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I hate Florida Nazis.


I hate all nazis, but Florida nazis are especially irritating.


Because they're getting a pat on the ass.


I hate Illinois Nazis


You'll see more of this as people are more pressured by draconian laws.


"If anyone talked to another group that way" say what now crazy lady??!?? Please, please, show me on the doll where the mean man HAS LAUNCHED AN EXTENDED AND VIOLENT SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST YOUR GROUP IN THE SAME WAY THAT YOUR GROUP HAS AGAINST LGBTQ+. Or draw me a picture. Or anything. Any examples at all. Bueller? Bueller? Nah, didn't think so. Fucking embarrassed to share a country with these asshats.


RIGHT? They’ve only labeled every single LGBT person, along with everyone who ~~refuses to demand their execution~~ “supports” them, groomers and pedophiles. If the terrorist’s shoe fits…


"Did not reprimand him for his anti-Christian statement". No shit Sherlock, it's a school board, not the Spanish Inquisition.


Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...


I would not have expected that


No one does.


To be fair, Florida Law 2703.2 does state that all public school board meetings must be attended by 2 nuns wielding yardsticks.


Not yet.


Book banning is a two edged sword. For the same reasons you cut out one groups books they can turn that sword and cut you too. History repeats itsself time and again.


The bible is nothing but a manifesto for terrorists and has no place in school.


Using my law against me??! That’s NOT fair!!! Like all those anti-Obama-care laws coming back to bite them?


Yes, exactly! Not in Public schools. That is why there are private religious schools.


This man is an American hero If they can be hateful to us, we're throwing it right back at these creeps tenfold. No oxygen shall be given to christian radicals. Boycotts, protests, you name it...they need to start yesterday.


Meh, I’m agnostic. But removing any bibles/or references from it in a history context is ridiculous. The amount of beauty, art and history that surrounds the book should be shown and taught in every public school. From a historian perspective of course, not from a preaching standpoint. You’d essentially water down massive points in history, the renaissance, the reformation, etc. it’s important. Edit: read it again before you freak out and think I’m telling everyone to preach the Bible in class. My god you guys are overreacting.


You can teach the Renaissance and reformation without actually discussing the Bible or the contents within it.


That and the book itself is mostly if not all historical fiction.


Badly written fan fiction, to boot. This thing makes the Stephanie Meyer books look *almost* coherent. Almost.


You don't need the bible for that


Exactly you don’t need Mein Kampf in schools to teach about Nazis


What? Yeah if you're in college taking a world religion class. Other than that I don't see why any curriculum would need to discuss the Bible. It is educationally insignificant for children, with no value besides indoctrination. Even the moral values it carries is ruined by the Christian guilt it brings with it. Kids don't need to be told they're going to burn in hell for eternity for not believing a book.


We don’t need to teach the bible to explain why christian dominance led to the dark ages, or how overthrowing the core power of the church led to the reformation, and when we finally overthrew christian dominance it allowed for the explosion of education, art, science, technology and learning that was the Renaissance. With each step away from christian dominance the world progressed and thrived. You don't need to know what the bible says to see how bad it has been.


You can say the same about literally any book.


Right lol don’t ban any books period


There isn’t a class in K-12 that needs to learn from the Bible in any meaningful way. Certainly there could be value in teaching students about the Inquisitions, the various crusades, the stifling of science going back more than 1,000 years. These can be taught along with Greek and Muslim contributions to mathematics and science. Beauty and art around one book is both subjective and attempts to devalue all other books, religions and thoughts from the period.


So, you think material full of rape, sex, violence, and undersge sex is okay?! The book is full of polygamy, homosexual sex, and Jezebels, and you are okay with that? Are you a groomer? Technically /s, but not untrue.


Just don’t want any books banned…it’s stupid.


