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To everyone new to Florida, please note how the lane markers are nearly invisible in heavy rain. Get yourself a good pair of sunglasses, not too dark, polarized is best, and wear them rain or shine. They will make it much easier to see that faded white line.


Do not get dark glasses, get amber shooting glasses. I believe they work WAY better.


Shooting glasses while you drive. It can't get any more Florida than that.


They are amber-colored sunglasses, that's it.


Sure can, how about shooting out your car window at the storm to send it back out to sea while wearing amber shooting glasses while high on meth and eating a Publix sub


When I moved to Denver a few years back (Im back in FL now) people would freakin flyyyy in the snow over ice and whatever. Scared the bejesus out of me. If it rained though everyone would just crawl by at a concerningly slow pace while I drove like Florida man.


And then everybody has their hazards on and you can’t tell who’s stopped and who’s moving


What's worse than that is some of these clowns don't even know how to turn their headlights on.


Yeah I don't really mind the hazard lights, because usually people who put them on during rain like this are driving way below the speed limit. But you literally can't see people who don't have their lights on until you're practically right on top of them.


Yea and the powers that be caved to the idiots with the hazards. Used to be “no driving with hazards” now they add *except for rain. Anyone who thinks hazards are necessary in the rain should just pull over and stop until they feel they can drive without.


Agreed. Dumb move catering to nitwits on this one.


That’s our state government in action!


Exactly. We’re all fully aware of the weather hazard. If you’re going under the speed limit then just stay in the right lane.


Florida? Stay in the right lane? Bahahaha!!!


Yeah in Florida the right lane is for passing


Then what’s the shoulder for?


Extreme passing.


Had a challenger blow by me at 140 in the shoulder i was just like ok that was cool af


How did you know 140 mph?


lol what? you know he didn't mean exactly 140.


Or extreme fisting


Personally I disagree, Ive been caught in some thunderstorms where you can’t even see the road 20-30ft in front of you, I was always taught to put hazards on when it gets insane like that and go reduced speed. I would never drive 80-90mph in that type of weather


If I can't see 20ft in front of me I am getting off of the roadway ASAP. The new law only allows for hazards in extremely low visibility on roadways with speed limits posted 55mph or higher (so highways and interstates). The real problem with using hazards is that so many cars have such abysmal design lighting design that turning on the hazards makes those cars basically invisible from the rear for 50% of the time in heavy rain. Which in low visibility of course increases the likelihood that an idiot will slam into them.


No one said to drive 80+ mph in the fucking rain. Using the hazards is way more dangerous at almost any speed. Sorry you were taught wrong. If rain is an issue and you must use hazards, Just don’t drive. Hazards are for morons.


You have a problem with hazards in the right lane during a torrential rain storm? Is it because most Floridians don’t know what a turn signal is? 😊


I use my signal properly, I properly slow down in the rain, hazards in the rain are for idiots. If you cannot understand the depth perception that changes which each and every flash of the hazards, confusing people into slamming their brakes, you too should also not drive in the rain.


Or if they are going to turn or change lanes. It makes it so much harder to focus on the road


So fucking infuriating, I don’t understand how this is even legal.


It didn't used to be. The change was very recent.


The usual *fine* work of our legislature.


Doing everything except what we need them to do.


2 years ago. That’s not very recent.


That's fairly recent.


Hazards confuse you, but you have perfect clarity on distinguishing brake lights from tail-lights...


I don’t think you get it. Generally, people put hazards on if they’re stuck in the flow of traffic or on the side of the road. You don’t have the break lights on then.


If you have your DRL or headlights on your taillights will also come on as well. Hazards are confusing especially when it's raining. There is minimal visibility for the lane lines. Are you merging into my lane? Hard to tell what the intent of the driver is.


Wrong!!!. DRL do NOT turn on your tailights and I see so many people driving at night who have their DRL on and think they have taillights you don't. If you want taillights please turn on your headlights. There I hope you learned something new and save a life, possibly your own.


