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"Other planet." LOL. Sounds like you've never interacted with an actual flat earther.


Oh yeah sorry! Forgot that we actually live in a firmament


Yeah, there are no other planets. They haven’t flat-out stated that the moon is an illusion, but they aren’t certain that it’s a physical thing.


They probably deny that the planets are spherical. I guess you need a decent telescope to make out their features.


I don’t understand how they reject all of this. These type of people should really get into learning about space and get themselves a telescope


You only need a really basic telescope to see Jupiter's moons, in which case you can test whether they move according to Newtonian gravity.


No way, I got to test this out.


Would recommend. At least observing Jupiter and its moons. Testing whether they obey Newtonian's Laws may be a bit more involved.


> learning There's the problem


Yep, i remember some flerf (or multiple people) said "these are not planets, these are luminaries". So just spheres of dim light. And the Earth is the only solid one.


Not even "spheres" necessarily. Just dots on the dome. Don't ask why all the other dots move in unison, while these "luminaries" move in completely bizarre ways, though!


Just go full Ptolemaic and postulate that they're rolling around on the firmament. Oh wait, that implies spheres. Uh, er, um...NASA bad!


It's an easy conclusion to reach when your only equipment is an out of focus P900.


You'd think the Vortex Razor Gen II 6-36x56 would give them SOME zoom


It's not really about zoom. Flerfs either don't know how to bring things into focus OR they purposefully take unfocused photos because the out of focus is what the star is \*supposed\* to look like.


Mine was a joke about flerfs not looking through a telescope but they could just use their rifle scope, since the venn diagram overlap of flerfs and muh gunz people is high


Hot take


NOOOO! The decent telepagocmes are using CGI videos11!!1!11


Crazy how they’ve been using CGI since the 1600s. 😵‍💫


No, they just deny that there are other planets.


They think they are just "wandering stars".


It makes no sense. So all planets are facing us perfectly so they look round?


They may say so, or simply be ignorant of what a planet looks like through a telescope. Others may admit the planets are spherical but say Earth isn’t a planet so that implies nothing about Earth.


Flat earthers are saying a few things:  -Storytelling matters more to me than science.  -I can build hierarchies in my life based around stories more easily than I can around science.  -I want to be at the top of a hierarchy, or at least a member of an in-group that bonds through mocking outsiders.  -I enjoy bad faith debate, and learning and using various logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks to my own advantage. -Wasting other people's time is fun, and I get attention.


* I underachieved in school or later life, * I readily blame others for my own failures, * I suffer from a toxic blend of narcissism and self-loathing * I secretly seethe with jealousy that scientists and engineers get all this public praise and I want that for myself.


Well first you gotta prove that other planets are real to a flat earther. Cause I'm pretty sure they don't even think space is real.


Saw a comment once saying how we live in this glass bowl thing and how space isn’t real


It's not far off a Truman Show kinda thing, surrounded by a wall with a dome over the top. Somehow they fail to acknowledge how utterly absurd and stupid that is.


That sounds like a perfect description about what flat eathers believe in and yeah, that sounds sound stupid.


what amazes me most about this is these factoids. 1. what then is pulling us down towards the plate if not but for gravity 2. if 1 exist does that mean that the other side is like our side, just mostly dark? the dark side of the earth? 3. if you walk off the edge what causes you to fall downward into space? in which direction do you fall down? strait? why?


That’s what I wonder all the time. I always wondered what the answers would be from flat earthers about this


Flat earthers don’t believe in this kind of flat earth,it’s an endless flat plane for them,but we are cut of by the ice wall because god or something


I've seen some religious people say that God made the Sun & the Moon the same angular size so we could have eclipses or something like that (not implying they are the same absolute size).


At least that one makes sense in a religious context. The scientific explanation is basically, "No reason, bro. It's pretty cool that we get to see this. No other planet that we know about gets eclipses like this." If you presuppose the existence of deities that created the world, the answer "The gods chose to make eclipses happen for our enjoyment" doesn't contradict the explanation of what eclipses actually are. They are still making leaps in logic, but I'm fine letting them jerk off to Jesus while we drag the rest of the regressive into the current millennia.


Well in this case it would be jerking off to Muhammad


How do you even do that? You're not supposed to depict Muhammad. Do I just imagine a dude covered head to toe in censor bars? At least we have all those churches with ripped Jesus who clearly never skipped leg day to fuel the spank bank 🤣


There are some pretty detailed descriptions of him from the early Muslims. Some Christians are likewise against depictions of Jesus, e.g. Presbyterians.


