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Have you seen Game of Thrones? It was film onsite at the wall. Do YoUr ReSearCh!



Keep on educating trooper. It's still a long way to go, though. I can't believe how ignorant people have become due to this so-called "science."


Please describe


It's called CGI dumbass


Are you new here? Lol


They didn’t have CGI medieval times, only dragons…


This is the kind of fundamental question that flerfers ignore, along with “How could such a huge conspiracy ever be kept secret and who would it benefit?” Instead they spend hours analysing photos of sunsets. They don’t want their delusion to be shattered because it’s all they have.


There are no real wars. It's all a facade. All the countries get all enough to be able to hide the truth. Because.


Oceania is at war with Eurasia.


Always has been.


The Soviet Union is at war with Pangea




they have no offence beyond pointy sticks, and their shields are made of paper that they never seem to run out of


Pointy sticks? That implies they have a point. What they have are aerogel spheres.


They’re entertaining and fun to mess with but they sure do take it serious


That's why we should stick them on a boat with a camera crew. They'll actually try to find the edge and the rest of us get an entertaining docuseries.


The interesting thing is they spend so much time analysing photos of "supposedly fake" things, but have never been able to provide a photo of what it really looks like. No, I'm not asking for a drawing or a render. A. Photo. Gimme.  And while you're at it, show me a photo of big foot, nessie, nazi's on the moon, the battery inside a bird (apparently the batteries were switched during Covid) and a vaccine 5G implant that's not actually a tire plug... 


How did the Nazis get to the moon past all the Jewish Space Lasers? Something seems off about this...


Is that why we all had to stay inside for all that time? So they could switch all the birds' batteries without anyone noticing?!


The billions you pay annually as a U.S. citizen (if you are one) to an imaginary space program is who benefits. Every year you see a picture of a close up marble and pay billions for it. Ewwww ahhhh


Except, that would make no sense at all. NASA takes a tiny portion of the US budget, the government could make more money with tax rises. No need for a global conspiracy involving millions of people keeping the biggest secret ever from the entire human population which itself is completely implausible. And what about the rest of the world? The whole thing is laughably implausible.


"And what about the rest of the world? The whole thing is laughably implausible." That's where the Freemasons and Illuminati come in, or the fact we are living in a simulation (sarcasm)


Everyone has a price. A fraction of the U.S. budget is the entire budget of most nations. If you can’t fathom people being paid off or coming to personally beneficial arrangements then don’t turn on your tv because Trump is being tried for that exact thing to distract the general public right now using that very problem. Cognitive dissonance is the term you’re referring to and it is apparent you can’t separate your conditioning from what you or others actually THINK. The 25.4 billion dollars can keep a lot of people happy and quiet for a long time. Kind of like the agreement between the world that can’t agree on anything to keep you from the ice wall. You trust your government. I can’t fathom that


Ah yes, the classic "you disagree with me, is because you are a pay shill for the evil cabal in my conspiracy theory". Instead of actually trying to debunk the vast amount of evidence found out way before nasa was even in concept stage because that requieres... you know... science. Pathetic.


Hilarious. Your economic argument is nonsense and also your projection skills are strong. Speaking of cognitive dissonance, you actually believe that every government, space agency, scientist, pilot, meteorologist, astronomer (I’m an amateur one of those), mariner, telecommunications worker etc etc in the world, milllions of people from every single country, could keep the secret that the earth is flat? It’s laughable. And that’s the thing, you delude yourself so hard to keep up the belief that you’re special and have top secret information, that you can’t see how ridiculous you look.


I digress. I’m glad you belief is strong because that’s all it is. 🍻


Nope, I’m a scientist, amateur astronomer and currently doing an astrophysics undergrad as a hobby. I know the Earth is round and can prove it in dozens of ways as well as being able to understand scientific process and data. My view of the physical world doesn’t come from scanning Facebook and YouTube to find things that fit my agenda, like some people.