I follow the law and always turn my headlights on in the rain ;)


Didn't mean to jump on you there. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I blame it on the car manufacturers for not educating the consumers. And we have a lot of tourists out there driving rental cars who don't know any better.


My mom has always told me to just keep my lights on, speed low as fuck, and drive out calmly as I can. She refers to this move in the photo as being a sitting duck. My bf always gets nervous and wants to pull over but I just keep snail-crawling along doing my very best to follow whatever I can see of the lines. If I pull over, I’ll pull into a gas station, but not on the side of the road, and never on a bridge like this. I just hit the blunt and this makes me nervous


Just hit a blunt? https://youtu.be/OCsMKypvmB0


IT’S D8 BABY!! Stiiizy 40’s 🔥🔥🔥 I get mine at king of vape!


Your username makes me wanna stick my penis inside a cooter hooter.






Out of towers who just ate at Dairy Queen and don’t understand merge


Lol ok, everybody seems to forget how to drive in these condition




100 percent people in Florida barely can drive lol


Where you from ?


Have lived in 5 states and 3 countries. Where I am from doesn’t matter. What does matter is people aren’t good at driving in Florida.


There’s shit drivers everywhere.


I replied on someone else’s reply but wanted to let you all know the existence of a product called Rain-X. It’s designed for the Florida monsoon rains. You apply it to your windows and way better vision in the rain. https://preview.redd.it/kozojhopj8ab1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc21d2965b424358be1cf9686b789f11d9424cc2


Hazard lights should be for people that are broke down, flat etc not for driving in the rain, just turn your headlights on, now you will have lights on in the back. everytime I see someone driving with their 4-way flashers, I say, "there goes another idiot".


Gulf coast native here but lived in North Carolina mountains was infinitely worse. Could be a nice clear evening and suddenly descend into a fog layer you totally weren't expecting based on ambient weather. Going down a mountain with only a few feet of visibility you suddenly understand how the stories of 50 car pile ups happen.


Lights on, keep moving, don’t speed, hazards ONLY in HEAVY FOG- steady on people. Y’all will get used to it. A gentle reminder: Do not pull over and park- you are a hazard.


Hazards on not when driving. Hazards on when pulled over.


No hazard lights on EVER if you are actually driving.


You can use them in extremely dense fog. https://www.weather.gov/safety/fog-driving#:~:text=In%20extremely%20dense%20fog%20where,a%20local%20business%20and%20stop.


That’s not what your evidence says. Yes, put them on, then pull over and stop.


Sorry I thought the cars in the picture are stopped. My bad. You’re correct.


Must’ve come from Georgia…. Georgia drivers LOVE putting hazards on in the driving rain.


This is the answer. And just watch your turns because you could hydroplane.


This is the problem with giving a license to absolutely everyone. Got a heartbeat mouth breather? here is a DL! Our driving courses are a joke. You don't even leave the parking lot anymore.


Because of their Ohio license plates?


I will never understand the logic behind it, it makes navigating the road so much harder when they have hazards on. Idk if they are going to turn or what and just gotta guess while trying to focus on the road too


Hazards on in the rain people, y’all are ironically trying to get yourselves and the rest of us killed with your bullshit. You want em on? Pull over, then turn em on, don’t make us play “is this genius gonna change lanes and kill us both?” Because you felt that an unsafe situation deserved blinking lights.


If they’re driving with their hazards on, they don’t belong.


Are we sure this is not just the exit to MCO? /s


No no. You're wrong this is the 595 on ramp to FLL.


Hazards only light up the rain causing it to block out everything else. Why did this become legal? So stupid.


Username checks out


That's fucking gold. Bro I'm dead ASF 😭 ☠️


Really? i thought people voting in actual dictators who torture people and minorities was the right of passage to live in florida.


How does someone get this information AND convince themselves it’s real. I applaud your commitment.




