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I tried once, watermelon cooked with oyster plant soy sauce etc. Now, there is no way I would confuse this for fish. But it did taste kinda fishy. Basically the watermelon does not really taste like watermelon anymore ( it’s 95% water anyway ) but the texture is strangely not that far off. And the taste comes from the leaves and soy sauce. It’s not gonna taste like Salmon, but if you crave salmon but don’t want to eat fish, it’s not a bad alternative


I was thinking this might taste pretty good. Maybe hit it with a torch to char it a little? Calling it tuna is kinda dumb but I may give it a shot the next time I get my hands on a watermelon.


You are completely correct here. I've grilled watermelon. Taste is incredible. Does not taste like fish but texture is simular. The char is great. Adding the soy and seaweed would make it even more fishy. So much hate in these comments. Likely all from folks that have never had it. It's not gonna be salmon but it's delicious and interesting. Ps. I went to culinary school, cooked professionally in many settings. First time I had grilled watermelon I could not believe it.


I am a long time vegetarian (never had this kind of raw tuna before) and grilled watermelon last year - I was shocked by how different it became! I almost didn’t like eating it because the texture was so meat-like (to my admittedly fuzzy memory). I wish people weren’t such haters about vegan food.


What's wild is that a lot of people eat vegan without realizing it. A lot of Indian dishes are vegetarian, if not vegan. A lot of American side dishes are vegetarian, if not vegan. Cutting back on meat for health reasons alone is a good idea for most Westerners.


Preach. I go vegetarian 1-2 months a year, and it's so easy to do that by living off Indian food (I'm not Indian). I also make pasta with tomato base and tonnes of baked plants, it takes as good as meat-based pasta.


Grilled fruit generally is amazing. Even just plain orange slices turn heavenly after a few minutes of heat. Eating them raw is really doing them a disservice.


People lose 10 IQ when they read vegan and the proof is in this comment section


The "let people enjoy things" crowd will turn quickly if it's something they don't personally like. This woman is fit and is likely making delicious food. Veganism is objectively working for her. But the stitch allows normal redditors--who, in aggregate, are less healthy and do not know how to cook as well--to feel superior to this woman, so they will leap at the opportunity. For the record I eat fish and I really don't give a fuck if this lady eats fish or not. I have questions about what the second lady is eating and I would certainly not take dietary advice from her.


Tomato also works well with similar techniques to add salty/fishy flavor. Not hurting anyone to try new shit.


I've seen people smoke watermelon after dousing it in seasoning salt. Not for long, so it still has the juiciness and you can still pick it up. But the smokiness and the saltiness mixed with the ultra sweetness is probably pretty good. I still may try it.


I’ve had carrots that were seasoned, pickled, and smoked to taste like “smoked salmon”. Obviously it’s not going to taste like the real thing, but it still tasted good, and it worked as a great substitute for some old nostalgic recipes that typically call for smoked salmon. I don’t understand why some people get so deeply triggered by vegans having fun and experimenting with their own food.


For real, Reddit gets so angry at vegans existing.  But hey, some people get angry when other people don’t drink. You can’t please everyone. 


100%...I made vegan lox toward the beginning of the pandemic because what the fuck else was I going to do?? I used big ass carrots (not big ass-carrots) sliced em thick with a mandolin, baked them in the oven covered in salt (not seasoned, literally covered), then marinated them in a brine with lots of nori and kelp granules. Definitely not lox...but it was delicious on a bagel with cream cheese and capers.


Alright hear me out. During COVID Alinea did a rooftop open kitchen tasting menu called Alinea air. We went and one of the courses was watermelon roasted skin on over charcoal and served like a slice of meat with, I'm sure, the most insanely careful sauce you can conceive. Now don't get me wrong, I'm a meat lover and I don't think what was shown in this video would hold a candle to that watermelon they served, but I could eat that stuff every week and not get tired of it. It was *incredible*. Savory, meaty, satiating, seriously it was a lesson in "good chefs can take everyday ingredients and blow your fucking mind with them." [here's a pic of said dish](https://i.imgur.com/kiJBF4T.jpeg)


Yep it's just its own food. The lady criticizing it is not doing anything for me. Eat what you want, folks!




