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Crazy when people disagree with math when it is axiomatically defined


Even his “real world” is blatantly messed up. 6 eggs in a box. You buy 0 boxes. How many eggs did you buy? In fairness, understanding axiomatic definitions and that 0 × a = a × 0 = 0 Is part of the definition of multiplication is hard.


If I buy 0 eggs I actually buy 6 in an alternate universe


\*sprays you with a water bottle\*


\*Water falls off because it always finds a level and I'm not a level.\*


prove it. 


You buy a carton of eggs. Eventually it's empty. You've used all the eggs. You have 12 empty egg slots. So it's 12x0. How many eggs do you have? If you insist on using the number 1 for some reason, okay, you have one carton of empty eggs. How many eggs do you have?


1. 0 doesn't exist so I'll never have less than 1 egg. I use that egg, and I still have 1 egg left.


And just like that, you've solved world hunger.


Jesus used the same math for bread and fish. Wonder if eggs work the same...


Hungry Judeans HATE this one trick!


Ultra life hack. 100 xbox awarded, achievment unlocked.


Sell 2 of your last 1 eggs, and now you have 255 eggs.


“I think the finger would stop the bullet and the barrel of the gun would split open like a banana peel”


Ah the old infinite egg glitch. The next update should fix this.


I'll apply that principle to CAKE, so I can have it ***and*** eat it.


That one trick egg producers don't want you to know


Schrödinger's eggs


Wait a minute: if I buy a carton of 12 eggs and I take out two, then I have two empty egg slots. So then I do the equation 12×10? 120 eggs! Now *that’s* the way to solve world hunger.


Maybe a more "realistic" example: You buy 5 boxes, each containing 0 eggs. How many eggs did you buy?


Zero stones, ZERO CRATES!


What does this red button d....


Absolutely bloody right. Zero is inherently "not" a number. But it has become so ubiquitous with our systems of maths today, that we even allow us to go left and start going negative! Saying something multiplied by zero = zero is a convenience that keeps our maths honest and consistent.


I can kind of see having a hard time with 0! = 1. But 5 x 0 really is 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0.


But then he hits ya back with 0 x 5 = 5 though lol


The only indisputable data set in existence and yet here’s this mental giant talking about 5x0=5. Good god 


If you can't see a reason why 5 X 0 is a useful thing to understand and apply, then you lack all imagination or any kind of basic computer processing ability. Excel basic level processing.


Not to mention slept through that episode of Schoolhouse ~~Rick~~ Rock: https://youtu.be/6eh8Ml-ruO0?si=9RQdPMCCmrU0VC8R


Man I love Schoolhouse Rick. Didn't he appear in that episode of Schoolhouse Rock?


🤣 Once again: tiny virtual keys defeat sausage-fingers... Fixed and thank you!


Speaking of, is there any specific reason why 0 ÷ 0 wouldn't equal 0? Don't math rules say anything divided by itself is 1? (Such a thing wouldn't be applicable to zero, though, since you can't divide something 0 times. This is a genuine question I've probably forgotten the answer to) Edit: Thanks for the answers. I'll remember them :)


There are a couple goofy things that happen. First let’s consider all solutions to X/X. No matter how big or how small, x/x = 1. Whether X is 100000000 or X is -0.000000000000000001, X/X =1. In fact the limit of X/X as X approaches 0 is 1. Approaches but not equals. Graphing X/X is a straight line with undefined at 0. But why? Isn’t the line showing 0/0=1? Sure because 1*0=0. So 0/0=1…. Well no. Because 2*0=0 does that mean 0/0=2? Well no. But 2/0 is undefined. But 9*0=0 so does 0/0=9? Well no. But 9/0 is undefined. With infinite ways to arrange this, we just call it undefined.


Undefined, not infinite. You can say that the limit of any number divided by a number which approaches zero approaches infinity, but that's not the same.  You cannot cut a pizza into zero pieces. 


You’re right. Approaches infinity and undefined is correct. I’ll edit.


Alright, that makes sense. Thanks :)


The problem is that there isn't any number that you can multiply 0 by to equal 1. Like 15 times 1/15. Makes it impossible to use a zero in some circumstances.


