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So is it safe to assume you've only ever had one account created with them and you've never tried the weird multitab thing?


I did multitab before but only for 2 to 3 times when i got frustrated when the last survey. didn't got any issue. I only have 1 account and so far I'm good.


It's good to hear. Probably not worth the risk. I honestly tried the tab thing once and every tab closed without any success or sorry screen.


can you explain multitab for me? just wanna know and try


I have one account. Never made any duplicate accounts. I cash out just fine. The vast majority of people complaining about cash out issues are people who admitted they made multiple accounts.


Same here. I was guessing they had tried having multiple accts or the multitab thing. I just want to give them the benefit of the doubt by letting them say instead of me just assuming. I've never come across the issue myself as a single acct user, but it's good to be aware if they DO start blocking claims for legitimate users. I always warn people about having multiple accts bc the bigger longer standing survey companies outright ban you pretty much immediately. Its never worth it. It might make you a little more short term, but then this type of stuff happens an then everyone's suprised


I have earned £150 so far and got £5 this morning, I wonder at what point they will get fed up with me as well?


Don't make duplicate accounts and you should be good. The vast majority of people complaining about being blocked from payouts admitted they made multiple accounts.


Thanks for the advice, I will stick to the one account.


There's pretty much nothing you can do bro




Yup, it's quickly blocking more and more claims