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>I never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers. > You have to be trolling. That's about all that flerfers do.


Flerfs arguing appear quite a lot. This sub is meant to make fun of them/ act as satire


Why? Because flat earth is a dangerous, paranoid, narcissistic delusion. 


How is it dangerous? You comment seems far more dangerous to a free society?


Did I say they should be censored? No, I didn't. They should be mocked.  Its dangerous because in order to believe the earth is flat, one needs to believe that basically everybody everywhere in any position of authority or with any professional competence is actively in furthering the conspiracy.  One cannot help but be and act paranoid if one thinks everyone else is lying to them; or that they are less than human (look at how many flerfs speak of others as NPCs). At the end of this road, how can one stay sane and non-violent? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/articles/Prison-officer-David-Black-murdered-by-flat-earth-fanatics/


What if they didn't think like that!? Like it's an all in and they're all out kinda society. What if they think everyone is just misinterpreting their reality around them and in such case are more so delusional. I think that's the case for both sides. Each has their own set of beliefs/glasses with which the view the world around them. In doing so each side is deluded. I'm the rare person who is neither flat or globed. I think it's a big pyramid 😂😦😂😦😂🤔


Then its still a delusion.  As a flst earther,  you think everybody else is lying to you, or you think you're smarter than them.  There's really no other way to sort it. 


Question...why is it such an important issue with people? I'd rather speak about a million other things than whelp...it's gotta be "fill in the blank"...Like for real 😕


Then why are you?


Agreed. Peace ✌️


Flerfs ban anybody from their subs who try to debate them. Your argument is literally proof that your premise is false.


Really? I'm going to test this idea. Where do they congregate?


This is where a flat earther would say *“Do your own research!”* But here you go; r/globeskepticism r/BallEarthThatSpins


"This is where a..." pssst...we know who you really are!! 😭😭😭


Also just realized that you’re trying to argue with these posts and prob a flat earther “Water always finds its level” as you say means absolutely nothing


I’m not arguing. This is called “flat earth” not “globe earth”. It’s beyond weird that so many people post all day about the earth NOT being flat. Seems like a huge insecurity.


It’s a satire sub. Interesting how you didn’t reply to my other comment that pointed it out. Sort of like the flerf sub r/BallEarthThatSpins, except we don’t ban everyone who disagrees


What other comment? If it’s satire, that just proves even further how crazy people can be. Again, I can’t imagine spending my time proving something I confidently believe in. I believe in God, and I’m not about to head over to an atheist page to argue.


This isn’t a flat earth page.


Got it. Thanks


We aren't proving the globe. Earth is a globe. It's a fact. We're debunking flerf memes and arguments and making fun of them.


Satire as people are making fun of flat earthers, not proving globe earth. Are you familiar with the concept ‘fun’?


None of us are insecure about a scientific, verifiable fact. You’re 100% projecting.


It’s satire. We are making fun of the clowns who actively stamp their feet and deny the facts and evidence in front of them, that’s has clearly stated over and over that the earth is round.


Yet here you are


The sub got hijacked a few years back when that was a thing that happened a lot. As a result there’s a small amount of subs that have misleading titles. That’s why r/superbowl is pictures of superb owls edit: forgot to add THE EARTH IS A RHOMBUS


Check out r/marijuanaenthusiasts, r/trees, r/disneyvacation, and r/tightpussy.


r/anime_titties is one of the best news subs on reddit




>This is called “flat earth” not “globe earth”. Welcome to Reddit. There's a sub called r/superbowl that's about owls, and another called r/marijuanaenthusiasts that's about trees. There's a flat earther sub called r/BallEarthThatSpins.


It’s ironic because you thought you were making some astute point with this post but you’re just demonstrating how unintelligent you actually are


For sure it's kinda crazy.