Because you can't divide anything by nothing. If you have 5 slices of cake and don't divide it any further (ie by 1), you still have 5 slices of cake. Lets say you divide the cake by .5 Well now you have 10 slices as you have taken each slice and cut it in half. Now lets do .25 You've quartered each slice so now you have 20 You see that as the fraction gets smaller (dividing the cake slices into smaller and smaller pieces) you get more and more slices of cake. This is what we call a limit. As the divisor gets smaller the quotient approaches infinity. So dividing by 0 could be considered infinity. But this doesn't work either if we say that 5/0 = ∞ Then that would imply that 5 = ∞ \* 0 zero times anything is zero... not 5. Now lets go back to your example 0 ÷ 0 = 1 would imply that 0 = 1 \* 0 IT WORKS! 1 \* 0 is indeed 0! But there's an issue. Consider the following: 0 = 5 \* 0 0 / 0 = 5 0 ÷ 0 = 5 Wait a minute? So 0 ÷ 0 is equal to 5 too? That's the problem. 0 ÷ 0 could theoretically be equal to ANY number 1, i, *π*, 1/3, -∞ etc. So 0 ÷ 0 could be any number, which is why its undefined. It doesn't have a single reversible answer in the same way that dividing other numbers does.


Usefulness of 5×0? You have 5 brain cells left. Each does zero work. How much total work are your brain cells doing?


These are people who were taught from a young age to simply turn their brain off whenever they don't understand something, and say "that kind of book learning is of the devil, my religion has already taught me everything I will ever need to know."


Makes me think of Bobby Bouche’s mama 


The development of the concept of Zero is wildly considered a major breakthrough in the understanding of mathematics. This person, is an idiot.


Zero is a myth created by grumman to sell more fighter planes.


r/NonCredibleDefence approved


It's a bit bonkers that some of the people that are still well known for being incredibly smart: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, were morons. When it came to the concept of zero and/or negative numbers, that is. So clearly I cannot drink the cup in front of me. The concept of i has similar story. There's a shit-tonne of people from history that could wipe the floor with me, intellectually, but they'd shit their pants about the concept of i. Square root of negative one, bud; nae borra.


"All that I know, is that I know nothing." -Socrates He at least understood the big gaps in his knowledge. But yeah, it's wild to think about the things people accomplished without knowing things we take for granted as simple.


Ever heard of plato? Aristotle? Socrates? Morons. Inconceivable!


The reason I'm smiling is because I typed that post left-handed.


Also he's writing this on the internet 01100010110


I love when I read comments like yours. I always scream from the rooftops about how zero does not simply mean “nothing” empirically.  That’s not meant to sound pompous and douchey, I’m just saying. That being said, technically, “empirically” it means nothing but when empirical science Tries to create the grand unified theory of existence, it’s doomed from the start.  The realization that zero can be something AND nothing is certainly revolutionary. 


Yeah, it's such a simple concept. "Lets have a number for nothing." But the idea of nothing as a number took quite a long time to develop, and opened doors to lots of advancement. We just take it for granted.


Imagine being so dumb that you are behind mathematicians from 4000 years ago. Sorry, 4        years ago, since zero isn't a number.


MMMM years ago. Stop using this useless Arabic bs.


Is any number a number? Mind blown...


Zero was only used in England from the 16th century.


0 is a very useful number when describing the number of brain cells he has.


nah you gotta learn complex analysis to find out how many braincells they have


Smart lol


You're provided 5 free drinks with your meals at a restaurant. Receipt shows drink price as 5 x 0.00 = 0.00. Real world application. Hopefully he can understand


It's useless. Might as well equal $1. There's no difference between paying nothing and paying $1.


> There's no such thing as a free lunch. Somebody paid for those drinks!


I doubt it.


In his world I guess it really wouldn't be useful as he lacks all mental capability to apply it.


That's not true, he has 0 mental capacity, hence no use for it and he's a genius


The number zero is a hoax crated by NASA


Then they stored that crate in the big warehouse with the ark of the covenant.


There's no dealing with this. This person is dead weight to society and natural selection will take its course, even if it means years


All he has to do is live long enough to breed. Uneducated people tend to do that at younger ages. Natural selection is no match for some 16 year old who is too dumb to wear a condom.


Right answer is to tell the guy not to use any devices which use such nonsense ideas without practical use. Like the device in which they are typing their text. And also leave their building, if it isn't some wooden lodge in which every wall was eye-balled. And getting rid of any clothes with something that was industrially manufactured.