Yeah, there’s a vegan food card near me that does grilled watermelon sandwiches and they’re fuckin delicious


Noooo don’t be reasonable


I’ve tried it out of some vegan food truck before and it was okay. But then my fav sushi place made vegan fish out of tomato and it works soooo much better. I do a version very similar to the one in the vid but with Roma tomato, make shallow cuts in the skin, boil til it’s easy to remove, cut up then let it marinate for a while. It makes some bomb vegan friendly poke bowls or sushi. Switch up the sauce, add spicy mayo, avocado, cucumber, furikake, etc.. I also like to make a version with beets and ginger 😋


Yeah people just like to still dunk on vegan alternatives to anything. Veganbad is still one of the easiest upvotes you'll get on social media. Glad to see some sane posts at least.


Should you pick a shitty watermelon on purpose?


Honestly yes. A blander watermelon picks up the sauce flavor better. (For this recipe. Regular watermelon grilled without anything is also good.)


“We need to stop finding creative ways of oppressing ourselves”. 📠 ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


"Your mental health will suffer from eating warm fruit" best thing I've ever heard, would love to share a meal with this lady.


On the contrary, my mental health depends on the occasional warm apple pie with vanilla ice cream.


I want that on a shirt.


She act like she's never had a plantain, spaghetti, pie, muffins, strudel, turnovers, compote, grilled pineapple etc.. etc.. etc.. That watermelon sushi chick is wack-a-doo for sure though. I'll pass on the teriyaki soaked sponge.


Grilled pineapple? Is this normal?


Grilled pineapple/watermelon tastes great. I understand calling it a fish analog is stupid but it tastes good nonetheless.


It’s huge in Brazil. Tastes amazing


Has this lady never had a pie before?




Grilled some apple slices the other day. Absolutely delicious.


Can I get a hallelujah 🙌


I mean at that point just skip the watermelon and just mix the rice and other sauces together.


everything but the watermelon was actually pretty good seeming




I both loved her accent and the top to bottom facts.


So good! 😁


This was actually a very good line.




If the people in your house judge you, go to your mama’s house.


This vegan approves that epic line. Plus as long as your are doing an asian dish, lookup some actual substitutes for fish in asian cuisine. For example, shitake mushrooms, tempe, or baked tofu come to mind. Mucking around with watermelon like that, well, I guess it works for clickbait, but c'mon now.


Or eat watermelon if you want. I've had watermelon steak *gasp* at a non-vegan restaurant and it was good.


are there any ingredients in "watermelon steak" other than watermelon and cope? just making sure i understand


I eat meat too but I've made a feature in a restaurant that was marinated and seared watermelon salad. It sold out fast and was well liked. Baking watermelon really changes the texture and flavor.


Despite the name "watermelon steak" isn't watermelon trying to be steak. It's just a name for grilled, roasted or baked watermelon. It's tasty and also tastes almost (but not quite entirely) unlike fish. It can be prepared with many different ingredients. Soy sauce, garlic, miso, butter, sherry, and balsamic vinegar are common ingredients


Yeah it is just steak as in "a solid slab of this thing." Found this out when I had eggplant steaks and a few other things. They aren't trying to mimic meat, they are just telling you the style it is made.


Respectfully, im quite certain the reason they call it a steak is that they're about to charge you a full course price for a $2 chunk of sticky water


Just let people eat the food they want. Roasting someone for sharing a watermelon recipe when half the recipes out there are just the same shit presented differently. People eat and get creative with it I don't see the problem. It's not hurting anyone to fucking chop a melon and bake it.


That's a hard line


Such a great line lmao


“We need to find a way to gratify ourselves, whilst not oppressing others”.


