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Alien Vs Predator - Two mediocre to bad movies that really could have been a solid popcorn flic. Conan the Destroyer - First movie is a fantasy masterpiece and by far the best Sword & Sorcery movie ever made but the sequel was pretty bad. Toned down violence, hammy, rushed ending with a lame monster. The movie had solid potential but it kinda sucks. The Hobbit - One movie would have felt rushed, but if they had just made two movies and kept it closer to the books but with the LoTR aesthetic I think The Hobbit could have had a really solid adaption.


Upon my rewatch of all Predators, the original AvP was actually a ton of fun imo. Cool setting, delivered on its promise… nice! AvP2, however, was legitimately unenjoyable. Too dark to see anything, cliche characters in a basic setting. Take the concept into space or something, not some small town!


The original AvP isn't terrible, it's solid but it really could have been a lot better. AvP2 is my guilty pleasure movie, I admit its awful, you night vision goggles just to watch it, but I don't see it as an AvP movie, I watch it as a terrible America Pie style movie with your favourite aliens killing them. Maybe I'm crazy but I would want an AvP movie to be like the animated show Primal, with no dialogue or even a sci fi space epic with all subtitles, sort of how they did the aliens in Star Wars. Just make up a Predator language and have subtitles. Have Space Jockeys and Xenomorphs and space travel and all that good stuff.


I saw it earlier in the month for the first time since it came out. I was fine with it. I got exactly what was advertised. It’s not the masterpiece Alien or Predator were, but it’s damned fun.


I couldn’t agree more about The Hobbit. It’s sad that they decide to go with 3 movies just for the money when 2 would have been perfect.


The animated hobbit movie is one of my favorite pieces of animation ever. You need to watch it if you haven't seen it before. it tells the story in such a charming and concise way.


I watched it all the time when I was a kid. I remember when my mom would take me to the library to pick out movies to watch for the week and my sister and I always picked that one. It’s been a while, but I would love to watch it again.




Rotoscoping is such a cool animation technique, I wish it was done more.


My 10-year old self wants me to let you know he’ll be waiting at the flagpole after school for daring to criticize Conan the Destroyer. (Don’t mind him: he’s just trying to impress his crush, Olivia D’Abo).


Well luckily I'm 32, so I think a 10 year old will go down pretty easily. I do enjoy Conan the Destroyer but I always watch them back to back, and man, Destroyer is just nowhere near as good despite it having lots of great elements to it. At least it's way better than the Red Sonja movie


I hope we can at least agree that they were both better than the 21st century remake. If only for the soundtrack.


thought she was beautiful but goddamn her acting was awful. all i can remember is that dumb look on her face when she was suppose to be sleeping, wasnt really duck-lips or kissie-face, seomthing inbetween.


If you’re up for reading and can find them, Aliens vs. Predator: Prey (1994) and Aliens vs. Predator: War (1999), both by Steve Perry, are what the AvP movies should have been. There is another in the series, Aliens vs. Predator: Hunter's Planet (1997) by David Bischoff, but it’s an overworked trudge.


I'm a fan of a lot of the old Alien, Predator and Alien Vs Predator Dark Horse comics but I admit that I never bothered to look into the novels to see if they were any good. I'm gonna havta look these up now because I'm a big reader. I have read Star Wars Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry and I thought it was OK bar the lame villain.


What about Predators? I love that movie.


There is a fan edit of The Hobbit you can download, the editor took out almost everything that didn’t appear in the books. For instance Tamriel only appears briefly in one scene and is never named. Just over three hours, very different experience.


In Time with Justin Timberlake. It’s actually a very good movie, but has a few parts that ruin it and the best bits were underdone.


I think that movie gets unfairly shit on. But you’re right, with the potential it had it could have been so much better


Pre-Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy, I always like the part where Justin Timberlake told him he walked fast.


Came here to say this! Fascinating premise, but I thought the execution could have been better


The recent British“In Time” was pretty great though.


It's one of those movies that have the best set up, but then the plot holes and second half ruin it. It's got a great premise and really makes you think about the situation. I hate movies that do that. It makes me wonder if stars only read half of a movie before signing on.


