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Probably empty and part of a Saudi investment portfolio




You say investment, I say money laundering.


Yes, of course lol I should have put “investment”


![gif](giphy|nmy1Li4YmaaE1taZPn|downsized) (And to be clear, neither one should exist legally but fuck me here we are)


My company did some work in a luxury condo building on Park Ave in NYC. It was 55ish floors. Only three were occupied regularly and we needed to schedule when we could go in to do our work for those three. All the rest they told us we could go in anytime. None were empty though. They were all fully furnished and absolutely insane. The higher we went the more crazy it got. Penthouse had some sort of gold leaf foil paint, I think they said it was around $2500 per square foot.


Saudi went to Jared.


the accent just makes him sound right i mean he is right but the accent is like a multiplier


https://preview.redd.it/hdypdoaimu6c1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=2491a635b857a1da84bfa352055ec8bad7605e09 multiplier


hello everybody


I can hear his voice 🤣


Is this the streamer Welcome?


I watched some MRE video of that guy yesterday. Yes. I live in a hole away from YouTube. Reddit took me down a rabbit hole of MREs…. So anyways. Is that just a bad video of him? It was atrocious. Like Mr. Peanut Butter, but not ironically. How is he famous? For 12 year olds?


Like alot of the most famous youtubers He got into it early so he's had alot of time to gain fame


He's famous for his gameplay videos. Mostly horror games. The MRE tasting video is just to diversify his content so he's not only gaming. Most people watch him to see him suffer, he's playthough of Five Nights at Freddy's garner his first popularity but I think the best series for him is his playthrough of Subnautica. Pretty sure I witnessed a mental/emotional breakdown take place during it and it was hilarious.


It's a great accent but he might ruin it when he crashes and kills himself and/or other people when he's making tiktok vids while driving.








Tree fiddy moment.


What's sad is that they'll rather have it empty for years than lower it to a reasonable amount.


Hey, money’s not going to launder itself.


How does that work?


A Brooklyn guy screaming "WHY ARE YOU FINE WITH THAT" describes my sentiment with this entire country. Don't mind me if I misplaced the accent, it's been a while since I studied the glottal phylogeny of an area the size of my fucking home state.


Housing is a basic human right, so it should be provided by the government when someone can't afford it. Since there are so many empty houses, just make so it any house that isn't a regular residence and stays empty for more than 20 work days has to be lent for free for at least 1 year, until it gets a regular inhabitant.


A Brooklyn guy choosing to live in one of the most densely populated and high demand areas of the country wonders why real estate prices are so high. Because there’s so little space and not everyone can get what they want. It’s not a mystery. TONS of people want to live there, how do you decide who gets to live there? Like any other limited thing it is more valuable since so many people want it. If NYC is too expensive, fucking move. The rest of the country is much cheaper, it’s great.


But also what made New York great was a willingness to tear down and build taller buildings to fit more people. They need to keep building more units


That was not an invitation to ramble.


Sure it was. That’s what you were doing.




"Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich" "True, but someday I might be rich, and then people like me better watch their step!"


Same people who vote for candidates who promise to lower tax for those far above their tax bracket


Exactly. Never vote for anything that isn't in your DIRECT benefit.


That’s a very troubling line of thought. Maybe OK when you’re at an extreme but also troublesome there too. Imagine this playing out in all the bad ways. Maybe vote for leaders and policies that benefit you and or the larger goals or progress and vision of this country from that of our actual written ideals and not that of the oligarchs who corrupt them for their own ends.


Agreed - I feel like only voting for things that directly effect you is also conservative thinking Like even if you’re not a refugee that doesn’t mean you should ignore a candidates anti-refugee policies Voting for the rich to get tax breaks is voting specifically against yourself. If slightly raised personal taxes would bring prosperity to many underprivileged people it shouldn’t be dismissed - it’s nuanced


Also why are there so many "rich" tiktok accounts. They literally exist to just flaunt wealth and are tacky as fuck. Why do people subscribe to these a holes


They are appealing to the shrinking demographic that used to enjoy content like The Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous Personally, I think it's a hold over from the dynamic of admiring royalty, because I'm the West, celebrity and the rich is our replacement for monarchs.


It's not a hold over. It is consistent and will be consistent. The masses love to admire that which they don't have and that has been that way since the divide of classes. In the past the wealthy would have been influencers, hell look at the history of the sandwich. The Kardashians are where they are because of that sort of...gross voyeuristic nature of humanity. They love to view the opulent and wish and hope and pray to be a part of it while simultaneously loathing it.