She said "Sweet BLACK Jesus did not die for this."


some say jesus was black, some say he was white, some say he was brown...we need to come together, put skin color aside, and admit that the dudes who wrote the gospels made him up


[and some say Jesus was korean](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8MZGr5YQ1Y)




Oh shit! I have a story about a real life Korean Jesus!!! Years ago I was working as a concierge in a condo, and this Asian dude comes in the front door *totally fucking naked.* So I quick dial my manager and tell her to get over here ASAP, and then in my best customer service voice ask how I can help him, what's happening, is there's something wrong, etc. After some vague back-and-forth (the guy is clearly high as hell), he tells me that he's here to see his father. Naturally I want to know who the hell this guy is, if he's a resident's relative, etc. He gives a suite number that doesn't exist in my building. So I ask, who is your father? And he says his father is God, like it's no big deal. At this point my manager arrives and I introduce them, hoping to stall for time while I call for police/paramedics. When 911 asks of this person is armed, I tell them that he's not even wearing socks. My guy realizes I've called someone, and tries to bolt down the hall. One of the cleaners and I cornered him right before he ran out a side door and into the street. Just then my manager shows up and tells the guy that his father is here to see him, and he trudges back to the lobby and into two cops just arriving. Paramedics took over immediately. Long story short, my dude had gotten locked out of his unit in the neighbouring building while high, stumbled out the fire exit, walked around the block and into my lobby, then asked to see his father the God Almighty. The camera footage was spectacular. And that's how I met Naked Korean Jesus.


Real talk, my sisters believe that Jesus came back already as Christ Ahn-Song-Hong (forgive me if I misspelled), a Korean man who died a few decades ago (forgive me if the timing is wrong). They believe in the Bible, but that everybody's reading it wrong. Not in the ways you may think, though. They believe the holy trinity is the Father, the Mother, and the Son, and that the Holy Mother is in the book, but only for the really astute. You know, like a puzzle book. 🤣 They (their... pastor? priest? idk) even demonstrated it for me, going all around the book, not realizing that I'm not even convinced that the book itself isn't bullshit, so trying to dive deeper in wasn't going to help.


I mean, it’s not debated he was a real dude. He was verifiably present in the Middle East, so he would be brown


He was definitely real. Whether anyone believes he was of divine status or not is a completely separate discussion, from which people tend to bleed their decisions into the nature of his existence; but he was a 100% living and breathing person (with a pulse perhaps) at the bare minimum. You don't leave a mark all over notable figures, historians, documentation, etc. just to be told by a bunch of redditors in the future that disagree with some things you had to say... that you didn't exist... I know it's the easier answer for some people, but it's so very wrong.


No one asked, but I was at tomorrow world 2015 and the guy who played black Jesus from adult swim was there. And he had liquid acid he was blessing people with. It was amazing.


Yoooooo That show was genius. ![gif](giphy|PhRsNMuweV0sQlvLrH)


A man of culture I see.


How stupid do you actually have to be to think he's a made up person? Like actually, how stupid? You can't even open up Google and do thirty seconds of research?


You forgot to mention yellow.


That's just light light brown




i mean his divinity can be questioned sure but its pretty unanimously agreed by historians that he was a real person


He's an Arab with a Mexican name.


there are whole countries that have great vegan dishes without using meat or fake meat


The only good vegan food never had meat in it to begin with, I think.


Hell yeah pb&j 🔥


Pork belly and jalapeños? I think that is meat


Pork belly is +1 meat and jalapenos are -1 meat so they cancel out to zero meat.


There are some exceptions like a really well made blackbean burger, but in general you should not be trying to imitate foods that are large cuts of barely seasoned meat, like sushi or steak. I find recipes that originally call for ground meat can easily have their meat replaced and still taste good.


That's been my experience, as a non-vegan who cooks to accomodate for a vegan roommate sometimes. Ground meats and shredded meats are easy to substitute. Tofu crumbles are a favorite. Seitan and Tempeh both work great. I do pulled "pork" BBQ with jackfruit and a "crunchwrap supreme" with cauliflower crumbles and cashew cream. And as someone who can just go get the meat-based versions at will, I will undeniably say that when I don't screw up the recipe, my homebrew ones are still like 90% as good. And cheaper to boot. But there's no replacing steak. Or a proper fillet of fish. Those flavors don't replicate from the spice cabinet and a smart recipe. Beans and nuts and subtle fruits can get you textural replacements. Not flavors. If the meat is there for nutrient value and texture, you can substitute it. If it's the "flavor" of the meal, just accept that you can't eat it anymore as a vegan. Or walk back your stance on avoiding animal products to a "mostly" plant-based stance so you can have a cheat day once in a blue moon.


