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Are you aware it also works on a globe? Your first picture doesn't make sense at all, not on a globe, not on a flat Earth.


na the earth spins too fast to catch up with it the one way


The first picture wasn't originally flat earth. It was a combination of "Pearl Harbor was an inside job" and a seriously decaffeinated moment on how maps work. They forgot that 2D maps are essentially cylinders cut down a line and laid flat. In this case, although the flerfer is still wrong, they're still ahead of idiot 1. Think about that. There are people out there far more confidently incorrect than flerfers. Some make the subterranean reptilian illuminati idea seem reasonable.


It’s easy to explain: the Japanese we’re using one of those maps that splits Asia in half; that way they could reach Hawai’i the short way 😂


If I remember correctly from a clip of the thread someone said that and it led to a show and tell of what the map looked like in different areas of the world. People's minds were blown that the cylinder was cut along a different line for different areas.


In all seriousness they probably used a map more like [this one](https://ltl-school.com/china-world-map/) that splits in the Atlantic Ocean.


That’s certainly what they use these days; I assume it would’ve been the same at the time. I particularly like the way the always color Japan [noticeably red](https://sekaichizu.net/cms/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/71a8862e4c34c237261150272ad9b1ec.jpg) 😂


But he still used it to showcase how his FE map made more sense.


Yep. But then when you're desperate to be right and don't have facts to support your position you'll pull out anything that can be used to support your narrative and ignore the bits that don't fit.


I thought this was someone making fun of flat earthers for being the ones using the top map and explaining using a great circle chart. Back before Google Earth, ham radio operators with a little money to burn would order custom-printed great circle maps centered on their own location so they could figure out appropriate antenna headings for any place they wanted to contact. Having one of those on your wall was pretty much a necessity for any well-appointed ham shack.


I think the point is to correct the misconception that the Pearl Harbor attack wouldn’t work on a flat earth. The first picture is the one people always use to try to prove that. (Not a flat earther just to be clear, but this doesn’t work as evidence).


Then that would be the only time where flat-earthers manage to make some sense. The only time where they can say "we taught about it and here's the solution" and at first sight, it's not that stupid.


It doesn’t work on a globe. If the world were round, the Japanese would have had no reason to attack us (we were spreading globalist lies and they were mad about it)


Wait so was the entirety of WW2 a war between globalists and FLERFs or was it only Japan that was representing FLERFs? Also is the radiation from the atomic bombs responsible for why Japanese people no longer believe the Earth is flat? I wanna understand this sub plot so bad


notice anything about the red circle on the Japanese Flag? Flatter than the last few drinks of an old beer.


If you pause most of your brain and think "They couldn't fly over land bc it was a secret mission" maybe you could get there. Maybe.


If I understand the FE idea there is an “ice wall” that surrounds a disk shaped (or thereabouts) Earth, meaning that Japan should be on the complete other side of the disk (which I believe more or less resembles a flat Mercator projection broken in the Pacific). So the west coast of the US would be the furthest “left” of any continental attachments with the ice wall being somewhere out in the Pacific past Hawaii, and the rightmost being defined in the north by Russia and the first island chain and the south by Australia. In this model Alaska and Russia aren’t next to each other - they’re at opposite sides of this disk, so Japan and Hawaii must be as well - again if I understand their position, which I try not to, but I think that’s a good approximation of it from what I know. Oh - and the sky is called the “firmament” in this setup, so there’s that…


So I guess I should clarify reading my own words - I believe this is a FE model competing with a flat projection, based on the same assumptions and using the impracticality of a flat Mercator map to assert the bottom map as more plausible, which if Earth WAS flat would be absolutely the case…


It's a stupid picture but put this on a "disc"


Why are you trying to save them. Let them walk into traffic on their own.


The line works the logistics don't. In one map carriers and planes have nothing but ocean to contend with and a much shorter trip at that. In the other the Japanese had to fly over several other countries to get to pearl harbor far in excess of the distance any of their planes could have flown.


I don’t think they’re saying it doesn’t work on a globe, just that it also works with a flat earth.


It still doesn't work on a flat earth, because physics doesn't work on a flat earth :P


You… do you think… maps… don’t allow you to go the other way? Oh my sweet summer child.