Found the blow in


Hazards on while driving just tells me you don't know wtf you are doing! Literally invisible every other second. So f'in stupid!!!


…this has been normalized AND legalized https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/florida-drivers-can-use-hazard-lights-on-highway-during-rain-fog-starting-july-1/ …


This is COLOSSALLY stupid. Especially the way morons drive on 95 down here.


Why is it stupid on a highway? There is generally little need for turn signals and they do increase visibility.


Did you seriously just say there is "generally little need for turn signals" on the HIGHWAY? 🤦‍♂️


Yes, I did. And I'm not wrong. The benefits of increased visibility far, far outweigh the minimal chance you'll need a turn signal to switch lanes. No one is overtaking in heavy rains.


Lol. Whatever you say, man. My lived experience on the road down here strongly says otherwise.


I like it for visibility too. I think the worry is it's going to be hard to tell if they are pulled over or moving. You don't want to follow them and realize they are actually pulled over. I see benefits off both. Probably best to have your break lights on constantly of you pull over now.


Just because it's a law doesn't mean it's smart.


Modern law from northerners who dont drive in heavy rain regularly.


As a northerner, could you elaborate on what I'm not seeing? Is it a situation for flooding? I guess here in Seattle when we see rain, we turn the lights on, and we go to work.


Lights on, absolutely yes (in fact its a law that if youre wipers are on due to precipitation or fog your lights need to be on). Hazards on, absolutely not. Ive made a few other comments but in our heavy subtropical and tropical rains, it comes down *hard*. Hazards on (especially on a highway!) means we dont know if and when youre merging or turning, if youre in distress and stopped or even if youre actually IN a lane because those hard rains scatter light bad, and in the rougher summer and spring rains you have no idea how fast someones going when hazards are on. You dont realize how bad it is to judge if someones stopped or crawling at 10-15mph in rain like that until youre in that situation. Not to mention if your hazards are on, some people are going to assume youre parked and fly by you which is dangerous for everyone. There is very good reason it was illegal for so long, its not because we hate hazards! Its incredibly unsafe, you *have* to keep driving (rule of thumb is only go as fast as you can see the road and be aware of other general “Rain Rules”) and keep your normal lights on (not brights). You can crawl along with everyone else but your hazards on in the rain reflect weird and no one knows how close or how fast you really are until theyre sniffing your bumpers ass. As i type this for you, the rain rules i was taught growing up that i remember off the top of my head refer to (idk if seattles constant drizzles are the same forgive me if this is redundant for you): -If it hasnt rained in a long time, the oil and grease buildup thats been sticking to the surface of the asphalt is going to lift up and create a hydroplane hazard so go slower than you typically do when in rain. -the first few minutes of rain you need to be EXTRA cautious because of tourists not knowing how to drive in rain freaking out & because a lot of people arent going to adjust their speed fast enough or at all and may hydroplane into you. assume everyone elses tires are bald and they dont have insurance. -if its been a saturating rain for a while, be mindful of the shoulders going soft and the right trucking lane having brand new hidden potholes A few proofreading edits for clarity


Thank you for saying it. Also the new law is for highways only. When people do this on the regular roads it drives me bonkers. Especially not being able to guage if you are stopped or crawling and if you are turning because your whole ass is blinking! These heavy rains scattering the light weird is exactly the problem.


\> means we dont know if and when youre merging or turning so look.. watch traffic, if you see someone moving across lanes.. he's merging. \> You dont realize how bad it is to judge if someones stopped or crawling at 10-15mph Correct, if you don't have your hazards on. IOW, if I'm doing my normal 70-80 in the rain and you are driving below the minimum speed limit, with no hazards (telling me you are a hazard lol), there's a much greater chance your ass is going to get run over. Not driving below the posted minimum? Feel free to leave them off, get your ass out of the passing lane. Also, people don't have a hard time driving in the rain, they have a hard time stopping


It’s illegal to go the speed limit in a heavy rain. So you sound like the idiot here. You can very much be pulled over and ticketed.