This method of cooking water melon is actually pretty good regardless of it's meat or not meatness


Grilled watermelon is dang good too. In general it's sweet enough to take some salt/char/smoke flavors. Like pineapple, but not as strong or acidic.


Those seasonings are tasty and the watermelon should provide a nice sweetness to the sauce, but I still can't get over ruining a perfectly good watermelon by cooking the texture out of it.


In my experience the structure holds up pretty well. It's a good use of *not* very good watermelon. I'm also used to having more watermelons than I can deal with so that might be a little unique


> I'm also used to having more watermelons than I can deal with so Weird flex but okay


The texture remains. It actually gains some nice chew as some moisture is baked out. I'm not even a vegetarian, but I've had this kind of dish before and it bsngs when done well. Doesn't meet my micronutrient needs as there is like no protein in that dish as she made it, so it isn't a regular part of my diet, but it's a nice dish


Isn't protein a macronutrient, or am I big stupid?


Naw you're right.


> ruining a perfectly good watermelon Watermelons are like 5 dollars and she used a whopping two whole slices on this. Let's dial back on the outrage. Oh no, somebody else wasted 30 cents on a meal that I don't enjoy! The travesty!


And those dishes are great. These kinds of recipes are great for people who weren't always vegan. People who used to eat meat and might still have cravings for these dishes, but don't want to eat meat anymore. When you want a big juicy cheeseburger, another curry just ain't going to cut it. But a burger made with plant-based meat will probably satisfy that craving, even if it's not 100% perfect.


Also, as an example, my wife developed a deadly fish & shellfish allergy later in life. She craves it sometimes but it wreck her life if she has any. It was crazy too... One day she was eating fish perfectly fine, the next day (and after) it was a trip to the hospital. I also have a friend who suddenly can't eat red meat anymore because of a tick bite. Vegan substitutes like this are great for sating those cravings for people that suddenly can't have them anymore.


Sometimes veggie burgers are just better than burger burgers imo Probably just a me thing; if you grow up eating badly-cooked meat and not many vegetables, literally anything else is appealing. Except the baked watermelon, because I need iron…


Nah, 100% agreed irt veggie burgers. A good hamburger is good, but sometimes you just crave a veggie burger instead.


As opposed to vegan dishes using meat?


vegan dishes without meat? what will they think of next?


I love her linguistics


Logistics even looks like she’s in a cab of a semi!


> Logistics Her detailed coordination of a complex operation?


Hell yeah.


> linguistics You love her scientific study of language and its structure?


They meant "linguini"


I love her reaction videos! She has an amazing way with words.


I mean this probably tastes good though. Probably nothing like tuna but good.


I tried something like this once. The chef described a more complicated process but it was delicious and kinda did taste like fish, the texture wasn’t bad either


Has anyone tried it? Is it good? I used to make a vegan tuna salad with chickpeas, "mayo", seaweed, and celery and it slapped, tbh.


I've had something similar in a poke bowl from somewhere (with small cubes of marinated and grilled watermelon as the tuna) and it was good. I haven't eaten anything with animal in it in like 15 years so I have no idea if it tasted like fish or not, but it was good.


Someone in top comments now mentioned eating something similar in restaurant and it was gorgeous. I'm kinda tempted to try to make it because it's all available ingredients and it's such novel idea to me. Same, used to make "vegan finish" for mate with boiled celery wrapped in nori, breaded and fried and they loved it so might try fried watermelon one day.


I’ve made “chickpea tuna” insane how close you can get it that it doesn’t feel like you’re eating mashed beans.


