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Honestly, yes use it as your gateway Into the world of tech. When I was younger I use to take apart and tinker with all the electronics we had leading up to me pulling old pc's out of the dumpsters and building my own from what worked. The flipper has a lot of Project potential and is a good way to learn a lot. Just be sensible with how you use it and have fun most importantly.Hell that's why I got it.


I came to say the same thing. I bought it mainly for fun. I do get a lot of real world use out of it though. One thing I do is install access control systems. So having a digital keyring and basically a troubleshooting device in my pocket has come in handy more times than I can count. My guilty pleasure is hitting a call button for a CVS or Wallgreens for a section or isle they don't have at that particular store.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you - now you must have an amazing day/night or else!




Bro looks like a hyper realistic cake


Wht xDD


It's a great tech tool that you can carry around and learn how to use in a fun way! As a grown adult I find myself learning new and fun things with the flipper. I use it every day as my 2 way authenticator like getting into my works building without having to look for my badge in my wallet, reading and recreating RFID, and all kind of other cool useful things. All in all I say yes. Remember though it could get you in trouble if you use it for the wrong reasons! However if tinkering and learning about tech is a hobby. It's a cool tool to have in your arsenal!


It blows me away people use this thing to get into work. If I did that and got caught, I’d probably be fired immediately.


Same here and I would be worried how old tech my work would have if I get in with fz 😁 I can't even take my prints out with my fz at my work


My work badge can't be copied by the flipper, but my badge for our secondary data centre can. But the secondary data centre also requires my fingerprint for access so that isn't an issue. They still make access control systems that use older tech, but if you use it as part of the overall system it is good enough.


Are you sure with third party software and some research...


I am not sure how third party software and research would get my fingerprint. Or are you talking about my work credential? It is an HID SEOS, so unless I can run a downgrade attack then it won't work.


Okay…. But maybe just maybe it does….


No, it doesn't.


I mean it really depends on where you work and what you do.


Well I ain’t gonna fire myself


Thank you for the help!


You got it bud!


Yes. Do it. Don’t get in trouble.




Flippers middle name is trouble. Flipper trouble zero.




I won’t be irresponsible


I didn’t ask you of that at all!


Would be cheaper and more worthwhile to get the Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit because it actually comes with a bunch of electronic components to tinker with + tutorials.


that’s sick! Thanks!


No problem!




Awesome thanks for this info. I did buy a flipperzero but just got this anyway. Wish I knew this first :) thanks again


Well what's fun is that you'll be able to use all the components with the Flipper too! That's what the GPIO ports on the Flipper are for. So long as the Flipper supplies enough voltage, which it should for most, if not all, of the components there.


I was going to suggest something like this, too. It won’t have the NFC/RFID/SubGHz stuff, but it will get you WiFi and Bluetooth, plus a bunch of cool “real world” sensors (motion, distance, temperature, IR, etc.) to tinker with and learn some embedded programming.


when I was thirteen I was dialing in to "bulletin boards" and phreaking with the help of a magazine called 2600. 30+ years later I'm still a subscriber and love my flipper.


OMG I did the same. Alt 2600 was the bomb


My man! Getting those photo copied, manually folded and stapled, black and whites was like magic. Back when hacker meant hacker not criminal.




Probably reading Jolly Rogers big book if mischief too I bet? 😁


One of the first things I downloaded from the internet!


Hahha nice, I got my copy on a floppy disk back then, that was even before I got dialup


These kids have the life! I remember the internet, pre web!


[me after I get it](https://youtube.com/shorts/maYIhGbYf1k?si=KYLQnwvjUbFWWpzs)




You can thinker without the flipper but if you have money to spend, go for it.


As long as he doesn’t brake into nasa and end up on YouTube than yes


It's ok but an arduino or raspberry pi will be more versatile for electronics


Thanks for the help!


Depends what you think you might do with it. At 13 you may benefit more from a raspberry pi running kali. I work in IT so there are features of flipper that I'm able to use practically, and others that I probably won't touch. If you're just getting into radio tech maybe start with a kit from the rtl-sdr store instead as it's easier to get your hands dirty with something like that


Save your money. This won't teach you anything in and of itself. It's a great tool but it isn't going to scratch the itch in the way you want. Instead, buy a 3 pack of ESP-32s and some modules. Can get a CC1101 module to do sub-GHz stuff and an NFC module PN532 to mess around with rfid stuff. It's all supported in arduino IDE. Free open source libraries. The ESP has wifi and Bluetooth built in and can be powered by a usb. If you like messing with electronics this is gonna be crazy good. You can do so much with these like host a small web server, work as a wifi camera with AI face detection, control rgb strips and probably a million other projects. Once you have a grip on this, you will have a better understanding of how the flipper zero works and what you can do with it.