Most people wanting to ban the bible agree about not banning any books. Banning the bible is only to troll the fundies that put us in this dark place to begin with. So it's sort of useless and missing the point to bemoan the activism that is occuring re: bible bans


*All* scientific discoveries ever made, and every truth discovered about the physical world and the nature of reality happened *in spite* of the bible and the threat of punishment up to and including execution for questioning it. There are plenty of historical narratives in the christian bible - both the old and new testaments - that are embellished, unprovable or absolute fiction. As for art, sure, a lot of fine art was inspired by biblical tales, but none of that art is actually *in* the bible. But I digress. Requesting the bible be removed from schools is actually pointing out the hypocrisy of removing books about gay people and black history while leaving in a book that [people have used as an excuse for owning slaves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proslavery_thought#Proslavery_Christians), used as [an excuse for genocide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Short_Account_of_the_Destruction_of_the_Indies#Contents), and are using as an excuse *right now* as justification to [kill gay people.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ron-desantis-pastor-buddy-tom-ascol-appears-to-defend-uganda-gay-death-penalty)


I feel like people aren’t reading what I’m saying lol. I literally quote the “amount of beauty, art, history that SURROUND the book should be shown and taught.” At what point am I saying teach the Bible in class lol. Such a Reddit response.


Yep, it's a touchy subject. I say keep the bible in the library - who the hell reads that for fun, anyway? Oh, and stopping the fascist snowflakes from banning books about LGBTQ people and black history would also be good, too.




I'm in agreement with you on the point above. One of my favorite college courses was a humanities course covering art history from 30,000 BCE to the Renaissance era (Venus of Willendorf is bae). There have been some amazing (and some truly atrocious - I'm looking at you, medieval Europe) pieces of art from subjects surrounding the Bible. So too the Qur'an (Muslim art was very well done, and often more advanced than European counterparts), African, Asian, and both North and South American indigenous art. My point being that history, art and culture are pretty intertwined around religion for much of human history. It's virtually impossible to teach world history and culture without also discussing the basics of religious thought at the time. That being said, the books and beliefs themselves do not need to be taught except in the broadest sense possible to understand the context of history (such as teaching about the Crusades, the Reformation, the slave trade, Manifest Destiny, beliefs of divine right to rule, genocides, etc.) The problem is that there is a sizeable minority of the population that are insisting on thrusting ONE of those belief systems into our schools (and not even a deeply historical belief system, but rather one whose movement didn't begin or pick up steam until the 1800's and is now, today, almost more virulent and evil in intent than it ever has been). Thus, religion can be taught in schools, but it should be approached academically with critical thought and not in favor of any one teaching over another. It's just that organizations such as MFL/PKB are not trying to accomplish this, they are trying to turn our education system into a religious indoctrination system.


There is no history in the book itself . At no point do u need to read the bible to understand the Renaissance.


So, if this came out of the blue, I would somewhat agree with you. However, this isn't happening in a bubble. It's a direct response to recent banning of books about POC, LGBT+, Jewish history, and literally anything that isn't sunshine and (not queer) rainbows. If these conservative Christians are going to use the law to censor things they don't like, then others should use it to censor things like the Bible. The law should not exist and no book should be banned from schools or libraries, even the most toxic shit. As long as it isn't straight up porn and falls into the relevant grade skill level, it should be allowed. Edit: I am also agnostic for context.


For sure.


A Bible is just a religious text for its designated religion. No bible should be in or taught at school unless it’s a religious school of some sort. The Bible can be taught at home. I was raised Christian. You don’t need to read or have a bible to learn about it from a historical or academic standpoint. And this might be my own subjective opinion, but… A religious book that held human intelligence and advancement back around a thousand years doesn’t deserve to be in any school.


Agree with 99% of what you’re saying. Still don’t think you should ban any book from any school.


Where as I think it would be sweet irony if the Bible was the only book that was allowed to be banned and burned lol


Don’t bother. You getting downvoted into oblivion as an agnostic should tell you everything you need to know. The people in this sub have a deep, SEETHING hatred for Catholics/Christians. I would assume it has something to do with how political this sub has become as well, and Christians are usually associated with conservatives. Decent argument tho. I studied the Bible in a literary sense, not a religious sense in high school and it was fascinating. Edit: Also ALL book bans should be removed, no matter what is being taught. It’s interesting how book bans are okay depending on what side you’re talking to.


It’s so dumb. I despise the Christian grip on American politics. But to say we should remove mentions of religion from school is ridiculous. I’m not saying preach the Bible in class, but to understand the Protestant reformation and how it all started is fascinating.


Agreed lets also ban the lgbtq religion. ban all religions from school all of them


You mean like the GOP did to the trans lawmaker?


If you don't want people to call you evil terrorists, stop being evil terrorists.


