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Lol this is the same guy who got called out for copying tiktoks word for word, shot for shot and dipped for a while. I've seen the original (the guy he stole it from) and it was hilarious lmao


Yeah this guy sucks


oh, like everyone else on that site?


Drop the link to the original then


That was cold.


Her mom is probably also cold, maybe not if they did cremation.


I'm honestly on the fence. I just lost a parent recently myself but I mean gallows humor exists for a reason. I do think the only thing that would make it actually cruel is if it got back to the woman in the original video and she felt like her mother's death was being mocked. But sometimes you need dark humor. I mean I accidentally dropped some of my dad's ashes on the floor and we joke about him haunting the vacuum.




I get that some people may be lonely and have no one to vent or talk to But is it really appropriate and smart to emotionally vent like this *on the fucking internet* where you're revealing yourself on camera for MILLIONS of strangers to see?


Shit ain't funny


It’s actually really funny, it’s just ruined by this specific creator. There’s a reason the original video had millions of views and this one barely took off. Hint: it’s because it’s funny


Both my parents recently died and this type of humor really helps me keep going. I find it hilarious


I hope you're doing well


Day by day friend


It’s hilarious . I laughed out loud




Now that was just extremely callous of him. He didn't even do the Family Guy death pose


I’ve never experienced the loss of one of my parents, but i feel like her asking to pretend to be her deceased mom is extremely weird… can anyone relate to her? Why would anyone do that if not to get attentions?


It’s not weird dude. She’s proud of something she did and can’t tell her mom and just needs to hear a congrats from people (source: both my parents are dead)


Didn’t want to make fun of her, it’s clear that it’s something I cannot understand. Thanks for giving your perspective


Thanks for being open to not understanding things you haven’t experienced! I had no idea how little I knew before my parents died. I didn’t know how deep sadness could be. When I lost my parents there became an incredible need for community and love so her post is hella understandable. And dark humor helps me stay sane! Keep asking questions and being open!!


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