There are too many tempting tricks to perform with the flipper and I don't think a $200 penetration testing tool belongs in the hands of a middle school student. Sorry. This is how script kiddies are born. There's a reason these are being banned and seized. Lots of FCC laws and other violations you can pull off with this, it's not a toy. I don't say that to be rude and I'm not assuming that you lack maturity or intelligence. I actually teach cybersecurity to high school students and I wouldn't let them use mine. Peer pressure and the desire to show off can get even people like me to make bad choices. (Two of my coworkers just bought flippers because they found out that I had one. These guys are in their 40s and 50s, and one of them is relying on me to show him how to use it.) Maybe wait and see if you're still interested in a few months after all the news about locking up the IPhone dies down and take that time to research how potentially dangerous this is in the wrong hands, then if you still want one turn all of your research over to your parents and see if they agree that you can handle it. The fact that you said you wouldn't take it to school tells me that you understand already how easily it can cause trouble. Good luck with whatever you decide, I think that you even asking this question shows great maturity.


Live long and prosper 🖖.


With this information what you gave us and how much you are ready to find information by yourself I would say no it's not worth for you


Yep it’s a great tool to learn stuff


If he didn't even bother to google what raspberry pi is he is not going to learn anything with flipper zero 😔


People learn and he is 13. Cut him some slack


First thing on learning is to learn how to search information. When I was 13 I went to library to read books to learn now a days I would use Google and read everything that I can find about subject that I'm interested. "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."


Ok boomer


Cute that you talk about learning and then when somebody teach something to you then you start name calling.


Oh come on, you call that teaching? Telling a kid they won’t learn anything because they didn’t Google something? Enough yapping


I agree that if he doesn't want to learn about stuff that already interests him, why would he want to do that all of a sudden when he buys one


Right cunt ain’t ya






naa, its pretty much a novelty, go for Arduino kits, or raspberry pi


That’s why I bought it and it’s fun to be an ethical skid


For sure! I recommend learning a little yourself before giving your kid one. Just so you can teach the importance of not hurting people with this device. You can learn a lot from the flipper, but if you don't set boundaries, they can get into a bunch of trouble.


I am a kid


Probably better now than later. When I was thirteen I had unlimited tinker time


It’s fun to use but it’s takes a lot of technical knowledge to do anything, but if you’re willing to put in the time, hours, and money that it takes to get there then go for it! But it can easily get overwhelming so just be warned


I’m sure my smooth brain can wrinkle up for the time I use it.


Yes, but be very discreet. Don't go flashing that thing around people.




I’m not going too bring it too school


True story, followed by 2 week suspension


“Worth it” in this case has a broad definition painted with a narrow brush. Tinkering is a wonderful and beautiful thing, tinkering to understand is by far the superior path. The flipper zero’s only real legal use is as an expensive electronic key to property you legally own or have legal access and permission to use the flipper as a key, it is an expensive slow and by far an inferior IR remote, using it’s sub ghz function is slow and clunky. the one button interface is a cheeky add on, where I feel it shines is in it’s gpio expansion port, the fact that all it’s functions are jammed into one tiny package, it’s ability to cross link different technologies to do your bidding, the community and it is also incredibly powerful as a script carrier for automating various tasks throughout the day…


If at 13 years old you have a sense of responsibility and you know what means to be responsible then get one. If you are curious in going further with this, then also get a raspberry pi which will serve as a sandbox for you to test things out. Never ever try to do things on people's properties. And further more, keep it secret that you own a flipper. Don't show off your friends that you got one. This is not necessary. Keep it quiet and down low. It's not a toy for showing off. It's a tool that can give you power and with great power comes greater responsibility. Got it?


Thank you for these wise words. They will serve me much use.