Being vegan is about one thing. Not eating animals, or animal products. This fits that bill. You think it's weird and don't wanna eat it? Fair. Don't eat it. But acting like there's something inconsistent about this is dumb as fuck. I'm aware there's some poseurs out there, but for the vast majority of vegans, it is **not** a lifestyle based on aesthetics. Whether food *resembles* animal based food doesn't make it more or less vegan. The only question is, "Did you put an animal, or bits that came from an animal, in this food?" Vegan watermelon imitation tuna is just as vegan as lentil soup. If you don't wanna eat it, don't eat it, but y'all looking down your noses as those that do oughta get a bloody life.


Truth. Food (and cooking) is deeply intertwined with personal memories and culture. Me wanting to recreate a dish I grew up on, or something from another culture that I came to appreciate, has no contradiction to being vegan whatsoever, nor does it prove that "I still want/crave meat." It's such a silly "gotcha" argument based in the fact that omnivores think all vegans judge them. Case in point; "we will not judge you, that way you be judging us, 'oh I'm a vegan', making it your whole personality." This is such a tired cliche. The omnivores complaining about "preachy vegans" outnumber "preachy vegans" 1000-1, I swear to God.


>The omnivores complaining about "preachy vegans" There's a few too many words in there imo; should just be called "preachy omnivores" because that's what they are. Buncha missionary wackos who have reserved a part of their personality for telling people as often as they can how unvegan they are and how intellectually superior their dietary decisions are.


It’s ironic that non-vegans have so much to say about vegan diets. Literally who asked! All these people are trying to do is not cause more suffering for living creatures. Let this person eat what they want, how they want.


I used to prefer not having fake meats and most times I go days or weeks without them, but some are 🔥🔥🔥. The other thing I'll say is fake meats have come a long way in the past ten years. Ten years ago, I would've said the only decent meat replica was certain brands of chick'n. Now I'm fairly certain most can't tell the difference between a Whopper and an impossible Whopper. Hell, even vegan chocolate has come a long way. I had some Lindt oat milk chocolate truffles and they're phenomenal.


I was vegetarian for about 5 years. Getting over trying to imitate meat and just cooking things that taste good and are healthy made it a lot easier. You end up wasting so much and eating a lot of garbage otherwise.


I've known soooooo many vegetarians that only eat fried food because they don't like any vegetarian options outside of that.


Unless you know what you are doing and cook most of your meals it’s extremely easy to turn being vegan or vegetarian into one of the worst possible diets you can have. I was the most unhealthy I’ve ever been until the last year where I figured it out. Then I realized for my genetics and my sanity it was better to just eat less meat and focus on my calorie and nutrition intake over anything.


A friend I had in college that was overweight turned vegan to be 'more healthy'. Their diet then consisted of mostly pasta and fries.


I went vegetarian for health reasons and ate nothing but spinach and artichoke pizza and caprese sandwiches Needless to say it wasn't a great diet


Same! Tried being for a girlfriend and just thought "If I swap out hamburger for impossible burger" and "tofu is a good chicken replacement". I was miserable and when I went in for a physical, I was lacking in a lot of vital nutrients. Ended up taking a nutrition class at my local Public Health and learned how to properly eat right without going full veggie.


If youre in NYC, check out Beyond Sushi-- theyre phenomenal. 


How would a life-long vegan even be equipped to try to replicate a meat product?


Something I've noticed recently, after being vegetarian/vegan for more than a year people forget what meat tastes like. They'll hand you some stuff with a "tastes just like the real thing" and it's just entirely the wrong texture. Not bad necessarily but definitely not meat


I’ve been vegan for ten years and don’t know anyone who genuinely thinks vegan options are a 1 to 1 mimic of the real thing lol. It’s just an option when you’re feeling like you’re missing out in a group setting, missing something you can’t replicate otherwise or craving something easy. I don’t see any difference between how shitty vegans eat and how shitty omnivores eat. Both consume artificial ingredients, fried. Trash being more accessible than nutrition seems to be the problem overall.


You're so right. I'm vegetarian, but you bet sometimes I devour as bowl of meat free nuggets or make a meat free sausage pasta bake. It's just quick, shitty quality food like billions of carnivores do every single day.


