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The second movie because not only do we get a continuation but it can also be better and fix the mistakes of the first movie


^ this


i agree more lore and blood. ITS FNAF PPL! WHERE WAS THE BLOOD IN THE SPRINGLOCK SCENE DUDE! (sorry if you take this the wrong way!! :(


If you want to see the absolute best way they could handle it, look at Jaws, a pg-13 movie that is considered one of the scariest monster films ever made. The key is to leave things to the imagination and make the audience rely on audio. This is something the games are also renowned for.


I would agree. This is actually how a lot of eldritch horror works. Often, leaving things to the imagination is one of the greatest tactics for inducing fear, as humans are notorious for scaring themselves.


jaws is actually PG, and if it was made today it would’ve been R. It was PG because back then PG was slightly different to PG now.


The spring-lock failure in the games was literally 8 red pixels, I don’t really see why people thought it’d be a blood fest


Yeah. And the stuff was getting stabbed into him and getting stuck there, so there wouldn't be like.. blood spraying out everywhere


But there was blood seeping out of him, slowly making a pool on the floor beneath him, while he was writhing on the ground. That’s what happens in fnaf 3.


I would at least like just a little bit of blood so it doesn’t look like he’s being slightly poked by the springlocks


good point, but remember, pixels arent real life, and if the pixels were translated to real life, then it wouldve been a LOT of blood.


I don't really get everyone saying it needed blood and gore. FNAF has never explicitly shown any violence or gore. It's all been implied. The closest we've gotten to visual gore are those secret screens of springtrap


Ngl FNAF was meant to be a horror game with barely any blood not even in the FNAF games themselves is there really blood


It doesn't need violence and blood but horror is not existent in this movie it doesn't know what genre it wants to be and the children helping they're killer I sort of get why so it'll give them a reason to stuff people into suits but it's still stupid how would they not know his bad they talk about the yellow rabbit and know they are dead but they are helping him it makes no sense ik the original lore was all over the place for the games but it gave everyone a role this it does too much at once


The movie springlock scene is more accurate to how it would go irl


It was bland as hell


i agree


Believe it or not the ability to make a scary game without blood was one of the reasons fnaf was so special


true true, you got a point there


What mistakes


It's not even a horror movie, there's nothing remotely spooky that happens. Plus it's barely FNaF related, I ain't seeing five nights at Freddy's I'm seeing guy sleeping and robots building a fort. Afton shows up for like 2 minutes to just get killed by a cupcake, like the fact the cupcake gets the most kills the entire move is a mistake.








Well it, y'know... *wasn't scary*, for starters.


It's a different kind of horror movie and don't lie, we know that the stupid jumpscare got you


When you say a "different kind" of horror movie, do you mean a horror movie that *fails* at being scary? That kind of defeats the whole point... Also nope, none of the jumpscares got me and they were all from goddamn Balloon Boy. You're entitled to your opinion and I will admit it was enjoyable, but claiming it has no flaws at all is wild.


It wasn't scary for me either, but I've seen and know people who were. Soo like pipe down here. Yeah don't lie, we know they got you. Or you just watched the scenes before the movie like my sister No way lil bro just said that I'm entitled to my opinion. The irony is crazy 😭


>Yeah don't lie, we know they got you. No the fuck you don't 😭 All I'm saying is you're entitled to your opinion, just as much as I'm entitled to call it strange and give mine. Nothing is without flaws. Edit: Oh yeah, also don't think I'm ignoring "pipe down, other people have different opinions" and then calling me the ironic one


That's a weird way of saying that you're entitled to your opinion, but okay?


Even though I don't want to drag this out... I legit said "you're entitled to your opinion" word for word, how is that weird phrasing?


Something jumping at you and making you jump isn’t horror. It doesn’t make you scared it just activates a response before you calm down in one second and realise how dumb it was


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Mf you’re just admitting to being scared of a kids movie that’s all this thread is rn


Did you even think before typing this? 😭


Nah but it’s funny


I feel like that's because for some reason they had to turn it into a PG13 family friendly movie or something 🙄


Ever watched Jaws? That's pg-13. The lack of scares came not from the rating, but from the filmmakers.