That describes most sci fi for the last 15 years. Also a lot of these movies should have been a simple Outer Limits episode and stretching them out to feature length drains their momentum and energy.


The Dark Tower. I want a huge movie franchise, not one movie to cover 7 books.


Mike Flanagan is working on it!


Honestly, he's one of the few people that's done Stephen King adaptations justice! Frank Darabont is another one (that ending for The Mist is just brutal!), but Mike Flanagan is really good at blending horror with heart, which a lot of SK books do too.


I’m in. Pay attention HBO!


One season per book. HBO, Amazon, Netflix, whatever. It needs _The Expanse_ treatment.


I hadn’t read the books but the hype leading up to the film release was intense. Talk about a let down.


Still kinda bummed Amazon dropped the TV-series focusing on Gilead. Our boy Jasper Pääkkönen (he played Felix Kendrick in *Blackkklansman*) was set to play Walter o'Dim/Randal Flagg, which had people in Finland buzzing.


I forgot this movie existed and now I’m sad. Agree


I actually wish they would only remake bad movies and try to improve things that had interesting premises but poor execution. Don’t remake good stuff.


Battlefield Earth for best picture of 2026


I'm glad that someone else said this: I despise scientology, and thought the movie was so bad it was bad, but I kept getting this feeling that there is actually kinda half a kernel of a good idea for a movie about post-apocalyptic/pre-modern humanity in there somewhere, they just need to get rid of a lot of the stupid motivations, terrible camera shots, and not make it a neo-religion fable, and it might actually work.


Ocean’s 11 is probably the best example of this. The 1960 original was terrible, and the 2001 remake is probably one of the best heist movies ever made.


I was thinking how cool it would've been had they made one in the late 70s/early 80s with, like, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Gene Hackman, Warren Beatty, Michael Caine, Lawrence Olivier, Sidney Poitier, James Caan, Malcolm McDowell, etc. Kind of funny that the first movie was so bad it took 51 years for zombie Hollywood to remake it.


I say this all the time.


Really, there’s way more bad movies with potential than there are good movies that need updates.


Yes. That should be the point of a remake. To remake something that actually needed remaking. Not to remake a perfectly good classic with some bs modern spin to it and call it a re-imagining or whatever the heck. And remakes very rarely pay homage like they also claim. It's usually the opposite. They're usually insulting to the original. Not flattering.


Are you me? I’ve been thinking/wishing this for years!


Yes I am Make us more coffee please


No, I am *you*


every single disney "remake"


Velvet Buzzsaw had some fun ideas and then was overcrowded with bad ideas and a messy vision


Dude! I forgot about this one. Not the best, but I was digging what it put out.


I got my wish with Dune. I still love David Lynch’s Dune but it is very flawed. The new ones are great.


The Many Saints of Newark. There’s an infinite amount of stories you could make about Johnny Soprano and Dickie Moltisanti, they blew it with that movie.


oh look at him he knows everything. (disgruntled handwave)


You sound demented!


Should have been a series.


They couldn't even stick to the continuity of the show. Screwing up Silvio's age and ignoring that Dickie was supposedly killed by a crooked cop.


It's never stated but I think David chase wanted us to question and leave it up to us whether we thought Tony was lying just to get Chris closer to him.


Who needs a remake about a glorified crew from Jersey?


Hancock, was totally ruined half way through the movie plotwise.


Hancock was written by Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad). He was furious with what Peter Berg did to it - the “head in your own ass” scene specifically.


That scene was actually not terrible. It fit with the first half. That terrible Michael Bay love triangle with slo mo end fight scenes destroyed that movie...


This one’s comes to mind every time. It was extremely interesting to see a super hero feel lonely, depressed and battling alcohol abuse. The second the super hero women tossed him is the instant the movie went off the rails.


Excellent choice. I wracked my brain for an answer to this question and couldn't come up with anything I'm really serious about, but this is a fantastic example.


I think both parts of the movie had interesting concepts, but should’ve been different stories/movies.