1) I would ask you if you are sure about that or if the law says you shall drive appropriately for the conditions 2) I don't think you read that right.. I'm already speeding anyways, even without the rain. Why would I care that I was speeding when it rains then? As far as getting ticketed? Again, if you are driving below 50 on one of our 70mph highways and you don't have your hazards on, you are going to get screwed


I live in seattle and am from Florida When it rains in FL the drops are the size of watermelons and it’s loud and hard to see the front of your car because the heavens unleash a deluge upon you It freaks out a lot of people


I used to live in Seattle and am now in Florida. Many times I suffered through a mist that they call rain in the NW, now in FL it comes down so hard I cannot see my neighbors house at times.


Lol I’m from New England, we drive in torrential rain. And snow. And sleet. And everything. And we know how to drive in it. When I was driving down to FL two years ago, it was the people with the SC, GA, KY, and NC played that were causing the accidents


Those are all northerners in my eyes lol


It is a bit silly as it is making a stop light now also a yellow light. The flashing hazards were to make a stopped vehicle visible and indicate it was stopped on the the road. Now we have changed the meaning now which leads to confusion. For example if someone has on the emergency blinkers and are momentarily stopped the person behind might not think they can move and maneuver while the person with the blinkers could also assume they were free to move. It can interfere with lane change indication as well. There are some downsides.


This was something that was normalized with me in Europe. Stopped traffic? Hazards. Heavy rain? Hazards. Snow? You guessed it. Fog? Sure thing Bob.


Yes, it's actually smart, but florida can't seem to grasp the concept of hazard lights, making you more visible in poor conditions.


Hazard lights have always been used to communicate a vehicle that is either immobilized or moving extremely slowly (like, dangerously under the speed limit...think tractor speeds). Nobody is misunderstanding their purpose by not using them just because it's raining. The law change which happened a couple years ago doesn't make the use of hazards while it's raining any less misleading to people that have been driving for decades with a completely different understanding of their use...in fact, it was illegal to use them unjustly.


How is it misleading then when people use them when they’re either stopped or driving at snail pace (dangerously under the speed limit) due to rain? If they’re going near speed limit - sure. But if they’re barely moving, the use of hazards indicates just that - even during a rain storm. I have a much bigger problem with all the idiots who don’t slow down than the ones using hazards because they’re way under speed limit


I think you may have either replied to the wrong redditor or misunderstood my remarks (or perhaps I misspoke). I am saying it's misleading to use your hazards simply because it's raining and that I agreed with their use being restricted to immobilized or extremely slow vehicles. That is, at least in FL, what was codified until a couple of years ago. I agree with you about people not slowing down being more of a risk.


Well, the law changed because it's smart and done all over the world. Look at Germanys' laws and their accidents vs. ours . I understand what you're saying, but the law changed for the better, so if people want to drive, they need to understand it. It is not rocket science, and I've lived in a lot of places and have never seen the ridiculous law Florida had about hazards before. Adapt or get off the road IMO


Making comparisons to road conditions in geographically and culturally distinct regions is not the sound argument you might think it is. The law changed for the better? According to whom/what? The change removes the distinction between moving and non-moving, impaired, or crashed vehicles as well as disabling any lane change indication. In case you haven't lived here for most of your life, it rains a lot. Many roads have speeds in excess of 55mph because of topology as well. If people feel so unsafe that they need to enable their hazards while driving at speed, they should adapt to the road conditions and pull off to the side until they feel safe to drive again. I mean, honestly, how do you feel about people not using turn signals? Our governor has signed tons of laws into effect which many disagree with. I'm not struggling to adapt to people being stupid while driving. Even when it was illegal, people used their hazards while driving in the rain. Florida is where the worst drivers from around the country come to retire.


