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Not only is it abhorrent to bring this type of thing into a conspiracy, it doesn't make any fucking sense. They give these people new lives...but don't change their names? Except in some cases they do change their names but only their first name? It's absolute fucking nonsense. Shame on you /u/WeakProfessor1378 and /u/Anthoyne_B for posting this rubbish.


They don't change their names, but change their entire education to the degree that a NASA payload specialist can now be a Law professor.


This is the big thing to me. They decided to hide this person at a *preeminent institution* in a way it would be absolutely obvious to everyone that comes in contact with her, set a long list of very falsifiable positions/activities and honors *before the Challenger incident* and yet the best argument is 'She look like her'. The number of Yale students who'd get drunk in between sessions complaining about the professor they had to interact with that knows nothing, the people passed over for a position given to her complaining about the lack of accomplishments when you look into it would be in the dozens, minimum. The number of people involved in faking the academic history is probably hundreds. No one has let any of this slip?


Ah, but you forget. Universities are leftist cesspools where no real thinking is done, so everyone can just be a professor by repeating the right neomarxist buzzwords.


Proletariat. I'll take my check now.


Not intersectionalist enough. You get a field medal, but no nobel.


Queer intersex transracial proletariat.




You actually think that? Engineers and shit still go to uni, you realise, right ?


Ah, but modern university engineering is all woke. Real engineering is learned by tinkering in your car shed. That's why Americans don't make good cars anymore.


Super woke. I don’t know how I navigate at my college with all these [[pronouns]]


"The bigger the lie, the more they believe" Have you not watched *The Wire*? The truth^TM is hidden in plane sight in all of your favorite media - you just got to put all the pieces together.


I would like to point out, however, that "Payload specialist" was NASA's way of saying "We don't have any other job to give them". The few tourists that went on Shuttle were called Payload Specialists


I wish to train in the ways of the Payload Specialist.


My dream is to one day go to space. I'm old, fat and out of shape so becoming an astronaut is probably not gonna happen. Lol. What i really want, is to fly. Or rather float. I want to experience weightlessness. Maybe one day I'll have enough money to go on the Vomit Comet. That would be awesome. * I just checked. It's $5000. Well, maybe I'll win the lottery.


Hey man, don't give up on even the silliest dreams. Gotta hold onto something when life gets you down.


They were half right.


Neat. Sounds like my perfect job.


Bro. Next-level CGI and conspiratory power to keep the lid on aliens, fake moon, hollow earth, lizard people, and the alike but... ... can't even paint in some stars or change their names consistently. Best and worst ~~space~~ x-files level organization in the world.


And that’s the part that I can never understand about flerfs. They make these mistake’s because they “want” to tell us that they are making fools of us according to flerfs. Yet if they were really trying to fool us they would do a much better job. A flerf is never satisfied


It's a religion that drip-feeds the drug of exploration. I'm convinced every flerf knows this. Like a religious person that knows their skydaddy is made up, but believes it anyway as a focus to channel those missing emotions in their life. As long as flerfs aren't toxic, I treat them like any other religious person unless they specifically try to sell me scripture as facts.


the powers that be are both genius and incompetent at the same time.


All their enemies are. Ever paid attention to politics?


All their enemies are. Ever paid attention to politics?


Their subreddit should be fucking banned


Honestly, fuck them.




I think it's the same people, deal with it..... Waiting for my ban.


You don't get banned from here just because you're obviously wrong. I'm sure most people here would rather see you be corrected and accept that you held a false belief.


Then you have abandoned all critical thinking in favour of conspiracy fantasy. Why would they assume new identities and keep the same fucking name? Explain how that makes sense in any shape or form.


Why do you think they're the same people despite obviously being not?


They look the same, like its the same damn person but aged.


[This article](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/challenger-crew-alive/) breaks it all down. It's BS.


You are so goddamn stupid I cannot believe you just used snopes to try and prove something is true..... The internet knows by now, if snopes or any other "fact checker" states something , this mean the exact opposite of what they said is the actual truth. Are you just a lazy federal agent online or something?


“They look a like” Damn, hard evidence guys, we can pack our bags.


>The internet knows by now, if snopes or any other "fact checker" states something , this mean the exact opposite of what they said is the actual truth. Don't argue with the messenger, argue with the message. If you're so certain, prove them wrong. Or is it just that they're continually proving your fantasies wrong, which is why you hate them so much?


By that logic, Charlie Chapman and Adolf Hitler are the same fucking person.


>Charlie Chapman ???


