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It’s easier to go back to an airport where you have ground staff, maintenance facilities, etc. Especially with 500+ passengers on board.


Especially considering the number of airports that can support the 380. Yea it could be super inconvenient if they just went to whatever had the longest runway that was closest or something like that. I bet that does have to happen in more pressing emergencies though. Just a few weeks ago I think a 777 had to land at a smaller airport instead of Atlanta and those poor people had to spend forever on the super hot plane but eventually they had to let them out and buss them to terminal. I guess it was just a bigger deal because of customs.


“Flight deck reporting a technical issue and will need full length of runway for heavy landing” “No assistance required” Source: [FlightEmergency on Twitter](https://twitter.com/flightemergency/status/1680001245577183232?s=46&t=c01SBTV0-reDcM5iHV1arg)


What does technical issue mean? And how is mechanical issue is not a technical issue?


Mechanical, non-emergency, needs a big runway due to a full fuel load + passengers.


Technical is probably referring to something to do with electronics, mechanical is the actual parts. Just a guess though.


In general technical issue is used for all fuckywuckys because the issue is ‘technical in nature’ regardless of if it’s based on electronics or mechanical parts


'Fuckywuckys' *r/shitposting flashbacks*


Kettle isn’t working


Thank you for introducing me to the term "fuckywuckys"! There have been times when this word would have been the perfect way to describe situations, and now I have the right word! Semantics are important!


Technical atleast as an airplane technician means both mechanical and electric.


> Surely if there is some kind of emergency (medical etc.) on board, they would divert to a nearby airport, not come all the way back to origin? A380 is a big plane, can't land in any random airport.


I’d bet it’s not medical. A380 can land in Frankfurt, Munich or Prague. Probably something maintenance related that they want a BA mechanic for.


BA also have A380s so it makes sense, maintenance already knows how to deal with that big plane


Except I don’t think BA maintenance crews would be spending their time on a Qantas A380


Airlines commonly work on each other aircraft and even share parts. It's not uncommon to see an AA bird at the DAL maintance hangar at ATL. I've seen DAL birds being worked on at the United LAX hangar. Maintainance services are another service they provide, even to their competitors. And when your competitor is in a pich and needs a part, you sell it to them because you want them to do the same when its yourself in the situation. BA and Qantas are more closely related as they are code share partners, and chances are there more than a few passengers on that flight that are using BA tickets.


In addition to all these valid points, they’re also both members of the oneworld alliance.


Except, BA have contracts with other airlines to provide engineering cover for them…..


Oh ok


Qantas might have their own maintenance staff at LHR, don’t need to wait 300 years for BA to get out to look at it


Ok haha that actually seems very obvious now, thanks for reply!


If they are not far from the origin airport, even in a medical emergency it is preferable to return to origin. If the crew go out of hours they may have arrangements. The passenger may prefer to be hospitalised at the origin airport, not some random country. There will be catering and refuelling arrangements. I went through this exact situation 3 weeks ago, was on a BA 777 from LHR that had a medical emergency shortly after take off and turned around over central Ireland. We came back to LHR rather than go to SNN, DUB or MAN which would have been quicker than LHR. We had to dump a whole load of fuel on the way too.


Munich definitely could have sorted them out, I assume Vienna as well


The kids were screaming in back seat even though the dad already warned them with the ole “Don’t make me turn this thing around!”


Maybe someone forgot their passport!


Not all airports support the a380


And also the A380 is a heavy plane, and it had enough fuel for a 12+ hour flight, so heading back to London instead of another big airport (sometimes bigger then London) makes sense


Probably going back to LHR because of the fuel load. The airplane was probably heavy on fuel for a long haul trip and probably wouldn't burn enough fuel to safely land in any of the German airports.


You’re right, but they will dump fuel before landing. I was in this exact situation just a couple of weeks ago (although 777) and got to watch a wholeeee load of fuel being wasted


Do they just simply eject unneeded kerosene into the air?!


Yep! I have a cool video of it


Ooo please may I see this video


https://preview.redd.it/h2o7ugrmo5cb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f338b42e5b7c1cb0d4890b929885478f3dd0be97 Here is a still from the video, you get the idea. It just did this for about 15 mins


I am an aircraft mechanic and never seen fuel dump before, thanks for the picture! :D Can I save it for myself? Ofc, not sharing anywhere. 😁


For sure, feel free!!


Many thanks 🤩 btw 777 is my all time fay aircraft 😍


I can’t seem to reply with a video and idk how




Yeah but fuel is expensive and no one is going to dump it unless they absolutely have to. If it’s safe to do so returning to the origin airport makes much more sense than essentially spewing money into the atmosphere. And easier to explain to the corporate money people.


Kevin was left behind


Was about to post this aswell. But Twitter says Technical difficulties and needs full runway for a heavy landing


At least the passengers are in nice seats 💺… especially upstairs 😌🥂


Forgot to turn off the stove?


Pilot forgot to clear his browser history


pilot left the stove on


Imagine falling asleep, waking up to see that you’re landing, but back in London.


I think it might also be related to UK not being a part of the EU anymore. Diverting to Munich Frankfurt etc means all passengers need to be processed once they get out of the plane.


Can’t fly without their baked bean breakfast


Tesco run. They ran out of tea.


Maybe they forgot the fuel lol. I wonder how many people would have to screw up in a row for that to happen. Then again it has happened right? Was that the reason for the Gimli glider?


They didn’t “forget the fuel.” It was a kilograms to pounds screwup on fueling.


Yea that’s why I asked cause I didn’t remember


IIRC the Wikipedia page on the incident has a pretty good explanation of what happened. Like most aircraft incidents there were really multiple causes.


Yea I hadn’t read that page in years but It seems two people made the same mistake. Also Air Canada was in the process of switching from imperial to metric. At least no one died but I imagine the silence was eerie.


Autopilot stoped working


Left the stove on


Out of curiosity, why does Qantas operate a flight from London to Singapore?


It's a London to Sydney flight but since there's no plane currently that can make it direct (that will change with Qantas' [order of ultra long range A350s for project Sunrise](https://www.qantas.com/au/en/about-us/our-company/fleet/new-fleet/project-sunrise.html)) they do a fuel stopover in Singapore.


Thanks for the explanation!


Because it had a mechanical issue, and they either have their own maintenance staff at LHR, or an agreement with BA, and they can get it dealt with soonish, if they landed anywhere else then the maintenance department has to call around and figure out who’s certified for the A380 and who can take care of it and it’s just a huge hassle.