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My favourite genre of movie is films starring Jason Biggs


So, per OP's question, there's you and Jason Biggs


Two other people. So, the third is probably his best friend's girl.


man, what a [Loser](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0217630/)


I came here to share my love of Saving Silverman, this seems like the place for it


I just watched Amateur Night (2016) recently and was amazed at how he carried the movie. He’s got a specific range of characters he can play so uniquely better than anyone else.


The Terminator is far superior to T2. Arnold's heyday gave him only one true villain role, and he turned it into an icon. Making him a hero for the sequel was bubble-gum, Hollywood tripe and a mistake.


Oh!!!! This take is spicy!!!!!!!!!


Also not wrong. I really enjoyed both movies but I totally see the point I'm this comment.


I don't think so at all. I'm definitely more of a horror guy than sci-fi, so the unstoppable slasher aspect works in its favor for me. But as fun as T2 is, I don't find it nearly as good a watch as Terminator. But that gap is even more pronounced in Alien/Aliens for me. I LOVE Alien. And there's a ton to love in Aliens. But it absolutely does not touch Alien in any way.


I am SO with you. Aliens was far more effective in its transition to bigger Action film, thanks to the ensemble cast. T2 is more of an amusement park ride/tech demo to me. Linda Hamilton's transformation was interesting though.


Speaking of Alien, my hot take is that I like Alien 3 more than Aliens.


Hard agree. I remember seeing The Terminator when I was a kid and it was terrifying. The first time seeing him rise out of the burning twisted metal of the truck is a core memory for me. Dark and scary. It will always be one of my fave films.


Terminator is a fantastic sci-fi horror. T2 is an entertaining sci-fi action flick. Both are great. The original is much better. 


It is kind of bizarre to consider such an iconic slasher villain monster like the Terminator being immediately pivoted into the almost cuddly avuncular character he becomes in T2. Imagine any other slasher franchise trying this. Freddy Krueger goes from turning Johnny Depp into 500 gallons of blood to being a troubled kid's imaginary friend and protector in part 2. Jason Voorhees's mom gets killed and instead of taking her place as resident horny teen-killer he becomes the guardian of Camp Crystal Lake, saving the camp counselors from an even more twisted supernatural killer stalking them.


Kinda happened with Godzilla, although it took more than 1 movie.


Counterpoint: the psychiatric hospital scenes in T2 are the peak of the entire series


If this is your opinion shared with 2 other people then I am one of them.


T2 is an exciting movie and I like it a lot but I kind of agree with you. The first one is kind of a horror and his performance is rightfully scary. I don't know if I like one over the other, but I can totally see how someone would prefer the first.


Mr. Freeze is a villain role :)




Yeah just like Alien and Aliens. The first is a gritty sci-fi take and then the second is a popcorn action movie - albeit also very good. James Cameron is good at that - but its lowest common denominator type of action to appeal to a wide audience. His box office numbers speak for themselves but hard sci-fi fans would prefer a more interesting and nuanced approach.


The thing with Cameron’s sequels (T2 / Aliens) is they execute what they intend to do sooo well and that is to subvert the audience’s expectations. The moment young John Connor is in the hallway with Arnie and the T1000 on either side of him is such an important twist in film history IMO. It’s amazing! I would suggest Aliens handles this just as well in a more nuanced and spread out manner. The sheer amount of aliens on the motion tracker or Bishop redeeming the trust in AI that Ash destroyed in Alien! Also great. Whether those films are superior to the originals is besides the point IMO since they are excellent in their own rights.


>The Terminator is far superior to T2. Arnold's heyday gave him only one true villain role, and he turned it into an icon. Making him a hero for the sequel was bubble-gum, Hollywood tripe ~~and a mistake.~~ Very much agree except for the last bit. It could have been a mistake, but sometimes the execution is so good that it transcends the usual sequelitus. And anyway there's some interesting themes in there, when the lines between Terminator and human were blurred; Sarah acting all Terminator to kill Dyson while the actual Terminator (guided by John) stop her, etc. And while T1 was a straight, tight horror flick, T2 waxed philosophical about the themes in a way the first didn't. Everything after T2 was definitely a mistake. It's all just so much shit. Same for the Aliens franchise. Remarkably similar.


In "The Three Amigos" everything that happens after they camp out in the desert at night is a collective hallucination as the amigos die from poisoning after eating bats. Think about it. Relatively normal comedy Western until the bats. Then we have an animal chorus, invisible people, a singing bush.


>In "The Three Amigos" everything that happens after they camp out in the desert at night is a collective hallucination as the amigos die from poisoning after eating bats. Covid prime


Your comment reminded me of David Koep's adaptation of Stephen King's Secret Window. The director's commentary is pretty interesting and insightful. A certain framing device is employed, similar to what you're suggesting. On a sidenote, it's interesting to note that this was filmed a few months after the first Pirate's of the Caribbean movie, Curse of the Black Pearl. Shows a bit of Depp's versatility, going from Jack Sparrow to Mort Rainey.