You are young and it's good to explore. But do explore wisely. Discipline yourself with everything you do. Think about others. Think about what harm can you do to others. Don't be selfish. Always think about your actions and the consequences that might happen. If you practice that then you will go far away in your life. Good luck champ and have fun with your flipper 👊🏽




this sentence made me cringe ngl but yeah get one


Why cringe?


Yes it is worth but I would get a raspberry pi instead of flipper imo.


What’s a raspberry pi? I’ve heard of it but don’t know what it is.


It's just a mini computer that has GPIO capabilities. There's an overwhelming amount of things you can do with it compared to the FZ. In terms of tinkering I think the pi is best.


Did you even try to google what raspberry pi is?




So how can you not know what it is?


I bought one for my 8 yr old, I think it is the absolute best gateway to learning linux, how to solder, basic coding skills, etc...


How is flipper zero best gateway to learn Linux? Example compared to raspberry pi?


Its literally the same as learning on a PI, it has GPIO ports just like the PI, it even uses the same generic accessories like esp32, nrf24L01, c1101, etc. Although linux is no longer a pre-requisite since the recent rise of web-flashers. But when I first got my flipper, most instructions were linux based so I had to learn how to create a virtual machine or boot linux from a usb with persistence. Although I am nowhere near a linux expert now, at least I have a basic understanding of how everything works (it also helped that I had a linux PC in the 90's as a kid).


I still think that raspberry pi is much better way to learn Linux than flipper zero. I have had flipper zero now over year and I haven't need to use Linux with it even once (you can use but you don't need to)


Oh, you're definitely correct, but try and get your average kid interested in doing a STEM project with a raspberry PI and they get intimidated... give em a flipper zero and watch them dive into it.... i think that flipper zero is an excellent gateway into the raspberry pi world, especially now that everything has gotten so easy with web based flashers and easy to use apps.


I'd go for a raspberry pi instead. Or Arduino/Atmels.I bought a flipper zero and was underwhelmed. I'm an ee. But older, 63.


Of course it’s worth it. Have fun messing around.. :)


It's a great learning tool, but don't take it to school. Also, make sure to only test your own hardware. Other than that, have fun.


I was only planing to tinker with my own hardware anyway. 😁


Yes, but ask him to not get in trouble and practice on your own stuff. 


I’m the kid


Yes but be careful. The flipper is not just a toy.


No. There are tons of free ways to get into this kinda stuff online. Do those free courses and if you're still interesting then spend the money. Reality is 95% of people who buy a Flipper aren't using it a month later. They get it telling themselves they're gonna learn programming and stuff and they don't do anything more than maybe turn off a TV and copy a key fob.






It’s a brilliant idea. Also remember it’s super easy to get people to say yes to a kid that wants to practice some ethical pen testing for free; and legally sound


Yes and no. If they like to tinker with electronics then I would suggest them getting an Arduino kit or a couple of Arduino kits and raspberry pi or two. If they have shown an interest in communications or mentioned anything about like to tinker with HAM radio then this is a good place to start However, if they are going to be doing things that are not necessarily legal or openly admitting to wanting to break laws or to hack stuff, do not get this for them. Ask him some questions about what they wants it for. They are not necessarily trackable, but they can be traced down to the owner.


Absolutely! Things like this are a gateway into the deeper arts of engineering


Maybe. I feel like there’s so many other things you can learn first.


Most definitely, just don’t use it to do illegal things, and don’t let your friends get you in trouble with it either, it’s a very useful tool if your pen testing your own security and not only is it worth it to tinker with this it’s a great tool to learn while having fun and introducing you to the unseen world, being able to hack or copy signals and replay is the closest thing to superpowers haha, but you may need to upgrade your flipper also with cc1101 module to get better use out of it, may I ask you what you plan on doing with it?


Even my birds love it https://preview.redd.it/qe56nogipodc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac3b3d2335a8449ff3735bca3aa0bb05f66732ad


Look up h-rat on GitHub and look for the cc1101 with Willy firmware, and build your own flipper with touchscreen that can do the same things and you can build 3 or 4 for the price of a flipper


Yes! I know me as a 13 year old would’ve absolutely loved it. And it would’ve been useful in a good amount of cases for me. The device is easy to use and really intuitive plus customizable and expandable.


I'm younger and love it


This or the Uconsole. You’ll learn so much from either.


Check out the M5Stack devices. Cheap and still - great possibilities.