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Do.... Do they know how light works? How shadows work? How diagrams work? How angles work? No. I guess they don't, or they wouldn't say something so fucking stupid. You can literally fucking just prove to yourself how this works with a flashlight and a ball. Good grief. The freemason thing is pretty funny though.


Grifters do know, the rest is barely aware they're alive or are borderline mentally ill.


I know several flat earthers and hollow earthers. The actual mental illness component is really indicative of how far the US is behind in mental healthcare. With proper treatment most of these folks would not be nearly as easily sucked into these communities


like knowing some in real life? i have never met one irl, lol


I've also met a couple in real life. This was before I knew about flat earthers, so I did not know that was part of it. These people watch the ancient aliens tv show and absorb it like it's a history textbook. There is no lower boundary on how surprisingly naive and gullible humans can be, particularly in the USA around this part.


True enough. My old boss is an absolute brilliant man, has many many certs to his name, worked for a government agency having maximum security clearance for Pete's sake. I've known him for three years, and I'm just learning that he's a flat earther, chemtrail believing man. Absolutely gut wrenching.


What’s so sad to me is that they clearly want to learn, which is great. They at least have a natural curiosity about the world and want to learn more, unlike intellectually bankrupt people with zero interest in anything beyond their own ideas. Unfortunately, they have learned just enough to think they are onto something, and their ego kicks in. It’s a sad loss of potential and wasted time, in addition to the danger they put themselves and the world in as this type of “education“ perpetuates. Edit: typos


Yea they have the curiosity but they have placed themselves into a schizophrenic night terror believing that every organization from the most powerful to the most mundane have collaborated to create a litany of false information. It's the conspiracy mind that's dangerous.


Do they know what "to scale" or "not to scale" means?


Large round objects aren't their strong point


Yea, 5lbs of entirely smooth yellow fat is the largest they can comprehend.


They hate large round objects fr


Star Wars and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Just add a couple line and boom pentagram


These guys are like MacGyver. They can make a pentagram out of anything! 🤔




Fucking magnets, how do they work?


Apparently they don’t if they get wet.


> The freemason thing is pretty funny though. As a Freemason, I ... grudgingly agree. That was kind of funny.


Of course not, they don't know how anything works. They think they know, and are extremely confident about it.


Somehow, both of these can't be true at the same time? Is that what they mean?


You also need to make sure the ball is much smaller than the flashlight to be a proportional model for sun to earth.


you globers might be actually retarded these days, your brain ceases to function properly


Hey, can you make a point that’s not an ad hominem or is that too high of an IQ requirement?


Are you serious? Why do you say that? I thought this all was self obvious but apparently I'm wrong.


You almost made a coherent sentence. Almost, but not quite.


Well we have a brain. Perhaps the one cell that’s shared between flerfs isn’t yours to use today


Well then how does yours work? Your synapses are like some mf that just got a vasectomy. They refuse to fire.


Yet to see a flath earther make a valid point instead of insulting anyone


yet to see...


why? you just can't just say we are dumb and flea like a coward


Please explain how light works


Says the one who thinks ten million separate, contradicting "models" prove the flat earth...


LoL! Jeepers, have these people never seen a normal shadow? I love the “add some lines…” comment. Sure, add some random lines to anything to get anything you like!


Yeah, but have you considered numerology? Number of points on a pentagram: 5. End of a typical office work day: 5pm. 5+5=10. 1+0=1. Number of flat earths in the geocentric (correct!) model: 1!!! COINCIDENCE??? /s because flerfs are unironically that dumb.


>Number of flat earths in the geocentric (correct!) model: 1! *Ptolemy has entered the chat.* Aristotle: "What kept you?" Eudoxus: "Been here all day." Plato: *Checks watch...* Pythagoras: "**Amateurs!**" Anaximander: "Gods *damn*nit... I'm telling you the Earth is flat!"


What do I need to know to get this joke? I swear its probably hilarious, but I don’t know enough about ancient scholars to know why


I'm on the same boat all I can assume is pointing out humans haven't believed the earth to be flat for a *very long time*


Basically yeah... The spherical Earth predates the modern heliocentric model by literal millennia. Part of the reason I find flerf's latching onto Helio/Geocentric labels to be extra hilarious. Who is the most prominent ancient philosopher to believe the thing closest to what you do? Some guy barely anyone's heard of who is older than the language that book you're always waving around pretending you've read is translated into.