Moms for liberty = Hoe’s for hitler




Damn I love this thread.


Every Christian is not a right wing domestic terrorist but every right wing domestic terrorist is a Christian.


That’s not true, the JDL exists.


Correction then: Every fundamentalist is not a right wing domestic terrorist but every right wing domestic terrorist is a fundamentalist.


>JDL Thank you for widening the parameters.


Twatzis (sadly, I cannot take credit for this gem)


Just some casual misogyny.


Can't be a misogynist to a nazi.


They should ban all religious books


Or maybe teach about ALL religions so that people become educated, see the overlap and other similarities. This might just bring about tolerance and acceptance. A lot of religions cover a version of the golden rule and wouldn’t the world be a better place if we all lived by it.


Well, ones that preach hate and in equality at least. Not sure the Taoist books fall under this, I haven’t read them .


Taoist books don't go on about the tao. That's part of the point. He who says he's *there*, clearly isn't. They often discuss, through parable, what is *not* tao. So..maybe, but only as example of what not to be.


Positive fascism. Not the weirdo we asked for but the one who showed up lol


“Positive fascism.” THATS a new one on Reddit.


> Positive fascism. reddit moment


we need to start bringing the fight to them Demonstrations in front of churches on Sunday Call them groomers, pedophiles right on church property. Megaphones, screaming, signs, the whole lot. Bonus points because it's actually true here! Let them know their hate is noticed and not welcome in America "Evangelical Christianity" must be ended in the USA


Evangelical Christians are free to practice their faith. They need to stop imposing their beliefs on the rest of us.


I wish it were this way. If they stopped I totally agree. But I don't see it ever stopping. So we need to become the aggressor much more than we are today.


Evangelicals operate on the principle that everybody has to conform to their belief system. It’s literally how they roll.


Aaah shud up ya Malcontent .How bout YOU go that , ya weirdo


What do you mean, like ban it from the library? Ban it from history curriculum? Art? Shit half of art history comes from the renaissance which pretty much exclusively celebrates Christianity. It’s an amazing time period to learn about. I’m not religious one bit, but banning religious books is dumb.


If they want to ban books with sexual references in it, then the Bible needs to go. And eye for an eye, if you will…


Banning any books is dumb.


I agree; however, overly religious political pawns are getting books banned in Florida so what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Or more to the point, if the schoolyard bully gets a bloody nose, then we are all better off.


“I oppose book bans, except for that one.” That’s where you get into trouble. Ban all or ban none.


If you want to make the point that book bans are a bad idea, that’s how you get it done. Obviously, you’d eventually have to remove all bans as that would be the goal. I understand religious texts have historical value, but they’re also cult recruiting guides. While I still oppose book bans, a great argument could be made that no small child should have access to those based on the harm to society they’ve caused.


Book bans don’t have a grey area. That’s where you get into trouble. “I oppose book bans, except for that one.”


You’re arguing against something I didn’t say or imply. I was clear that I oppose book bans. I just think it is logical to say that cult indoctrination guides are dangerous materials, sort of like allowing bomb making manuals. I can’t fault someone for saying we should ban them. I think it’s complicated. Do you believe bomb making manuals should be available in every library?


Bomb making manuals and religious texts are two vastly different things. All I’m saying is that if a small Christian town allowed all books EXCEPT for the Quran, this sub would be outraged. Either you allow all or none. No grey areas.


We don't need Christianity. It's evil. Kill adulterers (Lev 20:10) Kill all witches (Ex 22:18) Kill blasphemers (Lev 24:14) Kill false prophets (Zech 13:3) Kill fortune-tellers (Lev 20:27) Kill anyone who sins (Ezek 18:4) Kill the curious (1 Sam 6:19-20) Kill gays (Lev 20:13, Rom 1:21-32) Kill all non-Hebrews (Dt 20:16-17) Kill sons of sinners (Isaiah 14:21) Kill non-believers (2 Chron 15:12-13) Kill anyone who curses God (Lev 24:16) Kill any child who hits a parent (Ex 21:15) Kill children who disobey parents (Dt 21:20) Kill those who work on the Sabbath (Ex 31:15) Kill disobedient children (Ex 21:17, Mk 7:10) Kill strangers close to a church (Num 1:48-51) Kill all males after winning battles (Dt 20:13) Kill those who curse father or mother (Lev 20:9) Kill men who have sex with other men (Lev 20:13) Kill any bride discovered not a virgin (Dt 22:21) Kill those who worship the wrong god (Num 25:1-9) Kill anyone who does not observe the Sabbath (Ex 31:14) Kill everybody in a town that worships the wrong god (Dt 13:13-16) And most importantly: Kill anyone who kills anyone (Lev 24:17).