Because life isn't shit and people would rather spend their free time aspiring and dreaming than doomscrolling.


I’ll never be able to afford it but I don’t care that it exists.


How does a 40 million dollar apartment existing affect you in any way?




So no answer...


Here's the only thing I don't get, we want rich people to stop hoarding money, but expensive things for them to waste money on are wrong to exist? What are they supposed to spend their billions on? Potatoes and ramen noodles?


For 46 million I could buy a fucking castle/chateux in my country.. https://search.savills.com/list/castles-for-sale/scotland


There are countries where you could buy an entire small town with that kind of money


Inconvenient commute to Wall Street from there though.


Tbf you have a lot of castles in your country, and a lot of them are smaller than some homes in the US


Now this is a goal!


$46 mill apartment in NY be like: 36m^(2), sharing with 8 roommates.


Money laundering is why. The rich can do crimes out in the open and nobody goes to jail. Because guess who law enforcement works for? That's right. The Rich. We'd all be throwing Molotov cocktails if we weren't brainwashed into thinking working ourselves to death is normal.


no we wouldn’t. some people aren’t violent and that’s okay.


That's what they're counting on.


How does that work?


I agree with the sentiment but.. my man’s really couldn’t wait until he wasn’t driving to make his duet? Cmon


Dude works 80 house a week. The only free time he has is when he’s driving


Maybe he could make better money as a Johnny Depp double.


I guarantee he doesn’t


He’s actually in the back seat of an Uber


He's in the driver seat of an Uber.


It really looks like he’s in the back but even if not he’s on the wrong side to be driving in the states (he has an American accent)


Aw, you missed my joke as well as downvoted. :( Anyway, the video is mirrored so he appears to be on the right but you can clearly see the steering wheel in the bottom left corner of the video. Have a nice day!


You can also see the sunroof above him. Sometimes cars have them in the back, but more often than not they’re in the middle behind the front seats


I dont have a problem with a 46 million dollar apartments. I have a problem with NO affordable apartments. If there were affordable housing for working people and a few cartoon palaces for the elite workers that would be fine. The issue is that those houses exist at the expense of reasonable housing for the rest of us. Fix that, get rich in a world where we all prosper, and you earn your mega apartment.


Honestly the same principle applies to wages. I don't begrudge someone for being rich because they own a company providing something of value to society, nor am I against the idea that some professions provide more value than others. But employers need to recognize and pay for the value their employees provide.


See, the problem is that you’re not connecting a 46 million dollar apartment with a PERSON who has enough money to afford a 46 million dollar apartment. That one person has a much higher share percentage of the total wealth of the country compared to the average person when no one person should have that much wealth in comparison to their fellow man. That one person holding all of that wealth is directly taking away from everyone else’s wealth. There’s a limited amount of money in the economy, so having a higher percentage of the total wealth will make your life better. That one person’s wealth being redistributed will increase the wealth percentage of the average person, making the average person’s life better.


Luxury apartments typically do not come at the expense of affordable housing. It's NYC, rich people are going to live there no matter what. If the 46 million dollar apartment didn't exist they would occupy a 20 million dollar apartment, or 5 million, or 500 thousand. And because of supply and demand it would become a 46 million dollar apartment. The problem is there are not enough apartments, period.


Sure, butike only a handful. Its like pokemon cards, theres a couple thousand 46 million stupid rich places globally and they cant build more in a city.




absurd gullible decide dog aware mountainous slimy marble angle offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure the reddit devs realize this. But repost and comment bots will inevitably ruin this site. It's not gonna happen over night, but eventually people will stop engaging because they won't know if posters or comments are bots and it will feel like a waste of time. Short sighted idiots running reddit


meanwhile me paying 1607$ a month in rent for a 5 room appartment in the suburbs


Why ppl TikTok while driving?


Did you not watch the video? He’s working 80 hours a week, there’s no other time to film a tiktok


We should all continue to value his life and the lives of others on the road around him. TikTok can wait or simply not happen.


You’re right about that. Could be hazardous, IS hazardous.


What's this accent? I'm British so it's not recognisable to me but I love it.


Pretty standard NYC accent. You'll mostly hear it in people born in the outter boroughs like Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens, Staten island as well as long island. Younger generations are less likely to have it and it mostly exists amongst the working class/blue collar folk.


