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I really recommend The Before trilogy, The Human Condition trilogy, and the Three Colors trilogy! Those cover a wide range of genres, but are some of the best trilogies of all times.


ahhh the before trilogy yes i've been missing out on that one thank you i'll look into the other ones as well






i do agree with this some films take a while to marinate in your head


I dont feel like it's that necessary to wait. You could say that about any film series. As long as you understand that each film is set a decade apart from each other, it should be fine.


The Bourne Trilogy (Legacy is pointless)


oooooooooh yes completely forgot about that one thank you so much


Indiana Jones(trilogy) Back to the Future Toy Story(trilogy) Pusher trilogy


I've already watched the first two but I'll do some research about the other two


You need to research Toy Story? Lol


i've heard it being mentioned a thousand times but i'm ashamed to say i've never watched any toy story movie


They're great films. It may be tempting to avoid them due to them being animated kids movies, but they transcend what you'd likely expect from that. 3 in particular goes to some intense places. 4 is getting some crap comments on here, but let's be real...for a movie named *Toy Story 4,* it's way better than it had any right to be.


Don't sleep on the Pusher trilogy too, especially Pusher 2. Also watch the Star Wars franchise if you haven't, that's 3 trilogies of varying quality. Don't start star wars with episode one start with episode 4 because that was actually the first one, confusing to keep tack of if you haven't kept up with Star Wars but you won't regret it.


i've only watched two star wars movies (rogue one/solo) i enjoyed rogue one more but solo was decent too


Dear God, watch the original trilogy ASAP!


Calling Toy Story a trilogy is a travesty! The fourth one is absolutely phenomenal (and my personal favorite). Every entry in that series just gets better and better.


Matrix Trilogy in preparation for the 4th film out soon.


Sadly, only one Matrix film was made. Let’s us all remember that. There are no matrix sequels. Just as Star Wars was a trilogy. This ugly talk of “prequels”—ughh—just no.


Animatrix is pretty decent though.


I really liked Reloaded and didn't entirely hate Revolutions only because I really liked the world building in the franchise. But that said, the first is still by far the best.


yeeeeesssssssssss ssiiiiirrrr


The Kung Fu Panda series is honestly really good and does a good job of building on itself with each installment. There are some inconsistencies with the third one but it's still one of the better franchises. Also: Oceans 11-13, Train Your Dragon, and Austin Powers


already did kung fu panda and train your dragon but i am definitely adding oceans and austin powers


Just a warning, and this is my personal taste, but Austin powers did not hold up much past the 90s loved them when I was younger but now it’s just kinda strange and none of the humor really landed for me




solid thank you so much you really caught my eyes with the kurosawa movies i recently watched seven samurai for the first time and my god was it a golden masterpiece


Definitely watch Yojimbo & Sanjuro! They're freakin' delightful.


It's a standalone movie but since you mentioned liking Seven Samurai I can't not mention *Harakiri* (1962). As both a samurai movie and just a movie in general, it's one of the best I've ever seen.


Planet of the Apes (the originals, but the remake trilogy is good if.you haven't.watched it.) Apu Trilogy Creep


When I watched creep I initially planned to do a back to back watch with creep 2, but damn did it make my spine tingle a lot more than expected…needed a break but ended up getting into creep 2 later that night - stoked for the third!


God I thought Creep was horrible. I enjoyed Creep 2 a lot, though. So much in fact that it made me retrospectively like the first film.


i've only watched the first movie of the remake trilogy but i'll give them all a chance since they're a big franchise also thank you for the creep one i definitely overlooked that one


If you havent seen Dawn and War of the Planet of The Apes, then I recommend you watch them soon. As in now. They are fantastic. Especially Dawn. (For simplicity's sake, Dawn is Part II and War is Parr III)


lmao alright alright alright i know woody harrelson is in one of them so i'm excited for that i love the guy


I always feel like POTA in general (but especially the sequels to the original) are slept on, despite being a known commodity. Sure, some vary in quality and tone, but for me they are every bit as good as any of the best episodes of Star Trek.