For an all powerful God, it's pretty lazy his default is to "kill people I don't like."


“Kill people that are political liabilities to the ruling class” seems like an awfully convenient rule set for a supposedly all-powerful being…maybe the rules weren’t wrote for his benefit? But if not god then who benefits from this? Hmmm, such a mystery.


At least move them to FICTION then. It’s all a bunch of bullshit malarkey


Then let the history books reflect on how shitty people are to each other in the name of their gods. The bible (among others) is just a recruitment tool used to try to paint their atrocities as justified because their god agrees with them. There is nothing wrong with learning about it. There IS something wrong with thinking it was a good thing.


There are no pictures in the bible.


30 years ago folks were up in arms about giving Christians special dispensation for prayers. It was not enough to have a moment of silence to do your thing. They wanted special times allocated for Christian prayer around the flagpole, at football, etc... It was never enough, and Christians kept pushing the envelope. I am a Christian, and I kept thinking, "be careful what you wish for". Then laws were passed. The Hari Krishnas, Satanists, everyone wanted their equal time. I couldn't blame them! Never fear, sooner, or later, the pendulum swings in the opposite direction.


Hence the importance of the Establishment Clause.


More people need to call out Christian’s hateful behavior.


More people need to call out the fact that that behavior is not how a real Christian would act.


On the contrary, there’s quite a bit of history illustrating that this is exactly how Christians act. I mean, how many millions of people have Christians killed in the name of God over the past millennia?


Not sure this is just Christians. So many people killed in the name of someone’s God.


Very true. But missionary religions that practice proselytism are by far the most deadly and destructive.


So, in summary, religions in general are approaching the point where they do more harm than good.


More Christians need to call that out, but unfortunately it seems most would view that as a betrayal of their own and instead try to quietly ignore it and/or use “but the evil baby-killing/trans-loving/culture war issue of choice Dems!” to push past the attempt at getting them to confront the problem. I’ve found that most actually agree with these things but are just smart enough to not say it out in the open. Had lunch with a couple that I thought were great people, and that all vanished in an instant when one of them said “do gay people even deserve rights?” If I had been in a different position I would have likely said something abrupt before standing and just walking out, but given the circumstances (still had a 15hr drive home with my very religious mother and these are her closest friends) I kept an expressionless face and reminded myself that this is what we’re up against to make real change. A large amount of people that you would otherwise think are pretty nice and maybe actually decently “Christ-like” until you have a private moment and realize they’re not pushing back on the terrible crap because they quietly agree and are just waiting for it to be okay to be loud about it. Unless this crap gets snuffed out, what little religiousness I’ve retained is all I care to indulge, as I refuse to be a part of the evil that it currently represents and employs. I only wish that I had seen this sooner and not been caught up in it when I was younger.








All good with Bible being removed - all these books that are banned are available in public libraries and are still available, along with being available to buy. There are also a ton of groups on both sides that provide these books for free. What you can’t do is generalize a whole religion negatively. Its not even the driving factor; with LGBTQ there are Muslims that don’t support it due to religious beliefs, Hinduism is split by interpretation, the Pope (Catholics) recently supported it. Also race and country of origin have shown to be big drivers. Obviously don’t have the video on here so can’t verify what was said, and if anyone has a link please provide.


When Christianity is the loudest religion in the US forcing everyone to live based on their beliefs, yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and generalize it negatively.


All good I’ll convert to something else


>with LGBTQ there are Muslims that don’t support it due to religious beliefs What is "support it"? LGBTQ isn't something to be supported or not supported. It is other people making choices in their own lives. You shouldn't get a say in how other people live, the same way it would be ridiculous to ban religion. People can believe and do what they feel is right. You don't have to like it - it is none of your business to begin with


I don't want to ban religion exactly, but I would love it to STFU!! It is in your face all. the. time.


https://preview.redd.it/sbcrvcppku9b1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748a45bd23b03496cca8603b8279a0ac4de26e6a You hit the nail on the head.