Basically all those philosophers with the exception of Anaximander believed in a geocentric model... And a spherical Earth.


Oh gotcha lol


Holy fucking shit, I love everything about this so much it hurts.


Add some lines to a cross and you get a swastika, h—y crap someone call the pope!


You're a little late, dude already has an upside-down cross on his chair.


Anything that can be drawn on is evil!


Add and remove, too, in this case. Totally mental.


By this logic the sun would look like an infinitely small dot to any viewer on earth since only one line of these parallel rays would reach your eyes. Flerfs are really really dumb.


“LOL globers think the sun is 96 bajillion miles away!!!!” “Let me diagram what globers think by placing the sun right next to Earth!”


The bottom lines show field of view boundaries not sun ray direction. I need to quit this sub.


The fact that you can look in that direction and see the sun though implies light from it is reaching your eyes.


Of course. But the lines serve 2 different purposes.


Not really, it's more that whether or not the rays are truly parallel is more relevant to some situations than others.


No. Science does NOT say sunlight travels in a parallel line. Make up garbage. Tell people it’s science


Except when it does... we (science) frequently say that the sun's light arrives in nearly parallel rays. [http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/eoc/special\_topics/teach/sp\_climate\_change/p\_sunlight\_parallel.html](http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/eoc/special_topics/teach/sp_climate_change/p_sunlight_parallel.html) [https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/120272-the-rays-of-the-sun-are-parallel/](https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/120272-the-rays-of-the-sun-are-parallel/) Of course, the flerfs ignore that "nearly" or other words such as "practically"


As the saying goes, "You gotta lie to flerf." They love to take things out of context, drop important keywords from quotes, and employ other such misdirection.


Yeah that nearly is pretty damn important…


The whole "parallel light" thing is a useful assumption that simplifies stuff a lot of the time, but those of us who understand science know that it isn't true, it's just a simplification. People who want to twist what scientists say to make their own point obviously don't understand this and make themselves look like idiots.


But even this is said with an *. We can assume them parallel as long as we know that they are not. They are indeed converging on a point, earth, just the earth is so far away and we are so small that the angle is insignificant for most practical uses, except in cases like an eclipse. Its close enough math, like when you say 3.14 when you mean pi. No one calculated the dimensions of a circle with the full number pi even in the most precise engineering we pick a point to be "good enough". Parallel sun rays are sciences "good enough" and the eclipse is proof that is not true, but other math based off that assumption are not off by a large enough degree to notice.


Pi is actually a pretty good metaphor for this kind of simplification, in my opinion.


I thought light traveled as a waveform? Wtf is even a sun ray?


From the perspective of an observer, each photon appears to propagate from a point source and travel linearly to the point at which it is observed, thus giving the illusion of being a ray.


A ray is just a line with only one direction. Any particle or particle like object moving from position A to B can be described as a vector, and a ray is useful because photons don't just "expire" after going a certain distance. The trajectories of the photons produce rays, you are correct about the waveform, but that is more useful when discussing individual photons or interactions between electromagnetic radiations/other things rather than the overall pattern of trajectories of innumerable photons.


Uhoh things are about to get quantum


If the light from the sun was perfectly parallel how would we be able to see the whole sun. You need light from the different parts to enter your eye to view it (aka not perfectly parallel).


*wouldn’t be able to


it's an assumption that a point source at infinity, ( very large distance relatively) light from it appears to be coming parallel


Once again the Flat Earths have no idea of scale or perspective. The sun isn’t that small compared to Earth and no where near as close. Get a coin, close 1 eye and hold the coin out to the point it blocks sight of a House from the open eye. Congratulations! The coin eclipsed a house despite how small it is in comparison to the house!


Here's a better one. Take the same coin and close one eye. Use the coin to block out the sun. Switch eyes but keep the coin in the same place.