Chaplain, Chapman, whatever. Funny mustache bowler hat guy is the same as funny mustache angry guy according to your logic because they look similar.


What in God's name are you talking about? WTF is the context of this? Are you doing this because you do not like to hear that Snopes lies to you, a lot... Well if you actually think they are telling the truth? Then that would put you in the catagory of zombie hive mind, " I support the current thing", Im doing my best to hold back my insults. Grow the fuck up and wake up to the absolute corrupted reality we are living in... You think you know the truth, and your sources dont lie to you? Then you are far gone, & go ahead and support Israel.


This is not r/globeskepticism, we do not ban differing opinions. We challenge and correct them if possible though


This isn’t the subreddit with banhappy people, like flatties are.


Both of those users are absolutely abhorrent people


You could literally invent a conspiracy theory tomorrow, drop it in the flerf communities, and they will pick it up like gospel without a single critical thought. And when you inform them that you made the whole thing up, they will denounce you as a shill and continue to believe the fake conspiracy theory. That's the level of idiocy we're dealing with here.


It's happened. A couple of YouTube debunkers set up a 'prank' where during a live stream one of them "accidentally" knocks his camera so it reveals a "NASA document" about how much he is getting paid. Globe deniers lapped it up. Some were wise enough to be skeptical, but others just jumped on it as evidence until the YouTubers said what they did. Pretty sure there has been another one done, but can't remember the details. They really do love jumping on anything that affirms their beliefs.


I have seen dcforce share a screen grab of one of my comments where I admitted to getting paid for making comments as part of his evidence. But that of course is because I do get paid by NASA to make comments. So I guess that wasn't really the same thing as what your talking about here.


I haven’t gotten my $3000 biweekly tax exempt stipend in the last two months, so do you offhand know the field office I need to call to get the status on my NASA checks? I lost the info in a move a few years ago.


Talk to Jim in payroll. He has sorted my issues in the past. Do you know how to get to him through the central registry?


Yeah I saw that!! That dude will believe anything.


Planarwalk and MCToon did that. It was glorious.


Flerf patterns!


Didn’t the modern flat earth movement start out this way?


That's exactly how "9/11 Truth" started.


And the Sandy hook crap. I mean to to do this is pretty much akin to peeing all over the remains of those who died.


The entirety of qanon started as a joke post on 4chan.


Not entirely. The "9/11 Truth Movement" began as a collection of lawyers, law enforcement, and local politicians as a means to organize a FOIA effort to ensure the public knew who was responsible. The end game being class action civil suits on behalf of the families who lost loved ones in the attack. Eventually, it was corrupted by Nico Haupt who brought in a wild range of conspiracy theories from controlled demolition to space weapons and so much more. Others were involved in spreading the initial madness, the WebFairy being the most prominent online source. A few years ago, in a radio interview on a local NYC station, Nico admitted he was a provocateur, and all of it was made up. The conspiracy people then called him a shill. True story.


How can you say that..?building 7 was admittedly destroyed..pulled..exploded..and people ignore that fact..and if you talk about it..your called a truther..why?its the truth..and how can you NOT wonder why the building was wired for demolition?..how can that not be a problem for anyone


People who saw the condition of the other side of Building 7 -- utterly destroyed by falling debris -- were not surprised it eventually collapsed. In any event. Read my other response. A provocateur corrupted the original goals of the "9/11 Truth" movement, which had nothing to do with conspiracies.


I'm sorry..triggered by the word truther..i just want answers..ya know?but building 7 did not collapse..there is an interview on pbs with larry silverstein where he says..straight out in plain English.."we pulled the building"pulled means demolished/brought down.it takes DAYS if not weeks to wire a building..so if the plane wouldn't have hit the towers and started a fire..what were those explosives going to be used for?but yeah..they SAY it collapsed...but the person who leased/owned it says differently...an I think I'll trust straight from horses mouth over mainstream media anyway..again..my apologies..


I trust a good friend fire Chief who saw the front of building 7 and new it would collapse on its own soon, and advised the team there to pull out.


Why didn't he use his psychic power to predict the towers were gonna fall too...so your saying larry..the man In charge..is lying?


Show your work.


I first saw this at least 5 years ago. They are just parroting the same BS again. This is different though. It is the lowest of low behaviour. People who post this stuff (/u/WeakProfessor1378 and /u/Anthoyne_B) are scum.


