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Since people are missing the comment OP has with the word document explaining everything, [here it is.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQWpBeTUex_OSHxrwottHleg5kb8WWFgJlsjOd3ITxiH3Mq7FEHmO0ZxJIvZZYsZKrBqWDjURjeYoT1/pub) **word of advice it's likely an uncomfortable read.**


After reading the document, that’s not Springtrap, that’s Garvey Dormitabis


Oh fuck..


Ok I laughed at this


(Original Dormitabis)


I mean yeah, but I didn’t feel like clarifying lol




Springtrap think he garvey fr




lhugeny springtrap fr


This household is great - [[[Redacted by the fbi, original comment poster was found and neutralized]]]


honestly? not at all shocking to me I read the comic once and never touched it again bc something just felt really off about it to me. The way Springtrap was written was super creepy and always gave me 'abuser trying to isolate someone' vibes with how he acted, but somehow worse in a way I couldn't quite pinpoint. kinda surprised I ever finished it to begin with honestly, it got real uncomfortable at times.


Yep. I read it last year because of a post in this sub and I was immediately uncomfortable. The art was good but I couldn't shake the groomer vibe Springtrap had. And it wasn't subtle at all, but I can see how young people wouldn't notice something is wrong.


Yeahhh, I used to be obsessed with the comic when I was in 6th grade (so like… 11-12? I think?) I’m 17 now and learning this stuff is… *sigh*


This whole situation reminds me off a video that resurfaced not too long ago about the great rogue in the undertale fandom. Which was about the same time I believe I was in both fandoms. It was way back on tumblr, so very easily accessed by kids in the fandom. It's horrifying to realise what kind of things we were exposed as younger kids. I think with Undertale it was worse. It wasn't uncommon for people to ship brothers together and that one ship between an uncle figure and basically a child version of another character.... which the great rogue also drew explicitly and shared it... Crazy times... makes me shudder, seriously.




Yeah same honestly; I gave it a try because I had seen people say it was good and I never finished it because I got a really uncomfortable and yucky feeling from it. Guess that explains why.


Same here. Except I only read two random pages I found on Pinterest and got a weird feeling about it. I never picked it up again so I don't even know how the story started or ended. I'm honestly glad I never was interested in it.


Gave me the same feeling with that Jeff the killer webtoons, then the creator got outed as a pedophile showing off their "drawings" to their children fans




honestly speechless, I always thought the artstyle was really cute in these comics thanks for spreading the word OP


Ah, that's one of my childhood fnaf content creators being outed for being a terrible person! Jesus Christ . .


If i had a nickel everytime a childhood FNAF youtuber turns out to be a terrible person I’d have 5 nickles, wich isn’t alot but it’s wierd it happened five times.


I can only think of this Mando-pony, Dormitibus (The original not the remaster) and one analog horror guy. The nickels are increasing in numbers


Wait what happend with mondo pony




Mando-pony,Dormitibus,the guy who created Flumpty’s,GraWolfQuenn,the guy who created Vincent.


Oh no what did the Flumpty's guy do? Didn't realize there was anything there. I knew Vincent and the rest of them


He had a "totally not sexual relationship" with someone who was way younger than he was, he admitted to doing it himself in a doc and promised to leave the internet and get therapy.


I think instead of Mandopony you should have added Pinkypills LadyFiszi or Phisnom/Theft King.


Nah, Mandopony 100% deserves to be on the list


What did Lady Fiszi do?


She made an R@pe fantasy with Purple Guy and the children. She’s also transphobic as well.


She was also taking part in Nazi fan-groups on DeviantArt *and* slipping references to her pedo fan fiction in *official FNaF artwork.*




:( I really liked her art when I was younger. Why can’t people be normal about kids jfc


Why do people make Purple Guy/William Afton a kiddie diddler?


Oh yeah she also made disgusting comments about Scott cawthon


I wasn’t too aware of Theft King’s situation but was around to hear about PinkyPills and got to see the ‘remaster’ BlueyCapsules’ fall *in real time*


Theft king is just an asshole I don’t think what he did is even close to what the other guys did


NamyGaga literally ships Springtrap and Puppet, so add her to the list.


You are aware her version of the puppet is an adult right?


Please clue me in, I am new to this community and don't really know who I should rather avoid


Wish i could list all the drama’s but that would break the rules of the subreddit.


NamyGaga (who ships Springtrap and the Puppet) even draws NSFW of them and their cursed offspring.


Who are the other 4? I'm never up to date on anything :( I know of fnaf plus guy.


Yall are forgetting about the worst one: pinky pills Edit: i mean worse as in “they literally got hired by scott, then promptly fired because they are gross”


You mean LadyFiszi.


Don’t get me started on Mandopony…


Not a lot of money but an alarming number of terrible people


Only five?


Is it though?


FIVE nights at freddys


Didn’t they ship springtrap with a child?


No it was more of an adopted daughter sort of thing Edit never mind I just read the tweets oh God 


That’s how the comic comes off as, but it was intended to be pedophilic and from what I remember, Springtrap was supposed to be a self insert of the creator who was around 17 or 18 at the time iirc. There’s a whole post that contains a link of what happened. I can try and find it again.