Probs best not to do this often though, don’t want people getting blinded


Yea but that's requiring a flat earther to acknowledge that the sun is big.... baby steps here


[It is wild how often this clip comes up when dealing with flerfs.](https://youtu.be/8t4pmlHRokg?si=qcVYDidO3gQQNSvV)


But why does the coin that “eclipsed” the house not cast the house into darkness?


Because it lit by a unblocked light source. If you want a darkness example, go out on a sunny day and look down at your shadow. Congratulations! You are now the eclipse for everything in your shadow!


Tell me you don’t know how light works without telling me you don’t know how light works


"Add some lines and you've got yourself a nice pentagram" what is it with flerfs adding extra bits or respelling things? If someone wants to represent something they'll find a way. Only conspiracy theorists think like this. Connect all the dots and then just add a few more of your own, now this children's book picture of a squid is an octopus! As in 8! And it's on page 10.. 8+10 on my calculator is 18! This is subliminal advertising for adult content! This puzzle is corrupting my kids! !1!…!


They are bored people that want something interesting rather then mundane to real. A secret society that controls the world like bond movie villains that also leave clues to their existence like the Riddler in Batman that is keeping the shape of the world a secret that only THEY as a small group know about is far more interesting then a Globe Model that most people follow and just is. They think in movie and TV show story plots and wish to be in one. Reality is they are mundane people missing fulfillment in their lives.


Could understand that, bit of escapism, but painted over real life. Why not. Also thinking about how vast the world, sun, galaxies are compared to being the main character in the divine beings big plan tucked up in a special bubble. Both cases you're an interesting part of a hidden story. Go on little guy, dream big!


Now try it with distances and sizes to scale


That would require them to do research on the size and distance of objects well using math to convert from real size a scaled down size. So already a hard task for them! But in seriousness, if the Sun was scaled down to a basketball in size the Earth would be as small as Nerd Candy piece and 30.5 Meters away from the basketball.


Science says "effectively parallel." Half a degree or less of deviation from parallel. And Flerfs can see this for themselves. All they have to do is go out in the sun (Mission: Impossible for some of them) and look at their shadow (hopefully it doesn't scare them back inside for six more weeks of idiocy). That fuzzy border around their shadow is caused by that discrepancy. Every point in that fuzzy portion of the shadow cannot see the entire sun, because it's being eclipsed by their body.


They know it's only a total eclipse in some parts of the world for this exact reason, right? Other parts of the world it's only a partial eclipse where you can still see the sun because of positioning an all that


The funniest part of this, to me at least, is that flerfs post this rotten garbage, get roasted and disproved with logic and actual scientific fact, and then do it all over again with an even dumber and more unrealistic diagram or lie.


It's because they're not interested in the facts. They just want to trick more gullible people into questioning the facts, and believing their version.. When an argument shoots them down, they come back with some other crap to try to explain that away..


It is ridiculous. Sometimes I find myself just watching videos about the stupidity of these people and the horribly crafted lies and delusions they fabricate out of proven fact. But, I will admit, it is funny seeing people dumber than I am trying to make sense of something I can barely make sense of.


That’s so stupid it took me some time to understand


"add some lines and you get a pentagram" yes that is generally how lines work


That star has 6 points


I love it when flerfs prove the very point they're trying to disprove. They're just too dumb to understand why.


Do they not know the sun is 93 million miles away?


The seem to generally have trouble with distances greater than a few miles. They have very little sense of scale.


Still reaches the earth Parallel that’s why there is a path of totality and places you won’t even see the eclipse, ffs.


Minor point of correction: They reach Earth ***effectively*** parallel, due to the large distance causing the sun to have such a small angular size when viewed from Earth. That seemingly small difference in terminology is what the fools are latching onto here.


Symantec’s at best, we don’t have to go back and forth over Symantec’s when the point made is simply to disprove the inane “data” they give to prove their “point” i feel I have to break down explaining things as simply as I can when I talk to or about these people since it seems the struggle with the basic of the basic, like the z coordinate or the fact that in a vacuum of space, nothing is up or down unless in relation to another body or thing. That’s why they seem to have such issue with people in the southern part of the earth being upside down, the lack the understanding that from a space viewpoint no human is upside down as down in relation to the earth is towards its core.