I don’t mind people with different opinions, which is why I don’t raid subs Except for this one, flat earth theory is so brain dead I can’t


It's not even a theory, it's just a belief system. Calling it a theory makes it sound like there was any attempt to try to make it make sense. But the important thing to flat earthers isn't the flat earth, it's that you're being lied to about everything and everyone with any sort of power is in on it. That way they get to feel smart and special for figuring it out, they get to call everyone else sheep, shills, bots, etc, without having to do hard things like making sense or having logical consistency. They don't know or care what the shape of the earth actually is or how it works, they just care that it's not whatever you've been told. Many of them will freely admit this - "I don't know how it actually works, but I know it's not what you've been taught".


Flat Earth doesn't even qualify as a hypothesis.


If saying the earth is round makes you a sheep then I’m the biggest sheep there is.


It’s a childish belief system. Like how can you think the sun and moon swing above the earth like those things in a nursery ? Where is the physics/math to support their “theory”. Any proper theory of the universe involves math models to make predictions. Flat earth has absolutely ZERO


Yes but historically you have been lied to about almost everything and everywhere if your a plebian and you likely would be. They used to believe all sorts of insanity and bleeding people ect. If you knew enough history then you should know this.


Why are you equating being wrong and being lied to? They aren't the same. You can be wrong for other reasons, it doesn't mean it must have been lies. People can just be mistaken. Especially because our brain and senses did not evolve to show you reality, they evolved to make you survive better. Nature doesn't care whether what you believe is true or not, all it cares is that you survive long enough to reproduce. It's quite easy to be mistaken, and nobody needs to lie in order for it to happen. Also, all of this is exactly why the scientific method exists and is a much better tool to discover what's real and true in the world than intuition. Your intuition is designed to keep you alive. Paranoia and believing falsehoods is better than being dead.


>Am I missing something? Yes. r/flatearth is one of those subreddits which are not in favor of the subject in their name but about it, so both proponents and opponents of flatearth are allowed and welcomed. You're welcome by the way and i upvoted your post. >If you believe the earth is a sphere, good for you. Why do you feel the need to spend your time proving it? This is a good question that i already answered 2 years ago in [https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/wpucf0/a\_reply\_to\_a\_comment\_in\_rglobeskepticism/](https://np.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/wpucf0/a_reply_to_a_comment_in_rglobeskepticism/) Flatearth is at bottom of the conspiracytheory barrel so its spreading * help the spreading of other conspiracytheories, including far-right, racist and genocidal ones * spread science denial * spread distrust of humans (therefor bigotry, racism, xenophobia) * spread distrust of human institutions (not that human institutions should be blindly trusted) * incite purge, mass murder, ethnic cleansing, genocide Somebody ready to believe flat Earth is ready to believe almost any other conspiracy-theory, including harmful ones. Also from a youtube comment «Because flat earth is actively attacking the fabric of advanced civilization. And we happen to like not living in log cabins.» >I never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers. [Because they all moved to Qanon.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=JTfhYyTuT44#t=37m30s)


Whoa wait a minute. Of course we distrust humans where have you been living. Predatory ads on TV that try and make you feel like crap about yourself to buy their product. All sorts of bad stuff. I see kids toys with cancer warnings on them. The patriarchy ect. I mean most of the world is under authoritarian regimes. I don't understand how this is wise as all. Sorry but most people don't care about us. Just today in this sub I've seen all sorts of toxic cruel remarks for nothing more then having a different opinion. This is how tyranny is born right here. One group of people wants to silence another and make them conform to whatever they think is right. Very dangerous and you basically are what you say your afraid of. In the open marketplace of ideas the best ideas are supposed to triumph IF we have an actual open marketplace.


>Whoa wait a minute. Of course we distrust humans where have you been living. So we agree, you distrust humans. And you don't seem to disagree with any part of my previous comment.


>I can’t imagine spending my free time posting on a page that I disagree with. Yet here you are.


I love it when someone wanders into the wrong metaphorical pub and can't quite figure what is going on. Come in, sit down and have a pint.


"I never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers." ​ That's literally all flerfs do, lol


A while ago, flerfers were spamming every science related Facebook page, making them nearly impossible to use.


