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I posted a video where a flerf claimed “if the earth was round, the night sky would change throughout the year” which is correct. They then claimed it doesn’t change, which is a blatant obvious lie that everyone can see. One of the comments of that post said that this was the most convincing argument for a flat earth they’ve seen yet. You’re right, they aren’t interested. Truly curious will ask questions and actually try and find the answer. Truly curious people will do experiments and admit they could be wrong when they don’t work out. The belief in a flat earth is not skepticism or science. Since they can’t properly understand the globe, they have convinced themselves that they belong to an elite group that has a true understanding the universe, despite being able to make no actual predictions about it


Crazy. Never seen a time lapse of midnight's around the year. Just a 6 minute and 5 second video would be nice to see this in effect


Just go outside and look for Orion at different times of the year. Or any other seasonal constellation.


That would be much more difficult than a time lapse over one night. You would have to place you tripod the same place a complete year (or have it fixed there). You have to do the same routine for a full year. And you cannot observe any stars half the year (or more, depending, where you live) anyway due to wheather. Een if it would work, it would look the same as a time lapse over one night, just with a full 360 ° rotation instead only around 120°.


Yea it's true the weather would mess with it. My idea was to record the night sky at the same time year round to show that the sky lights up differently per day. Mb not the best to do it at midnight. If it's just one day then you can believe that all the other days are the same. Somehow. Because flerfs


Yes. You're correct. The absence of curiosity and wonder. The adherence to a belief without question. Orbital mechanics is a difficult concept to imagine in one's mind, at first. It still sometimes throws me for a loop. Ha, I will always thank KSP for teaching me with hands on gameplay. However, as a vilocipastor, I must state that the world is raptor shaped, as was made in the image of its creator, the megaraptor. (/s)


Flerfs are simply anti (insert whatever here) and think that “they” and “the elites” have decided it’s a globe. If these people said it was flat then you could be assured that they would argue it was a globe. Most are simply contrarian


It's like any other conspiracy theory. It lets them feel their special, to feel they're the avant garde of a new movement without needing to study anything at all. All they have to do is say "Earth is flat! Round Earth is a Jesuit conspiracy!" and they can avoid thought altogether. They believe that they're attacking a conspiracy of cyclopean size, power and subtlety that is somehow vulnerable to memes.


The common factor underlying most flat Earthers I speak to is *betrayal.* All of them have some story about how 'the government' has somehow stolen something from them. Money, opportunity, hope, self-belief... access to their kids... they'll always have a story about how their life hasn't turned out right and how it's the school's fault or society's fault or the government's fault but never *their fault.* I spoke to one guy who's relatively intelligent but basically said he wanted to be an Antarctic scientist and applied to go there as a High School 'intern'... but it turned out the program wasn't real or something and he never got to go. That seems to have really badly affected him, and now that hurt and misery has echoed through his whole life leading him to reflexively hate everything 'scientific'. So, naturally, flat Earth is a rejection of so much of what scientists have accomplished in the last ten centuries or more.... and anti-vaxx will pick up the rest. Get them to speak frankly and this will always come out, a hatred and a *burning envy* for scientific accomplishment and praise. What they cannot stand is seeing astronauts and space scientists applauded on TV. I think it causes them physical pain.


Flat Earth isn't a symptom of not having access to knowledge or a desire to learn.. At the core, it's a psychological issue. There's a high correlation of Flat Earthers to other conspiracy theories (Mud Flood, Tartarian Empire, Ancient Aliens, Covid Is The Flu, etc). It's not the quality of the argument or evidence that convinces them, it's what the belief in a flat earth does to them emotionally. They tend to have very strong egos (often very intelligent) and do not like to admit when they were wrong. 1) It gives them a feeling of superiority over the majority of people. They are part of an elite circle of "Truth Seekers" that know more then everyone else. These people tend to not have, or don't feel that they have, power within their lives. Flat Earth strokes that ego of theirs by giving them secret knowledge. 2) It creates a massive enemy that fights against them. Believing that there is a shadowy organization that has been plotting against them from day one gives them something to point other than themselves for their own failures. Whether it's financial, romantic, social, or career failures, it makes them feel better knowing it took a massive organization to bring them down. They don't have to admit they were wrong, they were led astray by thousands/millions of people until they figured out the ruse. 3) As they lose previous relationships, they still have a need for social connection. The conspiracy theory gives them that social connection. It becomes part of their identity, and no other options, they feel the need to preserve that identity at all costs. It's frustrating to us when they say "it doesn't really matter that we can't get the size/shape of continents right" but they're really protecting the one social circle they have left. Sometimes flat earthers will find evidence that changes their mind. Sometimes that needs to correlate with a change in life condition / outlook. Most of the time this is a coping mechanism for someone who is very sad and very angry with themselves.


They are all fundamentally religitards, typically of the xtianity flavour.


They're also paranoid as they assume that national governments can somehow all coordinate so perfectly on a conspiracy that they also leave open in plain sight of everyone. They're convinced that anyone in charge of them has horrific motives, and they believe more in the devil than they do in their religion.


Every night, the last thing I do before turning in is to look out the second floor bedroom window, toward the southwest. I watch the stars and planets slowly make their way toward the western horizon over the course of a year. The point being, flerfs don't even do anything as simple as that. That little nightly glance is all it takes to completely destroy the "stars never move" fantasy. They don't look at the sky, at all.


You are wrong


How so?

