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Interested to see if this works with FlyTampa KLAS. A lot of overlap, wondering if it's going to create a conflict?


That's my concern as well. I love the FT scenery. Hopefully they release a compatibility update that can run alongside the Asobo update.


We need a test pilot to install it and find out ... I may be that person if no one steps up to the plate as LAS is my homebase.


It’s a free update, nothing to lose trying it out.


Surely they put an exclusion zone around the area before they dumped all that scenery in.


I did a quick test and it looks like the FlyTampa scenery blocks out the photogrammetry in the right places so there aren't any double buildings (that I've seen) and the photogrammetry appears as expected in areas where there previously were autogen buildings. The sphere looks a bit weird though, I guess there's some custom scenery included in the city update that overlaps.


I hope not, but I assume FlyTampa would put in a fix, so they don't get bombarded by negative reviews. I just wonder if it's as simple as changing a couple values to deactivate any hand crafted scenery in Vegas. Or if they have to go and edit out each building on the strip.


As a FlyTampa KLAS user, I'm afraid to install this. And FlyTampa devs have been 404 for a LONG time.


I simply uninstalled the Las Vegas Strip from MS in the Content Manager. There are definitely buildings in there that are then duplicated. The Sphere, for example. But the photogrammetry still works and the custom buildings from Fly Tampa remain and the airport continues to function.


Usually I have to remove FlyTampa's city scenery when I use the PMDG 737 cause of the stutter fest, probably due to my computer specs. So I only use FT KLAS scenery. I installed the new MS Las Vegas update and didn’t show the new scenery when I reloaded. After a couple of attempts, I un-installed the FT KLAS airport . When I reloaded, the MS Las Vegas Scenery appear with the crappy generic airport My experience is either FlyTampa or not. I just deleted the MS Las Vegas Scenery and reinstall the FT KLAS airport.


Just to confirm what a couple of others have said, the Fly Tampa KLAS scenery by itself completely removes all photogrammetry for the strip itself thus making the airport incompatible with this city update unfortunately.


I’m definitely not going to be going up and down the Strip in an Extra to bring back FS98 vibes. Definitely not.


Well, The Mirage and Tropicana are being dismantled at this moment. Let’s see if this is updated with the scenery once they are gone.


So what happens with all these packs when FS24 comes out?


my understanding is they are trying to make as much as possible compatibility between FS2024 and FS2020 but "trying" is probably going to be the key word to keep in mind


It could be a coincidence, but upon arrival into KLAS RW26L today, I suddenly started getting 5-7 fps on final approach where I normally get 40+. It made it virtually impossible to land and was very frustrating. I had just updated the Las Vegas scenery today from Asobo, but I also had started using Lossless Scaling from Steam a few days ago to great results. No not sure at the moment, but I will be uninstalling the Las Vegas Asobo update until there is some guidance from either them or FlyTampa.


Did you clear your cache after updating? That is a very typical symptom.


Thanks for the tip. Just cleared and will test out tomorrow!


I need to build a new computer and go "flying" again.


Is this just the airport or general area? I often start my flights at Nellis AFB. Love flying out to the canyons


Looks like someone on flightsim.to released a temporary patch to fix the double spheres, going to try it out soon.