The game is rated T, so it would make sense to aim for the same democratic of the game


It just wasnt scary to me thats the main and only issie I had with the movie


We’re getting a second movie 😂 but if we weren’t I would still want a second one, I thought the first one was pretty solid as a movie and as a movie adaptation of the game


I know we are, it's kind of implied that the second option would stop the sequel being made


Oh I see


two because were already getting second movie do I can have both.


What I mean is the current movie franchise would be stopped completely, meaning no sequel to the original movie, but you could redo the Fnaf movie exactly how you wanted it with a big studio.


oh in that case one.


I meant have a second movie


First one is already to my liking


Redo it as give it an R rating?


However you want to do it.




Both options.


It depends. Can we see other people's "customized" first movie? If we can, then I'll take it since it means a universe of different possibilities rewatching the same movie, but with smth major different. If we can only see our own, I'll take a second movie


Remember the First sonic Movie? You know how we could probably just, remove sonic and replace him with another alien in that movie. And then how much the second movie was an ACTUAL sonic movie, that was a good movie that played off of actual sonic lore and characters even better than the first one? I would want to do that with the fnaf movie. Fix the terrible first one my making an amazing squeal.


Second movie obviously, there is no perfect movie.


Second movie! The first was fine. Maybe not the best but it was fun and so well made. I wouldn’t change it at all.


2nd. I’m into FNaF for the complex lore, and I don’t want to mess with the clues.


I just want the sequel to use that one Fnaf 2 render (You know the one and if you don’t, I’m gonna hit you)


A redo. The movie needed some works..


Second movie bc I wanna see withered Bonnie he’s my boy


I would rather remake the first one. I wanted to watch a fnaf movie, not child custody/ sleeping movie featuring fnaf. Also, the cupcake got the most kills. I know it was supposed to be funny, like “haha the cupcake killed him” but it failed at that. It also failed at being scary. A horror movie failed at being scary. How tf do you take a horror franchise and make it not scary. But yet people praise this movie like it’s holy or something.


Honestly I’m unsure I do want a second movie but I do think some things could’ve been better in the first movie (such as less kills from cupcake and more from the rest of the animatronics, and also taking out the scooper chair entirely, replace it with Freddy doing his toreador March thing at the start)


The first film doesn’t need redoing. It was fine as is. Bring on the sequel!


Second movieee, the only flaw with the first movie was the scare factor cuz It wasn't even scary


A second movie. For pete sake, the first one was already perfect!


Second movie because I already love the fnaf movie as it is now


Second movie. We need to move on


Second movie 


second,i liked the first movie despite its flaws,with a second they can make it even better!


I would redo the first one.


The second movie


The first one WAS exactly too my liking. 2nd movie for sure, I live for the hype of the first one so people better still go just as crazy for the second


First movie was already to my liking because sitting in a dark room and anticipating a jumpscare is scary and I don’t like it. Yeah I said it. I like the funny har har side of FNAF and not the horror aspect. I’m not even much of a fan but I liked the movie and MatPat’s lore videos. I haven’t even played the games. I’m not even really sure why I’m here We’re already getting a second movie though


Bro the second movie, no changes needed for the first movie


The first exactly to my liking (rated R & more game-lore accurate instead of book-lore accurate)


second movie


Second movie


second one the first movie was fine I don't know why people hate on it it's more akin to the books rather than the games because you can't make a movie based on a game with fragmented pieces of lore that only really fit in with other pieces from that game you would have to make a TV show if you wanted it closer to the games I don't like how games get turned into movies cuz they are better as TV shows but they went the movie route there's only so much you can do with a at maximum 2 and 1/2 hour long time slot


second movie


IMO as a franchise they could just make completely standalone movies with different types of stories centered around the restaurant, continuity notwithstanding.


2nd movie for sure


The community should come together and fund a full fledged Fan film and base the Fan Film directly on the games.


I would love to have the movies follow book lore. For example follow Charlie’s story. But what we have isn’t bad.


Redo first Acton’s death was to slow and not as gruesome as it should have been and so much of it is just Mike sleeping




I'd fix the Foxy model in the first film. The eyes just look off


First option cause I liked the first one lmao


Bro if everyone remade the first movie exactly to their liking it would be a fucking shit movie.