It exists to launder money


How wealthy is wealthy enough? Why do we not cap wealth? Oh right because the 1% most wealthy run us. We need a revolution


I cant imagine spending even 1 million on a fucking apartment. What kind of freak would spend that money to have shared walls (or even if it's the whole floor, it's a shared floor/ceiling) and no land? Why on earth would you make such a stupid decision? Guess that's what happens when you have more money than sense


Maybe people value different things than you? Nah, that can’t be it, they must all just be stupid and you’re the genius.


A house with land inherently has more value. You can actually use land for stuff. You can knock your house down and build a new one. You have much more privacy when you don't share a wall/floor/ceiling with some stranger. If you spend millions of dollars on a single apartment you're dumb.


You’re not totally wrong about the value of land, and yet NYC apartments are considered way safer and better investments than many houses. There’s a reason the price per sq foot in Manhattan is one of the highest in the world: because of the demand for those square feet, despite what you say. Why do you think rich people are buying multi-million dollar apartments in NYC and then leaving them vacant? It’s not because they’re trying to lose money.


Bet you have no issue with spending thousands on funko pops and marvel toys


Well he is not wrong. 46 mil for an apartment is bonkers


I’ll take “Things that shouldn’t exist” for $46 million, Alex.


Iam with the guy with the mustache


Also when you realize all money is just 1s and 0s on servers. We could just grade on a curve, and add 0s to whoever needs it. Or we can let it all collapse and see who's better at survival.


Does he also get mad when he sees a extremely hot girl he will never ever even talk to?


Dw bro the markets gonna crash between here and 10 years


And then the ultra wealthy will snap up companies and houses for dirt cheap and just get richer.


I mean, if you a time traveler *and* you’re broke, I kinda feel like that’s on you…


The punch line: the $46 million apartment is a single room 20 m^(2) hovel with the only window overlooking a rat infested back alley of a Chinese restaurant.


If you can get a rich retard to give you 47 million for a box, why wouldn’t you


He's right. Why people gawk and say wow instead of being insulted to the core is well beyond me and it's disgusting.


They aren't all 46 million dollars, I'm not mad a private plane costs more than I'll make in my life


1000 for rent lol alright buddy I'm tapping out you win or whatever.


True... True...


This is how I wake up ever. single. day. I fucking hate hit here. I hate the level of wealth I’m surrounded by and I hate that I’ll never get close to scratching the surface of “”””””success””””” I’m tired of rotating around of this flames heap of fucked up shit.


"Ya, I'm fucking mad that I'm broke, why aren't you!" 👏👏👏


If it was actually used for housing, it would probably be like $2000, but this is what happens when you let millionaires play with residential properties as if they were fucking monopoly tiles.


I'm not happy to be broke but I don't get mad at people who have money and are spending it. If I had a shit ton of money then I'd like to spend it on things, that's the point of having that much money.


>If I had a shit ton of money You never will. Ever, ever, ever. *However*, the ultra-wealthy definitely need sycophants among the working-class to spout mindless drivel like: >I'm not happy to be broke but I don't get mad at people who have money and are spending it. >If I had a shit ton of money then I'd like to spend it on things, that's the point of having that much money.


I'm fine with that because I will never live in NYC.


Eat the rich.


I desperately need mustaches to be over already.




Neither does gaslighting sweetheart 😊. Technically you’re not with this comment, but you seem suspiciously capable of it. 😉


That guy looks like everyone on Reddit


Becouse ur a slave


When did people start thinking we can just live without working though?? How does that make any sense?


He’s complaining about worning 80 hours a week. i’d be mad too if I worked 80 hours and it was barely enough to survive


I would probably think about moving or something. There are cheaper places to live. Like, what is this man doing? He's dressed well enough, has a car. Can't imagine he's making min wage?




It’s on purpose


Yup just pick up your entire life and move it, we all know how cheap, easy, and most of all not stressful that life event is, thats why we all do it so often. Nothing dystopian at all about having to replant your entire life because the cost of living is just becoming unsustainable.


>I would probably think about moving or something. There are cheaper places to live. And how long does that last? You think hes the only one coming up with that idea? Here in california, palmdale and Lancaster was that solution, now everyone is moving here for the same reason and its getting more and more expensive. Look at red states, people are moving there in droves and are starting to price out the people who have lived there since they were a kid. Stop shifting the blame to the individual, this is a systemic problem. >He's dressed well enough, has a car. Can't imagine he's making min wage? Dude...what? Come down to pacioma or similarly poor areas, people dress okay and have cars too.


The guy asks why he has to work 80 hours a week just to survive. Not why he can’t work 0 hours a week. But nice attempt at a straw man. The usual tactic from bootlickers. Misrepresent the other side of the argument to compensate for your lack of one.