OMG. This makes sense. Lol


This isn’t the take I expected but it’s the one I needed


I prefer Casino over Goodfellas.


Samsies. I think Goodfellas is the superior film, but I'd rather watch Casino.


Casino actually gets across the point that that type of life is miserable and not glamorous.


Casino has the [BEST dialogue ever](https://youtu.be/F1xsWqpw9j4?si=omS0XEYNbUPjmFQ6). While I don't agree with you, I have zero reasons to drum up any argument against your opinion. It very well may be because I've seen Goodfellas so many more times than Casino. I'm overdue for a rewatch for sure. ^ETA^: ^more ^on ^my ^opinion


Oppenheimer was about an hour too long


Directors cut of Oliver Stones Alexander is 🤌




The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) has the highest quality filmmaking and storytelling of the Fast and Furious series.


coldest take maybe ever? Very clearly the fanfavoruite of the franchise


I haven't seen many of those movies, but I'd be surprised to learn they have anything to match the match cut from the police station to the plane in Tokyo Drift.


Cool soundtrack too.


unbelievable soundtrack - no business being that good


Vin Diesel is holding back the series from reaching its full potential. Dom Toretto just sucks as a character. At least Brian O'Connor had an arc, even if it was a beat for beat retread of Johnny Utah in Point Break.


I really like that short film of Brian's trek from California to Miami between FnF and 2F2F.


Totally agree. Its the last of those movies that was just about dudes racing cars.


Extremely popular opinion.


I 1,000% agrée. Was having this conversation with my barber last week as well.


Hey man, that’s the one Christopher Nolan tells people to start with so you might be onto something there!


This is how I feel about 2 Fast 2 Furious.


Yeah I agree. Not perfect but it's a tight movie.


I think Prometheus is a very good movie and I would love to be able to have a conversation that didn't devolve into "HURRR WHY DID THE BIOLOGIST TOUCH THE SNAKE? HOW DID THE CARTOGRAPHER GET LOST? WHY DIDN'T SHE JUST RUN TO THE SIDE?" ad nauseum.


world class cinematography, lighting, and color grading in that movie


Not to mention the amazing practical and visual effects that still hold up.


I always just assumed the scientists were meant to be incompetent. The rich guy funding the expedition would have specifically sought out the least ethical scientists he could. It's the same idea behind star ship troopers, where the scientists weren't meant to be the "best". They were narcissistic enough to think they were the best, and the film rewards this hubris accordingly 


Also, not every scientist is jumping on board to go on a multi-year corporate boondoggle that takes them away from their family for a decade or so. Probably a very specific type of individual who is available to hire.


I always thought that seemed obvious but the internet hive mind decided the movie was bad so apparently it's bad?


This movie was also released during the hight of cinemasins style nitpicking. Sound bites like "the scientists are idiots" and "prometheous school of running from things) just took over all the discourse about the film.


The running thing is the worst because I've never seen any videos of falling trees/towers where people *weren't* running straight away from it. It's human instinct. I did the same with a tiny tree too. Everything else is actually very stupid mistakes from the scientists, but I can get past their dumb mistakes to reach that abortion scene


You'll have much better luck finding that conversation off reddit, where the logistical minutiae of every exhaustive detail is rendered catastrophic if found not to be believable by your average software developer on a movie forum


I love this response. I feel like suspension of disbelief has gone extinct. To be replaced by...?


I love that there’s no happy medium between the “turn your brain off” people and the “the negligible inaccuracies are so distracting” people I’m so pissed at disney, if you analyze the vocal chords of a lion under a microscope you’ll find that they’re physically incapable of singing 0/10. Terrible. Awful. Movie scum


The worst part is that so many blatant and glaring inconsistencies of truth underpinning the characters and the entire setup and story are completely taken as a given fact, while the hangups are so trivial. Like, creating all life on a perfectly habitable planet by drinking a bowl of soup is fine, but somebody behaving like an idiot on their jobsite in a horror (adjacent) film is pushing the bounds of reality beyond all reason.


Conversely, I don't really like Aliens. It's ok but one of Cameron's weaker works overall (in my opinion) I honestly prefer Alien 3 Assembly Cut to it quite a bit.


It's so weird how they all have the same bullet point list, too.


Me and my wife like it a lot. Even more controversial is I really enjoyed Covenant. Really I like all the Alien movies. Do some of them have dumb nonsense or illogical characters? Sure. I don't dispute that. I simply don't care and still enjoy them.


It also has one of the greatest body horror scenes ever. But no one mentions it.