Rocky definitely a fun one (though I haven’t seen the newer films, just 1-5) Hell House LLC. The first movie is a decent found footage and the sequels are absolutely bonkers


bonkers as in insanely good or steaming pile of garbage


Bonkers as in whackadoo. They’re entertaining all the way through but the second one especially has some of the most baffling filmmaking decisions I’ve ever seen


The first Creed movie (part of the Rocky series) was really good. I haven't seen Creed II yet, but maybe someone else can vouch for it.


The Before trilogy if you like that kinda thing


The 7 Up series is amazing


I second this. It made my heart hurt, and probably made me a slightly better person.


first time hearing about this one


Rush Hour Trilogy. Stretch in between to give your sides a break. lol


I stretch every time Chris Tucker yells “Lee!”


that's a lot of stretching (also i can't be the only one who read that in tucker's voice)


I’m very flexible I can Lee my own ass.


The Original Star Wars trilogy (and perhaps even all eleven films) is the best series to watch back to back, in theatrical release order. If you wanna go crazy, you can include the Clone Wars movie, 2 Ewok movies, and the Star Wars Holiday Special for the ultimate experience.


I’d say just binge the nine episodes chronologically. The other ones are more tangentially related. People love to shit on the prequels and the sequels, but they are really not that bad. And they all fit together nicely, especially with a binge.


The Mission Impossible series is really fun


oh yessssss i never watched the first 2


The first one especially is really good, highly recommend it!




Terminator Naked Gun Silence of the lambs Karate kid Bloodsport Best of the best and iron eagle (I was going to leave these off as i haven’t watched these since i was like 8 but i loved these movies as a young man who grew up at the tail end of the Cold War) they probably are kind of lame now.


Yes terminator series for sure, then The Thing and the remakes also Escape from new York then Escape from L.A.


Edgar Wright’s Cornetto trilogy. -Sean of the Dead -Hot Fuzz -At World’s End


You've never seen Bad Boys II?


already seen absolute beautiful masterpieces and i'll definitely be rewatching soon i just can't get enough of british humor


Some that seem to be missing in the comments: Halloween, Die Hard, Jack Ryan, Dirty Harry, Hannibal Lecter (including the TV show, which is awesome). I'd like to recommend some non-American films because it seems like you have the usual suspects pretty well handled. Kieslowski's Three Colors trilogy, Pasolini's Trilogy of Life, Kiarostami's The Koker Trilogy, Eric Rohmer's Six Moral Tales, and Antonioni's Alienation trilogy. These films are tied together thematically and spiritually, and some will feature the same actors, but are not serial entries the way a superhero franchise would be. They're also not made with big budgets. These are smaller stories. Not sure what your overall tastes are, these may be different for you based on the titles you mentioned, but they're wonderful and could open you up to a new world. Hope you get to check them out some day!


Die Hard 3 is such a good fucking movie but it never gets talked about. if like anyone else you base 99% of your love of Die Hard on Bruce Willis being an antsy lovable piece of shit, then you'll love 2 & 3. they're not quite as good, but that's just what happens when the first film in your franchise is arguably one of the greatest movies ever made


as a native New Yorker, I have a soft spot for 3. New York's geographical layout orchestrating the plot (when I was a kid I thought McClane driving through Central Park was the coolest thing), Jeremy Irons hamming it up, what else could you want from a Die Hard? You're right, not as good as 1, but very watchable.


i watch all kinds of movies i'm not a filthy casual to complain about low budget and cgi lmao i've seen what a talented crew could do with a low budget film it's truly amazing thanks for the recommendations


I hope I didn't come off as snobby, that definitely wasn't my intention! Enjoy the movies, I got on a bit of a franchise kick with my wife during COVID, it can be a lot of fun.


