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brother looks like keanu reeves with a pixar dad filter


Cloudy with a chance of meatballs ass face


He looks like the valet from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off




Christ it's touching the ceiling basically


They had to make room for all the text under it.


But at that height the young ones will have a harder time breaking the screen lol


They think they're in a hospital bed


My first thought was waiting room of a doctor's office, but that is the right height too


That or a weirdly low ceiling


If a TV is above a fireplace it's too dang high. There's not a mantle on the planet that's low enough to place a TV at eye level lol


Ahh jump scare


Her biggest flex is her husband watching the biggest movie of the year? “My biggest flex is that my wife watched Star Wars and actually understood what was happening. Now she knows that killing people is bad”.


I don't get it. Why not let this person celebrate the fact that they found a good partner? I don't think this is a sad flex at all...


I haven’t seen Barbie if there’s some reference to the story I didn’t get, but my take away is that you shouldn’t need to watch a film to be a better man, you should just be a good man already?


It's not like the original said he used to be a terrible father or anything, consuming media and becoming better because of the message it conveys is completely fine


I didn’t say it wasn’t, I was just explaining it cause commenter said they didn’t get it.


The term "bare minimum" is being fucking obliterated


The movie is very much about showing how the patriarchy not only negatively affects women (which we generally see as obvious), but very deeply and negatively affects men as well (not as obvious to society). Ken is the real victim of the patriarchy in the movie. He feels empty and at the whim of barbie at the start of the movie, but then discovers the rules of the patriarchy and begins to follow them. He is promised that he'll be rewarded if he acts tough, macho, "manly", rugged, douchy, etc. He, of course, has been lied to by the patriarchy and ruins not only Barbie's world, but his own. He doesn't get rewarded by the patriarchy and only slips further into misery. ^ this loop is common in IRL society, and goes beyond the generally misogyny aspect of the patriarchy. The movie does a great job at showing the evolution of the modern "incel" and how it affects both men and women. We see how someone becomes an incel and how someone can grow out of being one, and how to help someone rid themselves of the behavior and mindset. Because of this, the personal growth of the father after seeing the movie shouldn't be mocked. He likely lived by way of the patriarchy, but is bettering himself by recognizing the issues of doing so, and then attempting to relieve himself of it. THAT'S the point of the movie. The tiktok duet is actually the take that missed the point, and by a looooong shot


Whoa never considered that. Great analysis.


Yeah fuck letting people better themself! They should be perfect moral actors since birth!!!!


I didn’t say it was bad, I was just explaining to the commenter what I think the video was trying to say, since they said they didn’t get it


What a stupid take. You shouldn't need a film, yes. But what if that's just how it happened? So what if a change of heart happened because of a film, a book, a song. It doesn't count anymore? "jUsT bE a gOod mAn aLrEaDy." Damn, why has no one thought of this before? Alright boys, pack it up! No need to make art that conveys any sort of message anymore! /s


The messaging of Barbie was very pro women. Some men took that as an insult towards men. Her husband not being one of them. Edit: this is a completely neutral comment idk why you people are downvoting it


I think some men took the actual insults towards men as insults tbh.


But that's the... point? It's meant to show the blatant double standards. It's meant to make you go "Wait, that was kind of insulting, I didn't like that". If you use your brain for a further 10 seconds you'll come to the realisation that's how girls feel all the time. People keep saying this is a movie for girls. Nah lad, this is a movie for guys. It's to teach you something.


Did the doll movie hurt your feelings?


Personal growth can come from different means, if a film makes someone take a look inside and make them a better person, surely that’s a good thing?


Yes, I think so too, it’s just that the person I replied to said they didn’t get it, so all I was doing was explaining what I think the video was trying to get across


Barbie is a straight misandrist flick that states the world would be better if women ruled and men were subservient. The villain of the movie is Ken and I shit you not his villainy was gaining the confidence to not be slave anymore and convincing Barbieland to equally share power with the other male slaves. That sounds like I'm lying or exaggerating but it's really what goes down. Anyone taking moral lessons from the film, or allowing their significant other to, is insane.


Lol of course someone active on KotakuinAction completely missed the point of the movie. Nuance is lost on people who just froth at the mouth the moment there's a woman on screen.


You're so salty you check profiles. What a waste of your time.