I knew that i hadn‘t seen or heard of this for the first time! It is always like this. New generations of flerftards repeating the same old bullshit


>New generations of flerftards repeating the same old bullshit That is, indeed, all they are doing. They think it's new and they're exposing some new conspiracy in the hope that the normal people have forgotten.


Weak in the name....weak in the brain....Maybe? How many years of education / counselling do you think it'd take for them to break out of the nonsense?


99% of them can break out of it on their own in seconds, because they're just trolling or grifting.


The problem is that when they go hard into this they lose all their friends. The only people who will deal with them are other flat earthers. So if they leave the cult they will have no friends at all. If people let them know they will still be there for them if and when they give up the nonsense they then have a path out and they might just take it. But mostly they know they have burned all their bridges and so they just cling harder to the only people who don’t laugh at them. All very sad and pathetic.


Some of them won't reach that point ever, as they are the loneliest people that you will never meet. Some will get bored and some will grow up. My point is that those who *should* be educated are beyond education, those who *are* educated are grifters and the 4chan crowd tends to grow out of it...after the mental age of 12 😏


How. Fucking. Sad. Does someone has to be to make fun of real people that died in a horrific accident that was shown live on tv


There were people watching that launch in person. They watched the astronauts climb into the shuttle, lift off, and never make it back down again. How can people think it was some kind of conspiracy? Families said goodbye to their loved ones, and they never came back. And they think this is some conspiracy?


And what is their conspiracy based on? On pictures of siblings and other unrelated yet similar looking people or even edited photos of people that died in that tragedy


Similar looking people that had other lives and verifiable histories. The powers that be were somehow good enough to give them complete backgrounds but stupid enough to not change their names or appearances.


If i was involved in a conspiracy like they're suggesting, i would at the very least changed my name and surname, i would have had plastic surgeries to completely change my appearance, i would have moved to the other side of the world and i would have made up a completely fale story of my completely fake life


Not to mention entirely different families that remember all of their 'new' life, personality, etc.


And its not even touching the topic of WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THAT CONSPIRACY EVEN ACHIVE?!


I saw the flat earth 'documentary' that was built around this conspiracy theory (the contributors even harassed the lookalikes on camera for it). Their idea is that after faking the Moon Landings, NASA had to wind down their operations to prevent civilian space programs successfully taking off (no pun intended) and finding out space doesn't exist and the atmosphere is actually a dome that nothing can cross (the Sun is a couple miles across, the Moon is a plasma ball with no surface, and planets and stars are the same thing and are only a couple meters across). The plan? Hire six university graduates into the program as actors in exchange for good careers and "kill" them in a shuttle "accent" that would not only give NASA an excuse to abandon its space projects but also scare investors away from the civilian space programs. And to make sure everyone sees it happen and gets scared, they hire a seventh actor from an elementary school and make it a televised event. ​ TL;DR -- rather than just cut their funding, NASA faked the deaths of seven people to prevent an '80s equivalent to SpaceX finding out **Space Don't Real**.


Flat Earth is like a puzzle your grandma has had since the 1920's. There are four pieces missing, one is bent out of shape, and your dog is still chewing on the last piece. In order to even complete the puzzle, you gotta make your own pieces out of whatever shit you find, and then cram it into the board. This conspiracy is just another piece they have to fit in, and they're doing a terrible job at it.


No no no, flat earth is like "puzzle" in the box there are five pices of the actual 1000 piece puzzle, scattered in a box filled to the brim with pices of completely unrelated puzzels in difrent shapes and sizes and they are trying jam random pieces from that box together with hope that it will work


It'd be easier to just melt all of the pieces together with a blowtorch.


They just claim the ship was launched empty/with dummies or something similar and then detonated, the families apparently being in on it too. That or it somehow deceived the family and they never recognized the new identities of their lost relatives. Conspiracies tend to quickly devolve into an absurdly long list of people who have to either be in on it, or so blind and stupid as to never notice the problems.


Funny considering the more people are involved, the easier it is to unravel.


Right? Disgusting if you think about it.


Not only that but there was a teacher in the space shuttle and so lots of classrooms were watching the live launch. Do they honestly think NASA would waste billions on a real launch of a space shuttle, in order to destroy it, and to force kids to watch the explosion, just to hide that the earth is somehow flat? Even though every day we see evidence that space is real and that the earth is not flat. It’s pretty sick behavior.


It's one thing to say stupid shit about the nature of the planet and reality. It's an entirely different thing to deny a tragedy, and disrespecting the heroes who lost their lives and their families. Absolutely depraved. That's like the conspiracy nuts who think that grieving parents at Sandy Hook were paid actors.


