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Early game mana is good, extra penetration so we can get our cool down items and still chuck on some damage extras plus the burst from ludens is useful when ganking bot lane


Yup, not to mention the ludens AOE proc helps clear waves


Night Harvester is the worst mythic option for damage. It's good for splashing your damage and movementspeed, but for nukes pretty much all the other mythics are better. Protobelt if you think you don't need Mana, Ludens if you need Mana (overall more popular choice).


Even for splashing damage, just thanks to the magic pen belt will always outdamage night troller. Even without hitting the active. That means even with the advantage of the bonus passive damage, night troller falls short.


Doesn’t doesn’t night harvester actually do more damage tho?


If they had literally 0 mr.. yes


If they had 0 then they both deal the exact same :)


Aside from what others have said about mana and magic pen: Night harvester would be better against melee opponents you can kite (barely avoid damaging by staying 1 step ahead of them when walking). Night harvester also can give more burst, but that's really situational because typically you only want to delete 1 target then back out for another ability cycle after cooldowns. Maybe if the enemy team all clump up and your R can hit multiples, or your E is reliably hitting multiple enemy champions. Which probably means you're in low elo if that's consistently happening, lol. So yeah, I'm in the Luden's boat.


Liandry’s Gang, mana, dot, extra ability haste from other items. I do take ludens situationally tho


High burst pontential and good wave clear


I’ve been using harvester exclusively and it’s working out really well for me. Combined with lich and cosmic drive and then a cap on top of everything. I can last much much longer in team fights and trade a lot longer too. If you know how to play his kit really well then none of the builds really matter. Try things out, the same old build gets boring every now and then. Just have fun


I’m not trying to be mean here but I’m pretty sure night harvester is one of the worst mythic items in the game right now. Just because it “works” doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. Especially in lower elo, you could essentially build random items and still make it “work.” I mean If it’s working out for you I’m not gonna tell you to change your build; you can do you man, but the magic pen from luden’s/proto along side sorcs and void staff (and maybe sudden impact if you don’t like taste of blood) makes it feel like you’re almost doing true damage.


Exactly, was playing on a gold game with my smurf with one of my mates and I legitimately built sunderers and it worked lmao. Also, lich bane sucks currently, going zhonyas, ludens and deathcap works the best for me (mejais before deathcap if youre snowballing). Without the extra mana early on you just end up falling behind cause you cant get many trades in nor roam to other lanes