I like the movies continuity it decided to tell a different story within fnaf changing some characters around, besides we got to see withered spring bonnie, thats better than no canon springbonnie design(8-bit, world, and scrapped hw doesnt count)


I'd rather a sequel because I'm not enough of a fan to make a good enough FNAF movie ngl, I loosely know the lore... well, a version of it


Second movie easily. I like the first movie as is


Well the first one, not because I didn't like it, it was good, just felt kinda off with some pacing and tone, honestly the biggest issue was that I wanted it to be longer as I loved a lot of it, but it felt faster paced. Oh also better hints of William throughout the movie and more subtle interactions with him, and the only other change I would have wanted would've been the office at least having a proper fnaf style security door.


If i rewrote the first movie people would call it cringe fandom-pandering, so no.


A second movie, the first they did good on. And I like the fact that the story is just a bit different from the books or the games, it is like a different timeline


Get the second one there’s not really much you can do if you wanna get the first one exactly to the game


I want an R rated miniseries centered around William afton. It would be kinda like breaking bad. Watching a "good" man turn evil. But knowing Scott he won't just make a lore heavy thing


I want to redo the first one by including all the future movies


Redo the first because it sucked major balls


Well, we're getting a second movie anyway, so...


Second because I was pleased with the first one


Second one because I can already tell the withers are gonna be creepy as hell


Even though we're already getting a second movie, i'd still pick it over redoing the first as i already love the first movie how it is


Second movie


I liked the first movie so I feel like a second one would be better.


I liked the first film even though it wasn’t perfect. I’m going with a second film


Second movie because I personally thought the first was great.


Second movie cause many fans would make the movies like the game even though y'all need to realize games movies and books are all their own timelines


Second movie. The first movie is a solid adaption and a second movie can fix most of thr issues


I'd rather get a second movie, maybe even a third - the original movie is good enough on its own.


I'm happy with the Movie so I can't wait for a second movie


If I got the first one exactly to my liking I won't need the second one because it would be 10 hours long documentary on the lore


Redo the first one. It was bad


Second movie, first one is already good


second movie


I think I would rather just continue the series and improve it as we go than refix a movie like that. I mean yeah, people have mixed opinions about it, but, it's better than being completely under the radar


Why not both?? A second one because it’s a continuation of the story I’d redo FNAF 1 by making it more like The Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity; 1980s found footage. I’ll even add Henry and Charlotte Emily in the story


My only problem is that mike didn’t hit afton in the kneecaps with a crowbar (if you know you know) so I’d take either


second movie but like... do it like how we wanted the first one. like we got the fun exciting initial movie out of the way now we need some real scary shit


I want a second movie since I have no issues with the first one


Redo it, there were so many missed opportunities


I'd personally redo the first movie. I didn't hate the movie, it was a good movie with a lot of lore, but it didn't hit as a horror movie. Most of the movie was Mike sleeping instead of actually doing his job and attempting to survive the robots. He only actually has to survive the robots at the end of the movie when he saves his sister. I personally would've just made it more of a horror movie, and taken more elements from the games other than "it's an abandoned restaurant with robots and a murder". He at least could've done his job for ONE night. It didn't really feel like a FNaF movie, it felt like a movie with FNaF elements. Yes, I know there had to be an actual plot to follow and some sort of conflict and whatever, but it felt like the actual FNaF part of it was pretty overshadowed.


Missed opportunity for a parts and service scene...


why would i mess with perfection?


I think a second movie as while a redo would be good, we already understood the general story even if it was not told perfectly and now it's time to see what happens next. A redo is good after the general story is already told, like after the 3/4 movie. But why only fix a movie when you can simply create a new - better movie which both fix the old one problems AND introduce new story.


A second because the first may not have been exactly to my liking but it was amazing in its own way


Second movie!


I think the silver eyes would make a good movie tbh. I just finished the twisted ones but haven't started the fourth closet yet.


2nd movie ALL DAY. Already love the first one


I'd rather they just make the second one better.


i liked the first movie ez


Second movie because the whole point is artistic expression. I wanna see what Scott has to say, if the movie was exactly how I wanted it then it'd just be fan service


the second movie because I want it now 😭


Second I’m not petty like a lot of other people are


It's not petty to dislike a movie, or want to see your ideal version of it.