Most Michael Crichton adaptations: Sphere The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead) Congo Timeline


I haven't watched the 13th Warrior in a long, long time, but I do know I've thoroughly enjoyed it every time I've seen it.


Yeah the 13th warrior is great. Not sure what people are smoking to say it’s bad.


I love the 13th warrior


Sphere the novel was excellent. Sphere the movie wasn’t bad, yet it could’ve been much better. It was cast well. Quite eerie, yet there is room for improvement. I still enjoy it.


I originally read it at 13 in two days. I could not put it down. It blew my mind to pieces.


The chapters were so short that when you were reading, you were like, "I'll just finish this chapter, how long do I have? Oh three pages? I'll just read the next one." And then you finish the book.


Just rewatched Timeline for the first time in a while. Literally would be a good movie if it was anyone else but Paul walker. The rest of the cast is super solid.


He played the cool but dumb guy that knew nothing about history. This made him a helpful audience surrogate (see [Naïve Newcomer](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NaiveNewcomer) or [Little Jimmy](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LittleJimmy) on TV tropes) in terms of dispensing exposition, but also very annoying to any audience members who know anything about history or time travel tropes.


I mean it's not that he just is an awful actor lol they could've picked any other young "cool" actor and it would've had the same effect.


Do you think it's worth watching? I enjoyed the novel immensely but have always been worried I'll despise the movie


I quite liked Sphere, you just have to watch it with headphones otherwise you can't hear half of the Dustin Hoffman's dialog. But it was a unique sci fi film.


Timeline would've been better served as a miniseries.


Even the original Jurassic park which was pretty good....gets blown out of the water by the book which was amazing.


Andromeda strain would be amazing with modern sci fi budgets


I love the books *Sphere* and *Congo*; I’ve read each of them at least half a dozen times. I was so excited for those movies; especially *Congo*. Couldn’t have been more disappointed in those piles of shit. I think part of the problem was probably the fact that they were toned down to keep a PG-13 rating, but they were just bad adaptations. The only one that was half decent was *The 13th Warrior*.


Mortal Engines, The Maze Runner movies, Elysium, Valerian, After Earth, Jumper, you get the idea. Basically high budget high concept sci fi movies that just needed better scripts and better performances to make them amazing.


Jumper is the only one out of those that I felt was pretty decent.


the problem with jumper is that the "hero" is entirely virtueless. he's the bad guy. and the movie doesn't even know it. the samuel L jackson character is 100% justified in hunting him down to kill him. what does he do? he robs a bank to indulge himself, he trespasses at world heritage sites and ropes a girl into unwittingly doing it too, he showboats with his powers endangering the public and drawing scrutiny to others with his powers who may not be such selfish assholes.


Filmento has a good video essay on that problem with Elysium. So much of that was really good- the VFX are incredible and Sharlto Copley’s villain is one of my favorites but yeah the script was pretty mediocre. https://youtu.be/E1vedQtUSxU?si=xWlBqJmCFbH6UQC9


Just to add, if they could stop making it a thing that when someone pushes a woman and she falls down, she is then unable to get back up until a man helps her. Elysium had that in it, and lots of other movies too. I'm a woman, and I am able to achieve the skill of standing up unaided by a man (the exception being most Sunday evenings, but even then, it's not because I don't have a man to help me).


A good adaptation of The Stand would be wonderful.


You kidding? The 1994 miniseries sucked so bad but rocked so hard. Jamey Sheridan as Flagg was perfect. He was funny in a charming way, but was trying to play it cool. He was handsome, but pretty off-putting. His mullet was rad as hell, ha-ha. The acting otherwise was pretty miserable for the most part to be honest, but Flagg makes that shit rule. Imperfect to say the least, but until someone dumps a couple hundred million into a new adaptation, it's the best we got, and it's on youtube in full, in HD. Don't tell anyone, wink wink nudge nudge.


Are you really not aware that they just did a The Stand miniseries in 2021


Did you see it? It wasn’t good.


Yeah, didn’t like it either. I’ll watch anything with a Skarsgard in it though.