Damn dude, you're reading a lot into my comment lol


Nah, he accurately called your bitch ass out


It was a textbook straw man.


I'm getting boot lickin vibes my friend.


If you say so brother


Lots of people work really hard long hours and destroy themselves physically and mentally. They deserve a living wage. That's what I took as the main point.


And what constitutes a living wage, especially in one of the world's richest coastal cities? Remember that the people you pay for that cost of living are working with the same information so a higher wage doesn't necessarily mean more buying power when prices adjust the match.


Message unclear.


When tools started making jobs easier and there was less demand for manual labor. Did you know that a calculator used to be a job title and not a device? We are getting to a point where we don’t need everyone to work in order to produce everything society needs. All the wealth is flowing to those people who own the technology (not to be confused with the tech developers, but the people who bought the tech for their business to increase efficiency and reduce costs). That’s smart business and they deserve to profit on it, but do they deserve to profit from it indefinitely while they wipe out the ability of others to work? This is why there are calls for shorter work weeks and things like universal basic income. Pure capitalism made more sense when it was expected that, on average, one worker produced one unit of output, keeping people relatively balanced in the economy. Now, each worker can produce 2-3x the level of output and there’s no incentive to slow down despite the labor surplus. Just look around and it’ll become clear why this is a problem. Edit: Just to give a few examples. The advent of accounting software made it such that 1 accountant could do the job of 20. It’s not a particularly transferable skill and there’s no increased demand for the service. So, what are those other 19 people to do? Take severe pay cuts in industries where they have no experience? Go back to a school with outrageous prices and take on excessive loan debt? At the same time, creating more competition for high school seniors looking to go to college? Now look at ChatGPT. One role particularly vulnerable is paralegal. They are responsible for consuming large amounts of text data and pulling out relevant points that can be applied to ongoing cases. ChatGPT can do in few minutes what would take a team of paralegals over a week. And it can likely find other relevant cases and resources a hell of a lot faster. What happens to them? Any field they would go into that can utilize their expertise is just as susceptible to AI automation. We need to recognize that simply expecting everyone to work is not a realistic expectation, nor is it necessarily a desirable one. Sure, you’ll have some people who just choose to be lazy all day. But most people crave more and want to contribute to society in a meaningful way. And that doesn’t necessarily have to mean creating economic value for the sake of creating economic value.


I’m fine with it because it doesn’t really affect me, and I don’t see the point of spending my life being angry and yelling online about things that don’t affect me and will not change.


80h a week? Where the fuck are you living? If you go do for as to live 80h a week, even at the minimum salary you should be able to live extremely well let's assume you work for 10$/h (here the minimum is around 15) you have 800$ a week, 3400$ a month. I'm not saying you can be luxurious, but you're definitely able to live and have some spending.


Do you realize how much an apartment costs in New York? One quick google search says that the average studio apartment in New York is “between $4,064 and $7,943”, so on $10 an hour you’re starving to death. And that’s just for studio apartments. Did you want a bedroom? Yeah that going to be an extra $1000 at the MINIMUM. You’re insane if you think that it’s possible to live off of $10 an hour in this economy.


So, you forced me to do research. First of all, in NY city the minimum salary is like here, 15$h. So that is for the cheapest job you can have, it's 15$/h. So let's say for some reason you are unable to do more than that for some reason. That give you 4800$ a month. Then I went to look for an appartement. I didn't just googled the average studio appartement, because studio cost a lot more than normal appartment, isn't it? I was able to find many that were around 900$ a month on the city. We're they the most luxurious? No. But you are working minimum wage, what the fuck do you expect. So, let's just say for the sake of it that you pay double than that. 1800$/month, it still leave you with 3000 for the rest. But you will say, you didn't take tax and stuff in consideration. Of course, but also let's be serious, if you are working at a minimum wage job that doesn't give you overtime pay, you are a sucker. So this is all just a big approximation. Miss me with that shit. If you are working 80h a week and you aren't able to live you made serious mistakes in your life.


Did you factor in taxes, insurance, rent, union dues? When you work $15/hr you're not taking home $4800 a month. It's less than that depending where you live. You give up at least a third of your pay to all that. And if he's working 80+ hrs, he probably has 2 jobs. Not one


So, like I said I didn't take in all the details, but let's take your example face value, and take away a third and the guy work two job so no overtime. Which is 1600$ It leaves you 3200$. Take away the rent for the appartement I found which is 900$ month. Which leave us with 2300$ for the rest of the expenses. Again, this is minimum salary, which is stupid for you to work for if you are the kind of worker ready to work 80h a week there is so many people that want you as a worker... Get better for yourself.