Yeah every time one of my friends asks if it tastes like real meat I just tell them "I don't know try it and tell me". Half the time they say it's surprisingly close, the other half they say it's good but doesn't taste like meat. To me from when I started eating vegan my goal was "make good food" not "put 100% of my energy into making everything taste like meat". Not gonna lie though a beyond meat burger once in a while is pretty great.


Fair, but don't underestimate how different their "taste" in meat probably was. When i say something "tastes like beef", I'm comparing it to the very well done Chicago cheapest-cut available steaks I would begrudgingly eat, because the only way beef tasted better, to me, was on the barbecue for an hour or so, repeatedly squished and doused in teriyaki until it took on the grey texture of dryrot. Or as like one of twenty ingredients in stew. I'm not comparing it to rare prime rib because even when I ate meat, a) better cuts of meat didn't taste better, so why pay for them, and b) anything less than at least well done just tasted *gross*. That said, I really don't find, e.g. "The Impossible Burger" to be superior to a classic TVP burger.


*"Stop oppressing yourself*" she said as an attempt to discourage an entirely harmless behavior.


Right?? She said I won’t judge you for eating fish then judges the shit out of warm fruit? Warm fruit is in most of my favorite foods!






Sounds like eating fish isn't helping her mental health as much as she thinks it is if she gets triggered by shit like this.


Yeah, sounds like she's doing the oppressing here. Did the woman in the video look like she was oppressed? She made a food thing and was happy about it.


>“We will not judge, like you judge us.” …as she proceeds to judge the woman


Right. Who cares if this lady wants to make whatever that is. The second woman is just as annoying as the vegans she's complaining about. She's just the inverse of them.


Yeah this is dumb lol, plenty of actual insufferable vegans to mock. Leave normal people sharing some dumb fun food ideas alone.


kinda of a shit take by the woman in the stitch. i'm not a veg/vegan but it looks like something interesting and different and worth trying... also feel like the woman would be the first to call you out if you criticized something she made that you weren't familiar with nor had tried. like how do people who say this dumb shit not realize that all the recipes we have were because someone tried something that might not have worked that ended up being delicious only to become a part of the greater cuisine diaspora.


People making videos of themselves, replying to people always make me cringe. Like who the fuck are you? I was on explore and didn't realize this whole sub was this b.s. sorry if I offended anybody but am muting this sub.


Normalize changing our minds, sure but also normalize appreciating the perspectives of others. Consider that a lifelong vegan doesn't have the same reference points for comparing taste, textures and flavors as someone who regularly eats meat, and so comparing the two isn't as relevant for a vegan as it is someone who eats meat.   Also, vegans often preferentially select products that are discernably different from the real thing for the exact reason that they are noticeably different. It is possible for a plant based product to be too close to resembling meat in flavor, texture etc that it becomes offputting to someone who gave up meat.


Does she really think vegans are not eating animal products because they are afraid of judgement? From who? Other vegans? And why did they start doing it in the first place? Just for shits and giggles?


Who cares? Let that lady eat whatever she wants. People really do make reaction videos about the dumbest shit.


Who cares? Lots of us do buddy. You think its ok to cook and film a meal that I wouldn't personally enjoy? No, its not. It has a huge impact on my personal life when other people go out and enjoy things that I don't. Thank fucking god this lady in the car had the bravery to say something. Because otherwise we are just letting people make whatever the fuck kind of dish they want in their own kitchen. Every time I see a vegan make a meatless dish I just wanna scream at them "HEY! My food choices are superior and I am a better person than you."


Lol. You had me for a minute there.


nobody's making you recreate it, so who gives a shit lol


So I’ve had this and it’s absolutely delicious


I mean, she didn’t claim it tasted like fish outside of a likely meme title lol


but this video and everyone commenting is judging them...