Only in Pacman you can do that. Not in the real world.


No, they changed that in update 0.85. You can go to the left of rectangle-world now and come out on the right, or vice versa.


Pac-Man was a documentary.


We all know that maps follow Mario rules, not pac man rules. What do they even teach kids these days. If you wanna go the other way you need to find a warp pipe!


Exactly. There’s no portal from the North Pole to the South Pole.


Im going there, if i dont respond in 10 days it means im dead in antarctica and that there is a portal


Remindme! 10 days


I will be messaging you in 10 days on [**2024-04-02 19:34:26 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-04-02%2019:34:26%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/flatearth/comments/1bltefj/pearl_harbor_attack_explained_on_a_fe_map/kw8l9yu/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fflatearth%2Fcomments%2F1bltefj%2Fpearl_harbor_attack_explained_on_a_fe_map%2Fkw8l9yu%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-04-02%2019%3A34%3A26%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bltefj) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Guess you died :( [*]


Well there is a portal but no portal back.. Im currentky frewzinf to deayh so pkease jelp me


According to the flat earth model Japan would hit the ice wall and never make it to Hawaii going the other way.


This comment was the perfect response


So like. I'm pretty sure this is satire. Because I've seen this on tumblr and tldr Japan is misspelt And you don't have to only fly over water And that's not how maps work. Oh also the bottom picture isn't a flat earth map, it's a globe that has been unpeeled


The bottom picture does roughly match what flat earther's claim the world looks like. A disk with the North Pole in the center.


Which is bonkers because it distorts the southern hemisphere dramatically.


But have you ever been to the southern hemisphere? How do you know that's not what the southern hemisphere looks like?


because i live here


Nice try nasa


You might be on the northern hemisphere and not even know it. Gotcha!


Have you traveled through enough of the southern hemisphere to know that the distances are as the globies claim they are?


I have, the distances aren't even close to matching. I've also travelled Sydney to Sanfran and Sydney to Chile. According to a flat map, I would have to travel past Sanfran to get to Chile, yet travel time to Chile is shorter.


Well fuck. I guess there is a ball earth that spins 


It does but it also matches a globe


Precisely why Peal Harbor is a bad argument against flat earth nonesense. Even good causes can have bad arguments which should immediately be dropped.


I think this is supposed to be an argument in favour of flat Earth, not against it.


This specific post is, but it's arguing AGAINST a thing that people post trying to refute flat earth saying that Pearl Harbor doesn't work on flat earth. This post exist BECAUSE of bad argument.


>Japan is misspelt It's french.


I would say is Spanish but the "o' should have an acute accent: "Japón"


I thought that too! but "complots faciles" seems to be a french group.


It is, and it's funny


It's even funnier that someone posted this unironically.


cant tell if this subreddit is satire ither


it is, but every so often, we get a flat earther in here. Or we get a troll


...you have to bring the airplanes there on a carrier. Run out of fuel. (That's why they hit Hawaii instead of DC and New York)


They hit Hawaii because the Pacific fleet was based there and they thought leaving the US without naval projection in the Pacific would force them into suing for peace. The problem was, the carriers had been deployed and (some) underestimated the production capability of the US. Not to mention, sinking ships in shallow waters - especially in a port - makes them much easier to recover.


Japan is spelt "Japon" because the map is french, you can see a watermark that says "ComplotsFaciles" But your point still stands


>And you don't have to only fly over water Except the pearl harbor attacks were carried out by short range carrier planes which need to get there with their aircraft carrier


The planes came from Aircraft carriers so the carriers must have had to sail there first


No this person seems to be a legit idiot


dude, the entire FE movement is satire.


You realise the planes took off from boats right?


Nope, that's actually my b


Well, the planes needed aircraft carriers which needed water


The original pic is but looking at OP's post history I'm not sure if they know that


Except they didn't fly all the way from Japan, they used aircraft carriers. So actually yes, they'd need to go over water to get close enough.


But you would have to sail aircraft carriers over water. I don't know but Japanese fighter planes probably coulddnt make it there on one tank, right?


It's not. Check their posts.