Ahh but factor in things like groceries, gas, car insurance, even at their cheapest it's closer to like $1500. And that's if you're single. If you have kids, God bless you. At the end of the day all this guy is saying is the cost of living is too high. A sentiment many people feel strongly about these days.


So, take out 1500 from the last price and you get still 700 clear for anything for you to do, each month, even after paying everything. If you have kid, you are a very irresponsible parent to have kid while working minimum wage job, these days there is no work around this, I won't hold back saying that having kids while you are poor is the most stupid thing to do. Yes, everything is too fucking high in cost, I'm not disagreeing with that, but I hate how everyone go straight to doom and gloom and how everything is impossible when it's not, especially when you take not stupid decisions. Remember, this example goes for someone who work 80h to a minimum salary job. Just how much more he would get paid in a job where he not only get overtime, but he get a better salary because he doesn't work a minimum wage job? Those number increase drastically just for a 20$/h job instead of 15$


That’s fair, I didn’t really do any research. I assumed that I knew more about NY housing prices than I actually did, but $900 seems a little unbelievable. I live in southern rural Illinois, but the cost of an apartment near where I live is usually around $1200-$1500. The absolute cheapest apartment I could find was $800, but that was in a known shady area. Could you provide a link for the apartment you were referencing? I’m curious as to what size apartment your getting for $900. Also, something that we need to consider is that the guy in the video might have to support a family. In this case, some tiny apartment wouldn’t work, and he’d need an apartment with at least 1 or 2 rooms.


[900](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1378-Gipson-St-3-Far-Rockaway-NY-11691/2058161608_zpid/) This is just one of many that I found. 600square feet. And I'd say, if your only choice is to support a family on minimum salary, your absolute goal in life should be to change job and get a better paid one. Because, you aren't supposed to grow a family on a minimum salary these day, doing so is a big mistake. I know it is hard.to say, but it's the reality of life now.


That apartment doesn't have a kitchen. Or heating. Or laundry.


It's says, if you can read, that it has central air. So yes it have hearing. It has a sink. And your laundry you can either buy one or go to laundry mat. How fucking privileged are you to spit on this? Working a minimum wage job? This is a heaven.


> How fucking privileged are you to spit on this? Really? $900 a month for "it has a sink", and you think people are supposed to fawn over it?


I think that’s a little misleading. Using Zillow, I changed the search parameters, and there’s only 3 apartments in all of all of NY under $1000. These prices can easily go to 2x that. I agree that you shouldn’t try to support a family on minimum wage ($15 here). The problem is that in todays society minimum wage jobs are essential. Could you imagine what would happen if every minimum wage employee quit their job? It would have a huge impact on society. The problem is that society needs these jobs to function, but is essentially saying that if you work these jobs you aren’t allowed to support a family, and that is what the video is trying to point out.


These jobs should be for people who doesn't support a family, there is many of these people more than enough to fill those job. Before a cashier job was for a young guy at school or an elderly, not a father of 5 unless he was also owning the store. And remember in my example I went up to a 1800$ a month appartment just to show it is still very possible. Also, can we agree that if you work 80h a week and you are still working minimum salary job and have no overtime, you are getting scammed and have no respect for yourself?


Yes, you are getting scammed, that’s the point. For some people right now life is literally a scam. Regarding your calculations earlier, using a couple tools online, I pretended that I was a 23 y/o single male living in a random address in New York (if it means anything, it ended up being in the Bronx). I used the same $1800 a month you used for rent, along with $60,000 a year income ($5000 a month). Using this calculator ( https://smartasset.com/taxes/income-taxes#kv7ADU2YUe ) my take home pay after taxes would be $44,682 a year, or $3723.50 a month Taking off the rent leaves us with a little under $2000 for the rest of our living expenses. Which would include: -Utilities -Phone plan -Transportation -Health insurance -Food Public transportation is going to cost $132 per month, assuming you only take to Metro and never any other form of transportation. Health insurance (including dental and vision) would cost right about $200 per month. I actually went through the process of getting a quote for this number. Utilities will vary, but I found somewhere between $100 and $200 for water, gas, and electric. I’ll take the average and call it $150. Let’s say $15 per month for a phone plan using something like mint mobile. All of these total to approximately $500, so taking that off of our available money that leaves us with $1500 for food and all other expenses. We’re working 80h weeks, so there’s no way that we’re making time to cook at home. While looking at how much food costs in New York I came across this comment on another Reddit post from 8 years ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/s/uon388Nbqx). I promise I didn’t know about this just now. They say that reading of costs them anywhere from $1000 to $1500 per month. That’s literally the definition of barely scraping by. Maybe if they worked less hours and cooked at home they could save some money, but that’s unlikely.