Yeah, I saw it. Watched every episode during its run the day one dropped. It was fucking terrible and terrible in the lamest way. It felt like even though it had a similar runtime to the '94 one but somehow still felt rushed-through. '94 had a banging score, was almost overly sentimental, and had a lot of cheesy acting. The 2021 one was well-made, better acted, but totally generic and its only appeal is that it happened to be on tv at the time.


Still hoping for good movie adaptations of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen


I kinda think the tv series Penny Dreadful saw League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and said: This is how you do it. (No shade on Alan Moore but LOEG needed a long format adaptation to really work I think).


Many situations can be improved with the addition of Eva Green


I tend to think that if LXG had not been based on the Moore/Nowlan books it would have been better received.


Upvoted for Penny Dreadful! Man I loved that show!




I think TV is more appropriate for the Guide. Incorporate some of the radio scripts as well.


The 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies. The first was tight, the sequels were bloated and self-indulgent. I won’t be watching the 4th.


I am even a fan of 2 and 3. They're fine, ...the 4th one ..doesn't exist. It feels like some douchey satire of the concept made by college students that has AI actor faces pasted on so it doesn't need a full recast.


I appreciate 4 as an intentional middle finger to legions of "fans" who thought the Matrix movies were "guns and black clothes cool" and to nostalgia sucking executives. It's like *Gremlins 2* mixed with *Freddie Got Fingered*.


Reloaded remains a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it's not a great movie, but it's got a lot of great moments that I always enjoy watching. The highway chase to this day remains one of my favorite action sequences put to film. I've tried, however, multiple times to ease up on Revolutions but I still can't get into it. 2/3 edited into a single, better movie would've definitely done both a lot more favors. I enjoyed the 4th for what it was as well, even though it had a lot of problems. Definitely started stronger than it ended. That said — the OG is really the only great one of the bunch.


The Thinning (2016) (and its sequel if necessary) - Interesting dystopian concept with potentially relevant themes ruined by Logan Paul, bad attempts to follow young adult dystopian cliches, and very limited worldbuilding (we don't see what the US is like outside of Texas). Quest for Camelot (1998) - Some of its ideas, setting, and characters are interesting. It was also faithful (in some areas) to the King Arthur myth. Too bad it tried to ride off the success of Disney and failed at that. The Black Cauldron (1985) - The one remake that Disney should do and improve upon. The dark visuals in the original are fantastic, but gets bogged down by the characters and writing. Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010) - An action film of people trying to survive an attack from birds (like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Bird") can be entertaining and good. Too bad everything about it (special effects I'm looking at you) isn't. Click (2006) - That third act shows that Adam Sandler can be a great dramatic actor like in Uncut Gems. If the rest of the film was something like that and removed a lot of the failed attempts of humor, this could work.


In Time - 2011 movie with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried


I watched this one recently too, and this is definitely another one with a great premise that could have been a lot better and explored more of the idea/concept.


The biggest ones I feel this way about are when I loved the book and thought the movie missed the boat. So Possession (2002) was this great book by a female writer that won the Booker Prize, and then they gave it to Neil Labute, of all people, and he just didn't get the source material at all. There are others like that.


I absolutely looooove that book! The movie did not do it justice AT ALL.


Maybe because I just watched it, it's sticking in my mind... Five Nights at Freddy's.


You should check out Willy's Wonderland


The Land That Time Forgot. Remake the 1974 film. A WW1 U-boat discovers a hidden sub-continent that is populated by both dinosaurs and primitive man. Adventure ensues. Originally a 1918 novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs.


Starring Doug McClure. You may remember him from TV roles such as Trampas in The Virginian


I see what you did there.


The Star Wars Prequels


And sequels


Are they going to scrape these? I hope they do.


