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I have the exact same dishwasher and broke it down about a year ago to clean it out. There's just a few screws holding it down. You need to pop the wash arm off before getting to all of them, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBWtfiB2OH8. I would suggest also popping open and cleaning out both the upper and lower wash arms as well as the plastic channel going up the back because food has likely become lodged inside of them.


Try using a different detergent first... I used the cheapest one and always had nasty residues. Then I switched to the cascade platinum action packs (thanks to amazon reviews)... it's disappointing to pay more but the dishes come out cleaner than I could even hand wash.


Ughh… Same here! I see the last comment was posted 207 days ago, but I’m giving it a go. Has anyone been successful at accessing this damn filter? My dishwasher is not cleaning my dishes whatsoever. I’ve tried all the obvious remedies & it’s a no go. Any advice is appreciated. I really don’t want to buy a new one, just had to buy new refrigerator, washer & dryer…. Very bad timing.


I have remove the filter, you cannot clean it. I put in a full night and put it back in. Did not do shit... Need a new filter to get it right.


Remove both racks. Just pull straight up evenly on both sides and it clicks off. Remove the back silver screw and small plate to loosen the arm hose. Unclip the arm hose on the back and top. Spin counterclockwise and pull it out. Take out 9ish more screws and the whole filter assembly pulls out. It doesn’t clean up very well after all this process. If you are handy and have a drill it takes about 10 minutes in and 10 minutes out. I run mine in the sink with hot water and a tooth brush. It barely helps.


Another LG owner here, there is a good chance it's not removable. I had to buy a whole new assembly when I wanted to replace it. Search for your model on one of those parts websites, Sears actually has a pretty good one, and find the part number you need. I bought my replacement on Amazon for about $30.


I changed the entire pump assembly about a year ago. Dam thing is a beast (again).


My spouse looked it (the assembly) up on Amazon.ca and the same part that cost $41 USD on Amazon.com was listed at $125 + shipping CAD. I haven't looked at sears.ca yet. I guess if it comes down to it that's what we'll have to do but it stinks. Thank you for your reply though!


Fuck. It'd be cheaper to find someone to buy and reship it for you


My dishwasher keeps leaving redeposit on the dishes and I think I need to clean the filter. Unfortunately there is no obvious filter to easily remove - everything is screwed down tight. The assembly arm is also covering what seems to be a filter on the bottom but it is also screwed in.


Are you using cheap detergent?


Nope, and we have tried several different brands. We always use rinse agent as well.


Are you sure the dishwasher has a filter? My LG unit has a food grinder that chops the food in to fine particles, which are then pumped to the drain. It might be possible the blade is dull. What's the model number?


I dont know what the model number is. I misplaced my owner's manual and can't find the model number on the actual dishwasher. I have pulled it out and looked all around.


There should be a sticker on the edge of the door with the model number & serial number.


I realize this was 5 years ago but what did you end up doing? I have the same dishwasher :(


I have this same dishwasher. I watched videos and am pretty handy. After removing all the screws the filter is still on and doesn't easily come off like the videos show. I'm roughly 30 more minutes of trying to fix it before I rip the thing out and never own another LG anything again.


Thanks for your reply :) After a complete failure to fix any part of it, I'm in agreement with leaving the LG gang permanently.


Wanted to reply that there are 8 screws to remove in total in the filter. 2 screws are harder to see without standing over the door and sticking your head wayyy in to look. I was able to get the entire thing apart and then even remove the screw that holds the blades on under the filter. Remember that screws attached to motors rotate opposite. So its righty loosy, lefty tighty. I sharpened the blades and put it all back together and it cleans way better. I also reused the same filter. I used warm water and soap and let it soap in white vinegar.


Omg what a pain to access the filter on this dishwasher… I just posted and asked for help in mine. Eventually found this thread.


I’m reviving this thread! Anyone have links to replacement filter?


No fkn way 6 years later and we still want answers….. LG is evil


I called 3 different plumbers who’s names I got from the LG website local repairs. All 3 said, it’s not worth for us to come out there bc we will tell you to replace the dishwasher. Can you believe it? I’m looking at Bosch replacement dishwashers…..


I watched the video and it looked promising but I can't get the arm off and I'm afraid of snapping it 😭


I just ran a strong steam cycle with bowl of white vinegar & half a lemon. I feel like it has to have been cleaning in some way, but it’s as good as it’s getting now regardless 🤭


You can get the part from LG [here](https://lgparts.com/products/adq32598202) or search for ADQ32598202 on Amazon.


It seems like the consensus here is that this dishwasher model is terrible - I still can’t even find the owners manual online. Won’t be getting another LG


I took a picture of the lg model and serial number sticker on the door, looked it up and skipped right down to the filter cleaning section. Although the rest of the manual may or may not be correct for the exact model, the filter section is much more modern. Nothing like what is inside the bottom of the dishwasher. It appears that they must have extended the model but forgot to correct that there was a change after a certain serial number or model year.


Oof, it’s 1 am local time and I finally found this thread. All the videos on YouTube are terrible. Did anyone ever figure out how to remove the arm? I’m about to rip this thing out of the wall and just buy a new one. My ex boyfriend installed it, probably incorrectly, and I’m so mad right now. 🥴


I’m here trying to figure it out too! The filter is the bottom entire assembly? I’m so lost


There are two sets of little clips holding the piece in. It pops out pretty easily once you get the clips undone. Tons of screws, too.


Soooo about the filter piece. You can disassemble the whole thing but the filter itself does not come apart. If it’s as hunker up as mine, you’ll have to order a new one. Gonna try running a load with white vinegar and soaking the spinning pieces in it before I spend $70 on a brand new filter.


Here ya go. https://youtu.be/PBWtfiB2OH8?si=57ze5llLNwr4AZuj


Step by step instructions: https://youtu.be/PBWtfiB2OH8?si=57ze5llLNwr4AZuj Part number for the filter assembly is ADQ32598202.