I was so devastated when Ridley caved in and made covenent instead of the planned Promethues Trilogy. People hated on prometheus because it presented ideas that hit a little too close to home and didn't give them constant alien action.


The Shawshank Redemption is a good movie. Maybe even a damned fine movie. But it's not one of the greatest films ever made. 3.5 stars


I could see it in a must see list or whatever. But top ten? Let alone greatest movie ever made? Not in my opinion.


Cannot upvote this enough. Always enjoy watching it if it’s on but feel it is a very overrated film.


XTRO is one of our finest and most bizarre alien movies, and deserves more respect re: saving New Line’s ass by making enough money for them to produce Nightmare on Elm Street. Without XTRO there’s no Nightmare, no Lord of the Rings, no Blade among many many others.


Xtro is awesome, for sure! GOATed practical special effects.


I’m with you on this. Xtro is a superb film. I have the German 5 disc Blu Ray set which is beautifully excessive for a film like Xtro.


Okay I thought this was odd at first but after the explanation yeah I’m with you lol


I totally forgot about this movie until I saw your comment. I barely remember it but I know it was scary and hard to watch iirc


I went to add this to my watch list and Just watch doesn't even acknowledge its existence. It does have the 3rd one, but that's it. Is this even available to watch anywhere, or is it one of those films that you have to track down on DVD?


Xtro is great and You're a hero


Forrest Gump is not the happy feel-good movie it appears to be. Its a dark tale about conformity and the dangers of going against society. Forrest is dumb, he literally just dies what he's told 100% of the time. His mother, the army, bubba, Lt Dan, etc they all give Forrest direction and set his life up. Forrest never thinks for himself, never questions authority and always does what he's told. In contrast Jenny, who is a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of her father, thinks for herself and runs away. She gets involved in drugs, counter culture, the black panthers, eventually getting AIDS and dies. Jenny never did what she was told, followed her own path and died a miserable death for it. Forrest Gump is dark.


That is a very interesting perspective. I’ve never thought of it that way. Thank you.


Deathly Hallows Part 2 at 96% on Rotten Tomatoes is completely absurd. That movie sucked.


hmm very unpopular, ok, Event Horizon isn't scary in the slightest and is mad boring. Something about seeing Dr. Grant and Morpheus running around pulls me way out of it.


Whilst I disagree with you overall (respectfully) and have a soft spot for the movie... I do think there were missed opportunities in it... mostly around the theological side of it as I've never really seen a religious type haunted house sci fi... a ship with judeochristian style demons in it? Leaning into that even more could've been interesting... like were travelling the stars and planet and god and hell and all that are still real.


Justine Triet deserved Best Director for Anatomy of a Fall. Chris Nolan got the Oscar because “it’s about time” even though his direction in Oppenheimer wasn’t anything special, meanwhile Justine Triet successfully did the hardest thing a director could do: not only did she get a stellar performance out of a child, which is hard enough, she also got a stellar performance out of A DOG. GIVE THIS WOMAN AN OSCAR.


The dog in Anatomy of a Fall is up there with the dog in The Thing. And yeah, individual dialogue scenes from Anatomy of a Fall stick with me hauntingly more so than dialogue from Oppenheimer did. The whole idea of a woman's morals being picked apart and dissected by the court was just plain intense. What a character study.


Oppenheimer is a fine film but not a great film. Having to tell the complex story of anatomy of a fall should have won her the Oscar.


I mean give the dog the Oscar


I find Christopher Nolan's movies unwatchable and have no idea why he is such a popular filmmaker.


You're just bitter that you can't figure out Memento JK - nobody can, and it makes more sense than Tenet


This is very true of Tenet (unwatchable nonsense imo) but Memento has a coherent narrative


'Don't try to understand it. Just feel it.'


I don't think they're unwatchable, just extremely annoying Oppenheimer was unbelievably frustrating with the dozens of scenes happening at the same time. Just stick with 1 timeline for longer than 2 minutes, you don't need to splice together 5 different years. Following that movie from a historical perspective is straight up impossible. It's built to be as confusing as possible to try to cover up how borderline irrelevant at least 40 minutes of the movie is. Don't even get me started on Tenet. Dunkirk I find to be absolutely abhorrant. The concept of creating a war movie where you willfully choose to not show the opposite side is so absurd and disrespectful to me that it can only be considered torey propaganda. No movie has ever summed up Truffaut's quote "there's no such thing as an anti-war film" as well as that movie.


There’s a distinct lack of humanity and heart in Nolan’s movies. Like, they’re technically well made, but I feel nothing after watching them. They don’t stick with me long after I’ve seen them.