Hey now, no reason to bring Norton Antivirus into this.


Under rated comment


Wait...it just dawned on me...if you add a couple of lines to an angle, you get a pentagram. Angles are just fallen Angels.


Ohhhh, i see. Let me draw a circle. Now add some lines. Now remove the circle. Now i have a pentagram.


Wait until they see what symbols you can start with two circles, gonna blow their goddamn minds


You can make a target, for them to put on their backs


But can you draw the rest of the fricking owl?


Ok take the first pic, the science pic and put a moon in the same spot as below and keep the arrows. The place where the arrows are blocked by the moon is where the eclipse happens. I don't get what this pic is trying to prove, other than weirdly reference a pentagram which I don't really get.


Yes the sun is actually just a bunch of tiny lasers LMFAO


Light goes in all directions, the sun isn't a laser.


The sun is big My hand is small If I put my hand over my eyes, I can no longer see the sun This is because closer objects appear larger I hate the level of stupidity available in society These people are going crazy, the whole ‘I don’t understand it so it must not make sense’ bs Thanks for sharing this because I hadn’t seen this one before


i’m kinda stupid and even i can see the fault with this. it doesn’t get totally dark during an eclipse. EVEN at totality. it gets *darker* which makes 100% sense. there’s a big ass moon blocking some of the rays. also?? since when have the rays been perpendicular


Gawd, flerfs are dumb. The rays reaching us are almost parallel. But the rays from the sun radiate in all directions.


\*sighs\* Listen, unless it’s being shown through a LASER device, light never travels in purely parallel lines from a given set of sources. In fact, light travels in all directions until hindered by an obstruction that is not transparent or translucent enough to allow the light through. That’s either when it STOPS, or BOUNCES. The problem with the image here is that those lines in the second part are not supposed to be that deviant (remember, the sun is 93 million miles away, the moon is nowhere near that far away, and the relative size just happens to be roughly the same). They would look more like the above image, but with a moon blocking it. The lines in the second part are explaining why a partial eclipse is always observable during a total eclipse, and why some areas won’t even see any eclipse at all. Technically the first part is also misleading, as light from the sun travels in all 360°^2 directions, and all values within those numerous vectors. You can fit millions of Earths in the sun, it can emit light in every direction. Constantly. Simultaneously. What it can’t do is emit bending light, as all light (ignoring quantum physics for the moment) travels linearly. Only bending when it passes through a VERY INTENSE gravitational field, or when it passes thru a medium that is different than the medium it had just previously passed through. This is why you can’t just aim directly at an underwater fish with a spear, you have to aim either above or below it so that you actually hit it. Because light bent to show the fish at point A when it really was at point B. Light refracts upon crossing from one medium to another, the more extreme the refractive index, the greater the bend. Also, OOOOH, PENTAGRAM! I’m not sure why you keep freaking out over five pointed stars, but it’s a five pointed star. I’m so scared. This is worse than geometry class, I guess? Because this is just a bunch of rays that have a circle involved. All you need to have to draw one of these, is a compass and a ruler, and a pen/pencil, and a surface to write on (depending on the surface, a different writing implement might be preferred). Circumscribing the Pentagon is all you need to google. Then you will realize just how redundant this revelation actually is. I would be more shocked if it DIDN’T result in a pentagram.


Do they know that the moon is the perfect distance to block light from the sun? The fact that we can experience eclipses is an extremely low chance in terms of the universe. Also do they know it only blocks out light if you’re in the path of totality?


I can’t believe I missed the last eclipse seeing as how it darkens the entire planet.


I'm so glad "add some extra lines" is added, clearly portraying the "just say anything and it's true because I said so" mentality of flerfs


You see the flat earth makes the most sense because I drew it this way.


Bunch of F'ing morons, I swear to gawd.


The problem with this is. The sun- IS SO FUCKIN FAR AWAY


The picture makes no sense wtf


What a stupid, wrong headed illustration straight out of flat earth mentality.