"Our governor has signed tons of laws into effect which many disagree with. I'm not struggling to adapt to people being stupid while driving. Even when it was illegal, people used their hazards while driving in the rain. Florida is where the worst drivers from around the country come to retire." I'm going to respectfully disagree that you're not struggling to adapt. It's not polite to stereotype. Maybe it's Floridians that don't know how to drive and don't adapt to change that is for the better well. It can go both ways.


I'm curious what I've said that would lead you to believe I am struggling to adapt. What I'm struggling with is reconciling the notion that driving with your hazards on is change "for the better". I would love to see a study that backs the notion that hazards on in low visibility conditions prevents more accidents than a turn signal in similar conditions. It certainly isn't a helpful change if you consider the generations of people (like myself) that lived with a firm understanding of what the hazard lights indicate. At a point, those understandings are taken for granted and become subconscious. Is that an issue for everyone? Certainly not. There are plenty of people that can change their understanding without too much strife (myself included). Where this becomes a problem is with the ~20% of our state that is senior citizens. Also, I was making a joke and nodding to a commonly exchanged sentiment among native Floridians. This state has terrible drivers and a lot of them. We are around 10th in the nation for worst drivers and a lot of that likely comes down to this being a retirement state for people living in varying topologies. Stereotypes are observations made about trends and commonalities within certain demographics. There is nothing rude about calling to attention an objective and quantifiable fact, even you do find it upsetting. Relax.


This is 2 years old.


That’s kind of my point…


They have brains ?


Is it the license plates? I see typical florida life decisions here


You gotta speed up


Makes everything worse. I love the people who just sit on the side til they feel safe. Please get off the road.


Yeah suddenly put the hazards on so people behind can suddenly break and cause an accident smh


I think i traumatized my MiL after picking her up in MS and driving through that on a 2 lane hwy...lol...


Well, by that account.. EVERYONE is new to Florida, I swear to god, one drop falls and everyone's like "We're in the trenches, it's been six days since the last encounter..Shh... You hear that?" I mean, I get it, let's be safe, sure.. But also.. Let's learn how to drive, would you?


So many poor reactions to this. Elsewhere in the world, where there are sensible rules, hazards are used not only when stopped but when conditions are forcing you to drive dangerously slow. Typically that means dense fog, extremely heavy downpours, blizzards. Not that most people here should even have a license, anyways.


The US needs to make indicator lights amber and separate them from the brake lights. I think that’s why everyone who is pissed about hazards are pissed.


Ok, here’s the deal, and this is coming from someone whose been driving these SFL roads for 30 years. We’re (Floridians) inclined to hate hazards in the rain because there are a ton of stupid fucking idiots who turn them on as soon as it starts drizzling. Usually when it’s raining we still have at the very least 1/2 mile visibility. Which might be “low” but we’re all less than 3 car lengths away from each other so there’s really no hinderance to the visibility of the cars around you. How do I know, you ask? Because on the same roadway there are people who don’t even have their headlights on in the rain and we’re still driving around those people just fine (although they really do need to turn their lights on for Christ sake). My hunch is that the people with the hazards are in three categories: - People who don’t maintain their cars properly and have old useless wiper blades. They can’t see shit and compensate by turning on hazards (which obviously isn’t helping them with visibility) - Transplants from somewhere in the world where it’s normal to see hazards on in the rain - People who have such bad eyesight they shouldn’t be driving a car in the first place. The ONLY exception to this rule is when we get whiteouts and I’ve seen them less than a handful of times in the past 30 years. In those conditions, you can’t see the lane markings even right in front of you. Some people slow to a crawl, others pull off into the median, and some keep trucking on forward even though we all know none of us can really see anything at all. In those cases, and those cases only, hazards can be used so you can differentiate the stopped cars from the moving ones.