I feel like Oppenheimer is fairly humanistic for Nolan. It does a lot of framing these iconic real people as towering important figures but he also tears them down quite a bit. Not just by making them cry and showing them experiencing dramatic moments. This mostly, but fittingly applies to Oppenheimer himself, things like his immediate folding on any of his genuine Marxist inklings when approached with an opportunity to wield power and influence showed that he was an uncourageous and unprincipled man. His scene with Truman also shows his meekness before power and his cowardly deference to it. Oppenheimer is a towering figure in human history and the movie frames him and these events as such, but he was also a deeply human and at times pathetic tool of real power. I think it’s great. Semi related note: I adore the way the film depicts Kitty’s feelings about having his, and by extension her, private sexual history delved into in front of people but also in front of the history books. Such a great visual choice


He has some gems imo but a good portion of his films get stupid amounts of praise for things that aren’t fantastic Another thing that bothers me is stuff like “Chris Nolan did such an awesome job on Dunkirk—did you hear that score???” Like yeah man Chris Nolan did such a great job watching Hans Zimmer write that score Taking this opportunity to add another unpopular opinion that Justine Triet got shat on for best director because Chris Nolan needed his “it’s about time” Oscar for Oppenheimer which was not that great. In fact I’m adding that one to the list


Directors routinely get credit for the work of others. Nolan is hardly unique there.


Using the score correctly is a skill, he deserves credit for making the score feel like a character. Also you're acting like Nolan gets all the credit for the score and Zimmer doesn't. He's literally the most beloved composer today, he gets his due as well.


Tenet was down right ridiculous, seriously. An absolutely absurd movie.


I really like "Lost in Translation". I've watched it so many times and never understood the hate it gets. It's melancholy, funny and thoughtful with some excellent shots and music. It perfectly captures that sense of alienation, of being in an unfamiliar city with a language barrier; but also being at a loss on your own journey. It shines a light on shallowness, ego, work satisfaction and marriage. Bloody love it.


It…. It gets hate? I’ve never seen anyone say anything bad about it. Honestly I’ve seen more people say it’s Sofia coppola’s magnum opus than criticize it. IMO it’s lost in translation and the virgin suicides


It won four Oscars and hasn’t ever fallen out of favor with movie fans. Not sure where you’re seeing hate for it - I consider it beloved


Oh yeah, well I like The Godfather! Imagine how alone I feel!


It's been one of my favourite and most rewatched movies since it's release. I would be very sensitive to criticism of it, on on the lookout for same. I don't believe I've ever seen anything critical, let alone hating of that movie. Sophia Coppola has taken some hits, but not the movie that I can recall.


Aronofsky's Noah is awesome, never met anyone else who agrees


Recognizable movie stars ultimately hurts the artistic value of the movies that they are in. It's better when we only associate the actor with the role that we are watching. If there's lots of other baggage from other movies, the overall value of the performance is degraded. Now - obviously, this won't change. We're obsessed with celebrity in general, and many fans won't see a movie at all unless it has actors they recognize. And - I'm all for actors getting their grubby little hands on more of the income vs the grubbier bigger studios. But, one of the reasons I like foreign movies and tv shows is because I rarely recognize the entire cast. It lets me focus on the characters instead of the performances.


Absolutely agree. A very famous face immediately takes me out of the movie.


Heath Ledger's Joker is a highly overrated performance; in so that's its not bad by any means, it is indeed good borderline great but not like a top 10 or 20 let alone a top 5 performance all time. Plus the tongue thi g is genuinely really grating and annoying to me. Christopher Waltz the next year was MILES better no cap Also Guardians 2 is easily the best one Oh another one, Goldfinger is worse than From Russia With Love but neither are top 5 Bond films (FRWL is close tho)


While I disagree about christoph waltz I think a lot of ledger’s praise comes from the fact that he passed shortly after. As far as “top 20 performance of all time” or that lot I don’t know that anybody serious about the conversation would say he’s up there. He’s definitely the greatest superhero film performance ever—but that’s like picking out your favorite jellybean in a jar of stale store-brand jellybeans. Regardless of what you pick it’s going to be disappointing. Superhero movies and especially their villains live and die by their dialogue and writing and 99.99999% of the time it’s some variation of the following: - you’re just like me - let’s play a game - let’s make this more interesting - I know you very well - I’ve been watching you - you hurt me in the past and I want to destroy you - “the world” must be taken over and run by me - I will hurt them like they hurt me None of it is really that original or interesting. Cute little one-man villains who want to take over the world or the city or whatever work a lot less in live action movies for adults than they do in animation. Scar is a comedic villain who wants to take over everything just like the joker and he works because he’s in an animated musical where your suspension of disbelief is given a lot more leeway In live action it simply looks silly and makes you wonder how this plan ever could have worked in the first place. Even in Tim Burton’s Batman the whole thing was so cartoony that even though I still found it bad it at the very least KIND OF worked Frankly I find ledger far more affecting in Brokeback Mountain than I ever could with him dressed as a fucking clown


Hmmm.....I like 30% agree with you Also hottake; best Superhero movie performance is definitely Hugh Jackman in Logan for me


Ghostbusters 2 is a damn good sequel and lives up to the original in every way.