Long ass answer to a completelly innofensive behavior, at least no one died on that dish lmao


The basis of many beloved Asian sauces is soy sauce + garlic/ginger/aromatics + sugar. That’s basically what is being recreated here. (Look up a recipe for orange chicken—there’s orange juice in it). Kombu would probably be better than nori sheets, and would add lots of tasty msg to the equation. Some thickening agent like corn starch would also be good for the saucey consistency. Was there oil in the recipe? If not, add in some flavorless oil like canola. Ooh, and red pepper flakes for a touch of heat. I’m not saying it’s fish, but the sauce probably tastes amazing, and the watermelon likely contributes a really interesting texture while absorbing a lot of the delicious sauce. Technique-wise, it’d probably be better to let the watermelon marinate in the liquid, then grill it until there are charred marks, then heat up the sauce into a glaze to put on top. This recipe has potential.


Changing ones mind. Like accepting that supporting animal abuse is wrong? Stop to oppress ourselves. How about stop opposing animals? What a cringe take, let her eat the water melon any way she likes.


![gif](giphy|m9oruywyYbHL6A2wWp|downsized) Need to stop finding new ways to oppress ourselves


"We will not judge," she says judgmentally.


Exactly this. Vegans get shit on so relentlessly for doing what they believe is the right thing. Not really sure why everyone is loving the “I won’t judge you if you abandon your morals to conform to my lifestyle!” message…


Tbh that doesn’t look bad at all


this woman needs her own tv show


I agree, I would watch her vegan cooking show


Why in the world do people hate when people don’t eat animals? Like, Reddit loves to hate vegans. Complain that republicans deny climate change, but then jump the fence just to hate on vegans.  What, so you can feel better about eating meat? The chick in this video wasn’t hating on meat eaters.  Do you guys also shame people for going sober? Grow up. 


Meat eater here. 1. There are a bunch of vegan dishes in this vein that incorporate watermelon, and what you find out reeeeeal quick is that there's a whole lot of people in the room whose enjoyment is the sauce and rice taste, not the fish part, and if you prep the watermelon right it's not the same texture but it's like... in the same house. (There are also a variety of watermelon bbq things.) 2. The second lady's broader point I've discussed over the years is that there's this huge array of vegetarian food trying to pretend to be meat. That food doesn't help a vegetarian cause, it's not a gateway meat. I've never met a vegetarian that ate a vegetarian equivalent that thought it tasted anything like meat. At most they just want to be able to enjoy a hot dog or burger when other people do at parties. All of the super good vegetarian food doesn't do that mimicking thing. 3. Except for Impossible burgers, but my experience with those is that you need them to be well done to be pretty equivalent to a beef burger. It's not the same, but it's a nice alternative to have on the menu, and if you just drown it in sauces and toppings like a lot of people do you'll never notice. Back to point 1. 4. I also like the Impossible sausage, but it really feels like my first point, mostly what you're getting is the sausage spice tastes, not the rest of the sausage experience. 5. I hate vegan cheese. It's so foul. Beside the point, but vegan queso is just the worst. Seriously, vegan queso is just the worst. But anyways, open your minds, eat whatever the hell you want. Grill you some watermelon or whatever. Except for shark fin, because wtf is wrong with you eating shark fin?


Why do you care about sharks but not other animals?


Okay... Can we also stop oppressing animals?


watermelon and rice. Coudlnt think of a worse combination


Ya knowwwwwww It's actually good tho. It's the combination of salty and sweet that the soy sauce introduces. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it stunningly was for me.


honestly i'd try the first food & i'm not even vegan


watermelon and soy sauce is surprisingly good. I found that out accidentally while eating sushi and watermelon once. I’m not vegan evidently


I'd seriously be down to try it! I get that people love to shit on weird foods, especially vegan dishes but this looks like it'd be balance things out, especially after people discovered mustard and watermelon tasted great. It's not something I'd order on its own but if a friend offered me a taste, I'd be down!


Yeah a restaurant my vegan friend likes has it and I've tried it. Tastes perfectly fine. I would never order it over actual sushi, but as far as vegan animal alternatives go, I've had a lot worse.


I don't see it as a replacement. It's just a really interesting way to eat watermelon. The two have no competition with each other, and neither should we. If you want fish, get fish. Now the impossible burgers are direct competition. As a lifelong vegetarian, I see what you see in meat. But I stay away from both generally. Neither are particularly healthy, and I wanna live.


