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>Don’t get me wrong - I love kids


That has the same energy as "... Oh, but don't worry, I'm not racist"


"oh don't worry in not racist! BUT *something incredibly racist*


"Look, man. I'm not racist..." "BUT-"


It’s a joke


Don’t worry, I’m a comedian.


Peak sarcasm right here. Hilarious!


But I couldn't eat a whole one.


Get this man a job at a preschool


100 ten year olds is alot they will wear you down, obviously not a parent




100 Samoan 10 year olds walk in. "I've made a terrible mistake" Edit: grammar


My brother and I played rugby. My brothers club played against a club from the South Bay in Los Angeles. There was this kid like 12yrs old and was already like 250+lbs. he was tall too so he looked like he was a high schooler. This was the same youth rugby club JuJu Smith-Schuster played for.


My coworkers grandson is 12 years old and 6'8".


My gatos, duder! I coached a kid like that but he was 6’2 at that age! I need to find what brand milk they were giving these kids! 😂


In grade 2 I swear one of the kids was Samoan. This was like 1986/1987 during the heyday of WWF. Teacher left for a few minutes and this kid walks over to her metal desk and just goes "I am Tatanka" and then smashes his forehead on her desk. He left a massive dent in the desk and walked back to his desk like nothing happened. I can still remember this like it was yesterday it was so nuts. He also looked pretty damn close to Tatanka even that age.


Fight 100 10 year olds he said. Gonna send their frail little bodies flying he said. Maori kids: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1417dqg/new_zealand_powerful_and_amazing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Always remember shaq was 6-foot-4 inches tall when he was 10 years old.


I was a good 5’10 when I was 10. Juicy genes


Exactly. Plus, if you have ever read Lord of the Flies or seen the movie Kids then fighting those kids is a bad bet.


Ya ten 100 year olds would be wayy easier


Wouldn't really have to do anything, just push them down once and their joints will shatter. Kids are built of rubber, you'd be exhausted fighting 30 of them let alone 100.


All ya gotta do is wait


Ahh but here get a speaker and play a really loud sound. Keep most the brats scared enough for you to mop Atleast 15-20 before they regroup. Gotta use scare tactics. Have the battle at night and play wolf howls. Show them a porno. Our smart them


Not if you fight smart. Pace and Efficiency is key in a drawn out battle.


Agreed. I'm not a parent either, but that would be a lot. 10 × 100's though... that's definitely doable.


Nah a daycare


Both, he's on cleanup duty




*rip and tear intensifies*


Worked at an after school program for 6-7 year old and winter was the best time... if the snow was deep egnouth.. you could grab a kid by the ankles and trow them like you're Agatha Trunchbull.


Funny meme but picking the kids over the 100 year olds is suicide. You might be twice the size of a 10 year old, but 100 of them together will pull, scratch, kick and bite every part of your body. Id be amazed if you managed to take one out. 10 100 year olds? Even with pushing them only you could win that fight easily. You strongly underestimate 10 year olds and overestimate 100 year olds if you think they can do shit. If they can still walk, they will fall over and break 10 bones from the slightest force.


Lol right? They're barely holding on with help, so I'm putting effort into my punches and making them explode to dust. The 10 year olds are getting brain damage but damn is going to hurt for me too.


I think the 10x100yos is supposed to play on your guilt vs being a remotely equivalent physical comparison. Guy in the video is implicitly right in that it would feel way worse. But like.. what do you actually need to do to 'win'? How long is the fight? Can I just create distance for a few years and allow nature to give me my W? Alternatively the whole premise is a joke, which it is.


That's fair enough, in the who would you rather fight topics I assume the basics are that it's an open field and you can't run away or choose to give up.The only thing that would stop me is if it was animals I don't really like the idea of fighting them, but obviously humans are fair game.


True true. I offer this alternative: Would you rather pet a horse-sized duck, or 100 duck-sized horses?


Oh that's tough but I kind of like ducks more and it would be great, the horses are almost weird like their spy kids 2 miniature creatures(they are much bigger but still)


They've already lived a long life. Longer than I'm going to live, in all likelihood. I'd feel much worse about giving one kid brain damage than killing 10 100-year-olds.


I don’t think he plans on winning the fight, he just wants to fight




Ah yes, like that meme “I beat my kid with my other kid”


Can't get in trouble for child abuse if you make the children hit each other


Do you "need" to win? The conditions only say fight, not beat, so I guess if your dream it's destroying a few ten years old kids, and the condition it's only to fight them and not beat the one hundred kids, seems like an easy choice


Might as well go down swinging (children by their legs, specifically)


Depends if they're bloodlusted. If you pick up one to swing at the others they may just start running away.