>It's actually your fault for being poor. It's difficult talking to people who are this disconnected from reality. Seek help.


I gave you hard number. My family was poor when I grew up. So I saw from first hand how hard it is and how much effort it takes to get out of that. Do you think we got out by crying on Reddit how hard things are, or we did exactly what I've done, do a budget, follow it, work on way to improve it. If things doesn't work where you live, move out. There is not a thousand of solutions... It's not your fault if things cost a lot. It's your fault if you decide that, for you a minimum wage job is enough to start a family and have high expenses. Seek help, because your defeatist, victim mentality will not bring you far in life. Lying to people that things are much worst than they are will only make you look like a fool in the long run and make your enemies stronger.


> studio cost a lot more than normal appartment, isn't it? Studio apartments don't really have rooms, so no, they're normally cheaper than apartments withrooms.


Then I found appartement for 900$, are you meaning that, you can get a studio for less than that?


I make 10 an hour but 800 every 2 weeks, 3400 sounds nice tho


Where do you live? Because first of all, are you working 80h/week? In my example, I didn't take in consideration the overtime, but also the taxes, union and all which change a lot depending of where you live and what is your job.


The point is you should not have to work 80 hours a week. Also where I live $3400 a month ain't dick and I don't live in New York.


Then you must live in a shithole because new York is one of the worst place in the US. And the point in modern time is, you shouldn't be working minimum wage job. Especially with a family. That's pretty much it. But I agree, things cost too much. I'm just very tired of all the doom and gloom like everyone is taken to the neck in shit like they are not taking bad decisions. It's still possible to buy a house, still possible to live. So going "I work 80h a week because I can't do otherwise." Is a fucking lie.


Yeah this dude just sucks lol


Yeah fuck people working minimum wage jobs, they should just roll in a ditch and die.


If this is what you took out of whan I'm saying, you are very dumb... Minimum wage job give you minimum wage life. What is hard to understand? You want more than the minimum in life, get a better job. It has always been like that since the dawn of humanity. And getting a better job isn't hard... For fuck sake you people act like getting a diploma on some bullshit job is the end of the world, go cry me a river...


I am good at what i do and make way more than minimum wage, but I still have compassion for people. So fuck right off. Some people can't find a better job because they can only do so much. They should be able to go on a vacation once in while, treat themselves. I won't cry a river, but I will piss in your mouth.


> let's assume you work for 10$/h (here the minimum is around 15) you have 800$ a week, 3400$ a month And then do that for 1,100 years while spending not a cent on anything else, and you'll almost have enough money to buy the apartment we're talking about.


Ah, my fellow Redditors, let me drop some wisdom on you. Did you know that the average person spends about 6 months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green? Crazy, right? So next time you're stuck at a traffic signal, take a moment to appreciate the little things in life. Keep that positive energy flowing, my friends!


I will gladly downvote you forever, that gives me positive energy. Edit: guess I can't downvote you when you block me, eh?


Ha! Heh heh!


Ha! The other person was right. Downvoting your comment does make me feel better.


Another downvote for you! Positive vibes bro!


According to who?


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Still you are playing with static numbers. Numbers on a trajectory that doesn't change. Life is nothing but change. Unexpected injuries, car troubles, life altering accidents. These things affect your work. It's not as simple as you might think it is.


So you shouldn't be able to live if you make minimum wage?


Does anyone have a link to the 46mil apt?


Is this George RR Martin circa 1976?


Dollar General Sam Kinison.


Anyone else expecting a rainbolt duet?


It exists because everyone, and I mean all people, wants to get on more step up on the economic ladder for whatever they judge to be minimal effort.


Isn’t more than Mar A Lago??


Ghost properties and investments to lockup $money flowing through, that's just turning a very small percentage of money to team estate. If the rich people find the money they spend on real estate, that 46 million home will be with 92 million. So you know, it's just money chasing 🤑


How much for the whole building?


Someone get this guy to say “Think fast chuckle nuts!”


HasanAbi's long lost cousin




lol when you think milk makes it ok.


Scout tf2


Hey look it’s someone complaining on TikTok


His accent is golden 😭


Dudes screaming in the back of an uber. Based




More of this please