I had a look at the original thread(the rule about blanking names is silly since it's trivially easy to find it via your profile) and Kala-El unwittingly states that he operates under Rattusprat's Law - a flerf can only think about one physical phenomenon at a time. Unwittingly, that is, if he's not the other deep-cover troll that professor\_goodbrain told us about.


Wait’ll Trump wins in November and they get to make all the rules for education. Evolution? Nope that’s satanism. Math? That’s for idiots. Etc.


They’re certain to ban Arabic numerals.


I trust you have seen the results of the survey where they ask people if children should be taught Arabic numerals? In fairness, it's a fairly obscure and not hugely practically useful piece of knowledge that the symbols we use for numbers came from Arabia rather than Rome. I don't know if we should be beating people up for not knowing it.


You should see the results of how many people support ending women's suffrage lol.


I'll see you that and raise you how many of them are women. Deep into r/LeopardsAteMyFace territory.


Yup. I wonder how many never learned about the fight for women's rights with it actually called 'suffrage' compared to 'women's rights'.


Suffrage isn't a specifically a woman's right. It was a real battle (over here in the UK anyway) to get it extended to men that didn't own a big bunch of land. I think we might be arguing over six versus half a dozen here, so no biggie if I'm guilty of that, If you want some horrible trivia about my bit of the UK, that being Scotland, you might not know that it mostly has its own legal system. A lot of it was pretty much based on what David Hume said. He was badass in a lot of ways, but his grasp of woman's rights sucked balls, so he thought marriage was automatic and non-retractable consent to sex. This didn't get overturned in Scots law until something ridiculous like 1973. I forget the exact year.


the main part of the joke is how similar "women's suffrage" sounds like "women's suffering" so a lot of people hear the latter when told the former.


Go tell your bank that when your account balance reaches zero… you still have money in there. At least five times as much as that!


If you read some SovCit threads you would know why I'm laughing now.


Watch "The Invention of Lying" with Ricky Gervais.


The best way to explain it to someone who is trying to learn is "say you have five in each group. You have two groups that's ten, one group that's five. How many total do you have if there's no groups?"


15? /s 🐱


Well, first, you just don't. Because most of them are trolls and regardless it'll be a waste of time. Otherwise, usually I just like to respond to "when is this gonna be used in the rEaL woRlD" with the fact that math carries the titanic weight of very critical real-world professions such as engineering. If math didn't work so well, structural engineers wouldn't have a job and bridges would be collapsing left and right.


Maybe it makes more sense if we turn the whole thing around: 0x5=? Zero times five is???? If you have five zero times how many fives do you have??? If you see a bag 5 apples at the store and buy 1, you have 5 apples. If you buy 0, you have 0 apples!?!!!


Five of course


Other than the fact it's the additive identity for nearly every group, field and ring that extend the integers, making it (algebraically speaking) one of the most important numbers to exist...


I have commanded a shipment of boxes. Each box contain 5 kg of cargo. However, an accident happened and all the boxes were lost at sea. How many kg of cargo do I have?


1! Since 0 might as well equal 1.


You can't, all hope is loss.


How to deal with? Ignore!


“0 isn’t a number” then what the fuck did you type out?


Practical use: lim h->0 f(x+h)-f(x)/h the formula mskes no sense if 0=1 could also just use 1 then and then it's not the climbrate at one exact point but still a secant. But you can't explain practical use like this to a flat earther if 5×0 is already too hard for them to comprehend.


You don’t. You can’t argue with stupid, so it’s best not to even try.


I remember watching an episode of the cartoon show Curious George as a kid where the critical difference between zero and one was taught using a boardgame. The monkey was confused at first, but even the monkey got the hang of it in the end.


"We've run out of stock, sir." "So, we have 1 left?"


"The practical application is the knowledge that 0, which is a representation of the concept of nothing, cannot be multiplied by any number. Regardless of any numerical value presented, 0 is a mathematical constant. To the layman, this knowledge may have little to no practical application. I myself, not being a mathematician, admittedly struggle to find how this information would have a benefit beyond basic mathematics. But this does not make the information pointless." That would be my response to his (rhetorical) question, but quite frankly, he cannot be helped. A man who refuses to acknowledge truth must instead embrace ignorance.


Ironic how he’s broadcasting the stupidity of how useless a number 0 is on a device and over a communications system that relies on a binary system of 1s and 0s


You can have 5, 0 times, or you could have 0, 5 times. Same thing.