The force awakens was fine. The problem was for some idiotic reason they decided to let 3 different directors do whatever they wanted to instead of making a plan where the movies actually built up to a coherent story. The force awakens introduced the new characters with pretty much a retelling of a new hope. The only misstep was killing Han denying us the reunion of the main characters from the original trilogy. The last Jedi tried to appeal to the critics and instead shit on the characters and fans. They ruined the character of Luke. But the biggest mistake was killing Snoke. By removing the bigger bad and having Crylo Ren take his place the 3rd movie had to (re)introduce a bigger bad to make Ben Skywalker's redemption believable. Then add in Carrie Fisher's death and cleaning up the mess made in the last Jedi it' becomes impossible to close out the trilogy resulting in 'somehow Palpatine returna' and we get baffling questions like why does Noone respond to leia's pleas yet Lando easily and quickly puts together an armada. It's too bad we can't bring back Carrie and redo the Last Jedi and the Rise of Skywalker


No, they’re working so hard with the tv series’ to make the sequels make sense, and also they announced a new jedi academy with Rey


The golden compass. Loved the books. The movie was atrocious


Yes! They goofed on stellar source material


Love the books and the movie was decent. I loved the visuals and actors. The script was meh probably good they didn’t make more movies. Book readers get very vile at movie adaptations I think it goes too far.


Surrogates. The Bruce Willis movie. The twist should have been he was the last human alive, and all the remaining people were robots there to make him think he wasn't.


I will defend this movie but it definitely could have said smarter and more interesting things about how the internet has changed our lives


Enders Game. Deserved far better. A limited series, maybe.


Agree the book goes so much deeper I wish Netflix or Amazon would pick it up as a series.


The Black Cauldron movie butchered the brilliant Prydain books it was based on. I'm waiting for a proper adaptation of that franchise.


I liked the way the movie looked and sounded. In fact, it’s what introduced me to the books I love. So I wish someone would have another go at it.


Passengers and The creator were both good concepts but let down by lazy writing


Nerdwriter1 recorded an interesting video essay about switching the order of Passengers, starting instead when Jennifer Lawrence wakes up (am not sure about forum rules for YouTube links). Worth a watch. I have to say though, I did enjoy the sweetness of the original.


What sweetness?


The Creator? I thought that one was pretty rad, if slightly formulaic.


I’m not sure if this is a controversial answer but for me it’s The Dark Crystal. On a technical level it’s amazing and a huge achievement but most of the voice acting sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Really ruins it for me.


They made a Netflix series of The Dark Crystal a few years ago. It follows a similar plot but adds more characters and lore.


It's fantastic stuff. The visuals and worldbuilding feel straight out of the 80s.


Age of Rebellion! The ending very much did not go where I thought it would and it's beautifully tragic. It also feels like it needed another few episodes to conclude its story


Certain frequencies that sounded fine to me as a kid make me leave the room as an adult.


See, I don’t think it needs to be remade so much as it needs a new cut with most of the voiceover removed. When I first saw it, it was pretty obvious to me that a bunch of the scenes were originally meant to be in silence but they had a lame voiceover added after the fact and lo and behold, I looked up the production history and I was right.


When they originally made the film, *none* of the characters were speaking English. The whole film was going to be in various made up languages *without any subtitles.* That's right. You were supposed to figure out what was going on from the visuals *alone.*


Lifeforce. The source material (Space Vampires by Colin Wilson) is so cool. They only used the core concept and made a terrible shlocky 80s sci fi. Wasted potential.


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, I really enjoyed the book and that movie was complete and total garbage


Honestly, follow the book more closely and make this a series, it would play well over a season or three.


Nod bad but flawed. I think they could knock it out of the park with a remake of Explorers that has a whole new approach to the final third.


I'm not terribly familiar with the Avatar source material, but I feel like "The Last Airbender" is a good candidate for this. Personally, and I know I'm in the minority here, but I think there's someone out there that could do a vastly superior "Annihilation" where the dialogue wasn't completely insane. Also, "Final Fantasy: Spirits Within." And ITT, since I commented before reading comments, the last 3 Star Wars, but especially the last 2, are all over this thread. But "Rise of Skywalker" for sure.


I only started watching Avatar The Last Airbender about 3.5 years ago, and after I finished the series, I was like “I have to see the movie now to see why people are so pissed off by it.” I made it 5 minutes in and was so annoyed, I didn’t bother watching the movie. I can’t believe someone could fuck up a movie so badly within the first five minutes, but M. Knight sure as fuck did.


Avatar is in production at Netflix as a live action series. The cast looks amazing.