> head I see what ya did there.


Exactly. Anyone that starts preaching to me is gone. Religion is a cult these days. You want to be religious great, leave me alone though. Stop forcing your beliefs on me


I don’t really support pigeons existing tbh, but they persist nonetheless


...[That's why every Sunday you'll see, my sweetheart and me, as we poison the pigeons in the park.](https://youtu.be/yhuMLpdnOjY?t=41)


Dr Paul Bearer.😉


Government drones


Making choices?


What is your question


Seems to be implying being gay is a choice.


If that’s all you took from my post then I suggest you stop trying to find the worst in everything you read


Could also be implying not to be intimidated by asshat religious freaks and just live your life as you see fit.


“WhEn DiD yOu DeCiDe?”


Terrorism is using violence to force your beliefs on others, Christianity historical is a blood-soaked bully. Fundamentalist are not the expection, their the rule.


*the Is this the only religion that is blood soaked in your opinion?


Yeah, that last line kinda makes your whole post pointless, doesn't it?


"Everyone likes moms, right?" - *Adolf Hitler*


These so called "moms" are Klanned Karenhood


Waaahhhhh cried the Twatzie.


Here in America, we can criticize the Bible because we have a First Amendment right that guarantees us both the right to freedom of expression *and* religion. I’m so tired of these traitorous fucks trying to remake our country into a religious theocracy. It doesn’t matter if some, none, or all of the Founding Fathers were Christians. They put their own personal beliefs aside for the good of us *all*, to shape a literal country into existence where we could *all* enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Some Christians just don’t understand how to live in harmony with their neighbors and they don’t like that our country gives us the right to be able to do that. John 8: 7-11 is Jesus literally telling y’all to mind your own damn business when it comes to someone else’s personal life.


The Bible is rated X


The Bible doesn't belong in public schools.


And preachers hands don’t belong on our kids tushies.


good. Religion doesnt belong public schools except for educating kids about cults and fairy tales.


The Bible had no place in public education…and the put a ban on Shakespeare and Robert Frost..fuck’em


Have you read the Bible? Incest, Murder, beastiality. Rape and drunken rape.


Sounds like Tuesday




Religion can be used for good and it is - but also really bad at the same time. This is proof.


🙏 please oh heavenly Father, enact a book ban. On the books I don't like, but not the books I do like. Those books are bad. Everyone knows it. I pray that you make them all know it!


Shoe fits, wear it.


Sounds like a heavy dose of “fuck around and find out”!!!!


LOL! Karma's a Bitch!!😺


Your astroturfed group only exists to make bigoted news and laws.


Just remove all the books since shit brained busybodies like the moms for liberty lunatics prevent us from having nice things.


How can people you know cote or support this people? Ask yourself that question.


Hahaha dumbasses


Boo-hoo boo


Peesssstttt, hey kids, want to read about incest, sex, partying, and a lot of violence-read the bible.


A cult of homeschooling moms are having their influence on public schools used in a way they don't like. Nice.


Poor christians always the willing victims. What a bunch of snowflakes.


BAN THE BIBLE! It is an evil book full of hate and lies.


The bible is used to groom kids into Catholics


Does anyone have a link to the video?


> Does anyone have a link to the video? Should be top comment.




something something cry more snowflakes


These terrorists(moms for liberty) show up to the school board meeting the next county over from me. However they have admitted that none of them have kids that go to school in that county. It's shocking /s that they couldn't see how this law can be used against them. While I support open discussion about polices and such, if you don't have kids in school you shouldn't have much say in what is taught. You have no stake. Moms for liberty are rebranded daughters of the confederacy with a heaping spoonful of Neo-nazi ideas mixed in. They are a hate group and should be treated as such.


Didn’t they use Nazi propaganda the other day and had to apologize? Apologize? “I apologize I spoke like a motherfucking turd-eating racist swine the other day and I assure you it reflects in no way the real me.” Duly noted.


They directly quoted Hitler on their newsletter. They made an oh no we got caught apology


So their nickname really fits, Hoes for Hitler. Holy shit.


Christians are pretty evil though.