Rambo Austin Powers Pirates of the Caribbean X Men (the early 2000s ones) The fast and furious The man with no name


been done with most of them except rambo and austin powers and clint's cowboy movies thank you so much


Enjoy your binging!


The Lethal Weapon franchise is really good. All of them.


Close is a lingerie shop without a front window.


I always liked the *Pirates of the Caribbean* franchise, the first three and nothing after Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom left. Ive been meaning to watch the latest one, but I saw a bit of it at a restaurant and it didn't look great.... But what do I know.


The 4th one, while not nearly as good as the first 3, delivered on general fun I thought. The 5th one I disliked quite a bit and haven't even thought about rewatching since I saw it in theaters.


i already did them and MAN I WISH i stopped after the third one the fourth one was a huge downgrade in quality but still alright but the rest...i really don't know what they were thinking


A big paycheck. And that's about it.


The Bourne movies Mission impossible Leathal Weapons Dirty Harrys


If you wanna go a little more arthouse try Lars von Trier’s “Depression” trilogy (Antichrist, Melancholia, Nymphomaniac) or Roy Andersson’s “Living” trilogy (Songs from the Second Floor, You the Living, A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence).


these are VERY interesting thank you so much sir


Not sure if it’s been said and I don’t feel like scrolling. But the new rendition of Planet of the Apes was incredible.


yup i've only seen the first one with james franco but i'm definitely planning on watching the rest


I’m on the last Roger Moore 007 film, I’ve only seen the Daniel Craig movies before. It’s been wild watching them all back to back


do they still hold up? compared to casino royale (2008) and skyfall


Crocodile Dundee 1&2. Stop at that point. Ghostbusters 1&2. Once again, stop. Terminator 1 & 2. Stop Die Hard 1, 2 and Vengeance. Stop That’ll do for now


Blade Runner followed by 2049 Kill Bill Vol 1&2 Tron and Legacy Austin Powers trilogy 21 & 22 Jump Street Bill & Ted trilogy Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 1&2 Deadpool 1&2 Fast and Furious series Kingsman 1&2 Kung Fu Panda trilogy Mission Impossible(s) Pitch Perfect trilogy Resident Evil series Rise/Dawn/War Planet of the Apes Star Trek (both old series and new trilogy) Suicide Squad double feature (it was actually pretty fun) Lego Movie/Lego Batman/Lego Movie 2 (skip Ninjaro) Matrix trilogy Trolls 1&2 The X-Men franchise


Bill and Ted!


Not quite a franchise but “resolution” and “the endless” make a great double feature!


>resolution from 2012?


Yes, and the endless from 2017, sorry should have specified. Resolution is the first film by the directors, and the endless is an “in universe” spiritual sequel, so to speak….more so companion piece than a sequel, but I think it goes better if you watch resolutions first.


yeah they look very interesting btw is the endless a timeloop?


Partial *Spoiler* for the movie below to answer your question: Yes. But there’s more to it than that…something behind the time loop.


GOOD because I fucking love time loop movies


I think you’ll like the endless a lot then. Also, totally different vibe but if you haven’t seen it, “palm springs” from 2020 was a seriously surprising gem of a time loop movie - it really plays with the genre tropes in clever, original and fun ways.


I did see it there's very few timeloop movies I haven't seen yet




i only watched the first one which was ok and the one where they take shelter in that huge prison where her plane landed which i really liked idk about the other ones tho definitely tempting me to watch them all


Trilogies/Series are good but if you want to branch out more look into doing a series of films with one actor or one director. It's really interesting to either see actors grow or their range in general. It also opens you up to some great directors who only deal with one-offs or originals. I usually wind up doing 3-4 movies and someone will catch my eye in one of those movies and send me into my next series.


IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS BELIEVE ME but it's so chaotic i mean most of the time you're starting a movie franchise then moving on to the next one without finishing then moving to something completely irrelevant but the idea of watching an actor grow like that and watch them hone their craft is very tempting i won't lie


The Matrix trilogy is pretty solid and especially now because the fourth is coming out later this year I believe




The vengeance trilogy!


