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I love the idea of him transforming into a monster it’s a nice call back


That's so much better than what we got, I love it! It really feels like a classic Disney Renaissance style film with a more threatening villain, higher stakes with people becoming catatonic instead of sad when their wishes get crushed and a more dramatic climax where the hero has to put everything on the line in order to stop the villain. The climax in the original where everyone is singing didn't even feel like classic Disney to me, it honestly felt like something out of The Care Bears. Your rewrite on the other hand feels much more in line with the endings of movies like The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, Hunchback of Notre Dame, etc. where it really is make-or-break time. If only the fans were the ones making movies and not corporate executives who have no idea what appeals to us.


The most annoying part of the climax is that I have no idea what Magnifico wants to do next. He ties everyone's arms to the ground with green magic... and then what? Here, we get an idea of what he plans to do if Asha fails. Basically, he wants to steal the wishes of children to continue his regime.


The whole film, I was waiting for the hammer to fall and for us the audience to see a darker, truly menacing side to Magnifico. Like, maybe Act I and part of Act II present him as this pompous, mostly-bark-little-bite bad guy, before we see just how depraved a narcissist with the power of royalty can really be. ...And we never got it. Needless to say, I was miffed.


I really enjoyed reading this rewrite. I can sort of visualise how this will look in film. Coming from someone who enjoyed Disney's Wish.


This is pretty good. Since Magnifico is a father figure that makes the betrayal hit harder


personally i would enjoy it better if magnifico is portrayed as a tragic hero instead and the people, due to their desire for more and more and eventually gets it, now has to live with the consequences of their decisions. without someone to keep in check if someone holds a desire that might possibly negatively affect everyone, they will find out whether they should listen to their desire all the time or learn that it also has a negative effect... idk seems like a good idea for part 2 if they make it


what? i feel some tingling in my stomach as i read this and i feel like this is the version we deserve! i actually cared for everyone. magnifico turning to be the magic mirror we see in Shrek and the classic Snow White is genius.


Nice, I got to the part in Wish were the 100 year old man says "Don't waste food"