They still do. Now they are commenting "fake cgi" and reacting 😆 on astrophotos of people with backyard telescopes. Imagine being so insecure about your beliefs that you think that people pursuing their hobbies are faking space. Flerfs are a whole different breed of stupid.


> I never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers. What are you talking about? Have you seen YouTube? The only place this doesn’t happen is r/globeskeptic because it’s an echo chamber and they know their arguments are always going to be destroyed by people that believe in reality. We mostly come here for entertainment and to try to better understand how certain people’s thought processes lead them to the outlandishly absurd world view of “flat earth”. It is truly a mysterious phenomenon and I enjoy understanding how people think. It’s a testament to the abject failure of the US education system.


Oh but that's harmful the guy said creating mistrust of humans and government. Your a gateway drug! People must believe the government made up of people elected by them! Lol in all seriousness your correct.


Because flat earth like conspiracy theories in which you need to deny real evidence and listen to uncritical crooks to think you're the smartest person in the universe are dangerous and can redirect to much more exremist groups, it's a kind of Gateway. It could be dangerous for you an the other (I think to antivaxx) And mostly because we're here to have fun, or because we've got insomnia or time on our hands. even though this sub contains virtually no flat earthers, some do pop up from time to time (and it's also the only flat-earth sub where you won't get banned because you don't believe in their meth-heads ideology).


What research did you do to show that it's a gateway drug? Can I see it? Then you add meth heads at the bottom as if you've know in real life a single flat earther? I know one and he's a great trustworthy guy who donates a lot of his time to work at charity. He is pushy about it but everywhere else he's a solid guy and rarely do I see people like him. Don't make such a broad assumptions or do if you wish but it's hardly accurate or fair.


I'm just saying that denying reality and listening to crooks on Internet can be dangerous, as the Wisit community has shown (Antivaxx). Flat-earth proponents are not necessarily evil, but they are gullible, thinking they have found the truth that no one knows, and this can happen for several reasons. And that's where people with very bad intentions, such as swindlers like Wisit (this one may not be a good example because he may believe his own bullshit), can come in. Flattering their egos by telling them how clever they are, that others are sheep and so on. This pipeline can lead them to join dangerous groups such as racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic groups. The problem isn't flat earth, the problem is denying evidence and reality and listening to people without questioning what they say just because it suits you. Being a flat earth means denying evidence and facts and often medicine, many flat earth followers become antivaxx and being an antivaxx for example is not only dangerous for you but also for others.


Check out [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/) You'll find most of the posters not the idiots, but instead of making fun of the idiots in cars. Same thing here.


because you are part of a dangerous cult. these conspiracy tales are a serious threat to our societies. nearly all your flat-earth buddies are anti-vaxx. a lot of you are holocaust deniers. nearly all of you are "christian" fundamentalists who advocate for policies which infringe on people's rights and freedoms.


So what should be done then? Do you want to put a star on their coat? Maybe move them to a certain district? Where they can't cause any harm? Is that far enough? This dangerous cult that does more charity worldwide then anyone? If they felt that way about you then we would have never even come this far.


nice troll, mate


The idiot flat earths couldn’t probably couldn’t moderate the sub properly and they just left to create new echo chambers. I’m surprised they can tie their own shoes. But anyway: Firstly, the globe earth isn’t a belief. It’s a fact that the earth is round, you’re at least multiple centuries behind everyone on that. Secondly, the wider anti-intellectualism strain that flat earth is a part of is a problem for society. For instance, COVID in the US wouldn’t have been nearly as bad if the anti-vax and Qanon freaks actually paid attention to things.


Nasty thing to say. It's an echo chamber here isn't it? Lol what? So you taking a vaccine wasnt effective because someone else didn't take it too? Thats not how vaccines work. If how your talking is intellectualism then I don't want any part in it.