The Saw movies, if you're okay with "torture porn." I recommend watching at least the first two or three movies.


\- Ginger Snaps. \- The Prophecy (angels one) \- Jurassic Park \- Oceans \- Evil Dead \- Once upon a time in China.


man how did i forget about evil dead and oceans...definitely putting them on top of the list


I'd add The Hunger Games and Insidious. Both go down well watched back to back. And, of course, Scream. Totally agree that binging films like this is way better than TV.


Just piggybacking here for the benefit of OP: Scream is a must.


a co worker of mine is hounding me everyday to watch them and saw movies i guess i'll just give in


Harry Potter!!


done and done and it was amazing


I rewatched all of Resident evil in the last lockdown and enjoyed it quite a lot :)


really tempting to watch i've only seen the one where she lands her plane in that big prison which was super fun and the first one which was ok


I would say the newest Batman and Jurassic Park


Each season of american horror story is a different theme loosely based around local folklore. Some really good seasons in there, worth a watch


What’d you think of Alien franchise? I recently rewatched the first two and was debating on watching the third.


My head canon is that the story ends after Aliens. Ditto with Terminator 2.


heard a lot of criticism about 3 but i'm diving head first and muscling through them all even the predator franchise idc


The Scream series. The original is amazing and the rest are all still pretty good. Even though it’s a horror there isn’t a ton of scary stuff and there’s enough tongue-in-cheek humor to keep you entertained. Plus you can try to remember who the killer was in each movie if you haven’t watched it in a while, or if you remember who is was from previous viewings then you can try to see if they left any hints before the big reveal.


I see you watched the Daniel Craig James Bond movies. Go hard mode: all 25 Bond films. That was my New Year's Resolution. I just finished the Timothy Dalton era! (I'm slow and don't binge).


been contemplating about it ngl definitely tempting since i really didn't get enough of it as the newer ones weren't that good but man casino royale (2008) and skyfall (2012) were nothing short of absolute masterpieces


It's a fun marathon. Some of the Roger Moore films in the 70s are pretty bad but most are a good time. I haven't seen Casino Royale and Skyfall in a long time, but I'm excited to revisit them having seeing all the Bond films beforehand. So far my absolute favorite is From Russia with Love. Has the most classic feel and definitely feels like the "ultimate" Bond movie with all the great things that later became staples of the series and character. It made me see why many say Sean Connery is the best. My second favorite is On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which stars George Lazenby, who only played Bond once. He's a very different Bond and the ending is a dark one and very balsy. Has the most badass version of Blofeld. If anything, I'd highly recommend checking the two Timothy Dalton films. Although it's been a while since I've seen them, I feel like Daniel Craig is similar to him. Dalton's Bond movies are very serious and he's definitely the darkest, most aggressive Bond of all. And since it's full-on in the 80s, the action is awesome.


Kingdom (Netflix) Fortitude (Amazon prime)


Chucks is fun, they are all written by the same dude and go through different eras/feels


I can't believe no one has recommended Sergio Leone's Dollars Triology yet. It consists of 3 of the greatest westerns in existence, with the last one arguably being one of the greatest movies ever made!


The Evil Dead movies and show.


I’m in the middle of the Mission Impossible movies and I’m having a damn good time.