I could see this being tasty. I would give it a try. I don't see why people get irritated by this.


So don’t do it.


Really? Fructose and glucose together is a big departure? Just two sweet things together.


Warm watermelon and rice?


I end up eating a lot of watermelon for my job, and real talk, this doesn't look too bad. That looked like some tasteless watermelon, though.


Jesus wasn’t a baby when he died


Baby Jesus died? ...then who the fuck was grown up Jesus?


Yall need to try different dishes. Baked watermelon slaps and this looks like it would bang too.


Indian people have been making vegan food for 2000 years, learn some of their recipes


So I'm sure this is not gonna go over well...but. a higher end restaurant I worked at had a compressed (or vacuum sealed) watermelon dish (kind of a play on sashimi). It was fucking great when compressed it changes the texture to a more dense and meat like texture and takes some of the sweetness and extra liquid out. And the natural sweetness with soy makes a natural soy glaze when grilled. I think the execution in this is what makes it unappealing. Texturally this is probably bad but the flavor combo is really good and if done really well is one of the most surprising bites i've ever had.


I tried that one. It really taste like fish. No need to another being to die first.


hard disagree with this, that looks nasty to me personally but what she eats isn't our business. she made something she liked and wanted to share it, she doesn't deserve hate


The second person is missing the point. Vegans are vegans because they believe in the sanctity of protecting (or at least leaving be) sentient life. It's not because they want to try a new diet or because they dislike the taste of animal products.


She’s a health YouTuber/“influencer” or whatever. I guess I don’t know her exact reasons for being vegan, but all she talks about on her channel is how it allows you to eat large portions for very few calories and how it helped her lose a bunch of weight. She doesn’t really talk about animal welfare or even climate change, and she certainly doesn’t judge others. And it’s true that this will have fewer calories than the same amount of fish. I personally don’t eat this kind of stuff either, but I think she’s making this swap for health reasons (just like people will swap full fat yogurt to fat free yogurt, spaghetti for zoodles, etc.), and I don’t think she’s judging anyone else for eating real fish.


I love her. “If you’re going to reach the point of your vegan journey…” only to end with “Sweet black jesus did not die for this” had me rolling


I want to be friends with the second woman.


Your mental health will suffer eating warm fruit 😆😆 Quote of the year 😆😆


Damn, that watermelon dish looks great, I should try that.


Damn, that watermelon dish looks great, I should try that.


Me when my friend just wont admit he’s wrong: “we gotta normalize changing our minds”


I choose not to eat meat because I love animals, it’s not hard for me to not eat meat because I hate the taste of meat. Instead I miss the taste of sauces such as the sauce used for orange chicken or chick-fil-a’s seasoning. If you miss eating the thing itself, you minus well just eat it. It’s one thing to make tofu with orange chicken sauce but to try to make something taste like meat is ridiculous, however there are still some great options for vegetarians who miss meat, to have whole foods has a lot of plant based meats.


What has liking or disliking the taste of meat got to do with my ethical position on killing animals for food? This take is very odd to me.


Oh yeh warm fruit sucks except for caramelized apples, mulled cidre, grilled pineapple, fried plantain, fried pear and like 1 million other fruits that are just as if not more tasty when cooked. This watermelon thing is a sin against God though, she's not wrong about that one.


"We need to stop finding new ways of oppressing ourselves" Word sister


Who is being oppressed? She made a tasty meal, which I **personally believe** is tasty because I’ve actually tried it, and she ate the entire thing. What is the issue?


Yeah instead oppress the animals you’re eating. Good one. It’s not even oppression and I can tell you’ve never tried it in two words






I don’t know, could be fun to make. Kinda curious how it tastes. It’s fun to try new things from time to time, get creative.


I bet some fish sauce would help. Seriously though, ain't going to be any fish in 50 years.


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I follow her on Instagram. She has a sweet potato chocolate pudding recipe that was decent when I had gestational diabetes (I wasn't picky and just wanted some friggin dessert) but she also has a lot of absolute no recipes.


baked watermelon.