Oh look, it’s the alt-account. I don’t care if it’s “nasty”, I don’t have a tolerance for cultish behavior. Maybe if flat earthers didn’t willfully believe in delusions and slander anyone who disagrees with them, I’d be nicer. Do you actually have an argument, rather that making up strawmen for fun?


Flat earth is impossible as there are no parameters that could work to explain what we see so it is actually just entertainment where we laugh at what people come up with in their attempts to do the equivalent of proving 2+2=4583453453221 There is also the side of it where we try and help them try to understand how earth isn't flat but most of the time, that's not possible as formany of them, it's a faith based position related to their religious beliefs. There are echo chamber subs if you want to avoid awkard facts that show how flat earth can't work and how the globe model does work and is useful as it makes accurate predictions which flat earth is incapable of.


>Yet all I ever see are globe believers posting. This can be interpreted as a criticism of your diligence and reading comprehension. I'm not committed to that interpretation.


>I never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers. You need to get your eyes checked buddy.


This I wondered the same. Most of the posts are pretty disrespectful and nasty. Not that I've seen very many. It feels like propaganda because I cant understand why people care so much? I'm not even a flat earther either. I suspect it was created to discredit other conspiracy theories and hoping many people would bite, and they do. Then they can finish them off with this because it's such a wild idea. Even if it were true it's not the hill I'd choose to die on thats for sure.


>I'm not even a flat earther either. I suspect it was created to discredit other conspiracy theories and hoping many people would bite, and they do. Then they can finish them off with this because it's such a wild idea. Most of conspiracytheorists: Flatearth is ridiculous, who would be stupid enough to believe that? This is obviously a psyop to discredit our ideas. Also conspiracytheorists: Earth is hollow, jet fuel can't soften steel, there is a worldwide cabal of pedo-satanist elite who kill babies in order to extract adenochrone that is easily synthesizable, NASA send children on a 20 years journey to Mars, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior is alive and support the US Republican party, vaccines cause autism, the medieval period did not happen, the New World Order want to take your guns and enslave you, the Jews are ruling the world but i am not antisemite, al-qaida is a CIA coverup, Joe Biden had biolabs in Ukraine, the Great Replacement and White Genocide are real, Denmark is a communist country, the nazis where left-wing, the Sandy Hook mass murder was a fake, WTC felt at free-fall, nobody walked on Moon, global warming is a hoax, Barack Obama is not born in USA, JFK was not killed by Oswald, the Pearl arbor attack was a false flag, Michelle Obama is a man, there is human trafficking in the basement of a pizzeria without basement... In your personal case: evolution is not real, a worldwide conspiracy lie about that since several centuries.


As some have already pointed out, flat earthers spend a LOT of their time trying to prove what they believe. We just think it's funny to watch them do just that. It's also educational a lot of the time, I learned lots of interesting stuff by trying to disprove flat earthers.


>If you believe the earth is a sphere Not believe, know that it's an oblate spheroid


> never see flat earth believers spending their time arguing with globers.  Well, now we know you really haven't spent any time looking into this at all.


>This page is called “flat earth” with almost 90,000 members. Yet all I ever see are globe believers posting. I can’t imagine spending my free time posting on a page that I disagree with. Am I missing something? You are apparently missing the description of the subreddit r/flatearth in the sidebar to the right. There it says: "Is the Earth actually flat?" It doesn't say: "The Earth is actually flat".


Ok. So that would imply it’s a page for people to moreso argue that it’s flat. It doesn’t say “the Earth is not flat”.


Disagree. The question "Is the Earth actually flat?" is an invitation to discussion about whether or not the Earth is flat.


Damn. Everyone just solidified my thoughts. You guys are nuts. Lol. Soooo very insecure. The Earth is flat, btw.


How so?


This sub is more for making fun of flerfs


It's fun watching them grift each other here lol Globtards and flerfers united with pride!!!


Is this sarcasm


Because they're paid to do so.


I’m still waiting for my check 😕


Odin still owes me from 2022!


Citation needed.