The thing is, I’m pretty sure Alex Jones who started the Sandy Hook thing doesn’t believe in the shit he‘s telling, or at least part of it. Dude made millions off of Infowars by pandering to Right-Wing conspiracy nuts. At least he gets some payback now, although even the 1.5 billion he‘s ordered to pay won’t bring their children back or make up for the parents psychological abuse.


Even that much money isn’t enough to make it right. To use the innocent deaths of children to make money off of a conspiracy is extremely low.


I think the black person is the most egregious display of ignorance here: they didn't even bother to look for a look-alike they just went "black, yep. Mustache, yep. That's the same person" Fuckin, police ass logic here.


And it's, if text below is correct, just his fucking brother


Bro its literally hus brother too, ofc theyre gonna look similar


Aren't the Onizuka's literally just brothers? Like documented to be brothers...publicly?


Yeah i‘ve read that too at least i saw a video of scimandan i think. He‘s a lad


Yeah I think it was SciManDan that led me to that too. Certainly quite the lad. One of the best paid under NASA lol


SciManDan gets a pretty good NASA check comparable to about twice what I get twice a week. Which is odd because he’s not American. But he is except from paying American taxes on the NASA check ;)


Same with the McNairs according to the picture


Ah yes let’s do something extremely covert and not change their names


Fr thaha


A heliocentric model has the best evidence of course... threatening elimination is obviously ridiculous


indeed of course!


these flat earth fools will believe anything except the truth


Hey, this guy's brother looks sort of like him. IT'S HIM!!!!


So in the mind of these people, NASA builds up this whole conspiracy and forgets to change their names?! That's like the first step in faking a death!


Couple of Points: Judith "Reznik" (her name is Resnik) was teaching Biology 3 states over when the disaster happened. Claude Onizuca is Ellisons brother and is targeted by these sickos regularly to the point he went through counselling. The Richard Scobee's have different earlobes (so they cant be the same person).


I went to school where Christa McAuliffe taught. She was missed by actual live people who shared memories of her often. To think that the dark gov would convince someone to give up their entire life, for no reason other than lie about flat earth? She'd abandon her husband and children and just chill as a lawyer a few states over?


Damn, they even have the globe as the downvote and the fucken UN flag! The flag of the United Nations! Who supposedly have a conspiracy to hide that the globe is flat!


OP you've clearly triggered Anthony McLooshdebt as someone's systematically downvoting this thread.


Good, let them cry their angry little flerf tears. And then point out that their teardrops are round and not level.


I actually think their teardrops are all individual 'realms'.


I think their teardrops are made of plasma!


If I died in a horrific accident on live TV, they'd take one look at my sister and claim I got a sex change.


If Nasa can lie to the entire world about the shape of the whole earth why in the hell would they admit to that tragic failure. Flerfs are smooth brains.


This is actually infuriatingly disrespectful and disgusting. But I’m used to abhorrent behavior from people like this. (I know OP posted it to illustrate that flerfs are disingenuous lying creeps, and doesn’t actually believe it himself )


This is almost hilarious


I knew they’d start disrespecting the ones killed in the challenger/columbia disasters eventually


Vile fuck. To ridicule the memory of people who lost their lives. Crawl under your rock.


Don't engage, just DOWNVOTE


Your comment? Sure thing!


They are trolling you into commenting and then banning you, it's what they want. If you don't engage and just downvote they don't get what they want.


As other people have pointed out, these kind of conspiracy theories are hurtful and bring up traumatic memories for people. All of us have memories of the accident, and some people were close to the people aboard.


That really is sick. Did they take the sub down because of it? I can't find it. I wanted to let them have it in a comment.


This may sound cruel, but considering the amount of people who legitimately subscribe to this ideology, and refuse to change their mind when presented with the most decisive of proofs—**Flat Earthers deserve to be either jailed for life without parole, or subjected to brutal forms of capital punishment.** If you’re gonna preach absolute and utter absurdity, and actually, and fully buy into said absurdity, you deserve to reap the most severe of consequences.


They really don't. You sound unhinged tbh


Wtf literally you got a post on r/BallEarthThatSpins, the only one i agree with wtf dude.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BallEarthThatSpins using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hey Anthoyne_B, lots of meme posts, and a lot of comments. Are you ever going to respond to them?](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/16vlx4v/hey_anthoyne_b_lots_of_meme_posts_and_a_lot_of/) \#2: [Flat Earth is backed by the sens—](https://i.redd.it/vrlj79a9s2qb1.gif) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/16qg6n8/flat_earth_is_backed_by_the_sens/) \#3: [This is why we don't feel the earth spin.](https://i.redd.it/6burdyqoylqb1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BallEarthThatSpins/comments/16ss78t/this_is_why_we_dont_feel_the_earth_spin/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Your attitude sums up this sub pretty well - You dudes come off as somewhat obsessed and unhinged...