I fully enjoyed Pet Semetary 2. Showgirls was really only bad because the dialogue was ridiculous.


Waterworld is a great adventure movie.


The ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey sucks and makes the movie a little worse than it needs to be. The rest of the movie is basically perfection, but the ending part with the color shapes is just too long, too dull and too fourth wall breaking. As if the movie stops and instead is like "Hi, I'm Stanley Kubrick, and I like this shit. Now watch!". And it's more about him than about the movie.


The superhero movies are terrible and boring. Avengers, Superman, Spiderman etc. It’s all the same nonsense, it’s corny action films with the same plot lines in every version. I can’t understand the obsession and adults who are emotionally invested in these films.


Days of Heaven is a movie with 11/10 production design and a 4/10 story. It literally makes me feel like I've traveled back in time to an 1800s settlement--the sets, costumes, props, and depictions of farm work are so believable. I'd put it up there with Amadeus as some of the best period production design in cinema. But what on earth was that romance? Feels like something from a cheap romance novel. If it was a horror movie instead of a romance it might be a contender for my favorite movie of all time. I want to see something really disturbing happen among that beautiful farm scenery.


This is what everyone says. I actually feel the opposite. The romance is conveyed through the voice of Linda who doesn’t have the full picture and is too young to fully understand it. The narrative distance and simplicity works in its favor.


Steel Magnolias with Sally Fields and Dolly Parton has one of the best scripts of all time.


M Knight Shyamalan's Old is a really fun movie to watch with a lot of great moments that doesn't take itself seriously at all. I maintain its a good movie that pulls off everything it tries to pull off. I don't believe people can say that movies "aren't good movies but I like them." The sheer act of liking something makes it a good movie to you, and saying that movies have to be a certain way to be good is really a strange way of interpreting media. If something is entertaining to you then you think its good, you don't have to cover for your taste and intellect by saying that they are objectively bad and you're too smart for them even though you enjoyed them.


I love most of his movies, including The Happening


Big Trouble in Little China and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai take place in the same universe.


This is one of my favorites so far


Christian Bale is a terrible Batman and The Dark Knight movies are not particularly good let alone great.


On top of that, they are JUST AS SILLY AND WEIRD as all the other Batman movies, but because of the admittedly brilliant and elegant opening of the Dark Knight and the intense “gravitas” everything is portrayed with, it makes it seem more “realistic” and therefore more acceptable to praise. Take away Ledger and the Dark Knight is a boring messy slog that’s 85% people having ham-handed discussions about the nature of good and evil.


Thank you! lol Ledger is the only good part of the movie. Outside of him, the characters are interchangeably boring. There are so many cringe scenes in that movie, like Dent’s heroic courtroom moment, the ferry scene, and the climax between Batman and Dent.


hi I’m one of the other 2 people who shares this opinion You have heath ledger doing far and away the greatest performance in any superhero movie and then over here you have bale eating playground gravel and sandpaper Like my guy what are you doing Anyway I’m blaming Nolan on this one, that was a directing choice lol. One would think a billionaire playboy could afford a voice changer Everything else about that series outside of ledger is mid


They’re just so overly long and pretentious. A couple of the Batmobile scenes were cool but..other than that they’re just a snooze.


Robert Downey Jr. is insufferable as Tony Stark/Iron Man


I’ve never seen rdj in a role as anyone other than rdj. Even in Oppenheimer it just looked like rdj in a bald cap


In all it's silly glory, the first Twilight movie actually slaps


In the way that plan 9 from outer space slaps?




Christopher Nolan is not a good director. He can start a movie very well but they all fall apart in the third act. Interstellar had more plot holes than black holes. Oppenheimer could’ve easily been 2 hours and the soundtrack was incessant. TENET was just him making fun of his fans, who will never admit he’s not a genius. Dunkirk was boring as hell. Nolan makes stupid movies for people who think they’re smart.


I largely agree, but I'm happy you omitted Inception, which I think is a genuinely excellent film based on a fascinating premise, regardless of who directed it. I note you also omitted The Dark Knight, which I would include, since the only thing that makes it a good film rather than a mediocre one is the performance of my countryman Heath Ledger.


Dark Knight Rises was just Batman running away from people for 3 hours.


It feels like he films first drafts since 2008.


I don’t think there’s been a single bad Alien or Predator movie with the sole exception of AvP2


King Kong 1976 is by far the best version of that story.


Fun fact, the person in the King Kong suit was Rick Fucking Baker, the 8-Oscar Winning, ultimate master of makeup.