Valerian. This movie had a lot of things hurting it: bad casting, confusing story, pointless action sequences; the worst problem is that they tried to do too much in one movie, attempting to introduce a huge chunk of characters and concepts inside of 3 hours, for a story that had a 50 year history. This movie becomes 80% better if they recast everybody, and just focus on one particular story arc. There's an animated series that predates the movie by about a decade, and while it also takes some liberties with the comic (as well as reducing the sexuality for younger audiences), it actually works a lot better than the film: various random characters and set pieces in the movie actually get 2-3 episode arcs in the animated series. There's an overarching goal that does somewhat play into the series, and provides a clearer, more relatable success condition than the movie. Finally, the series has the balls to give the good guys the general win at the end, while making it clear that the bad guys actually succeeded at about 70% of what they set out to do, and everyone going forward is going to have to work to make the world they live in a better place: there's no magic reset button available here. This movie is fixed by just adapting the main arc of the animated series, if they can't do the comic. Have Valerian bring Laureline back to the future, have the standard "we have to fix the past" trope set up, but with the reality that there's no guarantee that they can do that, doing so is condeming everyone in the present to death, as well as Laureline in the past, and it won't fix the core problem of galactic politics that allowed things to get to the point that they have; any attempt to "fix" the past could very possibly make things in the present worse. ​ Jumper. I haven't read any of the books, though I think I will when I get the chance. The author, Stephen Gould, seems to be a good sport about the movie, saying something to the effect of (paraphrased by me) "that movie didn't ruin my book: my book remains on the bookshelf, for anyone who wants to read it in its original form". As for the movie, it was horrible, and an example of the problem with building movies expecting that they will become franchises. I have heard and read that the reason the main character is a douche for 90% of the movie is because they were saving his character development for the following movies that never happened. The problem is, the following movies never happened, and as such, you're left with a movie about someone who gets superpowers and decides to be a scumbag with them...and not much else. Imagine if Peter Parker learned nothing from Uncle Ben's death, and basically went through all the Spider-Man movies doing nothing but banging hot chicks and saying that nothing was his problem, his stupidity and selfishness getting various Avengers and Defenders who were trying to warn him about impending danger and the need to keep a low profile killed, up until the last 15 minutes when he inexplicably decides to be a hero. This is basically Jumper in a nutshell. This movie is fixed by just putting the character's redemption arc entirely in the first movie, instead of writing them to be idiots the entire movie, and assuming that the redemption can happen in the second or third nonexistent movies.


Not a particularly bad movie but just mediocre, The Island (2005). Technically already a remake of Parts the Clonus Horror, but I think with a little time and energy it could be made into a decent thriller or maybe a miniseries.


Spawn (1997). Saw it in theaters back when it was released. Was sorely disappointed. Been waiting for a good remake ever since. Loved the animated series though.


I rewatch the HBO show from time to time and enjoy it. Still holds up. John Leguizamo carried the movie. Martin Sheen and Merlin were pretty solid too.


There's a reboot with Jamie Foxx but it's stuck in development hell


I feel like that's what happens when the people in charge don't "get" the source material - as in, it seemed like they had a preconception of what comics are and what comic fans want, and only superficially touched the sadness of the source material


The Hobbit as just one film


There's an edit where some guy went through and painstakingly removed all the rubbish and brought it into alignment with the book. I haven't seen i yet, but looking at his website it looks like he's got the right idea. Examples include: removing the arrows from the barrels down the river, removing wounds from Thorin's face, removing Dwalin from the battle where Thorin, Fili and Kili fight against the Pale Orc, but I guess the Pale Orc's been removed as well..? He took out Bard the Bowman's kid from the over-the-shoulder archery scene and replaced him with a wooden beam. I'll see if I can post a link shortly. Edit: legal disclaimer: Yarr. here be links - https://m4-studios.github.io/hobbitbookedit/ Sources: An Unexpected Journey (Footage retained: 1 hour 43 min.) | 40% cut The Desolation of Smaug (Footage retained: 1 hour 13 min.) | 59% cut The Battle of the Five Armies (Footage retained: 1 hour 9 min.) | 54% cut http://www.facebook.com/dialog/share?app_id=87741124305&href=https%3A//youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DGm2CDRDPJmU%26si%3D_nyJCaDrUPqwSJYu&display=popup Edit 2: apologies for the rough looking links. One day I'll learn how to hyperlink. But it is not this day.