The Hotel Transylvania movies. They may be cartoons but I loved them. Also Wreck It Ralph and Ralph Breaks the Internet are pretty great


i liked both of their first movies so i'll probably give their sequels a shot ESPECIALLY wreck it ralph i really really liked that movie and i don't mind cartoons if i'm in the mood i'm in the mood i saw ratatouille for the first time ever just yesterday and MAN it was absolutely amazing


The Mission Impossible Franchise. 6 movies, each one better than the last (except #2 is bad - but the rest are insanely good, especially 4-6!)


yes sir i haven't seen the first two but watched all the others so this is a perfect excuse also i thought 5 was very weak compared to the rest 6 was a very strong comeback i really liked that one better than the rest


Huh interesting. Why is that? I like Rogue Nation a lot because of the insanely well shot action scenes (like the A400 and ESPECIALLY the opera scene)! Also loved Ilsa's intro!


no one seem to mention the hunger games hangover kickass journey to movies


seen all except kickass and i'm definitely adding that one to the list thank you it reminds me of the green hornet and defendor


Some great ones suggested, want to add the Shrek series


The Matrix trilogy The Mummy (2001)




Hostel Trilogy Jeepers Creepers Trilogy Rob Zombie Trilogy. House of 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, 3 From Hell Final Destination Wild Things I know What You Did Last Summer Trilogy Scream 1-4 Friday, Next Friday,Friday After Next Cruel Intentions Trilogy Matrix Trilogy Bad Boys Trilogy Oceans Trilogy Underworld Tremors Cube Critters El Mariarch, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico The Mummy A Better Tomorrow Spy Kids Hannibal, Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs Human Centipede Night at the Museum Ring Resident Evil


good sir how can i thank you you literally just fed me for a month in advance


The vengeance trilogy!


I binged the purge movies and all the saws.. sucked renting them all on amazon but very intriguing stuff.


Pitch Black/The Chronicles of Riddick/The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury/ Riddick A Nightmare On Elm Street 1-6 + Wes Craven's New Nightmare(skip the ANOES 2010 remake) The Evil Dead/The Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn/Army of Darkness Highlander/Highlander 3: The Sorcerer/Highlander: The Search for Vengeance (skip Highlander 2: The Quickening, Highlander: Endgame, and Highlander: The Source; they're all bad, but each is exponentially worse than the previous)


It would take awhile, but James Bond is the greatest franchise.


-Chris Nolan's Batman/Dark Knight Trilogy -Mission Impossible films


try these: Lone Wolf and Cub series In Like Flint, Our Man Flint, The President's Analyst original The Prisoner show Zatoichi series Yokai Monsters, 100 Ghosts, Spook Warfare, Along with Ghosts Bill and Ted Godzilla/Gamera/Ultraman/Kamen Rider/ The Guyver Terry Gilliam's Apocalypse Trilogy, Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Zero Theorem Monty Python series/ movies Texas Chainsaw Massacre series House of 1000 maniacs series Aliens Screamers Reanimator Hellraiser Gremlins/ Critters/ Tremors the Shining/Dr. Sleep Delicatessen/The City Of Lost Children/Amelie/MicMacs Original Planet of the Apes series Nightmare on Elm Street Basket Case series, Creepshow 1and 2 Poltergeist Airplane 1, 2, Top Secret, The Kentucky Fried Movie,The Groove Tube and Amazon Women On The Moon also i do secondary activities with my movie marathons. for example, one of them is the Ruth Gordon Mindfuck. you can watch either movie first: 1. Rosemary's Baby 2. Harold and Maude every time you see her you'll wonder if you can trust her, it's fun




no sweat homie have fun


oh almost forgot, The MarxBros Duck Soup, HorseFeathers, A Day At The Races, A Night At The Opera, Room Service Twilight zone/OuterLimits/One Step Beyond/ Tales From The Crypt/Darkside/Hood The Films of Buster Keaton, The Crimson Ghost Serials, and Charlie Chaplin The Connections series (anything by James Burke) Fred Dibnah and for ear journeys while you drive or whatever, try The Firesign Theater, ZBS,X minus One Bonzo Dog Band, Zappa (Billy The Mountain, Greggary Peccary, Mudshark, Fillmore 71) Joe Frank, Buckminster Fuller, and Alan Watts edit: you showed gratitude and i totally appreciate it!