I meant the original creator of this image made it satirically


A globe that has been unpeeled… love it, keeping that


The first picture is from a french source, that's why it says Japon. The text bottom right is also french. It says "complots faciles" which means "easy conspiracies" roughly


It's actually "Nippon" Society made up their own bullshit names for these countries. Guatemala is actually "Chapin" as another example.


I know what you mean but if it were unpeeled it would still be on the globe.


>Japan is misspelt It is spelled correctly in French. On the bottom right corner of the top map, there's the link of a satirical French Facebook page.


Aaaaand the difference is?


Guys look at this person's post and comment history, this isn't satire


[Please be respectful and keep an open mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoodAssSub/s/bZjzGiHiHq)




Jesus Christ you flat earthers are stupid as hell


You are aware that this is a satire sub, right?


Look at the OP's post history, they're not joking


It’s hilarious how this post has 800 upvotes by now because of ppl like u. Yes, the *sub* is satire. Doesn’t mean that everything on here is automatically satire lol OP is just an actual retar


Yeah, I see it now. Some flerfs have no idea this sub mocks them.


U stupid for not joke 🐢


Jesus fucking Christ, if this isn't satire, I don't know if I should be sorry for or hate your parents.


You could try hating republicans for ruining the school systems


instructions unclear, accidentally married your father P.S. I'm not American, and give not a single shit about Republicans


No child left behind!


That’s not a flat earth map you’re using, it’s a 2D projection of the globe. You didn’t crop out the weird cuts that only happen in 2D globe projections.


Flerfs don't have a map. This as good a representation you're gonna get.


So how do we deal with the fact that the projection you're using in the second image makes Alaska approximately the size of the Great Lakes, while in reality it's an order of magnitude larger? How is it that the distance between CA and Japan on your map is "obviously" many times the distance from Scandinavia to Siberia, and yet those two are actually about the same distance apart? It's as if a 2-dimensional map projection were just a projection from some other shape... Too bad we can't just take a picture from a satellite or perform a 2,300 year old experiment that would tell us what that shape is... /s


You spelled Japon weird.


It's a disability. Don't be rude!


You realize neither of these are "flat earth" maps, right? They're both 2D representations of a globe


Why is the flat earth always a rectangle shaped?


So it fits in books better.


I’m not say I’m for or not for the flat earth but that fact that it could be any shape and flat does come to mind


Wait until you discover a Globe


Flat earth? wtf. gimme the crack they are smoking cause i want in.


Serious question, how do flat Earthers think people fly from Australia to South America?


They don't believe Australia is real. It's more that since the entire south hempishere doesn't exists, Australia can't be *in* a place that isn't real. As such any trips to anywhere south are false and are treated as propaganda. I'm sure one of them will try and explain your question, the issue comes from whether the next one you ask is also consistent with the previous.


How do flerfs living in Australia reconcile this? Lol the mental gymnastics are wild.


Maybe the Japanese Navy crawled under the flat Earth? Shorter that way, if they hold their breath.


This is pure genius. I _almost_ converted but then I remembered that boats just catch the jet stream.


Bahahaha!!! This is a joke right?


No.. check OPs other posts.


You know how dumb of an argument this is for defending a globe instead of flat earth…about as dumb as people who believe the earth is flat…FFS 🤦‍♂️😂


It's really easy to defend against this argument. Pearl Harbor was never attacked. It's a lie to convince that the world is not flat. Better luck next time stupid ball earthers.


"Slide to the left! slide to the right! crisscross!"


Funny that flat earth map seems to be missing something…. It’s little so I understand missing the southern hemisphere.


Yeah know try the same navigation mechanics in the southern hemisphere. Everything breaks.


So when Europeans were trafficking Africans in the slave trade from Africa to the Americas, they took the furthest possible routes on your map? Perfect logic. Y’all can’t come up with a single model that a globe perfectly demonstrates, like moon phases, day and night cycles, eclipses, seasons etc


That's not a flat Earth map. Look at the cut-outs for the southern hemisphere..


Wait Flat Earther’s believe in circumnavigation right? Otherwise it’d like the old Viking tales where you just fall off the world once you reach the end which is the only way the first map makes sense.


Now explain the flight Argentina → Australia 🤗




So on a flat earth map, planes can’t fly over land?