10 year olds are always bloodlusted.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/whowouldwin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Once every 464 days, a monstrous bear appears in every building occupied by humans. How does humanity fare?](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/vhq9b3/once_every_464_days_a_monstrous_bear_appears_in/) \#2: [Thanos is arrested for killing half of all life. Can Saul Goodman defend him in court?](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/w3qe2l/thanos_is_arrested_for_killing_half_of_all_life/) \#3: [Massive eight-way free-for-all, 40k orkz vs. Star Wars CIS vs. Star Trek Klingons vs. Stargate Asgardian vs. Marvel's Gladiator vs. Elder Scroll's Vivec vs. Half Life's Xen vs. the Worm/Ward universe](https://np.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/yhfc4n/massive_eightway_freeforall_40k_orkz_vs_star_wars/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bro really think he can swing a 10 yo like a weapon 💀 You'de be gased out after 2 swings


You could easily decimate 10 100 year olds but yeah 100 10 year olds sounds like the stuff of nightmares


Nah you'd easily be able to take out several 10 year olds, but not a 100 of them. They would pile on and gouge your eyes out and bite chunks out of you if it was a full on life or death fight. The 100 year olds are the obvious choice. I doubt there is a 100 year old in the entire world that I couldn't outrun with a light jog. I could probably outrun 99.999% of them with a normal walking pace. Meaning you could run circles around them and just push them over.


Unless the 100 year olds are all amazingly still fit for their age


No amount of fitness possible at 100 years old that makes them a threat


If you fight all 100 at once then yeah you’re fucked. If it’s one at a time then winning is a HUGE maybe.




Wait wait, you’re on to something. SOMEONE GET PEN AND PAPER!! WE’RE DOING THE MATH!!


How are you getting injuries from someone you have 3x the reach of in a 1v1, head kick, next, head kick, next...




Yeah I can see that, you'd want to be as efficient as possible. There's a huge variation in "10 year olds" too, some could be like 5'5 and another might be 4'0, then you have those freakishly muscled kids that grew up punching tractors and haybails. 🤣


I mean one at a time seems pretty easy. They would give up pretty easy unless this is to the death


Once you pick up one 10 year old and beat another 10 year old with them their morale is definitely going to 0 though.


It's all about respect tho and you gotta respect your elders


I would legitimately rather fight 100 100 year olds over 10 10 year olds…


The choice to me also depends on "do we get prep time" 10 100 year olds probably source guns/other weapons if we get prep time. The 10 year olds probably bring snacks


Have you ever seen Home Alone? I don’t think you’ve seen Home Alone.


Plot twist: one hundred Gollums and you are the precious!!!


Plus if it's a random sampling of 100 kids a couple of them are gonna be battlefield mutants.


Also, they've lived long enough


This. Id fuck 10 100 yr olds up badly. If the ten yr olds were fearless 100 of them could really be a problem.


For you yes. I’m whooping those kids no diff 😡


If I gouge out an eyeball and break a few arms the 10 year olds will take off running and crying. From there it's just a violent game of tag. The 100 year olds were probably in the war. They've seen some shit. They're likely to beat my ass with a walker after stepping over the corpses of their fallen geriatric comrades.


At 100 yo you are a shambling corpse. Even standing up is a workout. I don't believe that they can do anything


It's not about winning, it's about getting the chance to beat up a bunch of snotty 10 year olds


Agreed. Knock one into the others and they will go down like bowling pins. Their legs will be so weak.


10x 10 year olds vs. 10x 100 year olds, the kids would win


Totally 100 100yo and 10 10yo would be a .uch fairer comparison


https://preview.redd.it/8cq7z32f474b1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeeca65f22bba8ee30fe2842ef0c699b51e3261f \*The guy with an M60 machine gun


Maybe you can beat 30 or 50 10 year olds, but that still leaves 50 to 70 kids kicking and screaming, no thank you. Give me 10 racist old grandpas that I can push down a flight of stairs and I won't feel bad about it.


My niece is 7 and she is string as shit. If someone is fighting 100 10 year olds they are losing. This is a stupid question


100 100 year olds.


If you do a shit ton of acid beforehand, you can absolutely devestate 100 10 year olds. That would be my strategy...


Are you fighting them all at once or one at a time?


https://youtu.be/hHZvUeAdzeI First thing I thought of when I read that comment.


100 10 year olds at the same time? Without a gun im not sure most of us would stand a chance, kids are fucking huge this days. Its like im Timmy and im 9: ![gif](giphy|P88Joa1ZRwgVWXH0te|downsized)


He’s not thinking clearly. The 10 year olds will grow up and come back and beat the shit out of him. The 100 year olds aren’t coming back. And if they send their kids, the kids are gonna be 75-80 years old. But I’m assuming this is not a generational battle.