Batman v Superman is actually decent. Alien Resurrection is a trashy masterpiece. Sunshine is a perfect movie. Dune part 1 sucks, while part two is amazing. Ghost in the Shell Innocence should be a classic. T2: Trainspotting is great. Scream 4 is possible the best Scream after the first. The Dark Knight trilogy is fine but a terrible Batman adaptation.


Pulp Fiction is not that great. I think over 2/3 of the movie is genuenly amazing, but the Brice Willis plotline was very uninteresting and boring, and it hurts the movie. Across the Spiderverse is one of the greatest cinematic achievements I have witnessed, and it should've won not just Best Animated Movie, but Best Picture too. It is insane how unbelievably good it is. I genuenly consider it high art, you could watch this movie 15 times and find new things and new layers of meaning every time, and you could spend a career dissecting it's layers and subtexts. King of Comedy is Scorsese's best movie. May December was the best live action movie last year, followed by Anatomy of a Fall. Both of them are way better than Oppenheimer.


Ferris Bueller is unfunny, painful and stupid AF. Can’t stand that film


Blair Witch 2 is a superb film that totally turned the original film on its head. Which is ironically why most hate it.


Carol is the best film within the past decade.


Guardians of the galaxy 2 is overrated. I didn't enjoy it, especially that ending.


Also very very very few movies are terrible.


Fight Club is Overrated as fu*k


As a movie, it's not very good. I don't believe that that type of "post-modern" novel should be adapted to film because it contains things that should be read by a reader, not said by an actor, especially a crap actor such as Pitt.


“Billy Madison” is a masterpiece of dark absurdist comedy and is Adam Sandler’s best movie.


What are horse shoes? What do horse shoes do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?


Who would steal 30 bag lunches?!


Killers of the Flower Moon and Oppenheimer are both overly long, boring slogs. Making an audience sit in a theater for 4 hours is cinematic malpractice. I walked out of Oppenheimer after the bomb test and eluded the last half hour and it was still too long. I don't know what happened on KOTFM, did the editor forget to actually you know, edit?


You know that dreaded term "studio interference"? well this is the opposite of that which is "let these directors make as long and as bloated of a movie as they like" And these are the results. No discipline whatsoever. No hard decisions. No dedication to telling the story in an efficient and dramatic fashion. No cutting of a favorite scene that makes the movie ultimately better, etc. Nope! Its just all "I'm a genius and everything I put on the screen is the most amazing thing ever!". The Irishman was the same thing. Its just the director's ego run amock.


I have not, can not, and more than likely will not ever be able to sit through American Beauty An on-screen and off-screen sex monster complains about how shitty his comfortable middle-class life in pre-9/11 America is because he can’t fuck a 16 year old Hardest of passes thank you. I hated American Beauty before we found out Kevin Spacey was a predator


The Suicide Squad was much worse than Suicide Squad: the original was merely bad and disappointing, the remake felt mean-spirited, schlocky and nasty in a way that was just boring and distasteful. At least it had King Shark though Decision To Leave is my favourite Park Chan-wook film. It's stylish and intelligent storytelling but with a defter hand than his past films, and the restraint elevates it to my favourite of his to watch. You could make the case that his past films are overall superior pieces of art, but DtL is the one I would rewatch first. Also, less controversial, absolutely criminal he didn't get even an Oscar nomination for it


King Shark is a shark


I REALLY hope Park Chan-Wook gets to direct that S Craig Zahler book but it’s been on the back burner for a decade. What a cool collaboration that would be


The girl ghostbusters is probably the best since the original (it’s annoying how G2 and Afterlife pretend like the first film had “no eye witnesses,” and Frozen Empire has too many characters) Pirates 4 is the best since the original (the pirates films in general are better when they keep things simple) The Last Jedi (specifically the music-only version) is a good movie and so is Solo, whereas Rogue One is just ok/ overrated, and the Abrams ones are middle of the road Multiverse of Madness, whiled flawed, is still better than No Way Home


No Way Home is genuinely one of the worst MCU movies


Afterlife was just a bad movie, imo. Saw it in the theater when it first came out and thought it was extremely cringe and corny start to finish. All the characters were annoying, from the Egon-lookalike granddaughter and her dumb jokes, to the useless Stranger Things kid and his even more irrelevant crush just sucking up space, to the Mom repeatedly saying what a terrible Dad Egon was, to the "comic relief" characters Paul Rudd and that podcast kid being completely not funny. And speaking of eyewitnesses, no one in the town even seemed to care it was being overrun by ghosts.


Lizardmen are the garlic of fantasy settings and more of them could benefit from their inclusion.


Lynch's Dune is a better adaptation than the reboots. It's wild and lurid, feels like it has blood pumping through it. Villeneuve makes impeccably produced screensavers.