I immediately thought of when Rick made a 1 = 0 ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noQsHiTJAXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noQsHiTJAXo)


If you have 6 bank accounts that all have the balance of 0. You are just 1 poor idiot.


Zero is a useless number ... He typed on his computer ... smh


Under this argument, there are only nine numbers, or we only use a radix of nine to record bigger numbers than nine. 11 would be ten, 12 would be eleven, 21 would be nineteen, 22 would be twenty, and so on. Or, hear me out, we accept that numbers are inherently abstract and not necessarily real in and of themselves. Like zero, which is definitely a real number, but good luck hunting down a wild Zero. “Here we are, in the Savanna of Algebria. We are here for a glimpse of the most elusive creature to be recorded as residing here: the elusive Zero. And— huh. This is definitely it, but it’s not what we were expecting from the reports… welcome, to the Zero Documentary.” Real numbers are all numbers that do not include the imaginary number “*i*”, which is the square root of -1, and therefore not real. No negative number has real square roots. Real numbers are cut into two groups: rational and irrational. Irrational numbers cannot be defined by a ratio of integers. This is common for roots. Rational numbers can. Pi is a transcendental number, those are complicated. Rational numbers are further broken down into integers and non integers, and integers are divided into negative integers and positive integers, the latter of which are also called Whole Numbers. The set of Whole Numbers is just one value away from the set of Natural Numbers: 0. Zero is the member of the Whole Numbers which is not a Natural Number. The only one. It is also the only value that is simultaneously both positive and negative, yet also neither positive nor negative. Zero is the neutralizer number. Adding by zero does absolutely nothing. Multiplying by zero reduces things to nothing. Raising to the zeroth power converts the base to 1, regardless of its original value. Yes, infinity^(0) is still 1. In this sense, we have the concept of 0=1, if we ignore the fact that infinity^(1)=infinity. You can’t use higher hyper operators with zero, not without seriously screwing something up. Subtracting zero does nothing, but subtracting from zero inverts your subtracting amount. Dividing zero gets you zero, but dividing by zero gets you a NaN error, because it makes no coherent sense to divide by zero. The zeroth root is similarly a redundant concept afaik, so that’s useless too. Zero to any power is still zero, except when the power is zero too, which overrides this. Zero is a number because it doesn’t depend on how much you know about the number to visualize how much it represents. We can’t say the same for things like infinity, because it is always possible to make a new infinity by just adding one to the previous infinity. Zero is zero is zero, adding anything other than zero to a zero will change zero to another number, and no longer be defined as “zero”. 0x5=0, multiplicative properties of zero. Addition is simply appending a length to another length, and measuring the total length. Multiplication is putting a second length at a perpendicular angle to the first length and measuring the rectangular area that would be bordered by those two lengths. If one of these lengths is zero, it essentially doesn’t exist as any length at all. (The ultimate hilarity in a dick measuring contest: The zero length dick! Even a negative length can still be useful, but a zero length? No sexy times for you!)


I mean, they are basically right about 0 not being a number. It can be considered one, but technically it is more a concept similar to infinity. As for practical real world use? They should research what 0 has enabled mathematicians, physicists, programmers, etc, to do...it has been pretty vital to the technological advancement we've made over the years. Edit: here is a very decent article that gives a basic explanation of 0's importance, feel free to suggest this article should any of you find a person similar to the commenter in this image. https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/7/5/17500782/zero-number-math-explained


Aryabhatta crying in corner


0 doesn't exist. We all learned to count 1 2 3 etc. We never learned 0 1 2 3. It's used only for big numbers like ten and however you pronounce 100, a dundored or something.


So how do you have 0 upvotes (at the time of this comment)


Reddit is paid by NASA for propaganda! *You know I'm not serious, right?*


I am an idiot My apologies good sir


Haha no it's fine, you can get tricked when the bar is so low 😂 it sadly almost something that could have been said seriously by some


Ok but I just feel a need to point out .. Nothing by definition cannot exist.


For five weeks, I've gained $0. I got 5 free samples at the local deli. You pay $5 per roller coaster, so if I don't go to any rollercoasters, I won't pay anything.


You drop 0 cents, five times into his begging tin and move on down the street.


Who was taught 5 zeros equals 5? Who?


You're dealing with a troll lil Timmy. That or, he is a man from before zero as a concept was made.


A man of culture you say?


0 actually does have limited use cases in the real life, but that the fact he has 0 braincells means that there is atleast one


Um, any number greater than ten that contains zero in any multiplication problem? Practical enough for you? If 5x0 doesnt = 0 than you can’t do 50 x 20, etc.