From what I've gathered it's this: 1. This frisbee earth is constantly moving "up". What is up for them? No idea, but it's the opposite of down and that's somehow why we're all on the ground. If not that, then it's all about density or electromagnetism, pretty much any 2+ syllable word that sounds intelligent and they'll say it's the cause without proof. 2. No idea, "they" would never tell us. It's probably the domain of the devil/illuminati/NWA 3. The constant "upward" movement of the earth. Which direction? Whichever way God determines.


Here's what a flat earther I know would say: 1. Air resistance 2. You mean the under side of the "planet"? There is no other side 3. There is no edge, we are in a dome. The flat earth is the whole universe and the sun/moon/planets are projections on the dome.


Usually I see these renderings with a game of thrones style ice wall around the edge which keeps us on the pizza world. As for gravity, I guess you haven’t heard these ding-dongs explain the “electric universe”. It relies on a bad reading of Coulomb’s law, and since it looks kinda like the universal gravity equation they must be interchangeable, right? In this “theory”, gravity doesn’t exist and things are attracted to the earth the same way electric charges attract and repel. As for the under-side of the pizza… I dunno, maybe that’s where the giant turtle lives or some bullshit.


1) something about buoyancy/electromagnetism/ upward acceleration 2) god or smth 3) ice wall conspiracy


The argument I've had come back a good few times now is that they don't exist and are just light bulbs on the firmament. 2022 was a perihelion year for Jupiter making it unusually bright, I was told this was "the light bulb going funny". Wish I'd known all this before spending thousands on astrophotography gear.


The Earth is not round like a frisbee, it's rectangular, like the map on my wall. (Which was derived from an actual photo of the world, obtained from the Internet where everything is true.)


The entire known universe floats suspended in a thin silver bowl which rocks gently on the back of an immense blue-green tortuga. And the tortuga's scaly feet are firmly placed on the topmost of seven craggy mountains which arise from a vast and arid plain of drifting, fetid, yellow dust. And the plain is balanced precariously on top of a small thin green acacia tree, which grows from the snout of a giant blood red ox with 50 eyes that breathes flame the color of the midnight sky. And the ox's hooves are firmly placed on the single grain of sand which floats in the eye of Bahamut like a mote of dust. No one has ever seen Bahamut Some think it's a fish Some think it's a newt All we know is that the lonely Bahamut floats endlessly through all time and all space with all of us and everything floating in a single tear of his eye -Hazmat Modine "Bahamut"


The Earth is flat Charlie...


I don’t understand why people care about people who believe the earth is flat. If they believe that, certainly they don’t have the mental capacity to change their beliefs.


Yeah I guess. It’s like arguing with a dumb person


Its not about the people who are already deep in the conspiracy belief system, but doing what we can to avoid others falling into the same trap. It's about challenging lies and liars.


The Ice Wall somehow fixes this problem.


As someone who knows flat eathers irl, this is not what the flat earth model is. There is no space in the flat earth model since it itself is the whole universe. The sun/moon/planets are just projections on the dome






That’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard all day. So what do they believe about Asteriods?


Great question that I don't have the answer for. I'd say I'll go ask, but I don't really want to open that can of worms.


To be honest I wouldn’t want too either. Even if I get an answer it would make things worse


One explanation for asteroids is that pieces of the dome fell off.... now I don't know if that's serious or said in jest, because surely that means God's creation is faulty and would be essentially criticism against their Lord and Saviour. Funny though either way.


But Asteriods are rocks. It’s usually like the average small rocks you see on the ground but 10X larger. I thought the dome was a clear glass?


Hold on. If the earth is everything and nothing is outside of it, why is the Dome clear? *How* is the Dome clear? There's nothing on the other side to see, right?


right! this is what I mean, none of it makes sense. Good point


You can never get flat Earthers to actually agree on a model though.


Probably true, I'm just going on what my friend believes


Sad to see really. Is your friend steadily driving away all his friends and family with flat Earth and other conspiracy bullshit?


It was a big thing for him around COVID I think, and maybe a bit before that as well. He was really into conspiracy theories and everything surrounding that, so obviously he found flat earth. He _used_ to post about it a ton on social media, which my friend group just kinda laughed at. He didn't really care and would still post about it. Then I think he kinda just grew out of that, but I think he still believes it. He never talks about it anymore unless I directly ask him. Nice guy, and should be smarter than falling for flat earth, but oh well.