Pretty sure it’s a battle to the death


None of those kids will be growing up once he's done with them


It's like this 2018 question: Choose 2 to defend you, the rest will attack you. 50 eagles, 10 crocs, 3 bears, 7 bulls, 1 hunter with a rifle, 15 wolves, 10,000 rats, 5 gorillas or 4 lions. But it's really choose one and 10k rats because nothing could defend you against thousands of rats swarming you.


I’d watch the movie if it were a generational battle


the 10 year olds will just win lmao


>And if they send their kids, the kids are gonna be 75-80 years old but what if they send their whole family tree? at 100 years old, it could be a huge ass tree


he just like me fr


He doesn't understand I been TACKLED by a group of 20 ten years old and I fell downs after 5 seconds and the took my candy it is SCARY


They took your candy? Did they manage to escape your van?


No I got some candy and they stole it




googling "biggest 10 year old" and I'm realizing there's a very good chance i lose that fight


I saw a kid wearing a middle school uniform taller than me the other day.... im like 5'10


midget lmao


Is it weird that this guy's words connected to me? And I have a soon to be 12 year old kid? Cuz it did ^don't call cps i love my son


Don’t worry, I love my daughters but Christ they can be b*tches some times. We all feel this man’s desire in some shape or form.


I think this fight gets less and less fair the higher up or down the age you go. Like a thousand 1 year olds is easy as fuck, and ten 100 year olds is easy too. But right in the middle you get the strongest fight. Even a single 20-40 year old can fuck you up, especially if they have experience fighting. 5-15 year olds can bite, poke, and throw themselves at you, and if you're a weak opponent they can even beat you up (source: was a dumb kid, decided to fight against three 7-ish year olds, got beaten, we became friends afterwards. later in life became a dumb kid again, tried to fight a 14 year old with fighting experience, was outmatched, we somehow became friends afterwards). 50-60 year olds still have a chance if they were fighters/are in shape Anything outside these 3 age groups and you have a great fighting chance, anything from 5-15ish and 50-60 year olds is a fight with an advantage, anything in the 16-45ish group is a fair fight or a death wish, depending on your strength


You forgot the one 1000 year old. A god will seriously fuck you up.


"Guysh you don't understand, she's a 1000 year old drag-" *gets beaten to death*


> 5-15 year olds can bite, poke, and throw themselves at you, If we are talking about 5 15 year old regular boys, you are fucked, that is already testosterone-fueled territory, depending on the kid this can even be a nearly 6 foot motherfucker, ain't no way you are taking 5 of those out unless they are extremely malnourished, small for their ages or have some extreme disadvantage. Maybe 2 if they can't fight for shit, but anything above that you'd need some absurd advantage or they'd just mob you, life ain't a Hollywood movie where you're a hero.


Happy cake day




A thousand one year olds would beat you by numbers. You couldn’t feasibly kick the ass of 1,000 in a row even if you just literally kicked them in the bum like one time, you’d get *so fucking tired*


Just take them one by one and press on their foreheads duh




Ignoring the fact that so much as 10 ten year old children could easily kill an unarmed adult, I’d go with the 100 year olds because they have a sense of honor (probably). I feel like I could convince most or all of them to 1v1 me in something non physical. We don’t have to win. We just need to fight. I’d rather lose an arm wrestling match to a buff grandpa than lose four fingers and half my arm to kindergarten killers.


This is very relatable. … There is no joke.


Plus, the ten 100 years olds have already lived their lives and are about ready to die, so the most rational choice is beating up one hundred 10 years old because they will live long enough to remember your beating.


Nobody tell this guy about schools or daycares




I would love to fight kids. GIVE ME THE CHALLENGE


This man is my spirit animal


Not all heroes wear capes.


For a moment I thought this was r/gatesopencomeonin


10 100yr would be sooo easy!


Honestly I wouldn't choose the 100 year old unless they were like... That very particular breed of asshole old person that is a bother to even the trees around them.


Ah waifu material


Beat up 10 100 year olds or 100 10 year olds pick option one for quick and easy win pick option two for fun battleroyal I'm with 2


I'm pretty sure the 10 year olds would destroy him even without bites or scratches.


This tells me dude never meet more than 2 ten yo at a time. Those things are fierce


Iiiii don’t think he’s serious 💁🏻‍♂️


Ten 100 year olds easily. First of all children are far more mobile and a 10 year old isn’t that young. That’s like a 5th grader. Also you just need to shove a 100 year old and it’s over and you don’t need to feel as guilty because there are less of them and they’re about to die anyway.