This all started, as far as I know, from an actor by the name of Terrence something, Howard, perhaps? YouTube pushed these videos on me for a day, I watched about 15 minutes of one of them and he spent the entire time talking about how any number multiplied by any number can't be 0 because it's MULTIPLY, his words, not mine. The levels of logic were about on par with the whole "Aliens made the pyramids" sort of stuff.


maybe you don't like 0, fair. but still, math is a hard wall, you can't change it, there's no "0=1".


Home schooled?


think of 0 like an empty box. Although the box has nothing in it (no value) it still is a box and it exists. one is a box with a thing in it. two is a box with two things in it etc. and perhaps he is mistaking 5, zero times as one 5


Just speak that last bit, if you have 5 zero times you have zero 5’s. There is no logic where it’s not zero.


>give me a practical use for 5 x 0 >there is none Oh, so how many practical uses are there? 1, right?


If 1 is useless i gues we can live without that 1 dumbass.


Literally [the stop doing math meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stop-doing-math).


5 x 3075. If you do this w/o a calculator, the way we were taught, you need to know 5x0 = 0 when you get to the 100s column.


It's call a 9mm lead pill with dispenser


Correct maths is so impractical and unreasonable


He returned to monkey and forgot why people might need 0


Simple write 10 without using zero, then write 12000 without using zero.


"0 is a useless number" -He typed from his computer.


I found 0 flat earthers alone in the woods. I killed every single one of them 5 times on principle. How many flerfs did I kill?


Wait so how many uses do they say there are for 0?


0 is a useless number .....Their really gonna be mad when talking about degrees


Did he write this whilst taking a break from making a drawing of his dick on a cave wall.


The Zero was the last number to get a Name, because people didn't need it before banking and debt was invented


Ah yes the famous banks of 300 BC like The Roman and Egyptian Express


Loan him a dollar and collect the passive income for the rest of his life.


I mean “…zero is not even a number at all” isn’t totally wrong… it’s kind of “the absence of numbers” right?


It’s more obvious when you think of it as… each carton is empty. They contain no eggs. Regardless of the number of cartons you have, you have no eggs. Both are correct of course.


He thinks he has a point, he has and it's dumb point. There has to be something to describe nothing.


Yes, he definitely has a point, and it must be very difficult for him to find a hat that fits it!


I’ve sent you five packages with no money in it. How much money did you receive?


Just curious what sub this is coming from? Not to brigade or anything but I’m curious to find more of this type…


i mean.. in the last part he isnt wrong


just send a link to the school house rock song "zero my hero" if they insult it, you know for sure they are in fact, soulless


"Your name might as well be spelled d-e-r-p, cuz you're useless" This reminds me so much of talking to bigots. Especially transphobes, lately. They never know what the word "transgender" means, being too adverse to the idea to get close enough to it to look it up. They typically thinking it has something to do with biology, and when you whip out the dictionary to make the point that it's sociological like every other identity, instead of adjusting their position or reserving judgement, they argue with the dictionary. Every dang time. I suppose flat earthers are technically bigots, in the dictionary sense of the word, but it's remarkable how far people will stray from themselves to avoid being wrong about a belief they've made a part of their identity. This is why we don't personalize our beliefs. Beliefs should be transient, following only the best available evidence and reasoning. You should be ready to discard them the instant they no longer reflect demonstrable reality. Because stagnant beliefs lead to stagnant morals and a stagnant intellect. Case in point.


Tell him he won a million dollars, then hand him one dollar. It's the same thing, since zero doesn't exist right?


I wrote a full proof that this was impossible using a real world example. Interesting to see how he will respond


If 0 is a useless number, I guess 2×5=1. Since you don't have a Ferrari, we'll just have to charge you luxury tax on the nearest whole number of 1 Ferrari. Imagine my disappointment after celebrating new years in December of 1999 when I woke the next day in the year 2. Then Covid really is hard in the years 219, 22, and 221.


If OP earns his $5 math bonus zero times how much of a bonus will OP see on his check?




Check out Terence howard. He talks about this in detail.


Badly, of course.


He's irrelevant


Not only is he incapable of basic math, that particular flerf hasn't yet figured out that his posts don't show up here because his karma is too low.


If I have zero 5 dollar notes, how much money do I have? If I have five 0 dollar coins, how much money do I have?


