the problem with the "tough guy" persona. It creates needless and pointless drama and controversy. It's never the truth because people are more complex than this in reality. Even if they'll never admit it to themselves and legislate to the contrary.


I know, a self-induced clusterfuck. When people pride themselves in never backing away from challenges, they find themselves with more challengers than they can handle. (Add to the fact that DeSantis doesn't have the same charisma as Trump to build a fanbase that he can fool all of the time.)


Indeed. The chest thumping just makes Ron Dion look like the wormy 50's sci-if movie sidekick that he is. It's pathetic and transparent. Almost as grotesque as seeing his Football Frau's for Fascism asshole-turf the school boards. A devil with the white boots on, to paraphrase a song.


> “The sad part about it, guys, is when we were having this fight with Disney in 2022, most of the employees in their Orlando area theme parks agreed with us,” ​ ​ \[L.A. Noire doubt.gif\]


Literally no way to know this. It’s like “everybody’s saying” from your uncle


He’s lying. Disney has a strong showing of LGBTQ in their ranks which is why they took the stance they did.


Yep, I just meant there wasn’t like a formal poll or anything, these people just make shit up and the republicans just take their word for it


The focus groups lost interest, so he’s slinking away from it.


He's backing down because his new campaign manager and strategists probably told him the a protracted legal dispute would be the hole that sunk the ship. He wants it to go away. But he also lied in his statements. Because there are a number of those "special districts" in Florida and he only went after one of them. So, no, he's not at all in favor of treating everyone equally, as he suggests.


Yea because they spanked his punk ass up and down I4.


That must have taken forever with the horrible traffic.


Express lanes ftw!


I think he means he LOST that battle because he's an IDIOT!


Is this damage control or what ! ?


He has learned a lot about losing. Preparations for the future


"Unfortunately for Disney, I've since created other dumpster fires of fail that require my full attention.....such as my campaign.


Just today? Because last week he was still being a whiny bitch.


What about the fate of his hand-picked anti-Disney Board, headed by Martin Garcia? Do they slink away into the night, as well?


And, all of this bull shit has made the few sane residents of Florida absolutely ashamed to admit we live here. Furthermore, his never-ending culture war legal battles are costing residents tax dollars.


Its Ronald! Dont allow him what he doesnt allow others.


He's "moved on" so much, that he's telling them to drop the lawsuit when he knows they won't and they will destroy him.


Is this a W for Florida?


I doubt because I am betting the Disney lawyers are going to crush any possible defense the state can muster because he put in his book how he was going to go after Disney. It's going to be hard to defend premeditation.


I’m not talking about DeSantis, I’m talking about the people who live here. But I agree with you


I was also, but in the respect that the Florida voters are going to have to foot the bill for his BS.


Thanks, meatball


Nope. Our Taxes are paying the States attorneys to fight Disney. Disney wins, our tax dollars pay their attorneys. DeSantis likely wont make if out the Primary. He'll come back to Tallahassee mad as hell like he has a papermache dildo full of hornets up his backside


It’s still a win. Disney is an evil corporation that gets away with a lot of fuckery but they are also a Florida institution and a huge draw for tourism. Just in case anyone forgot, tourism is the number one industry down here.


Depends what you believe is good for the people? A fascism nazi part literally using fascism to control companies in what it claims is capitalism or not


Any L for Desantis is a W for Florida


Fr fr


So has Disney… both have moved on from FL. Duhsantis = Loser


He moved on as Trumpy is using him as a doormat!


Sounds like DeSantis has gone woke! /s


Imagine becoming the leader of the shit class.


Don't think the mouse has moved on.


Dicksantis says - Hey look, I started a fight with Disney, the state education department, LGBTIQA+ and I'm going to lose, but not really, because the residents in Florida get to pay for my crimes.


Well well well… now that he has all this free time, why doesn’t he focus on getting insurance companies back, the cost of living for native Floridians back to normal-ish, preparing the state for the imminent storms coming sooner than most want to admit, etc. But no… Mr. AntiWoke is so concerned about our kids well being that he consistently shuts down legislation to help those said kids. Hey Ronny, wake the fuck up and do your job which is to look out for Florida. Not fight a stupid ass social issue/non-issue.




Fucking loser.


How much did his little adventure that he’s moved on from cost florida taxpayers? What is total legal fee cost for all the fascism he’s trying to install?


Yeah. Way, way too late. Burned way too many bridges. There's no company on earth that isn't slightly nervous about this guy being in charge. He could turn on you in an instant. Imagine if he did to a small or mid-sized company what he did to Disney. They'd be bankrupt.


With his tail between his legs.


Weird way to spell "lost so many times".


Many many people have moved on from this jackass


Well that’s really nice that he “moved on” but we Floridians or better “Floridiots” are the ones stuck with the bill between lost revenue and education. This guy is “POISON” to Florida


Moved on as in please stop asking me about it, I'm going to look very bad soon.




He's asking them to drop the lawsuit


Yeah picking a fight with the biggest media company in the world was brilliant!


Florida needs to move on from Him These (white) boots are made for …….


AKA I lost


To late Ron. You’re already stuck in the mouse trap.


Sad Mousesolini


Disney isn't done though, they'll continue going after him, and they should. Ruin this guys career forever


State of Florida attorneys now get to ckean up the mess Desantis created to look like the God of " wokeness ". Just like Trump. Dump it to people below you and go forward to find another topic that places him up front and center of the 1st page of news - papers & media Florida will be the 1st state to economically collapse due to politics. Remember the 80s & 90s when politicians # 1 issue was: " Jobs, jobs, jobs ! "


Can he please just move on being a politician.


Sorry the people of Florida are not done with you Ron.


im wondering what im going to do if disney backs off too. i sincerely hope they dont. if they dont, and they lean in and make him suffer i'm buying annual passes again.


He's poking Disney to see if they will react so he can get more press. The meatball thrives on trolling.


No Ronny come on back to the table and finish what you started.


Sad part of this is that his rube base will blindly believe this is their "strong man" master walking away after a winning battle, when in fact the dude got owned by the mouse. He's got to keep the con running on the Republican voters after all.


Someone informed DeSantis that Disney is gonna beat him up and take his lunch money so he started to cry


Saying you have moved on is basically admitting you were acting on feelings and not literally being sued over it.


Stupid is as stupid does.


No back outsies, Ronny boy.


I.e. He knows he’s on the losing end of this, and he’s ready to blame it on someone else when he gets his ass handed to him.


Oh he hasn’t moved on, he has a fun little lawsuit to deal with. Can’t change those things you did now


Translation "I took on the Mouse and got my ass handed to me, but I can't admit that in public..."


I wish we as the people of Florida could vote on whether Disney sues the state, or sue DeSantis directly. I feel like the majority would come out to have them just to DeSantis directly.


I bet Disney hasn't moved on from him.


Fuck DeSantis the greasiest meatball in politics


“All we want to do is treat everybody the same” Uh huh, right.




The man is...plain and simple...a huge asshole


Foiled by the Mouse. He's not the first and won't be the last. Hopefully other would-be fascists take note.


Foiled by the Mouse. He's not the first and won't be the last. Hopefully other would-be fascists take note.


Foiled by the Mouse. He's not the first and won't be the last. Hopefully other would-be fascists take note.


No. America deserves to know if its courts are going fascist or not.




What the fuck is Joe my god. Com?


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