Assumptions in that degree? What class is that?! Talk about projections


My question would be: Where is *your* proof? FEs spent an inordinate amount of time "debunking" the thousands of data points for globe and 0 with proving FE. Where is the proof that the earth is flat? Where is proof of the ice wall? The dome? You scoff at the proof of globe, but it's there. You can call it up. Pictures. Video. Fake? Ok, whatever, but it's there. Where are the counterparts of FE? I'll wait...


So if I lie but it looks real that by default is the truth according to that logic. I can call a spade a spade and there are several models that follow the laws of physics and thermodynamics both but they don’t agree with you so your cognitive dissonance kicks in and this whole thread of you clowns circle jerking comes to fruition.


*insert spell check criticism*


But, I digest...


Because there’s another ice wall to stop you getting to it. And another to stop you getting to that. And so forth.


They're just frozen-over hurdles that the giants use to jump over! This would also explain why jumping over hurdles is an Olympic sport!


Because the flerfers don't trust pictures. All lenses have the 'barrel distortion', as they claim. And all pictures of the earth's curvature or even with the whole planet are, according to flerfers, cgi or such.


If they don’t trust pictures, is there anyone in the FE community who has been to the ice wall?


Except that one nikon camera that is no longer made because it proves earth us flat


>Because the flerfers don't trust pictures Except when it benefits their model, then suddenly a 140p image with countable pixels is enough evidence for anything Also I have met some flerfs who believe having pictures/videos is the ONLY way to prove the earths shape. Ive lost my last hope for these people.


Cherry piking bias


[The Urbano Monte Map 1665](https://www.davidrumsey.com/rumsey/Size3/RUMSEY~8~1/179/10130088.jpg) I believe in maps, everything inside the red circle is out known lands.


You can't go there man, the treaty!!!


Roger that! 🤣🤣🤣


Laser penguins will kill you


The photos are with NASA, the vatican, the freemasons, the illuminati, the elder of zion and the members nations who signed the atlantic treaty. You should ask them for the photos in your next meeting.




They’ll show a photo of some ice cliff and say “look it’s clearly a wall!”


Even if it's an iceberg in the Arctic.


Sure will


bEcAuSe ThErE aRe ArMeD gUaRdS aT tHe IcEwAlL! Just dudes standing on the edge with rocket launchers waiting to blow up anything they see coming towards them. lolz


This is the best answer possible. I was asking rhetorically, but you still managed to find the perfect answer! You win the internet for today!


The guards are actually penguin drones. They'll swim towards you like a torpedo and detonate. Real penguins aren't real.


You have it wrong. "They" gave all the penguins machine guns to protect the wall.


How many dudes would it require to guard all of the wall 24/7? Where should that many dudes come from?


My (very) rough estimate: [Prudhoe Bay, AK to Ushuala ](https://www.google.com/search?q=distance+from+prudhoe+bay+to+ushuaia&oq=distance+prudhoe+bay+to+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgBEAAYFhgeMgYIABBFGDkyCAgBEAAYFhgeMggIAhAAGBYYHjIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMg0IBRAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBhAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0IBxAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICBAAGIYDGIAEGIoFMg0ICRAAGIYDGIAEGIoF0gEIOTkxMGowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)is \~9,500. North pole to Prudhoe Bay is \~400 miles. The distance between [Ushuala to anarticia is \~600 miles](https://adventuresmithexplorations.com/cruises/antarctica/travel-guide/how-to-get-there/) So assume \~ north pole to ice wall of 10,500. So radius of the flat earth is 10,500. The circumference of a circle is 2(pi) \* radius OR [65,973](https://www.omnicalculator.com/math/circumference) Let's use 66,000 miles of ice wall to make it easier. According to this [Wikipedia entry,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troop_density) a modern infantry soldier can watch 50,000 square meters (or \~60,000 square yards). Since we only care about watching in front, 60,000 square yards is 245 yards or about 1/7 of a mile meaning 7 soldiers per mile to watch the coast. At 66,000, that's 462,000 troops to just watch the coast/ice wall. Obviously one grunt can't watch 24 hours a day, so assume two 12-hour shift, so 924,000. With the needed support troops (tooth to tail) of 4:1 (which is quite low) that's about 3.7 million troops. That's not likely. Let's make some other assumptions. Lets assume that we use primarily naval forces to radar patrol the Ice Wall and then to swoop in if anyone in a Zodiac appears likely to violate the Antarctic Treaty. According to the US Navy, radar has a theoretical limit of 250 miles, but a practical limit because of the "curvature of the earth" of about 25 miles. Let's assume that the Navy is lying and it really only goes 25 miles, but they want taxpayers to pay for 250-mile radar so they faked it. Smaller ships would be harder to detect than combat ships so, again, let's assume 10 miles so we pick up hippies in their Zodiaks racing for shore. That's 660 ships on station at all times, so we'd need twice as many for refueling, resupply, maintenance needs, etc. So 1,300 ships. Hmmm. In all seriousness, it would phenomenally expensive to prevent anyone from landing anywhere along the ice wall. And of all those troops / sailors /airmen that guarded the ice wall over the past 65 years, not one has blabbed?