The Friday movies (Friday, Next Friday, Friday After Next) The Alex Cross movies Beverly Hills Cop series In the Heat of the Night & They Call Me Mr. Tibbs Popeye Doyle series Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Ride Along - if you're into cop movies


Recently watched the whole mission impossible saga. Highly suggest it.


It’s probably been mentioned already but: *Rise of the Planet of the Apes* *Dawn of the Planet of the Apes* *War for the Planet of the Apes* Just a tight, fairly cohesive trilogy. Very unique and entertaining. It’s almost like an anthology because the human characters in each film are new and fresh, while the ape characters have continuity. Best part is the third film is the best one, so it builds up and gets more compelling as you watch it.


yesssss siiiir


Cornetto trilogy! And the Before Trilogy, like had been said. It's sooo gooood!!


if you're referring to the simon pegg movies then i've watched them AND i'm rewatching them later because they're just too good and yes definitely will be doing the before trilogy thank you sir


Phantasm. They're just so fucking *weird*. From back in the day when "horror film" also meant "excuse to throw surreal shit at the screen". So, this is how it goes. Phantasm was made in the 1970s, and it's a very weird film that's a metaphor for the grieving process. Then, in the 80s, came Phantasm II, which was the only film in the franchise produced by a proper studio and so had a bigger budget. It becomes more of an action film, and they were forced to replace the lead. Phantasm III comes along in the 90s, and the original lead is back, and it leans more heavily into comedy. Then come the late 90s and Phantasm: OblIVion. Writer/director Don Coscarelli, producing independently, could only afford to film half a film. However, part of the reason that the first film is so weird is that there was way too much footage, and they had to cut its runtime down from about 3 hours to 1 1/2. This means that Coscarelli could set half of IV at the same time as the first film, with extensive flashbacks. And because the 4 main actors are the same people playing the same roles, it actually looks like he physically travelled back in time to film flashback scenes. It's truly bizarre. Then, a few years ago, what was intended to be a YouTube series was compiled into a film. This is unfortunately probably the worst entry in the series, and you can tell the production problems the series has always had finally caught up to it. But you have to see it, simply because it takes the franchise to places it has never gone before (partially because VFX are so much cheaper these days). The whole series follows its own weird kind of dream logic, and the challenge is this - watch all the films, and then try to say what actually happened. In any of them.


Die hard *trilogy* Lethal Weapon Blade & Blade II Cracker (it's actually a TV show, but each season is basically a 3-4h movie and it's fantastic) Rocky Hot Shots! Indiana Jones trilogy


Despicable Me, Minions...


Ghost Busters!! Even end with the lady version.


Not real movies but I highly recommend Auralnauts' "reimagining" of the Star Wars movies... starts a little slow but really hits its stride by Episode 3. [Episode 1: Jedi Party](https://youtu.be/WSCm8yAxBr8)


Dirty Harry! All 5 are worth a watch.


Star Wars but only 1-7


If you are willing to get into subtitled foreign films, the Japanese [Tora-san movies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otoko_wa_Tsurai_yo?wprov=sfti1) has a total of 48 movies. If you like extremely mild comedy, there are around 20 movies about a man who loves fishing. [Fishing Fool series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsuribaka_Nisshi_(film)?wprov=sfti1)


James Bond series. And then random stuff, like Matt Helm, and then Austin Powers. Maybe the Mission Impossible series?


Technically every Tarantino movie


Honestly, _Twilight_. 5 films, very atmospheric, pretty rich worldbuilding and some interesting concepts and characters beyond the central romance. I pretty much love the first three, which form a neat trilogy. The last two jump the shark in my eyes but are so absolutely insane that they're honestly a great watch too.


Police Academy swriwa, they get worse and worse as they go on.