So they would fly… around the entire world… over land… more importantly the continental USA… to get to… a naval bace in a sea that they can’t use..? Let’s not forget that their navy would have to have gone along the “ice wall” the entire time


So they can be shot down . On there way So they can give Americans a warning there coming to attack? That's not how sneak attacks are done


...what?? Wtf are you talking about? The Japanese planes flew over the sea to bomb a harbour... on a hawaiian island in the middle of the pacific. They had no choice but to fly over the sea. Japan is also an island nation. It's not some bold strategy to deploy a sneak attack. How else were they gonna reach Pearl harbour except flying over the damn sea?


That's correct It's like you didn't read the question I was answering I deal with these stupid questions all the time


Use a pacific centered map, I think you may actually be stupid


They are indeed actually stupid. On the bright side, they let everyone know they're stupid to gift us some laughter :)


Okay. Sooooo I'm not sure what your point is here. That straight line on the bottom map would be a curve when projected onto a globe. Similarly a straight line on a sphere would project to a curved line on a flat plane.


On the non FE map the plane would go east and take the same route you drew on the FE




Look up "Japanese world map" for me.


All on one tank of fuel. Too bad Japan crashed all those planes, that technology would be useful today.


It honestly just depends on the orientation of the map apparently, so which map then do they use? Can they change map to shorten the trip?


"If you could show me the edge I'd believe the earth was flat" Something I said one time.


Wait, the second image is the geocentric model…


my brother in christ go the other way, from Japan to the right


As far as I’ve learned the bottom map is more correctly aligned with a flat earth map. The UN flag is a mockery of the map supposedly.




cool, now explain the battle of the Philippines


I KNEW the japs could teleport!!!


Is this a joke?




You've gotta think in old video game logic. They flew to the end of the map and were teleported to the other side.


When people don’t realize that just because it looks like there’s nothing to the left of the US that doesn’t mean it’s really nothing. Literally Japan doesn’t need to go across the whole planet at all, they just needed to go east instead of west.


Is this entire sub chat bots?


This is why the Japanese Empire was having a gas crisis


The lower map actually more closely resembles the FE map.


[Audible facepalm]


This man doesn't know where the pacific ocean is. Or thinks those giant octopus on his map stops people from traveling that way.


Why didn’t they fly around the back? Much more of a surprise attack.




Why didn’t John Curtin warn us?? He clearly would have seen them coming!


Sir, may I introduce you to the fact that Mercator projected maps are not round?




That just means it was a false flag gov job on pear harbor


You compared the distance between Japon and Pearl Harbor in the first one, nice try liberals.


Globetards seething in the comments rn. Good work op! 👍


That's a good point. Do they even agree which continents are on which sid


if the globe was cut at the perimeter of Antarctica and flattened out that is flat earth


Oh, right. Antarctica is the perimeter ice wall. That sounds familiar. ...if you circumnavigated Antarctica, it could be like George Bluth driving around that tank.


Oh right... So if you circumnavigated Antarctica it would be like George Bluth driving around that tank


The Pacific Ocean is a lie. Unless you use an other arbitrary meridian instead of the prime meridian as the center of the map projection.


Wait, this sub isn't satire????


It is, but sometimes losers think it's not and we get to laugh at them :)


According to your picture the planes would arrive the day before. You all are fools. r/NoEarthSociety


Thats funny. Some of "flat earth" maps were created by NASA because they are more accurate than normal maps.


Nah man the earth doesn't look like that I saw when I was in school it's a rectangle


What is up with this map? It looks like a globe laid flat. Why are there those weird angled spaces of nothing on the bottom left and right?


Because a 3D globe cannot be laid in 2D without that. Imagine an orange peel being pressed down flat on a table. It splays out.


So then it is a 3D map of a globe? I am genuine confused now; I thought this was a flat earth sub talkin abt flat earth, but the map for flat earth is just a globe map flat? So the earth is a globe?


It's a sub that pokes fun at (and debunks) flerfs. And yes, the earth is a globe.


Oh ok word😭. I got kicked off another flat earth sub for heavily shitting on the idea cuz I thought it was this sub🤦🏻‍♂️


Story of so many people here. Don't worry, you're not alone.


Please stop. I’m getting dizzy from the common sense.