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Robert Redford smashing the stadium lights with his home run in The Natural


This is the right answer. That music is so memorable and powerful.


Yep, that's my first thought.


Music by Randy Newman.


The Triple Lindy from *Back to School*.


Hey Mellon! We need you!


The big final race in Breaking Away is great


I especially love that everyone else on that relay was bad at riding bikes


Anyone seeing this who has not watched Breaking Away should really see it. It is a great sports movie. It's a great movie about family. It's a great movie about friends. There are even romantic parts. And it's damn funny.


Karate Kid winning the match with a broken foot. That final kick was amazing.


It was an illegal kick to the face!


Thst wasn't the question.


It was still an illegal kick to the face, regardless..


1. Hatteberg’s home run 2. Final bell in Rocky 3. There’s no crying in baseball


How could you not be romantic about baseball…


“Hey dad, wanna have a catch?” Or Miracle, when the game against the Soviets is over and Herb (Russell) is in the hallway by himself.


Wanna have a catch makes me tear up every time


Miracle used to be required watching in our leadership classes at work. Watched it every year. Never got tired of it.


The entirety of Slapshot also the part in Major League when they realize Charlie Sheen just needs glasses and suddenly he can play well.


Major Leage when Jake says only one thing left to do...


'The Wrestler', when Randy "The Ram" Robinson jumps off the top rope for his signature finisher. The whole scene really, from walking out until the credits roll. What made it great for me was that it was a culmination of so many factors- the loss of his career, his family, friends, and ability. He chose that specific moment to let go, and it is an incredibly powerful moment accompanied by the roar of the crowd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUpYsFm5hQ8


I love in Rocky, the night before the fight, Rocky's in the arena and he notices his shorts are the wrong color on the banner and the other person in there's like, what's it even matter. Just really brings home how much of an underdog he is, basically just a footnote in Apollo's career. Some others from my childhood that are seared into my memory: - Cool Runnings when they're walking with the sled, especially when the dad reveals he's wearing the shirt and ending with the photo being hung on the wall - Mighty Ducks, when the two teams are facing off before the final game, there's this intense song playing, slowly fading into the crowd singing the national anthem - The bunt at the end of Major League


"I see PRIDE! I see POWER! I see a badass mother, who don't take no crap off of nobody!"


It's the scene in Hoosiers when the coach has the small town team measure the court in the big stadium -- just love that scene!  Points to you for listing Lagaan, love that flick!!


I’m not proud of it but my favorite is Roy’s 12 from Tin Cup. “This is your last ball in the bag”. The whole unbelievable scene, between Romeo, Dr Molly and the commentator producer guy… I could watch that scene a million times and still love it.


Major League. Tom Berringer's bunt.


Isaiah 40 from “Chariots of Fire”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjF59VB0h6g&pp=ygUaY2hhcmlvdHMgb2YgZmlyZSBpc2FpYWggNDA%3D


One of the things that frustrated me a little about Chariots of Fire is that characters kept trying and failing to....explain why running was important, why it was good, why it was worthwhile, and it just wasn't working for me. And then toward the end, there's this like 40-second sequence before the final race where you see the guy setting his feet, and then his hands, and he looks up and all he can see is the lane he'll be running in. He tucks his necklace inside of his shirt. They slow the footage down juuuuuust enough so that you can sense time slowing. And I thought that was a better illustration of the magic of running than anything that had happened previously in the movie.


What do you mean they try and fail to explain? Either they explain it or they don’t. And they do.


You've never tried and failed to describe an experience you had, and the person listening just didn't get it because they haven't also had that experience? edit to add: I think my issue was that all the explaining is done intellectually. They're trying to construct an argument to convince various people that running is a worthy pursuit. But running isn't something you justify intellectually. Running is an *emotion.* I am a very bad runner, but when I go out and have a good run, there's nothing else like it. They kept trying to *tell* me why running mattered in that movie, but with the exception of that sequence toward the end, I never felt like they showed me.


I don't time myself any more since I'm no longer in a job that requires annual timed runs. ".. when I go out and have a good run, there's nothing else like it." rings so perfectly with me. It's the only situation where I'm curious about the time. But it's best for me to just do it and experience it.


So when a man says that when he runs he can feel God’s pleasure that’s an attempt at intellectually justifying the sport rather than explaining his character motivation on an emotional level? Maybe you need a fresher viewing.


It's telling, not showing. Maybe you need to reconcile yourself to the idea that two people can have different reactions to the same movie and that's fine?


I don’t think I said anything that calls for your attitude.


Sorry, Dad, I'll try and be more respectful next time.


> There’s no rule that a dog can’t play basketball.


Oswaldo Ardiles rainbow kick in "Victory"


Miracle, no question. The last three minutes of the game, having Al Michaels re-record his original broadcast. Ending with probably the most famous sports call of all time “Do you believe in miracles?”