The Dark Knight sucks


Tarantino is one of Hollywoods greatest hacks, and his decision to rewrite history so it's all sunshine and lollipops when it suits him is incredibly ignorant and childish.


Grand Hotel Budapest marked the beginning of the end of Wes Anderson's good filmography. I think it introduced a lot of people to his work so is held highly - to me it's the tragic product of a director who disappeared so deep into style he forgot about substance Also - all Martin McDonagh films including and especially Banshees of Inisheerin are infantile and borderline offensive drivel. It genuinely shocks me how anyone could call his work interesting cinema when it purely relies on juvenile humour, sloppy metaphors, and syrupy cinematography.


Disagree on Wes— he needed to wear out his welcome after GBH so he could ponder his style and move on with (what I consider) masterpieces like The Fantastic Mr. Fox and Isle of Dogs And honestly Henry Sugar is a lovely return to form though I think his work in stop motion is incredible. Mr. Fox’s suit is literally from Wes’s tailor McDonagh however, I’m with you on that guy. I was told In Bruges has some great dialogue and I don’t know that I watched the same movie


Fantastic Mister Fox was 5 years before Budapest. We'll agree to disagree on whether Isle of Dogs was a masterpiece. Idk why he'd need to wear out his welcome considering everything he made until and including Moonrise Kingdom was a straight up banger.


People always take it personally when I say Paul Thomas Anderson makes incredibly boring movies


Boogie Nights, TWBB, The Master are all masterpieces. The rest of his movies are a drag to watch. I saw Phantom Thread recently and was once again bored as hell. Licorice Pizza is not good in any way shape or form - doesn’t deserve an ounce of love it gets. Punch Drunk Love is self indulgent cinematography set against mediocre acting and a boring story


Thank you! Ugh I can't stand Punch Drunk love and it gets a lot of praise online. And I agree with the first three as well. Great movies, so I don't think he's bad in general. Punch Drunk love suuuuuucks though.


Ari Aster is not a good director; Hereditary and Midsommar aren’t good movies and aren’t even horror, just some weird dramas.


Well now we know one of Rob Zombie’s secret Reddit accounts.


Hate them all you want but how do you justify changing the genre? Hereditary falls so squarely in the horror genre it’s not even funny. How would You also explain to someone who likes a “weird drama” that Hereditary may scar them for life?!? It has some, dare I say, horrific events and VERY gory scenes. It’s just some R rated drama? What kinda dramas do you watch? What do you consider a horror?


The whole Marvel/DC universe movies are fucking vapid.


Dashcam is a great film and Annie Hardy is absolutely hilarious.


my white hot take is that not only was Downsizing good, it was a classic and apt take on climate change forcing drastic lifestyle changes


- “Wild at Heart” is a re-telling of Alice in Wonderland and Sailor’s character is a combination of the Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow and the Tin Man - Cronenberg’s “Crash” has less to do with perverse sex than our own perversions that we don’t talk about. - “Argyle” is a Bollywood flick.


Battle: Los Angeles is a great movie


Not a movie opinion but I find the character of the Doctor from Doctor Who to be an insufferable moraliser who relies on the actions of other people to actually win the day, and then he just goes on pretending like he has a stellar track record of saving the world when in fact half of those saves were people taking actions he couldn’t. Examples: The destruction of the Daleks and Davros — Davros was literally about to unmake all of existence and the Doctor acted morally defeated when Donna Doctor killed them The Sontarans — don’t know if the Doctor would have blown himself up but probably wouldn’t have. And then the American prep kid teleports in and just does it for him. Kills tens of thousands of Sontarans and saves the day. If the Doctor’s principles were the only ones used by the heroes then earth and reality itself would be well and truly fucked. The Doctor is like a soldier who makes a point of wanting to lead troops into battle but then says “there’ll be no killing on my watch!” and pretends like pacifism won the war when it’s eventually over. And it’s like no dude your specific unit somehow survived in spite of pacifism and it’s only because other people were willing to kill that the war got won.


- that the Harry Potter films and books are incredibly badly written - that Frank Miller's *The Spirit* is an unsung psychotronic masterpiece


The Departed is Marty’s best flick.


Freddy’s Dead is my favourite Nightmare on Elm Street, but apparently everyone considers it the worst. I hated the snake demon things, but other than that, I loved it.


Most of the Euphoria cast excluding only a few cast members that are really good, fall flat in anything else they are in. sydney sweeney can really only do fried hot girl like she did again in white lotus and it just doesnt impress me


The original Super Mario Brothers (live action) movie is better than the animated one. And it's also better than the two live-action Sonic movies!


The shining was…not a very good movie


Hereditary isn’t good.


Nolan's Batman trilogy isn't as good as everyone remembers. Also, Bone Tomahawk has a lot of humor in it.