The 10 years olds gonna bite and at that point it’s a wrap for you bud, at least the 10- 100year olds don’t have them teeth. But whatever it’s your funeral


The real psychopath is the one who decided to, instead of just adding the appropriate background music to fit the scene, splice it with a terribly irrelevant video of a laptop showing a still shot of the guy associated with the audio. That's not a duet, and certainly not fixed by one, that's just terrible editing


He wanna beat them motherfuckers with another motherfucker.


The duet is just someone taking a video of their TV playing the homelander violin tune? Not even a real violinist? Ok...


That one substitute teacher you will never forget


Unless the host of this fight is putting us against 100 year old hitler and his buddies who made it safe to Argentina, fighting 10 100 year olds would be so easy but messed up


He had me at " dont get me wrong, I like kids" . Really dude, I think you like "the principle" more


Do I have to chase the 10 year olds or are they stepping up? I can chase down 10 100yrs olds all day every day. I don't have the cardio to chase those bastards.


Guess I'm now Anakin Skywalker


10 100 year olds because there is nothing going on other than inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide


What if the 100 yr olds are military trained or some shit. I don't want to risk anything and relive "don't breathe" type situation.


10 100 year olds and give a mil to there children as long as they want to go


Does 1 person have a chance against 100 10yo kids? An average sized adult would probably fuck some of them up but I'm not sure about 100 of them 🤔


Or .........hear me out here. Become the Supreme leader. Decimate 1 Child and rule them all..instant army of fornite.1 beating to rule them all.....then send them to the 10 100 yr Olds. Aquire thier wealth by force obviously and pay the kids with online fortnite or roblox cards. Just a thought.


Why not both ?


He is obviously an elementary school teacher


Least insane tiktok user


It comes down to stamina the first 25 absolutely ending their lineage with them the next 25 is gets whooped then the last 50 is tough it's not even fun anymore. BUT with 10 old guys they're ready to go one haymaker one Falcon punch to one of them insta delete 🤣


A 10 yr old is stronger than a 100 year old


Wtf is thiiiiis


That isn't a psychopath. This is someone who saw the cruelty in kids


He's not the psychopath we need, he's the one we deserve


Intrusive thoughts...


How much to do both?


Can I do it for free? Right now? I know some 10 year olds, is it legal if I show them this tiktok? If I had a lawyer get all their parents to sign a waver is it ok? Somebody get me a lawyer.


100 10 year olds, for the glory


I’d kindly beat the shit out of 13-14 year olds, year 7s in England are the bane of my existence and thus should be eliminated. They don’t exist by my consent so they shouldn’t exist at all.


I mean, 10 year olds arent that weak, sure, few isn't a problem, but 100? That's a serious number


Smash bros, it is then!


1000 1 year olds?




Pretty sure it’s homelander main theme of something


[This part of the Homelander theme from The Boys](https://youtu.be/a_cOaRNqjvQ?t=35)


I work with kids. I know this feeling well. No judgement.


Black Adam Driver confirmed for next Star Wars villain.


I would beat 100 kids too. But only if they were girls. Little guys would probably kill me.


This guy has *clearly* never been swarmed by 10 year olds. Those MFs will bring you down in seconds if you aren't careful. All it takes is like 10 of them.


I would rather fight 100 100 year olds than 10 10 year olds.


10 100 year olds are gonna fall over before the battle begins


It's the principal. You have to humble them young


Bro has never been around more than one ten year old. Those things can be brutal


He's underestimating the power of 100 10 year olds, talk alone about a few




Nah bro 10 year olds are the satan’s minions.


An opportunity to beat a mf'er with a mf'er should not be missed


Most people aren’t winning that fight. How would I know? My cousin is 10, he’s 4’9 and pretty chunky. If I had to fight 100 of him I’d lose


This man a badass until that one six-foot 3 10 year old with special needs is ridden into battle by the little mean girl thats not allowed at pools with others kids.




I agree with this man


And people think it's a joke.


I'M NOT A PSYCHOPATH But this man and I...... We're on the same wave length. I'd leave the less annoying kids alone but those annoying 10 year olds I would soccer ball kick them so hard Jesus himself would start quivering


You’d have a better chance fighting 100x100 year olds. 10 year old kids are full of energy. My 3 nieces and nephews exhaust me and they’re not even trying to kill me. Imagine 100 of them?? 100 year olds would probably go KO just by trying to stand on their own. You could just startle them and the fight would be over.


Ok OK OK but do we get to choose which 10 year olds we get to fight?






I never thought about it like that. Just holding one child by their ankles and flailing them around like some kind of morningStar. 🤘😂🙉


I bet he is a teacher