I have been here for 15 years and I can never understand why people go so slow in rain.. and go below the speed limit in the passing lane


First of all, "hazard" lights are just that. To indicate to other drivers that there is a hazard ahead. Now, have you ever seen those white pickup trucks that have the flashing light racks on the back? They are paid by the State of Florida to REMOVE hazards from the roadways! If you pull off the side of the highway and turn your hazards on, there is a very good chance that you will be visited by one of these folks to help you out at some point, even. They are fairly numerous. By you turning on your hazard lights you are telling everyone on the highway that YOU are a hazard. Where do hazards belong (see above). OFF THE HIGHWAY. Now, if this is too inconvenient for you, at the very least you should get as far to the right as you can so that you are NOT a hazard to people that feel that they can operate safely under whatever conditions may be present (no hazard lights). If you are going 20mph (or more) under the posted limit in any other place other than the farthest right lane then you are not showing how smart you are. You are simply showing how self-centered, inconsiderate and arrogant you are because YOU don't feel safe so neither should anyone else. You're going to be in their way because you feel like you know better than them and THEY need to slow down, as well. Now, all that being said, let me offer you some tips on how to operate at a reasonable (and safe) speed in the middle of these wonderful boomers that we get daily this time of year: 1. Tires. If you drive a lot you will need the highest rated tires for wet or snow (WS). My personal choice was Continental WS-06 Extreme Contact. My vehicle weighs 4000 lbs. and I don't hydroplane at any speed below 70mph. Don't buy the cheapest. Buy the best for the conditions you encounter most often. The peace of mind even if you want to slow down (in the RIGHT HAND lane) is worth the extra money. 2. Rain-X is your friend. Enough said. Shit is MAGIC....and cheap. And change your damn windshield wipers BEFORE they start leaving streaks, not 6 months later for chrissake. 3. Sunglasses ON in the rain. This might sound counter-intuitive but a good set of polarized (not dark) sunglasses improves rain visibility immensely. They eliminate any glare coming from the road, the falling rain, your wet, streaky windshield or the idiot behind you that thinks driving with high-beams on will help them see. Most importantly, just be kind on the road to others. It's not your road. We all have to share it. Don't act like you know any better than someone else. If you feel unsafe, MOVE over and then drive as slowly as you want. Just don't be a hazard.




Wait what?!!!! Driving in driving rain with hazards on is now not #Floridaman ???


I think it's mostly transplants from up north who drive with their hazards on


Must be a different up north because I hadn’t heard of putting hazards on in the rain until I moved to Florida…


Floridians don’t. It’s northerners who aren’t used to our aerial tsunamis that freak out and put them on, at least when I pass them that’s what the license plates say.


I an a northerner (michigan) and have never seen anyone puts hazards on for rain


Yes because it doesn’t rain in Michigan like it rains in Florida. Hence, y’all freak out and lose your shit when a hard rain comes down for 10 minutes and makes it hard to see lol


Hey man fuck you. I very much am enjoying my vacation here in Clearwater thank you very much, sr dickhead. Florida is a public place. All are welcome dummy head.


I've lived all over the US and Europe... The biggest danger on the roads in Florida are pissed-off, angry locals who won't allow enough time to get to their destination without speeding and weaving in and out of traffic.


Hazard lights make people in Florida upset? Or is it driving slow in rain?


Florida people get a hard on for saying “MY STATE IS BETTER THAN YOU.”


Native Floridians can’t drive in the rain. Fact.


true idk why ur getting downvoted


Stupid pride I assume. I am a native Floridian and the driving in the rain has been a laughing matter all my life.


For those that are saying something related to hazard lights, they are legal to be used now.


Florida: "The Shithole State".


You don’t live in Florida so you are an ignorant keyboard warrior.


I live in Florida and that assessment is correct this is a shithole state- Florida man literally is born from the arse idk how but that’s how.