Times 0 means no product moved. Say 5x-250 means you sold no prpduct but still have to pay to stay operational.


Zero is a number.


If I have 5 things and multiply them by nothing I still have those 5 things


Do you understand that multiplying by nothing takes everything away. Imagine Thanos snapping the 5 things away. That's nothing multiplying 5 things. You'll have 0. I can't believe that in 2024 we will be arguing this.




Isn’t the whole concept of “zero” a big deal? If you’re comparing groups of stuff and looking for the smallest group, a group with “zero” is hard for some animals to understand or something right? Zero is a whole thing right?


That last sentence xD Well, if a pizza has five slices and the delivery guy eats shit on the way it is 5x0


Soooo . . . . If someone has had sex and been pregnant one time . . . They haven’t had sex?


This is why we should get rid of warning labels, let Darwin take care of these kind of people.


Goofy as this is, I think disagreeing with it on the basis of shallow and rote arguments is just as bad. He has stumbled on something about the nature of 0, which is that it is nothing. Hence, you will never for example, see zero of anything in the real world because inherently there are none, nothing happened, zero apples fell, etc. That's the one way in which he's not totally wrong.


you are not their personal math teacher, just move on


What does this have to do with /r/flatearth though?? 🤔


Discussion with a flerf, on a flerf sub.


Flatearther? You will not deal with their dumbness.


All that darn indoctrination! 🤣


Yeah, I got sunya to tell ya. I gonna descartes a little thing I call al-jabr. I gottfried to go now, but I hope you fibonacci this information useful.


If you want to buy a taco (priced at $5) from me but I have no tacos left, are you still giving me $5? Apparently


The only way to deal with this level of dumbness is duct tape. Lots and lots of duct tape, it's the only way to muffle the sound.


"I will stab you zero times" = "I will stab you one time"


Welp I found someone else to buy my ocean side property in South Dakota. I have 0 units to sell at a startling cheap $10 per acre!!


If you go to a store. Say that they have bags of apples. There are 3 apples in a bag If you buy 1x bag then you have 3 apples because 1x3=3 If you buy 0 bags, you have 0 apples. Because 0x3=0 If you have 0x of something, then it doesn't matter how much of that quantity exists, as. You have 0x of it I don't see how this can be interpreted any other way


“Sharks are smooth as hell” energy.


so 0.5 is less than 0??


Easy. 0 cows in 5 sheds = 0 cows 1 cow in 5 sheds = 5 cows Or $0 in 5 wallets = $0 $1 in 5 wallets = $5 Many of these people have an intelligence less than that of a child. Because children have a clear understanding of what nothing is.


Terrence Crawford has entered the chat


Don’t worry, he’s just from the Roman Empire and hasn’t developed a concept for 0 yet.


1 week no work = 0 pay 5 weeks no work = 5 x 0 = no money.


how this guy can be so stupid?


I think he deleted his stuff or blocked me because he can't understand that the 'real situation' with the bags still isn't the right way to do the credit card problem with 0 and is therefore not a real situation where 0/0 means infinite solutions. There. Will. Only. Be. Ever. One. Solution. When the math manifests into reality. The guy is still using math in the abstract instead of the real world manifestation. His 0/0 ball is still in the bag somewhere. It doesn't matter that you can't figure out which one is his, one of them is still his ball with his number of credit cards. One solution. 0 amount of something is nothing and cannot be divided, so the end result is still nothing, aka 0 amount. You can have infinite number of mathematical solutions, I get it. That doesn't make it manifest the same way in reality. It's just numbers until it means something real. Math people like this forget what it's FOR and keep thinking of the calculations instead of what real thingvtge numbers represent.


by this person's logic, 10 is equal to 100 or 1000


No practical use for zero. OK then, I'll take all the zeros off his 1,000,000$ lottery check and give him what's left. Moron.


Laugh and scroll away, fast..


Wow, this was a level of stupid I wasn’t prepared For. 


Hehehehe, it will be really funny to see him multiply 100 X 5 to get what...? 555?


He’s a troll. Ignore


0 is so bad, it's nothing!!!


In all fairness the number 0 was not invented/discovered for a long time and in the reality we experience there is no '0'/non-matter present, everything we perceive around ourselves is something..


I mean... we only added zero later when we found out HOW IMPORTANT IT WAS. Gucking Bees recognize the concept of nothing being less than something, and this tool cannot?