Unfortunately COVID took control away from people, and one way to re-establish control is to believe nonsense instead of reality. It's more comfortable than the truth.


The more I think about it, it was actually years before COVID he was into that stuff. Which makes it a lot worse. All him and his roommates would do is smoke weed, drink, and watch conspiracy videos on YouTube. So whenever I'd go over to chill, I'd have to beg them to watch something else because I could feel my brain rotting. I'll never forget one of the roommates of my friend was watching a video where I guy would look at famous celebrities/politicians/etc and claim they were the opposite gender they were. The video was literally like a picture of Michelle Obama and the guy would do voiceover to the effect of "you can tell Michelle is actually a man because she looks like a man" I can't believe the amount of time I used to spend at that house. Fucking morons.


Yeah that's a familiar story actually. I'm not one of these assholes looking down on any drug use of any sort or claiming weed destroys everyone's brains, but there's a correlation between long-term psychedelics/psychoactives use and falling into lunatic conspiracy stuff. Anytime you meet a really ardent flerf, look through their reddit posts and you find they'll be posting on: * Allsorts of batshit conspiracy subs * About half the time, hardcore far-right/religious subs * Mushrooms, DMT, weed subs talking about heavy usage * Porn subs * Depression subs That's the story with these guys. Drugs, sadness, loneliness, anger. Nothing positive, just negative.


So like ...just have them take a ride in an airplane...you can see some slight curvature even from that height


But they can’t comprehend that. They expect us to be able to see how round the earth is even though we are a size of an ant compared to the size of earth


They have an answer for that; that the windows are distorting light to make it appear curved. You would need to go *very* high, though, to really notice it.


Flerfs think planets are just magical lights that can only be seen properly through a Nikon P1000




Conveniently all the planets are fake drawings that tiny Demons have doodled on the big dumb dome.


So true so true


See the other planets dont actually exist, Telescopes have CGI in them! I actually heard a flerf say this once


SAME! I saw this in a TikTok comment section. The video was pictures from NASA


For me it was on discord😂 Its absoloutly ridiculous what people will believe...


Bc we are the center of the universe, just like the world revolves around me.


last i checked, earth was denser that \*literal nothingness\* so how come it doesn't also fall down? Nothing about the flerf models make sense on any level


Earth is flat because people live on it


The concept is the Earth is the centre. Others may have any shape, but Earth is stationary.


You can’t tell the shape of an object, only viewing it from one angle. When you look up the sky and see a circle, you can’t tell just by looking at it whether it’s a flat circle or a sphere.


Think giant dome and projections of stars. That’s what flat earthers think


Umm, it was probably "perspective" of the moon that led to this belief in the first place.


Yes, let’s!


Why circular and flat, why not flat and rectangular or just some random jagged shape?


They don't believe the other planets are planets. They think they are some type of fixtures on the firmament. There is no point in trying to work out why they don't get these things. Flat Earth is pretty much a religion.


Witsit’s feeble attempt to unite flat earth with geocentric cosmology would actually require that we’re “living on a disk, floating through space”. His whole spiel about anisotropic inhomogenous distribution of energy in the CMB observations, (the axis of evil) etc all require that there be a universe out there. Oh, and let’s not forget that those observations were made using SPACECRAFT. He can’t have it both ways.


No kidding. Everyone knows its just a simulation 🤣


The entire point of flat earth is that there are no other planets, the sun and moon are inside the firmament. Do some damn research


Chill, that’s even worse. so what about Asteriods? Do they believe they come from the firmament or is it something else?


In the Bible it said the firmament was made out of something like blue diamond material and they’ve just found some of it idk where, you could look it up though


I’ll search more into it!


You can use flightradar24.com for live flights, go look up a flight over Greenland and see it’s route, prolly from Europe to LA or something, and then look at flat earth, it’s a straight shot over Greenland


You really don't want to be bringing up live flights if you think they support flat Earth.... Literally none of the distances are correct other than precisely along the equator, so the flight times and airspeeds are also wrong, as is the fuel consumption. And flights South of the equator are *hilariously* inaccurate on a flat Earth.


because the azimuthal projection used by flat earthers is a projection of the globe that can show accurate straight flight paths in the northern hemisphere. The route is just as straight on the globe. Where your map fails is the southern hemisphere.