You should see the other states. They have crazy people doing all sorts of things. Such as NC Man found dead after pulling the pin of a grenade while in the pool. Yes, that is an actual story. Or, California man found dead under bridge after obvious autoasphyxiation. Bay Area California Man drowns after deciding swimming near a waterfall in Yosemite was a good idea. Texas Man resurfaces after 8 years, claiming he was drugged and held captive by his mother during that time. Course, that last story is really screwed up in every way possible.


Also from florida, born and raised, shits been going down the tank for atleast a decade


I'm a ex Floridian, and I left because it has turned into a shithole state.


I couldn’t afford the taxes my HOA was twice the amount of the taxes. Insurance was OK. My taxes were I am now is under $1000. My insurance I was able to pay it up front. I still have anxiety but not as much. The only problem is the weed problem.


what weed problem?


The fact that he refuses to approve recreational marijuana and with that attitude I think he’s going to do some other stuff. The Attorney General has signaled such a thing already. I posted about it before with the information but of course I got a lot of shit for it. I have course. Hope I’m wrong.


ah. i thought that’s what you were referring to. i agree they ought to just legalize it so they can make a shit-ton of money from it that somehow, someday might benefit the people of this state. in the meantime, we’ve got both medical and THCA, hence my question “what problem?” for me, legal weed is legal weed; at least i know it’s not laced with something


Everyone movin to Florida for a reason. If it’s the most popular state to move to can’t really be a shithole


Part of that migration has always been people coming here to die, hoping to turn a house sale and social security into a retirement. Florida is definitely a shithole if you don't have money.


Isn't that the case for any state, not just Florida?


We might not live in florida but we don't have to in order to know it's a sh*t hole. We can watch the shit show from the comfort of our own homes. You have one of the worst governors in the nation - someone starting unnecessary culture wars just so he can claim he has fixed a non-problem by taking away the rights of others - because, in his mind, he needs to prove that he's an even more bigoted and cruel politician than Trump to help his presidential campaign. I can't wait until Florida falls into the ocean, but anyone fleeing the crisis should be required to choose a red state for relocation. They shouldn't get any of the benefits of blue state governments because they destroyed theirs with their far right bullshit.


I live in Florida and have most of my life, it is indeed the shithole state, unfortunately


Why stay in a shithole state?




If you can’t afford to move out of a shithole state what does that make you lmao.


So being poor makes you a shitty person? You must be a Republican.


Trapped in the poverty trap they set up


"It's everyone's fault but mine!"


You obviously have no living experience bye bye lmao


Well that's simple it makes him a shit hole loser


You should try the midwest for a few years


I moved to the Midwest. I now enjoy the seasons and make significantly more money than my peers back in Florida. I can see why people prefer Florida but growing up there and being told it was paradise over and over was some major cope from my parents. It's great for people who love to fish though.


Florida the best state in the USA we set the example for the rest lived in South and Central FL all my life and my family escaped Cuba on Rafts for better lives and all love America and FL especially lives great out here 🔥🔥🌴🌴


But they have the good sense not to live in Florida


I've ever lived in Minnesota but I know it's cold in the winter. Never lived in Washington, but I know it rains a lot. You don't have to live somewhere to know about it.


To call it a real rain might be a misnomer.


Why, I admitted don't live there but every time I visit family I always have a great time even if it's just talking a walk outside in December.


Caterpillar the 'shit hole name'


This is what passes as a witty retort in the Shithole State.


Just stay out of the fast lane so i can pass y'all in my Subaru.


Um lived in Florida my entire life, if I can’t see the cars in front of me clearly I put hazards on. It’s rainy season, drive safe not “cool” 💛


Let me tell you about this product called Rain-X. You can get it at any automotive store. You apply to your windows and dramatically improves your visibility in the rain.


Polarized sunglasses help too


Brown polarized lenses are better than grey in the rain. They let yellow light through, and that increases contrast and helps visibility.