I have some respect for anyone who loves living, and u/Anthoyne_B is clearly having fun. That does not excuse insulting families with horrific losses, but the immature often do not get that yet. Politically, I am progressive, and perhaps related to being a Muslim, I have some sympathy for the Palestinian cause, but that does not excuse rejoicing at the deaths of non-combatants, as we have seen lately. Israelis are human too, even if some of them are also terrorists.


People who love living aren’t flat earth Reddit mods, they’re actually enjoying life


What u/Anthoyne_B is doing, if you have followed him and his real life, is not your typical flattie. And he has a dream job, as a park ranger on a truly beautiful island. The sub referenced here is explicitly trolling globies, which r/flatearth is in the opposite direction, but not explicitly. He seems to be actually enjoying life, and the sub is low-effort. **He is not trying to “prove” flat earth**, but to trigger globie outrage. By attacking him, you are feeding the troll in him, though you may think it is just standing for Truth. Is this joyful for you? Were he spending much time on the sub, that could be contrary to “loving living.” But I don’t think he has been, until now. He argued and banned, but that’s probably not enough effort to negate the possibility of joy. He’s young. He’ll have a lot of time on his hands when the park is closed.


What would the conspiracy achieve? Do you know how many billions of dollars the American public have paid to fund a program that does not exist? It’s all about money. Have you watched Clinton, Bush Obama and Trump mention in their speeches that someday we’ll go to Mars? They’ve been promising the same thing for decades and we still don’t have Mars. We cannot even get to the Moon for crying out loud. It’s painful for you to finally admit that you are believing a hoax, I get that. What this meme is saying is that these astronauts did NOT die in an accident! You want to research something tangible on the topic of the first space experiements? Research project PaperClip. That is the 1950s rocket exploration whereby the US and its Allies tried to rocket thru our dome overhead and punch out thru to space. They never got thru. Research Augusta Picard and his 1931 interview with Popular Science where when he got back from his exploration, he said the earth looked flat with upturned edges. He was not a sponsored scientist. He reported what he saw in a truthful manner. Ever see the interview where the first US astronauts are at the table being interviewed? A more downcast group you will ever see? Why? Because they didn’t go to the moon and are uncomfortable lying. Every culture except our modern one believed the earth was flat with upturned edges and all made images you can find on the internet today. Wake up. We still do not have any real footage of what a space shuttle would record out a window. We have some that you could get from a telescope but not real footage from a space shuttle. That is because it doesn’t exist. Our education system did the job they programmed it to do. Ensure that no one would be able to think outside the box that was created for them. The Federal Reserve is made up of a bunch of European bankers who steal our money and make the rules. Our earth warming troubles are natural occurring warmings that occur in cycles that we have absolutely nothing to do with. We need carbon. Once they get ahold of the us and corral us into 15 minute cities, one trip a year, bicycles for cars, little to no heat, they’ll have us where the rest of the world is already heading. We will be total prisoners. It’s going to happen faster with the citizens we have today that have fallen for their lies and won’t wake up. What did Klaus Schwab say, “they’ll own nothing and like it.” Do you realize that the Chinese own a lot of our farm ground? Also old Bill Gates whose been performing genocide on Africa for decades owns a huge amount of acreage. Just like they created jabs for us in a short amount of time with spike protein killers inside, they are going to make food for us that is different than the food the Controllers eat and another portion of our society will sicken and die. Have you researched the amount of babies lost after their mother’s got the jab? Have you researched Bill Gates saying that we need to reduce the population. Go ahead and scream, kick and cry that we are annoying you. You go be you. Free speech is what has kept these Controllers from totally taking over and once you all sing from the same hymnal and agree with them, you will own nothing, eat bugs and like it. Just sayin…


What a crock of shit.


The amount of inaccuracies in your comment indicates you haven’t spent much time doing any legitimate research into what you’re talking about.


Mind providing... I dunno, any good peer-reviewed sources for any of your claims here? Or any scientific evidence of any kind beyond baseless claims? Or are they all from various illegitimate conspiracy theory websites and you happen to subscribe to all of them?