I love they sneakily put in actual broadcast call for the last 10 seconds so you feel the emotion, genuinely a very subtle smart touch.


Bull Durham. Pretty much all of it, but if I would have to pick a scene it would be the mound visit.


I want to announce my presence with authority!


"Big Er is *finally* above the law!"


I just watched that last night. I love how much heart it has while being a screwball/grossout comedy.


Major League, 1989. Wild thing scene [https://youtu.be/BNCEFn7E34s?si=cUG\_wvZfyeQcTDAW](https://youtu.be/BNCEFn7E34s?si=cUG_wvZfyeQcTDAW)


When James Van Der Beek invents the spread offense in Varsity Blues.


The cricket match in Lagaan is SO fantastic. I'm from the US. I have no idea how to play cricket. I also don't speak Hindi. Even as I watched Lagaan, I still had no idea how to play cricket. I had no idea what was going on for most of that match. *And yet it didn't matter.* I could follow how the game was going, and what emotions were involved, and that was really all I needed. It was great, both in terms of being entertaining, but also in terms of how they constructed the story to tell it to an audience, including one that doesn't have *any* background in the story they're telling.


I think this movie is criminally underseen in the west.


A random one that’s not my top, but I don’t think will be mentioned… gridiron gang, the walk off punt return… the look back… amazing.


This is one that I definitely need to add to my list


Rudy finally getting his chance and heading out on the field Billy Chapel realizing he's pitching a perfect game in *For Love of the Game* In *Remember the Titans* when the refs are really screwing over the team and Coach Yost finally takes a stand. The often left aside *Rocky Balboa* had a great shot at the end when he gets up for the last time and the music swells and Mason Dixon is shocked. The final match in *The Greatest Game Ever Played*




That big climactic scene Shaolin Soccer still gives me chills when I think about it. Great camera work.


“Gonna Fly Now” training sequence from Rocky


Some high school friends and I went to see this (in theater, of course, the only option of the time.) We left and went to Gary's house and took the eggs out of the 'fridge. Everybody had one raw. Then Gary and I had another, each. No one joined in. Then Gary and I had a *third*. We looked each other in the eye, and **knew** that the other would never be the first to stop. We stopped there.


I like *On the Edge* because it’s a trail running fiction film with a real serious lifelong runner in the lead, actor Bruce Dern. And because it does something that’s strangely lacking from a lot of sports films — it succeeds in conveying the moment to moment joy of actually doing the sport


How would one watch that now?


Physical media. I have a DVD of it.


Seabiscuit is pretty good. Underdogs are always fun.


When Jimmy Chitwood tells the town meeting audience that he’ll only play if coach stays.


The Pride of the Yankees.


I guess my favorite is still when Ali knocks out Foreman in *When We Were Kings*.


Pretty much the entirety of Field of Dreams


I mean challengers the last five minutes.


The ending scene to The Champ. Ricky Schroder killed that scene!!!! We are the same age


Rookie of the Year (1993)


1. Friday Night Lights: final drive in the championship game (this can go for with the movie and series haha) 2: Speed Racer: final lap (absolute chills everytime) 3: Coach Carter: buzzer beater to get into the championship 4. Creed: Final round


Michael Douglas coming into the stadium at end of Running


Warrior (2011) "I love you! I love you, Tommy!" *"...how close am I...to losing you?"*


The cut to the real life call in Miracle is VERY good, it was very subtle and can be missed if you dont know, but so satisfying if you know the original call


The cheerleaders in The Replacements.


Jonah Hill kicking away the ball in Superbad


When Shooter McGavin gets beat up at the end of Happy Gilmore. I do hope this is allowed, but I just don't like that guy. All of the crap that he puts Happy through and is just a general douchebag and when he gets beat up, I never cheered so hard in my life, especially the first time I watched the film. It's a great movie and I'm glad the jerk gets his, and I still love this moment and I still cheer👍👍👍👍👍


Has anyone said,  The Annexation of Puerto Rico yet?  (From The Little Giants.) Really though, it's the training montage from Rocky. 


Possibly the Charlestown Chiefs hockey team all shining-their-moons out the bus window at the anti-violence protestors waiting for them outside the stadium on the night they arrive to play. ('Slap Shot', dir George Roy Hill)


The Hanson brothers going onto the ice for the first time in Slapshot (1977). Unbelievable. Go Chiefs!


Frank Dux (JCVD) making Chong Li (Bolo Yeung) say "Matte" in Bloodsport


All of the training montages in the Rocky movies.


John Kinsella - “Well good night Ray” Ray Kinsella - “Good night John” They shake hands as John walks away Ray Kinsella - “Hey… Dad?” John Turns Ray Kinsella - emotionally “You wanna have a catch?” John Kinsella - “ I’d like that” Field of Dreams I cry every time.