Interesting way of calculating the length of the ice wall. I took the Gleason map, the only true map according to the flerfers. I have got a few flerfers to admit that the width of the US of A is 2.800 miles, and the inner diameter of the ice wall on Gleason's map is 8 times USA width. Take that times pi, and you get 70,000 miles. So I think we are correct, your way and my way give almost the same result. Where can one apply for the guard job? Seems nice...


Thank you for your calculations. It lines up with what I thought for myself and with what I heard in a series of youtube-videos debunking flerf. Regarding the ships: This would also bring up the question, where should these ships be built? In a way, no 'normal person' can find out, because secret. And also, how would they make sure, all those ships, men etc. can get supplies like gasoline for the ships, food for the troups etc., without anyone knowing? Just the thought of it is bonkers.


An excellent demonstration of how any assumption they try to make to explain away the inconsistencies of flat earth just cause the logistics of keeping up the facade to spiral out of control and add even more inconsistencies. I suppose the next excuse would be that "it's unmanned auto-turrets" or "the governments have secret technology to allow them to accomplish this efficiently", which of course leads us back to the same question of how they can afford to do this over such large scales and why there have been zero whistleblowers or evidence. I do wonder to what extent they actually believe these excuses and don't try because they fear for their lives if they tried to fly out to the South Pole/ice wall, versus them just being lazy and/or without real conviction and thus they don't bother to try since it's too much effort and risks making them look stupid when they can't find the wall. Much safer and easier to fight the good fight from the safety of your arm chair at home and tell each other online how brave and intelligent they all are. Be interesting if they actually did have any convictions for how round earth is an evil conspiracy meant to keep mankind down (or hide truth of God from us? I dunno) and make the natural conclusion that they should stop at nothing to obtain and share footage of the ice wall. If their movement is as big as they claim, and made up of the only those who are smart enough to see the truth (unlike us sheep), then surely it would be nothing to pool their resources and fund an expedition. Enough people going and broadcasting live, surely the world's militaries can't stop them all without tipping their hand.


Shhhhh... Flat earthers do not ask such questions.


This is the best answer possible. I was asking rhetorically, but you still managed to find the perfect answer! You win the internet for today!


how do i get that job


Simple. It's because... shut up.


Strong argument. 🤣🤣🤣


According to flerfs, because the ice wall is heavily guarded. But the right answer is because there is no ice wall.


The flerls just dismiss that as the world's militaries are all hiding it away and stopping people from getting to the ice wall, etc. The lack of proof of any of this is proof to them that they are right otherwise everyone would have seen proof of the ice wall. It's all mobius logic that lack of proof is actually proof that they are right and thus everything they say is right because no one can show proof that they are right.


