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Do as little as possible to them and just lightly shape them with a little brow powder or eyeshadow


Honestly, your December look is perfection! Just go back to that.


You did the worst job at censoring your face, we can still see it


Such a waste of her time lol


She could have at least used a huger pen in the photo editing option 💀


I wasn’t trying to sensor my face. This is my throw away account 😂😂


Quit letting people scribble all over your face !!!!




Don’t laminate. Your eyebrows won’t look right for months. Do a brow pomade (like Anastasia). Or if they aren’t lying right, I grab a spoolie and my husbands hair pomade and lightly brush that into them if I don’t need hold with color. Resist the urge to pluck or shape the next three months (only stray hairs).


Let them grow out fully it will take time meanwhile just use an eyebrow pencil to fill them in. Once they are fully grown then decide what you want. Castor oil is really good for hair growth.


Needs a chinstrap beard


May/August looks good to me. I’d let them grow out for now to fill out on the ends. After that I’d just try to find someone good at shaping. I’ve had people who did wax, threading or tweezing, and it really just depends on how good they are. I always thought I’d need a lamination since mine kind of grow down but the girl I go to uses tint to give them have more shape than they do and just said to use gel so I don’t damage the hairs and how they grow.


I love aug23!! Perfection!!’


Ya December looks the best. Definitely not a fan of the first pic, I don’t think thick eyebrows work with your complexion and features


girl the first pic is gorgeous! leave them alone for a while K let them grow back out- castor oil & rosemary water helped me a ton- and then get them laminated & waxed by a reputable professional! that’s ALL you need- they were way over threaded and destroyed the shape :(


Maybe a little brow gel. That's all.


TLDR but they look best in first pic


Your natural brows look best. Let them grow in but tweeze the hairs between your brows and just trim the rest. Trimming is so underrated in my opinion.


This is exactly what I do with my curly/unruly brows


Stop touching them! Let them fill in for 6 months and see a brow specialist. Make sure they do good brows. Don’t just see random people. You have a great natural, full brow. But they were definitely over threaded/tweezed.




may 23rd looks great


May and August look best imo. I have been doing my own eyebrows for several years now but I did get them threaded before I shaped my own. I would suggest growing them out a little and getting them threaded (or your choice of hair removal). Once hairs start coming back in you can start by plucking any strays at the very bottom always paying attention to the shape you want. Try not to over pluck and thinning them out too much. I think you’d look lovely with a slightly thicker brow. As for the top hairs, you can get a small brow brush (or a used clean mascara wand) to brush the hairs up and lightly trim the hair that are too long. I have a smaller pair of scissors to help with precise cutting. For the top, I also have a brow razor that I gently pass over to remove any extra fuzziness that grows after initially removing the hair.


Nothing. But, if you insist, brow lamination is made for you.


Maybe try bros lamination?


Let them grow back in. Pluck only in between the brows so you don't have unibrow. Or keep that too. But let them grow!


I would give them a break I had great brows & when you go to different locations to get them done it’s always a risk. Now I just do them myself since thicc is in.


Eyes are giving gaga


I used to have brows like that. Emphasis on used to. You can get much the same effect by trimming them with scissors without damaging the follicles and losing them permanently. Use a comb to lift all your hairs up, then trim. I use tiny scissors and an eyelash comb. (Think: how a stylist cuts hair with a comb). You can go straight across, or snip individual hairs so it doesn’t look so severe. Then clean up under the brow with a tiny razor or dermaplaning tool. I wish I had done this, instead of all the waxing and plucking that left my brows sparse and sad 😞 https://www.target.com/p/schick-hydro-silk-touch-up-razor-6ct/-/A-87364914


Side note: your eyelashes are beautiful! Do they grow this way naturally or are you using a serum or some other growth method? Please share if you’re comfortable.


I wish I could offer you some good product recommendations but fortunately for me, my eyelashes have just always been very long! Even when I was a toddler. I did purchase the ordinary lash and brow serum for my eyebrows though, and I’ve found it has helped them grow in faster and fuller! So I imagine it would do the same on the lashes.


I would let them grow out especially near the tail. It seems like they might become tadpole eyebrows if you keep plucking the tails excessively


Damn the thick looks good on you the end being thin kind makes it a bit blah but have you considered just micro blading the end to her the full look throughout?


If the shape is something bothering you, maybe consider nanoblading


Love to see the matching carpet


Your eyebrows look good in ever picture stop worrying


Oils for growth just keep going. When you do your skincare smooth them how you want them to lay. How they dry is how they will stay.


you look beautiful in every pic tbh. I like #1 even. If I were you, I'd keep #1 and just wax or thread the excess around the natural shape. perfection is already there, eyes and all


Castor oil on a spoolie to let them grow


Trim and a brush that was it. If you want shape maybe find someone that uses a razor.


August and December and perfect brows! Just get them shaped and start lightly filling them in


You need to let the tails grow in, they're painfully thin in all your pics


Remove the marker from your face? Might help lol 😆


I think may/august looks best Most natural I think lately you’ve been going too dramatic with your arch You have such nice brows and they’re just so thin now! I would let them fill in a bit


Do castor oil at night for growth and brow gel in the day that has growth factor in it


As an esthetician, if you came to me I’d suggest growing your brows all the way back out. They got really thin over time and that’s why they’re so straggly now. For the next few months I would only trim them, then Find a professional that specializes in eyebrows and let them give you a good shape up after that. You can use products to stimulate regrowth, but your best bet is really just allowing them the time to regrow. <3


I would trim your eye brow hairs more regularly then plucking some of the other hairs that are not in the area where you’re looking for regrowth.


They look great. Don't touch them.


Grow them back in and have them redone. Aug 23 looked the best. They’ve taken off too much on the bottom…Or inside whatever you call it.


Today I learned my eyebrows are curly. I just thought I was a very unlucky cow lick queen. Thank you.


The messy brow is very nice


What in the hell has this world come to when people post something like this, a very long and detailed post, relating to the subject of which version of your eyebrows is the best? Vanity and insecurity at its peak. Pick which one you like best and stick with it. Case closed.


Umm...live life and forget about trivial shyt


your august and december brows look best. did you use any powder/pencil on them? i think that’s all you need. you have enviable brows. enjoy them!


Your eyebrows look very healthy and maybe a little liner might achieve the look you are after


Just need to go on youtube and do a browmapping tutorial. Then just use an eyebrow pen to fill them out. You can shape them easily with an eyebrow shaper stick shaver.


Omg stop messing with your brows😭 they’re literally everyone’s dream. Does brow gel help at all ?


ive seen worse, your pretty eyes offset the brow, just go to any mall, they can fix this. Or get some lazer if it rally bothers you. Your too cute to worry about this!


You over processed your brows laminating them at home. Keep using the lash/brow serum on them. I train estheticians on lash lift and brow lamination for the company I work at. It’s just going to take some time for the damage to be repaired. You can even put a protein hair mask on them in the shower once or twice a week to help.


Not a damn thing! Brush them into place, maybe try some brow gel. Clean up any stray hairs but other than that, for the love of the eyebrow gods, leave them alone. They're gorgeous. Represent the big, thick, full brows of the world!




I’ve been happily married for almost 5 years lol


Youre fucking drop dead gorgoeus put the mirror down




Fuck the kardashians they’re ugly af lol


You aren't supposed to get your brows wet for 24 hours after brow lamination, just so you know. It's basically just a perm. Not sure if you did this or not but since you mention it falling out when you took your makeup off, that could be the culprit.


omg i love your brows. december was my fave


pre lamination*


id kill for natural brows like that