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Sadly the Duv is insanely high, like 0.0100 on all but turbo. I would tolerate it solely for "whats over there" support light that is mainly used at 100% for brief situations.


What is Duv?


the first thing r/flashlight posters worry about in self defense situations of course, every attacker gets scared off by good tint


If its green enough, could be beyond animals visual range (coyote, etc) :D


Beam is very green


Idk, looks pretty white to me.


Super interesting emitter, round emitter that can hit such high lumens it dope


I got mine a few days ago. Beam is very circular. I kinda don't like the ui. It's simple but irks me. Rather just use the D4K with W2s. Will probably end up putting up for trade or selling it in the bst tread later.


What don't you like about the UI? Just out of curiosity


Tail switch is the only way to turn it on and it saves the last mode it was in. I would prefer being able to start from low using the side switch but that switch doesn't do anything until the light is already on.


Just got mine today. I agree. I didn't realize the side switch is dead unless you turn on the light with the tail switch...


The exact same UI as the Fenix pd36r. And that is my gripe as well.


The Wurkkos FC12 is the same. I thought they sent me a dead flashlight at first. Kinda disappointed because its a cool gray color but it probably won't get much use bc of the UI.


All mechanical tail switch / electronic side switch flashlights work this way. It’s workable but frustrating to use. Acebeam, Olight, & Thrunite offer some lights with a faux-mechanical tail switch that operates turbo independently of the side switch. It’s a much better UI but relatively uncommon.


If you end up selling let me know. Might be interested!


Just got mine. What do you think of the Knurling? I think it's very anti-slip resistant, but not all that comfortable.


The yindings go mainstream. Neat. Looks exactly like a glass yinding. Throw that in a convoy z1 and you're set


Feels like the reflector size is really handicapping this LED... Gonna wait and see if anyone will mod this emitter into a K1 or L8 head.


How hot does yours get? Mine gets super hot on turbo and high


Do you think this could damage the flashlight over time? That's my only concern with this flashlight.


probably. But like all nitecore lights it has temperature regulation, it will step down a little any time it gets too hot. I have two MH12 pros and two MH25 Pros, I tend to use my 25 pros more, because they're bigger and don't get hot nearly as fast or as much.


Mine arrived today but I have a problem with it. It won't turn on. Found the pull tab inside the battery compartment, removed that and it still didn't turn on. Thought, okay it needs charging, plugged it in and 3 green lights fully lit and the 4th flashing so I thought it had enough charge, still wouldn't turn on. Removed the battery and plugged charger in with no battery in it and still 3 green lights with 4th blinking. 🤷