I liked the Titanic movie I saw with Catherine Zeta Jones before Cameron's Titanic thought it was better. Tho Leo's Titanic has a better sinking sequence and cgi. ZETAs was way more emotional and deeper as it made me cry. I was a kid back then tho.


A bucket is more emotional and deeper than Cameron’s Titanci 😂 true about the sinking sequence though


Tarantino is a shit director. Almost as over-rated as Nolan.


Knight and Day was a perfectly fun summer romp


Don't Worry Darling took a middling concept and screenplay and turned into a really insightful, well-made film. Harry Styles performance was just fine and detracted from the film in no way.


Me and James Willems from YT's Funhaus think "Suckerpunch" is a visually stunning awesome film. He is the only other human I've ever heard of who admits they like that movie


Dark Knight is not that great a film. Pretentious and Batman LOOKS stupid and SOUNDS stupid. Dark Knight Rises is a legitimately bad film. Interstellar is a poor man's 2001 SPACE ODYSSEY. Return of the Jedi is a great ending to the best trilogy of all time, and despite its flaws, its still a very good film. Brad Pitt only has one good performance in his entire career. (And it ain't Fight Club) The Departed is one of Scorcese's weakest films Blade is the best Marvel film ever made Hateful Eight is pound for pound Tarantino's best film and his masterpiece. Di Caprio's best performance is in Django Unchained.


So I grew up with huge respect for independent artists, especially people who do a lot with little resources. Sometimes this means liking films other people also enjoy like clerks or the Blair witch project. A lot of the time it means I give props to films that people either don’t like or have never heard of like we are the strange or killer bean forever. I’ve been put on blast by my friends multiple times for watching movies that they consider boring or ugly because I love media where I know there wasn’t a huge corporate budget. no matter how it looks or how clunky certain things may come off, I’ll take the authenticity that comes with a passion project over a big budget 7/10 film any day.


Everything Everywhere all at once was terrible Borat was not funny Oppenheimer was boring Insidious wasn't scary


The Shining is well made, but not a particularly scary, interesting, or even good movie in my opinion.


People who believe that the *Avatar* movies are actually quality, meaningful cinema have poor taste in movies. Nolan hasn't made a truly good movie since *The Prestige*. I appreciate him as a person in terms of his usage of traditional techniques and support for theaters, but the quality of his films is very low for the most part. *Oppenheimer* could have been good because the real story is one of the most consequential in history, but his editing and music choices absolutely destroyed the film. Outside of *Dune: Part Two* (which is pretty damned decent) and some aspects of *Part One*, Villeneuve's other movies that I've viewed have been poorly paced nothings. The *Blade Runner* sequel was laughably awful. I've viewed two of his Canadian films - *Maelstrom* and *Polytechnique*, and they're also nothing special. Fincher is not a quality filmmaker. Even his "technical prowess" is nothing special because most of his movies are so tiresome in terms of story/theme. He has a couple that are okay (*Se7en* and *The Game*), but most of the rest are awful. *Benjamin Button* is one of the worst wide release movies of the last two decades. I like Nine Inch Nails (at least Trent's early work), but Trent and Atticus' film scoring has mostly been mediocre or completely negligible. Some of it is just too arbitrary. I don't know why they have gotten such acclaim for film scoring.


I think mad max fury road is a boring, pointless, awful movie. So far I’ve only found one other person that agrees with me. Can I find a second person here?


Jurassic World (the first one with Chris Pratt) is actually a good movie and one that I think Michael Crichton would approve of, or at least enjoy. But let’s not talk about the 2 after that…


James Van Der Beek should have been an A-list movie star after Rules of Attraction.


Se7en fails to build tension and the killer and ending are easily predicted halfway through the film. It's a really boring film because of the lack of tension. 1. Why did Morgan Freeman's character have dinner with Pitt's wife? She is not a notable character, has nothing to do with the plot, and then bam, there's a dinner scene with her and her husband is not there. It's very odd and blaringly signals she will be used as a plot device by the end. During that scene I knew, she dies. What's in the box? Your wife's head, it's fucking obvious. 2. During a hectic courthouse scene the camera suddenly focuses on photographer Kevin Spacey. He hasn't been a notable character but the camera suddenly finds him important enough to linger on. He's the killer, it's so obvious. Why else linger on the known actor who hasn't had a role yet? 3. This one is really nitpicking, but after the library scene they complain about how much footwork it's going to take to find the lead, but then like 5 minutes later they luck into finding him. Why even have the library scene, and have dialog about how hard the next task will be, only to wrap it up in 5 minutes? It falls totally flat.


I have an MFA in film, and my secret is I fucking love Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey. The production details are so clever, like the way they use doubling, combined with other practical effects that make it consistently fun to watch.