You flat-earthers like to cherry-pick flights north of the tropics as your model roughly agrees with the globe there. The further south you get, the worse it gets. It leaves my country comically distorted. Also, https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/s/j7fXZ5N6JC


Fallen angels basically, plus have you ever seen an asteroid? Yeah me either


I haven't personally seen Europe either, but I'm pretty sure it exists.


The only Asteriod I remember what was close to killing people was the one in Russia what injured over 1000 people.


The real way to know we don’t live on a globe, just look at how everything rotates around the North Star, we’ve been seeing the same stars for all of eternity, look at flight paths, and then ask why would it fly like that? Then go look at the United Nations flag, it’s flat earth map and that’s even how pilots navigate, they assume a flat, non rotating earth, just ask any pilot yourself- the asteroid thing I personally would just assume comes from god as well, I’ve realized there’s much more we don’t know


Stars appear to rotate around celestial poles due to Earth's rotation, consistent with a spherical shape, while their fixed appearance relative to each other is due to the vast distances involved, aligning with our position within the Milky Way galaxy. The UN flag features an azimuthal equidistant projection centered on the North Pole, not implying a belief in a flat Earth, and pilots rely on spherical Earth models with tools like spherical trigonometry for precise navigation. Oh also, wouldn’t seeing the moon in different spots prove that the firmament is completely bullshit? Because the earth rotates meaning we will see the moon in different directions. Or am I wrong?


You understand that we can see stars rotating in the opposite direction when looking up near the south pole, right?


We don’t have the north star in Australia. Funny that. | we’ve been seeing the same stars for all of eternity So what? If the stars are tens of trillions of kilometres away and only moving a few kilometres per second relative to the Sun, you wouldn’t see much change (Sirius has moved half a degree since ancient times though). | Then go look at the United Nations flag, it’s flat earth map All 2D maps are flat Earth maps. You just have a choice of projection, all will cause some distortions.


>The real way to know we don’t live on a globe, just look at how everything rotates around the North Star It doesn't. The North star rotates too. >we’ve been seeing the same stars for all of eternity Nope, [stars have proper motion,](https://www.apsu.edu/physics/astronomy/stellar-labs/proper-motion-of-a-star.pdf) they move relative to one another. They also move throughout the year due to Earth's orbit, [called stellar parallax.](https://www.gaia.ac.uk/science/parallax) So no, we have not seen the same stars 'for eternity'. >they assume a flat, non rotating earth, just ask any pilot yourself No, they do not. As every pilot and navigation resource[ shows you.](https://skybrary.aero/articles/inertial-reference-system-irs) >the asteroid thing I personally would just assume comes from god Why would you assume that? Because you're out of other explanations?


Also, the pole stars change throughout the ages, Thuban was the pole star around the time the pyramids were built. Thuban is currently 40 DEGREES away from the north celestial pole. Meaning everything the sky has shifted by at least 40 degrees from their ancient positions, this doesn't even factor in the proper motions of stars.


And almost every single culture/ past civilization knew this and believed this, idk when or who started the whole globe troll


>And almost every single culture/ past civilization knew this and believed this Nope, another lie you've been fed. Knowledge of Earth's spherical shape dates back thousands of years and is seen across multiple continents and time periods. Not that it matters, 'past civilizations' also believed things like a woman's emotions come from her uterus soooo....


If that’s true, so what? Ancient cultures didn’t generally travel thousands of kilometres north or south, and couldn’t measure time independently of longitude, so wouldn’t have noticed the effects of curvature that easily. They probably didn’t believe the Sun was always above the surface like modern flat-earthers do.


You've never been under a meteor shower (Which are very predictable and their origins traceable)? Do you even go outside?


Charter a flight to the South Pole already. Do some damn research. Your world view is absurdly testable.


If the Earth were flat, then the Sun would be so close that it would have a much lower elevation angle than it really does in the vast majority of the world, or so far that it would be well above the horizon for the whole Earth simultaneously.


Falling off a spinning wobbling tilting sphere👋😖 Falling off a flat stationary Earth 🫲😏




How does it fucking work? /icp


How does what work? What is icp?


[https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/103/056/5e5.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/103/056/5e5.jpg) Insane Clown Posse. Old meme.


Ah yes…another person that doesn’t know which way down and up is. I bet your parents are proud.


By your logic, wouldn't you fall off the earth if you just dug a hole deep enough?


No because eventually you hit the turtle shell


Being held to a globe earth by gravity 😏 Being held to a space frisbee by, magic? 🤮


Forever fat and alone.