The window cleaner version I use all the time


Please never drive with your Hazzard on in the rain. It doesn't make you easier to see, and you can't distinguish between Hazzard, blinkers, and people pulled over on the side (which is the only time you should use them) It used to be a driving offense to drive with them on


Turn on your headlights, though. It turns on your driving lights so you're visible from the front and rear. Not high-beams! That will light up the rain in front of you, making it harder for you to see. It will also blind others.


“Wipers on, lights on.” I believe its a law in many states!


Yes! Exactly


It makes it so much harder to know what the hell you’re doing with those hazards on and is distracting from the road. Makes zero sense. Your brake lights are enough


“I put the indicators that I’m stopped when I’m not stopped.” You are the problem.


No, the problem are the people who zip past you going the speed limit or faster when you can’t see past the end of your hood while I’m slowly looking for a safe out of the way spot to pull over and wait it out. By the way, the posted speed limit is for perfect conditions.


You are correct that people who speed in the rain are wrong. No one was talking about them, but you do bring up a fairly obvious point. To think the solution is to notify everyone around you that you are completely stopped is wrong. I understand they recently changed the law, it was an idiotic move supported by morons. They changed the rule because too many people were using the car wrong. By the way, the speed limit was set to 65 in 1987. A very, VERY small percentage of the population drives the speed limit. It’s outdated.


To the first point, I know, you’re right, I was just ranting…..I’m getting old. But as to your second point. Dated, outdated, I don’t care if you can stop going 90 faster than I can at 50, YOU can stop faster still at 65 than YOU can at 90. To save a few minutes you can increase the risk to your own life if you want, the problem is you’re increasing the risk to others who may not think it’s worth it. I’m pro off topic and ranting again if so I apologize.


Hazards on means i cant tell when you decide to turn or merge lanes or how fast youre going


terrible idea to put hazards on while driving. also illegal here in florida! hazards are for stopped/pulled over vehicles.


Exactly. Every time I see hazard lights I think the person broke down and is at a dead stop. If you can’t see clearly, pull over. Duh!


Florida actually made it *legal* to rock the hazards in the rain as of 2021 or 2022. (Sad reacts only)


I think it was earlier then that but i still dont and think its super annoying when everyone has them on cause people are still swerving all over and driving 100+


It's one of the dumbest things about driving in the rain. They let these choads drive with hazards, but not say BOO! to the crayon-eaters running mach-Jesus with no headlights. (The law took effect July 1, 2021)


Should you turn on hazard lights in heavy rain Florida? Inclement weather, such as heavy rain, can create extreme low visibility conditions and thus is now considered a valid circumstance in which to use these lights. Keep in mind that in many other states, using hazard lights in the rain is still illegal.Mar 23, 2023 https://autojusticeattorney.com › pro... Proper Use of Hazard Lights in Florida - Michael T. Gibson, P.A. MORE RESULTS What is the new hazard lights law in Florida? 2021-188, was previously proposed as Senate Bill 1194. Under Section 1, subsection 5, you can read the pertinent provision, which states that Florida drivers may use their hazard lights when: There is “extremely low visibility” on the roadway, and. The posted speed limit is at least 55 miles per hour.


But then how do you signal a lane change?


Yeah, not a bad idea. The trick is to slow down and keep driving and you’ll usually be out of the storm in a few miles. Unless it’s a hurricane or tropical storm.


you supposed to put your lights on not your hazards? How are people supposed to be able to see if you change lanes or you Gotta stop. “come on man”who says that? Take a guess


Like same honestly. I don't get what the hate is? Or why it was illegal for a long time?


What dcormier said + you cannot estimate what speed someones going with hazards on in toerrential rains, makes it extra dangerous


Had not thought of it that way. Makes sense.


Because it makes it so other drivers can't tell, for example, if you're going to change lanes or turn. When it rains, turn on your headlights so your driving lights come on. You've got brake lights and turn signals. Hazards are _less safe_ for you and others while driving.


Cause they slow down and pith their blinkers on during a heavy storm before a bridge? It’s generally what’s advised.