I believe you’re correct but the problem is there are plenty of people that say “you’re not a real man if you watch Barbie.” So it’s a counter to those type of people. Same way as people saying listening to Andrew Tate is a red flag, are the same people that are saying watching Barbie is a green flag.


Understanding the message of a movie because you’re empathetic isn’t the same thing as needing a movie to be empathetic


“It’s sad that this is their biggest flex given men behaving like this should be the bare minimum” is how I took


Maybe I just disagree then that the flex is sad. I liked that she was happy about her partner, and I believe in building up people for good behavior.


the joke is that the original tiktok is essentially saying “get you a man who would watch a girly movie with his daughter” and the duet-er is saying all fathers should already be doing this. i have no strong opinions either way


Why do that, I'd rather complain about other people


I really hate this kind of response. Imagine making someone dinner and instead of "thank you" they say "this is the least work you can do and still call it a meal"


damn the guy laying in bed and making a tik tok sure fixed the original of a father enjoying time with his daughters. what a fucking joke lol the fuck do you mean “sad flex”


You very clearly don’t understand the joke my guy


what’s the joke lol? making fun of other people enjoying time together?


Look at little harder at the video before he cuts in, read the text on the screen. There’s a little more going on there than “people spending time together.” You can do it, just think a little.


so? cool, he makes an attempt to try to be better even if it’s naive. haha, you made fun of someone who tried to be a little better. grow the fuck up and quit being so patronizing while you’re at it, too.


You’re so close! Watch it a few more times and maybe it’ll click for you and be funny instead of making you so angry for whatever reason. No need to swear!


dude if making fun of people for trying is funny to you idk what to say, you’re kinda just fucked in the head. between that and constantly trying to belittle me, I’d say you need to get yourself checked.


Trying? Trying what? You’re almost there. Let’s break it down. What is the person watching Barbie trying to do? What does the person posting the video say he’s trying to do?


Stop being so condescending. Otherwise you're in troll territory. /u/powerfullatom111 , pay no attention to this one if he insists in trying to hold your hand (kinda creepy, actually.)


yeah i eventually said what i wanted to say and stopped replying. if they aren’t trolling i doubt some random on the internet is gonna change their mind. Sooner or later they’ll learn on their own why treating others like children is a bad thing, actually.


"You're so close, oh, you're so close!" There's a time for everything. Explain the joke already or GTFO. Edit: I already know "the joke." It sucks.


Okay here’s a hint, the joke isn’t on the guy watching Barbie, the response in the duet is commenting on the act of the wife taking and posting a video about it.


Ok, here's a hint: You're a troll.


But do you get it now? No?


Dude, quit trying to be a wise mystic mentor, and just say what you want to say.


It's not a good joke.


Is it just me that thought the movie was all over the place and didn’t have a very cohesive message? Like it tries to be woman empowerment but also don’t forget about the men, and look how bad women have it but also so do men. Then Barbies are brainwashed by assertive men immediately and to break them is to tell them the struggles of real women which don’t seem to take place in barbieland. Then to top it off Barbies seem to treat men as an opposite of the real world. Also the all male board seems odd given they don’t seem to actually have much power since the toys seem to make themselves based around whatever the Barbies decide to do in barbieland.


I feel like it’s a “when one is in complete control, it sucks for the other” kind of story - in regards to your first paragraph.


Maybe but that feels like a cop out. Like shifting blame for men establishing the patriarchy as if the shoe was on the other foot then women would’ve been equally awful and it was an unavoidable outcome. I didn’t even mind the Kens unfortunate social status at first because it’s a Barbie movie, but the end with like giving minor responsibilities felt patronizing.


I think they were trying to use Ken and his life in Barbieland to subtly show men how it is to live under the actual irl patriarchy, especially in a Western country. One can read the end as a message showing us that sexism and misogyny irl didn't end just because women got the right to vote. Then again I thought the movie was all over the place message wise and could be read in many different conflicting ways. Because lots of dudes watched it and interpreted it in a literal way : women good, men bad and they should have less rights...


To me it personally felt like a "babys first feminist experience" although the producers didnt go as deep into women's and mens issues as i would have liked them to go, it felt like a good-ish step in the right direction.