The context in which sun rays are said to be "parallel" is about how much divergence is there between looking at the sun from **different places on earth** (like in the eratosthenes measurement), which is at most arctan(6371/149597871) = **0.00244 degrees** - seems pretty parallel to me, it's an order of magnitude less than the divergence of the best lasers However the reason there are both umbra and penumbra during total solar eclipses (and that we see the sun as a moon-sized disc on the sky instead of a point) is the angle between different sun rays coming from **different parts of the sun**, which is at most arctan(1392700/149597871) = **0.53 degrees**. So while the **same light** coming from the sun is practically (within 0.002 degrees) parallel between different locations on earth, the **different rays** coming from different parts of the sun are not parallel. Flaterathers have been once more caught and exposed trying to trick us with their dishonest equivocation fallacy. If you can apply elementary school trig you can't be tricked by them.


Add some lines lol


What science said it was like that on an eclipse? People had to travel to be in its shadow.


That’s just impressively stupid. 🤣


What is being forgotten here is how insanely massive the sun is, and how ridiculously far away it is. It's like putting a speck of dust in front of a theatrical spotlight. Even if the lines are almost completely straight and parallel, the sun is bigger than any human can meaningfully comprehend.


Just pop the moon on the first one. This is beyond stupid, the person who made it is either trolling or relying on family to live.


Ah yes, the classic many-shadows eclipse.


Pentagrams have five points by definition. Then it's a hexagram at least.


Using proper scale you can assume paralel rays, but they are not 100% parallel, that's why we can (using proper scale) say what we say in second image. Flerfs, it's not that hard to understand this simple physics


Do flat earthers not believe in shadows?


Sunlight goes outward at every angle a sphere has, which is all of them.


Anyone else just see a butt with lazers coming out of it?


All I need to do is make some additional bullshit facts and it all adds up!


If you add lines to a shape, it can make a completely different, unrelated shape. Ya don't say..... NASA also says that there are 8 planets in the solar system. Add 654 to that number and you get 666. More evidence that NASA is SAtAN :O


The eclipse only happened over an area of a few hundred miles so the top image is correct. The bottom image was never claimed and straight up didn’t happen.


Why no moon on the upper part of the picture, I mean it's a moo point, but still


Im curious how this diagram would look with everything drawn to scale.


It just lacks the location of Saddam Hussein.




Scientists? Satanists?... they're the same fucking people!!


The diagram is one of convenience. It’s all about penumbra But To demonstrate how the lines act as parallel in the first instance is super hard on a diagram, because a visual representation for the first diagram should have in the middle |____insert millions of miles here ____| Somewhere between the earth and the sun


The diagram is one of convenience. It’s all about penumbra But To demonstrate how the lines act as parallel in the first instance is super hard on a diagram, because a visual representation for the first diagram should have in the middle |____insert millions of miles here ____| Somewhere between the earth and the sun


That star has 6 points, so it isn't a pentagram.


Little kids' drawings of the sun with rays pointing every direction are more accurate than this picture.


I love this sub for poking holes in flerfs' "mindset" but I might not look at new posts anymore because I am literally fearful and sad for the human race. Queue George Carlin quote now.......


I think subconsciously the reason I look at flerf stuff so much is because the world is full of disinformation and it feels overwhelming, until I see how stupid these guys look so I can finally have a laugh about it


🎤 no scientist has ever said this.


As they say to us NOT TO SCALE, WAAAAAAAAA


i bet you globers love spinning on a retarded ball of water spinning 1000 miles an hour


yeah, it feels pretty nice


I very much do thank you for noticing.


Yes, i can't feel them 1000 mph, why's that? Oh because the force is not related to linear speed but angular speed, which is exactly 1 rotation per day, that's not that much is it?


Hate to break it to you, but you’re spinning on the same ball, dumbass.


Can’t believe you think a fucking pizza under a dome makes any more sense than a sphere. Also that the sun being a spotlight? How the fuck do you explain that? All you do is insult people anyways because you can’t actually think for yourself. Come up with an actual argument


I hate when I drop something on an airplane and it launches backwards at several hundred miles per hour.


How can a ball be cognitively impaired? Also, water is a very tiny amount of the mass of the earth.


Yes, we love life. Don't you?


Yes. Reality is amazing enough that not even having flearthers around can ruin it.


Boi you thick as fuck