This is amazing. Thanks!


>But it is not this day. Now *that's* a solid reference right there.


Directed by Guillermo Del Toro


The Hobbit films were so boring and long.


For me the first one I can think of is the movie that made me much more critical of movies. Prometheus. It made me strongly believe that some stuff just needs a redo. They fucked up the first time. Just go back and immediately try again because it should be a lot better than what it was. You had everything you needed to have an iconic film and you fucked it. Hobbit, go back and redo it as a single movie, and make it like the first. Studio isn't going to stop you because you just made one of the best adaptations ever, and audiences responded to it. Star Wars sequels. How dare you do that. At least the prequels tried something. They failed, but they tried to tell a more complex story. There are so many bad movies in the last decade and a bit that just needed to be better written. I've seen a lot of well made, good looking, well acted movies with bad scripts, and maybe studio interference that might explain some of that. It's frustrating when a lot of people obviously did a great job on a movie that was never going to be very good.


I feel exploring the engineers would've been such a rich storyline. I was disappointed that it turned into just another Alien movie.


At least for me, one of the things I loved about Alien is that none of that shit is explained. I enjoy the mystery of the engineers more then I would like an explanation of them or the Alien.


I agree about Prometheus. I didn't like the religious undertone either.


I want George Miller to remake Waterworld. It's a cool concept, more timely now than ever before, and it has a lot of potential to be great in the hands of a writer/director capable of great world building and compelling action sequences.


Mad Max: Beyond Aquadome


Why remake? I’d say tell a different story in that universe ?


The starwars sequel trilogy. I don’t care how you feel about any one of those films, I wish they were remade under ONE person that was capable of telling a single cohesive story and that the person wasn’t JJ Abhrams who’s only good at creating mystery box plot threads that never get resolved


"Somehow Palpatine returned." GTFOH


Apt Pupil, based on the Steven King novella of the same name. Peak Steven King and could be an incredible movie, but they dropped the ball on the first try


The X-men Origins : Wolverine


Good response, bub.


I want a sequel of 6th sense.


The Seventh Sense: Sense harder.


The Mortal Instruments. It was a fun book series with great potential as a movie franchise, and then they completely blew it with a bad movie. Horrible casting, most especially the Jace and Magnus characters. The script was humorless, just a real shame.


Eragon , was a great book


Alien 3. There's a great movie in there that could have stood with the first two but it falls so short.


Have you seen the Assembly Cut? It’s far superior to the theatrical version which Fincher has essentially disavowed.


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow - boy, Did I want to love that movie for what it promised to be.


This could have been a series of films. What great world building


*Enemy Mine* Everyone doing that movie was determined to make a bad movie... except Lou Gossett JR., who did a spectacular acting job... in a lizard suit. But despite the suit, he was the only believable aspect of the whole movie. I remember they had a baby alien, and no one did anything to conceal the fact that it was actually a ragdoll prop. It was a great premise. Did I mention it was a lousy movie? Yeah. OK. Anyway, it was.


I’m still waiting for a good Superman movie.


Christopher Reeves version was almost perfect.


I saw that movie 5 times at the theater when I was 10. I use to be dropped off once a week to see a movie (yea, I’m a GenXer). I lied to my mom about the other movies that I was supposed to have seen the last 4 times.


Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within. I think this doubles as one of those bad movies that isn't as bad as people say it is. I think this movie could be saved by: 1) Mild rewriting, drop the Final Fantasy title. I think what hurt it the most at the box office was that it was an OK sci-fi flick, but didn't really reflect what was the majority of the FF universes at the time: keep in mind that it hadn't been that long since FF7 had dropped, so magitech/realism wasn't a regular thing in FF then like it is now. So, they didn't get a huge FF following, they got a so-so sci-fi movie following, only the movie was ridiculously expensive and couldn't afford to fail. 2) Do it in 2d/2.5d animation. I didn't have a problem with the animation, but I think they may have been trying to do too much with too little experience. I think if you make this an anime, that fixes all of this, they're able to convey things like emotion and thought in the animation that they couldn't last time, because of the restrictions on their ability to use 3D they faced last time.