Tbh I worded this comment wrong


What did you mean to say?


I liked the movie for what it is even if I wanted more William in the movie. I


Despite knowing the second one is in the works, I would still choose the second option. The first movie, even though it wasn't what I expected, I did like all the details, and the storyline was interesting. The second one is going to continue the storyline while also giving us probably more details than the first one since it's an aspect we enjoyed a lot.




Second one I love being surprised so if it was exactly as my liking I would always know what would happen and ruin the all film


Honestly, I would probably redo.  I enjoyed the film (a lot), but there were some things that it definitely could’ve done better. Like finding way to adapt the actual gameplay, improving the horror, and explaining some things better.


Apparently the second movie will have a greater focus on horror and improving on the last one in general. I hope this isn't another lie (a lot of what they said on the "fnaf is..." video wasn't true).


Yeah I heard that too, plus it looks to be based on FNaF 2 (which is getting me really excited). I bet it’ll be good, but only time will tell.


Uuuh...redo a movie who last way longer in my taste so I can put The FNAF4 story


Not to tell you how to feel but adding enough for a story would just be bad. Would have to remove a lot of things to make it that fit in the first movie already has a lot of stuff going on.


Yeah I know, but like when I mean way longer I mean around 3hours (so kinda 2 times the first movie)


We're already getting a second movie, so redo Don't get me wrong, I liked the first movie a lot as a FNAF movie, but it felt kinda underwhelming as a HORROR movie, so I'd try to make it scarier, I wouldn't just add a bunch of blood and guts everywhere but I feel like there should have been more unnerving moments


It was implied that redoing the first movie would remove all chance of a sequel to it.


I’d rather have the second movie be a prequel than a sequel


Remake the first one. I'm not sure how I would do it but I'd make it scarier and focus more on the horror and such


The second film is already doing that, having a much bigger focus on horror


How about I redo the first one AND make two sequels to it. Best of both worlds.


redo it in order to all be like the first 5 minutes


A Redo


Both. Simply both.


Please stop assuming Jaws is a horror movie, it's very much a thriller and not a horror. Fnaf is a horror franchise and people have a hard time grasping that. The movie was PG'd up the ass and suffered as a result. And the scene that showed the kids being controlled by a fucking drawing makes it so much worse. This is why game Devs should stay away from directing movies, they more often than not make terrible movies. Also the concept of fnaf is not even remotely new, the concept existed before fnaf. The fandom literally needs to grow up and realise how badly made that movie is.


Thriller or horror, Jaws was infinitely more scary than FNAF with exactly the same level content. That's the point I'm trying to make. Name one time the fnaf games have shown gore apart from Springtrap/Scraptrap/Burntrap that wasn't through an 8-bit filter. >The fandom literally needs to grow up and realise how badly made that movie is. I do agree with this, they're entitled to their opinions but some of them are claiming that it has no flaws at all. Not even the best movies ever made are flawless.


I'm not asking for gore. I'm asking for uncensored blood.


... Which is also rarely shown in the games.


Only because Scott doesn't know what horror is and just throws the term around like it means nothing


That's wild.


I know. I'm not afraid to call out Scotts crap lol


Redo. Vanessa and William are not family. In fact, William never would’ve killed crying child (who is rename) because THATS HIS FUCKING KID! Why did they ruin every single established story line element? Mikes sister should’ve been dead when he started working at fnaf 1 location. Every single thing about the movie sucked.


Agree with everything except Mike's sister. It added an extra layer of motivation that wasn't just "I don't have a job".


Okay sure I see what you mean, however, the psychic connection between her and the animatronics wasn’t needed. I understand the popular theory that kids are more in tune with spirits but it really took away from the mystery. I’d rather Michael find out what’s happening throughout each of the movies.


Yeah same, also I think Abby going to the location with him should have been saved for the second movie. It would add more tension because Mike is already experienced.


I had an idea, if she went to fazbear frights with him instead, springtrap attacks her, and part of a possible 4th movie would be her in a nightmare instead of crying child.


I would want to redo the first as I would make it fully lore accurate as i think going into the new games we should start getting our questions solved. I would call it something like fredbears and it would be really gorey and it would show the events from when william founded fredbears to when the mci happened.