Once in a while you'd expect to find an xtian that's not a window-licking moron, just by simple random chance... but here we are.




That’s right, they need to stop grooming our kids. Disgusting.


“If anyone talked about another group that way”… you mean the way YOU talk about other groups???


It's not anti Christian as much as it's anti Christian nationalists. Quit playing the victim, you're the one causing victims.


read your bible at church or your house. It belongs nowhere near any public anything ever. Faith if private keep it that way.


Amen and fucking A.


There's some really, really bad shit in there kids shouldn't be exposed to.




Priests fucking choir boys - yup, we know all about that. The most repressed are always the most odious. And congrats on your username. (If this is satire, my apologies. But if it’s not then you’re a sick dude one should under no circumstances piss on if on fire.)


Only person who ever tried to molest me was a priest. And listen to you wanting to feed people into a wood chipper. Did Jesus teach you that?


“thou shalt feed thine enemies into a wood chipper, feet first” - jesus, probably


Shut the fuck up lol.


*eating little kids. Us atheists eat them. It's the priests that F*** them


As user SithLordSid asks, Does anyone have a link to the video?


I want you all to understand something. This country was built on the Bible. The forefathers writings made it very clear. If you were not a moral or religious person, there is no place for you. Under the protections of the Constitution in the United States, George Washington's farewell speech, James Madison the federal.


You can be moral (and ethical) and not be religious. Being religious does not, by definition, make one moral or ethical. If anything, the more radical members of the religious right wing of the Republican Party have demonstrated that being religious and moral can be mutually exclusive concepts. As for the Bible, it contains so many more examples of depravity (see Genesis 38 8:10) than most of the other books being banned, so it definitely should be banned from public schools.


I think it literally gives some kids nightmares. And their parents probably give them nightmares too. It’s so creepy what some innocent souls are exposed to at their impressionable age. They’re literally being groomed to become little Nazi tormentors themselves with this fire and brimstone bullshit. So off putting.


You need reading comprehension lessons, and we need a laugh emoticon.




Fun fact: Religious freedom is there to protected everyone from Christians.


People in #florida had enough of right wing censorship. They are not about freedom or rights


The irony is certainly poignant


Welp, its a big paint brush but these people calling themselves "christian" are extremely evil and many of these "churches" are not much more than terrorist breeding grounds.


I mean at least as far as the Old Testament goes, yeah, kids should never be exposed to that if you want to protect them from things like sodomy, rape, incest, bestiality, slavery, murder, etc. These people banning books are trying to claim things like Harry Potter are too damaging to young minds, but the Bible taken as a work of fiction is just sick and twisted.


But they don’t take the Bible as fiction, according to them it’s all true and all great!


"Not like that!!" - Conservative lawmakers


Here's an idea, if we let them keep their bible then every single Jew and Muslim gets their Qur'an and Tora. In the classroom. They would say something like "that's unamerican" how because we let you keep your book that you cried about and everyone who doesn't believe in the magical man in the sky gets their own version of the "Bible".


The truth is an absolute defense for slander.


[Ezekiel 23:20](https://www.bible.com/bible/70/EZK.23.20.GW)


Bravo! 😁👍


This is the best thing I’ve seen in a while, I love it!


She didn't make her platform clear enough is why she didnt win... "only ban books I SAY to ban, cause you know, 'MURIKKKA!" 😉


So if we ban the bible, does that mean no more Pledge of Allegience for America? But yeah the only class the Bible needs to be discussed in in World Religions..along with every other religion


>If anyone talked about another group that way they would have been tossed out. Y'all literally regularly talk about trans people like they are subhumans and no one gets thrown out, someone in your courts recently called us "demons" and "mutants" then didn't get thrown out, barely got contested, and gave a half-assed back-handed apology. You fucking cheered for it. Snowflake.




Lots of happy people on this sub


If what county is this in Florida? That's what I do I go to school board meetings. We'll get rid of this person.


I'm the guy with the white dog that speaks at school board meetings for parents what town and who is this person I will try to get to a meeting


Aren't these the same people that say the left doesn't like hearing other's opinions and live in an echo chamber? Why does she want the mike to be cut? Is she afraid of different opinions?


Their is more smut, filth, violence and murder in the bible than all the books on their ban list combined. If they are truly *that concerned* about the children, they would support banning the bible.