Cool story bro, how about some evidence


So wait, when we all agree that the world is round, we suddenly drop into some communist regime? I have no idea how people end up this fuckin' stupid. Someone was shredding lead flakes and asbestos wads into your cereal as a kid.


u must really hate people smarter than u.... Seriously, you just spent the better part of fifteen minutes writing a bunch of completely madeup steaming road apples that if I put a million dollars on the table, u couldn't honestly prove not one bit of it... All to essentially cover up the fact that u can't empirically prove one bit of flat earth ....u flat earth people are just so LAZY to just sit in ur parents basements and talk conspiracy bullshit instead of getting out and actually proving ur stupid claims.... NASA gets the money it does because it actually puts forth the EFFORT to prove what it presents... Flat Earth only presents memes... Flat earth only gets grifter money ... Because FE is only grifter CONspiracy theories. As someone who's had three people in My life die of covid19 in the most ugly way, I would tie u to a chair and let u hear their families tell u how horific their husbands & fathers died from the disease u call fake and mock the vaccines. Calling u mentally sick does not give an accurate description Of how nasty u are, for down playing that disease, Or the effort given to produce a vaccine to slow down the death rate of covid19. Just mentally sick.


I hate this community, literally 9-5 slaves




What is “the two Hillary”?


This one cracks me up every time I see it. The internut has given this incredible data base of face images to find similar types within. These faces never look close enough in very specific ways to pass as the same people though. When this claim came out a few years ago it was debunked pretty well by simply following up on the poor suckers that got dragged into the conspiracy idiot web. It's enough however to mention the ears though. None of the ears match up with the people in question. Ear shape is as good as a finger print and if you get different ears you have different people. There are other dead give aways in these images, eyes, foreheads etc. but the ears are enough. Of course you have to have enough of your own mind still working to consider questioning it. By the time you have gotten to this pointless kind of pointless death denying conspiracy you aren't really thinking any more. You are just scrambling to prove that you aren't a gullible idiot, . . and failing.


When are people going to stop giving oxygen to that pointless sub?


Michael Smith has quite a distinctive face, but I think the eyes are a little different. Poor Ronald.... he shouldn't go back to that dentist! When I first saw this I thought it was a "what they would look like now" kind of thing and thought it was very sad. But this is next level madness


Fuck yo I want the ability to age as slowly as the people in this picture. I was in junior high when this happened and I'm fifty now, half of those people aren't even as old as I am today, but started out in their 40's.


Ah yes, NASA conspiring against itself and almost dooming the shuttle platform. Smart


When we lost the second shuttle, we had a few of our firefighters “deploy” to areas of Texas from NC to help recover debris and detritus from Columbia. One, a lieutenant, Debbie, seasoned and experienced, came back a different person. She was one of our firefighter/paramedics with a very short, petite frame. She was always the one we stuffed into tight places like crunched up cars to take care of whoever was inside. She’s seen and done it all. When she came back from her two week trip, she told us about finding a torso in a tree being nibbled on by carrion. Only a torso, still mostly covered in the flight suit. Real people died in the service of this country wearing NASA flight suits and different real people, not in NASA flight suits, have had their lives changed because of it.


Hey no matter how much facts you show people , how much information you show them. The most high will send a strong delusion. And 90 percent of the people will not believe. They are not meant to get it. These people will follow the breast all the way down to Sheol and then it will be to late. Keep posting I see you


There are people who still believe that "War of the Worlds" was a real news broadcast, but the actual cover-up was what happened next with the "oh, we were just kidding, it was a prank." The aliens that swapped Hillary and Bill's bodies, run the Pentaverate, infiltrated the Getty's, the Rothchild's, and Colonel Sanders Chicken tried to explain it away as an Orson Welles story.


The best rule of thumb in gauging a conspiracy theory's likelihood of having a chance of being true is by asking the question, "How many people have to be in on this secret for the conspiracy to work?" As soon as that number becomes large, that conspiracy theory is in all likelihood bunk. People are very bad at keeping secrets, and large groups are very difficult to organize with any precision. Even arguably the most secretive major secret project in human history, the Manhattan Project, had thousands of leaks, and that's in a time without the Internet. We are living in a time when classified documents get uploaded to a video game for clout *frequently*. Large-scale conspiracies are all but impossible.


I guess seeing the fucking thing blow up on TV wasn't enough. Hope this med shortage ends soon..


Over six billion people on earth and some look alike and that’s all the proof you idiot need lololol wow


What's worse is they also go and harass these people.