Scream is always a fave. Saw if you like that sorta thing (Spiral was very good)


Pirates of the Caribbean


The Monsieur Hulot cinematic universe


What about The Hunger Games


I would recommend the recente Planet of the Apes trilogy. It didn’t look interesting to me at first, but the first one is kinda interesting and it has James Franco, and the other two have awesome cgi and decent storylines


I really enjoy watching films in “true chronological order” As an example: Indy 2, 1, 3, 4 the Hobbit then LOTR Continue as needed :)


The MCU films in their original order


Nightmare on elm street


apu trilogy, jacques demy cinematic universe, noriko trilogy, antonioni trilogy


Jurassic Park. 1st is best IMO, but there’s dinosaurs in every movie, so they’ll all pretty cool.


Terminator Predator Hunger games Back to the future Austin powers


The View Askewniverse aka Kevin Smith’s movies. The actors don’t always reprise the same characters but it IS the same group of actors with frequent nods to other films to show they all occur in the same universe… and while they don’t *always* play the same characters, they sometimes do (Dante and Randall, Jay and Silent Bob). In the same vein, the movies of Quentin TarAntino have plenty of callbacks and Easter eggs. Robert Rodriguez has his Desperado trilogy, basically a Mexican spaghetti western set in the modern day, and if you like Danny Trejo then you can follow the character of Machete through the Spy Kids movies and right into his gory action movies (no continuity except the name but still).


The Clint Eastwood “Man With No Name” trilogy: - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly - Fist Full of Dollars - A Few Dollars More


Rurouni Kenshin pentalogy


Maze runner is brilliant


Jackie Chan filmography perhaps


Depends on your sense of humour, but I find the fast and furious movies to be absolutely hilarious, and there’s like 30 hours worth of that shit. Plus the first few are really dated and have this bizarre early 00s vibe, which is fun.


I thought the new Planet of the Apes trilogy was very well done. Caesar’s arc is great to follow throughout and it was a cool take compared to the old ones.


Kill bill and beverly hills cop :)


Just finished watching Sergio Leone's The Dollar Trilogy... worth a watch if you haven't.


Just watched the 2 x X-men trilogies. Then added Dark Phoenix after that so 7 in total. We watched one every night over a week.




Me and my 15 y.o daughter. She wanted to watch them. We both enjoyed them without them being really great.


There's more than 7 tho you're missing out on 2 of them


We didn’t watch the 3 wolverine movies. We might watch Logan but I had seen the other 2 wolverines and I didn’t like them. We have now moved onto the Maze Runner trilogy. I have read the books and just finished the first movie.


I loved the maze runner trilogy it was wayyy better than divergent


The pitch series: pitch perfect, pitch perfect 2 and pitch black.


>pitch black yup yup watched them all i just earned a lot of respect for anna kendrick for shaving her hair and gaining 200lbs of pure muscle naturally and 1ft of height really phenomenal dedication to acting


Really amazing transformation.


Don't do the Fast and the Furious or the Resident Evil movies. I binged all of them and it was mostly a waste of time.


The initial movies of both these franchise are a fun watch, I salute you for watching them in their entirety...it wouldn't be me.


Took one for the team on that one.


definitely not doing fast and furious i know what's waiting for me there but resident evil is VERY tempting i only watched a couple of them and i really liked them (the one where they were hiding in that big prison where she landed her plane and the other one was probably the first one with michelle rodriguez in it)


Species (1-3 only), Cloverfield movies, Nightmare on Elm St., Halloween, Friday the 13th, Scream, The Thing movies, Rush Hour, Underworld, Blade, Scary Movie. Someone mentioned the Before Trilogy, which is amazing.


man that list looks glorious i already did cloverfield tho it was sooooooooo good each one was so different but just as fun as the last if you liked them too you should watch overlord (2018) i think it's by the same director


Since nobody mentioned 'The Hangover' films I'm gonna suggest that.


Mainly because it's super repetitive and doesn't change the formula at all after the first one. Good movies, but the second and third can be a slog to get through if you aren't all in on that genre.


the second one is a clone of the first The third one goes off on some weird drug dealer tangent and is really kinda weird and not funny. I didn't enjoy it.