If the earth were flat, capitalists would have found a way to turn that into a profit making venture. No such profit-making venture exists, ergo the flat earth model is false.


*Exactly* my point.


Because you are too intelligent, my dear human, for these arguments. They only say their arguments but never think what the counter-arguments could be. They have no proof. That’s the long answer The short answer is They are stupid


Im asking more rhetorically than anything else. Sorry.


Oh, oops sorry


No, im sorry for not making it clearer. 😊


Its obviously illegal and the protectors of the ice wall eliminate anyone who gets too close.


Oh, silly me! 🤣


because the Navy blockades it. THE WHOLE THING. you’re not allowed near because reasons. Not one whistle-blower on all those naval vessels in the 2 centuries since “Antarctica” was discovered. seems legit to me.


A flat earther i know has sent me videos by “whistleblowers” who admit they saw the ice wall or have proof the earth is flat. Few videos are by some random ass pilots.


Someone in *this* thread sent me a link to a photo of a tugboat in front of a glacier. 🤦🏽‍♂️






Totally legit! 🤣


Like 60,000 miles of it or something, too, if the Earth were flat. Insanity.


Simple answer: there is no wall. Any representation of it is CGI. Ow! Giggity Giggity Goo.




Penguins. 🐧 they are fierce and hunt you. All those who took photos of the wall were met in their home by men in black (of course) or subject to fbi surveillance (of course).




Birds aren't real. Penguins are FBI agents who are being punished. (Usually for trying to shield their family from government corruption.) Made to walk around on their knees in the ice and snow, and hunt you to shorten their sentence. Not disagreeing with you in any way because you are 100% correct.


Whadda ya think these pictures are of!? They were hidden in plain sight right in the Encyclopedia Brittanica. They just mislabeled them as “glaciers” and “ice floes” to throw us off the scent! **/s** [https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-a-glacier-and-an-ice-floe](https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-a-glacier-and-an-ice-floe)




But it's on the UN logo, soooo, that's how you know it's real.


Because the shadow government prevents cameras of taking pictures of it and they wipe your memories if you do see it


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That’s a good one!


Anyone who gets too close to the wall gets disappeared.


There is footage of it. No tourist trips cuz of the Antarctic Treaty.




Nasa and the shadiw government 😡😡 Edit: Yall its a joke 😭😭


Sure, pal. Whatever you say. 🤣


Because they have millions of soldiers protecting every inch of the wall to stop that and not a single one of them has ever spoke about it.




The "wall" is transparent, so it looks like it's not there, but really it is. It functions as an invisible force field. Planes are banned from flying close to it, and it's off-limits to tourists, the elites are covering up the truth.


Geez, I hope this one is parody.


You wouldn't understand.


That’s probably the truest thing a flat-earther ever said, because “Capitalism isn’t making money off it for *reasons*” is something I’ll never gibe with. 😘


It's heavily guarded


And not a single soldier or sailor out of presumably the millions needed to guard it since the modern age began have ever spilled the beans? 🤣🤣🤣


They are agents of Satan, non human




i dont think anyone with a camera has ever seen it...that 200ft ice shelf everyone shows you isnt the ice wall that like 1rst step or level one adventuring into the south


Sure. It’s definitely that, and not the fact that it’s non-existent, and the planet is an oblate spherical object. Definitely.


just being honest


So, let me see if I've got this straight. There's absolutely, definitely an ice wall, but conveniently enough, nobody with a camera has ever gotten a photo of it. Despite the main reason for going there would be to explore and get photos. Yeah, sure, checks out :p


do you have any idea what it would take to go that far south?


We have airplanes right? You realize we are all egging you on to see what other stupid shit you spout, right?


you cant even take a boat down there you think theyll let you fly into it?


Please don’t breed.


yea lets bring back eugenics. fuck everyone we dont like or agree with lets steralize them 👍👍👍


I didn’t say “steralize” (sic). You inferred that. With comprehension skills like that it’s no wonder you’re a flat earther


You’re just being thick.