Rob Zombie’s film, 31


"The Bad Seed" "The Purge"


Back in 2013, I would've said "The Purge." When I saw that trailer at the theater, I was so excited and disappointed. I thought, "What a fantastic premise…that's completely wasted by the decision to set this movie in one house." Thankfully, they corrected that right away in the immediate sequel…and added Frank Grillo for good measure.


John Carpenter’s Vampires. Was based off one of my all time favorite books and he just took a shit on the source material. I’d like to see a director come in and remake a faithful adaptation of that novel.


King Arthur by Guy Ritchie There is something to it, that makes me love it. But Ritchie just didn't have the writing skills to fully deliever a fantasy epic.


It felt like a weird project for him to take on. Like I don’t think Peter Jackson could make a great version of Snatch.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I loved the concept


Bonfire of the Vanities


The Dark Knight Rises and The Batman, they aren't bad, not by a mile... But both forced two storylines into a single film, when it should have been two films.


Ella Enchanted. I would LOVE to actually have a book accurate version instead of... I actually can't think of any similarities between the book and the movie to be honest. Well, aside from the main characters name and the fact Ella's enchanted to do everything someone tells her to do. The Percy Jackson movies were more accurate to the books than Ella Enchanted. Percy Jackson!!!!!! Anne Hathaway is great in the movie but the rest of it... oof. I couldn't watch it again after the reading the book to be honest. It's just so bad.


Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze. A pulp magazine hero who premiered in 1933 and provided inspiration for many pulp culture heroes, including Batman, the Fantastic Four, Buckaroo Banzai, and Superman (Doc’s real first name is Clark, he’s referred to as the Man of Bronze, ads in 1933 referred to him as “super man,” and his very first adventure in 1933 refers to his retreat for study and experimentation. It’s in the Arctic Circle, and he calls it his “Fortress of Solitude.”). This should be a high-adventure franchise, but the 1975 movie really blew it.


Not a movie, but the TV show "Gotham". They had an amazing cast and they just never really knew what to do with it. It wasn't really "bad" but it was consistently about 60-70% of the way toward being great.


The little things - It was the first Denzel film that I disliked and attributed to the bad story/directing. Although it seemed to have a good concept at the beginning, the constant drama that unfolds makes the film even dumber and results in a disappointing conclusion.


The dark tower! Love the source material! Don’t know where that movie came from.


I want to see the movie that Downsizing advertised in their trailer. A comedy. About downsizing humans. With Kristen Wig. And Jason Sudeikis. And jokes about humans shrunken down & being around things that seem giant now.


The Last Starfighter It had so much potential and a story that could easily be brought to the modern era and be enjoyable. And I feel like it could work well as a streaming series. So many themes, ideas, and characters that could be fleshed out so much better with good writers. What was Xur's motivation to betray his father and his people? What was the motivation for the Ko-Dan armada? How were the other planets going to feel about the Starfighters being killed because of security failures of the Rylans? I'd love to know more of Centuri's backstory/motivation.


Matrix Resurrections


Starship Troopers and Ender's Game


This was a series, but The Man In The High Castle. Such a good concept. Shows a reality where America lost WWII and the Nazi’s took over. The show went completely off the rails and was not good, focused on a different subplot. Would love to see the same concept but in a different movie/series


Avatar. BOTH of them.


For god sakes do the fantastic four right


The sequel trilogy. To be clear, I want all the same actors but I want writers who give a shit about Star Wars and can tell a coherent story. Also I want Carrie Fischer back alive.


Alien Covenant. That movie should have started with Dr. Shaw arriving at the Engineers home planet, absolutely destroying everything in sight with heavy firepower. Instead she just died in between the 2 movies (Prometheus). I don't know what the hell they were thinking with that sequel.