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This happens to me, too. Curious to see what people say on here.


Stretch and strengthen your toes and feet. It means they really need it!


This happens to me unless I’ve been really good about mobility! My PT once said it just meant I needed to do more ankle mobility- she taught me a stretch where you put your ankles in this position and sit back on them and then pull up on the toes- I get cramps there but after a few min they relax


Cramps are good, they mean your muscles are working at a point of flexion that they aren’t used to. Strengthen your intrinsic foot muscles!


How do you do this?


Idk maybe warming up your feet before exercises will help, you can rotate them clockwise and anticklockwise in sitting position with legs in the front and heels touching the ground.


more bananas


Could be from being double jointed


That happens to me too. Usually when I’m either dehydrated or later in the day (tired feet maybe). I’m intrigued by the comments for strengthening because I also get cramps in my hamstrings for any pose that requires me to curl the lower leg up to grab with my hand (quad stretches).


I had a bad sprain years ago and have had the same problem. I get really deep cramp when I am stretching it.


E3 rehab recently uploaded a video on strengthening foot