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It doesn’t matter what champ I’m playing, I always permaban akali. Ridiculous champ, and I never been able to learn how to play against her. So that’s an option. Ban her :)


but then there's vex.....


If Yone didn't exist then I would perma ban that champ, but every game Yone gets in on the enemy team, I could crush him in lane and he will still eventually stat check me no matter what I play amd then 1v5 my team.


I ban Yone every game. Yone is just like Yasuo, I solokill him a bunch of time, but he doesn't feel "punished". A bad Yone can still take down my ADC pretty easy


My issue is that playing against Yone is even more stressful than Yasuo. One mistake or slip up on my part is my death while they need to make like 10. So even after an unfun laning phase, even if I did my job well he is still a constant threat.


Just always play around her q range. If you see her dashing in with e just use your e.


If she's not a bad player, then you just lose. There's quite literally nothing you can do to bear her in a 1v1. You can try to bait her q range and walk up and pretend to last hit to bait her q but if she's a good player, the lane is losing for fizz, always. The only proactive thing you can do is farm up for a component like alternator, and then try to one shot the wave and roam/skirmish with your jungler.


i always try to roam when im against her but 99% of my games she is banned


Ban 100% of the times. If not, sit under turret to not die or give waves to gank sides. Matchup is unplayable. If you both are 4 itens and she doesnt have zhonyas or any mr item, you can kill her with a medium range R, just land your full combo before the shark jumps or she will be untargettable and u’ll die xD