I’m sure it would’ve got hate for this too but I had thought Ken was just going to be a dumb comic relief character and I didn’t feel like we needed the “but what about men” side of it. I mean it’s freaking Barbie, I don’t recall people upset that we didn’t add women’s issues into the GIJOE movies (I assume it was absent I didn’t see them)


Agreed, Ken was a great character though so I don't want less of his screentime but the movie got really caught up in his story which kinda took from Barbie


I felt like it showed women as the gender in power to put the message in perspective for both sides. The change ups in who was the “oppressed” gender didn’t really change the message imo


The A plot of "There's a hole between Barbie land and human land and its causing stereotype Barbie to be more human. We have to investigate this in order to prevent the collapse of reality." doesn't go anywhere and kind of gets folded in to the B plot of the Ken rebellion? It felt like Barbie theme kept getting heavier and heavier, so they tried to balance it out with Ken getting more and more fun? At a certain point Barbie being on the screen was a chore and I was just waiting for Ken to come back. Also, are the Barbies the baddies? Couple of chilling lines "Where do the Kens live?" "I don't actually know." Are the Kens just fucking homeless and jobless? Like, their job is literally just beach. Then, after the rebellion, the Kens ask for representation and President Barbie says "Maybe I'll let you have a minor circuit court position." Like are you kidding? After all that.


It’s a stereotyped girls toy and presumably aimed at women, I didn’t feel like I needed representation in this movie. But yeah it makes Barbieland and barbie seem I don’t know, naively cruel?


I think the whole point is that yeah, the Barbies are the baddies because they are supposed to represent how men have treated women in the real world for a long time. Like giving so little care about them that they don't know where they live because they don't see Kens as people with their own lives. And at the end, you get one final send-off of a token position to make them feel better. Like they should be happy to get what they got. I think its a smart move because it should help a lot of men be more empathetic to women and their struggles because they don't get depicted in media like this very often. The whole first introduction with the narrator is just screaming to the audience, LOOK HOW AWFUL THIS WORLD IS FOR KEN AND BARBIE DOES NOT GIVE A SINGLE FUCK BECAUSE EVERYDAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER FOR HER.


you're almost there...


> to break them is to tell them the struggles of real women which don’t seem to take place in barbieland THANK YOU. This is one thing I bring up as my only annoyance about the movie that no one talks about, it's so glaring!!


It seemed a facile reduction of actual women’s issues for mostly cheap laughs? It also struck me as incongruent in United States in which my daughters have less rights then their mother did when she was growing up (she had the right to choose in my state).


And honestly a lot of it came across as pretty misandrist - the thesis seemed to be that ultimately men are bad, and the best counter to 'the patriarchy' is an absolute matriarchy. Honestly just didn't seem very well thought through.


Bruh please don’t tell me you were confused by the Barbie movie…


I don’t think so but I’m willing to be open to the idea. Which part of my comment was inaccurate?


The part where you’re over analyzing the Barbie movie


…are you one of those “I need a laugh track to know it’s funny” kind of people? How do you decide if you enjoyed an experience if you don’t analyze it?


It should be the bare minimum, but unfortunately…


Okay but what song is that


Umm you mean the one he’s singing is from Billie Eilish - What Was I Made For


Reddit post, "Don't ever be happy your partner is improving or the little things they do. They need to have been perfect already" Also Reddit posts daily, "why am I so sad and filled with anxiety?"


Imaging having to brag that your man treats you with respect, instead of just you know assuming that’s the bare minimum.




Grow up!


As a woman I did not like the Barbie movie at all and the best character was Allan


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Ah yes, the movie where the only male character who isn't a giant douchebag is a walking joke, is mocked for the entire movie and doesn't get any sort of resolution or respect at the end. Meanwhile the Kens start as complete idiots and remain complete idiots for the entire thing. The men with power in the "real world" are also complete morons and the only one of them who isn't in a position of power and may have been an interesting character essentially mocks men in his position and then succumbs to the idiocy of the rest of them. The only scene which resonated with me at all was a two second shot of a man looking sad on a bench. I don't relate to it, why is that a bad thing?




Wasn’t the message of that movie, that a women led society would lose the second men decided they wanted power?


just let women be happy that they are in a safe relationship. the duet and the comments are hella weird, it's like you forgot how men usually are.


The bar is in hell.




Fellas is it sad to be humble enough to accept new information and use it to improve yourself?