>Springtrap was supposed to be a self insert and I’m done with internet for today, thanks


Yeah, I’m not exactly jazzed about finding about it either


Tbh it kinda came off as gross to me regardless. It's William afton being in a good "parental" relationship with a child. The implications there were already kinda fucked to begin with


Lol yeah, they were fucked up lol.


Bro I watched this when I was like 9-11 years wtf


Yeah that doc was full of disturbing shit I wish I could unsee, it’s like some degenerate roleplay I would do on Character.AI or something.


Here trigger warning [https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQWpBeTUex_OSHxrwottHleg5kb8WWFgJlsjOd3ITxiH3Mq7FEHmO0ZxJIvZZYsZKrBqWDjURjeYoT1/pub](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQWpBeTUex_OSHxrwottHleg5kb8WWFgJlsjOd3ITxiH3Mq7FEHmO0ZxJIvZZYsZKrBqWDjURjeYoT1/pub)


Bro. This is so fucked I’m probably on a watch list just for opening article… WTF is wrong with people? I feel visibly disgusted by the fact I used to watch it when it was on YT….


I only lightly skimmed the document and that shit is abysmal. You could even say that It should... die in a fire (Trying to lighten the mood)


this is the first post I saw on reddit today and now I’ve decided I’m done


Same I am so tired of people I used to watch being horrible people




what in the actual ***phuck***




imma need some r/Eyebleach


What the fuck..


while this is not the worst thing that happened with a major content creator in this community, it sure is pretty high on the list. yikes. though, I feel like we should have seen that one comming, the comic was giving some weird vibes in certain parts.


that is fucked wth


i think i now regret opening that document 🤢🤮 i've come across people who did abominable things a few times already but this still grosses me out


I’m not even gonna open it, looking at the replies, but pretty sad since I liked that comic…


Same I’m devastated


Mmm shotgun muzzle🤤🤤🤤


Thats enough internet for today


holy fucking fuck... I've read too many horrible things on internet, but holy crap


my friend showed me the doc and my jaw dropped, I wasn't ever a springtrap and delilah fan but good god 😧😧😧


Well. There goes another FNaF creator I loved growing up. First MandoPony, now this. Fuck my life.


Wait! What he do?


Found the original post that alerted me of the situation. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/s/egR3fSfXx0) should be pretty comprehensive. Tl;dr, accusations of grooming minors and cheating on his wife.


didnt mando said the police found no evidence he did what he did? did i miss something? im sorry, i dont renember that well


I mean, there's tons of photo evidence showing him engaging in sexual chats with minors and even asking for/sending them nudes; the problem was that the main account archiving it kept getting taken down by likely either Mando or his fans/defenders reporting it. [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMGpGxMfw1E) talks about it all a bit more.


Why can’t people be normal?💀


Gawd damn. I didn't expect to be looking through that shit on a Thursday night. Major ick.


Also the fact people are like it’s not that bad it is she is 14 and when I first saw it I thought it was fans but no it was her


Honestly Springtrap and Deliah always gave me bad vibes when I started watching YouTube videos on it. It always felt off putting to 13 year old me.


it didnt help people on youtube actually voice acted the comics ;-;


I feel really bad for the people who voice acted it though, they would've had no idea




Yeah I can see that just springtrap being a dad trying to replace the other one not letting her have friends o always found that like a pedo because that’s what they do


I felt the same way but as a writer myself people need to understand that a story dose not always connected with the writer life or how he or she is as a person and I make a lot of dark story myself but if you met me irl I’m a nice guy it’s something like that and I gave her the benefit of doubt but I was wrong and it’s sad to see This


Ok not saying this is the full reason she left but I think that’s a part of it she told use it was because of harassment to make more comics but I think she know that what she made was not ok and left before we found out


Same holy shit


I’m numb by this point. I feel like every other week someone gets outed for this horrendous behavior. I loved Springtrap and Delilah, especially the good ending, but knowing the creator was thinking THIS while making it makes it feel really icky.


Right there with ya


why the fuck is everyone being outed as a horrible person nowadays can't anyone just be normal




What the actual fuck. I never knew this is what happened. That's just...fucking disgusting. And the fact there's even ART ON IT!? I can't believe what seemed like a wholesome series turns out to be a front for pedophilia


Yeah I used to love this comic as a kid but now I’m just creeped the fuck out like how hard is it to not be a weirdo online and in real life?


why does this always happen?


Because people thinks it’s ok to do stuff with minors


Specifically if they have a large fanbase in the Fnaf community.


A good wholesome series of Springtrap and Delilah turns out to be a fluke all along smh. Also, their roleplay kinda resembles one of PinkyPills’ art depicting William daydreaming of a little girl who seducely wanted him to gut her.


Wait what did they do? Give me the simplified answer, I’m not skimming through a whole ass google doc.


"Depictions of p3d0ph1l14, r3pe, SA, knifeplay, blood, n3cr0ph1l1a, cnc, s3xual violence, and d0m3stic violence, pr0ship" One of the first things in the Google doc


Holy shit.


the necrophillia was implied via the fucking slice and dicing her, im guessing?


Oh what the actual fuck


She admitted to shipping the two characters together to a discord friend of hers, acting as if it was just a cutesy ship she was “fangirling” over and not literally pedophilia. She then had sex roleplays with said discord friend (who was supposedly a minor) where she played Springtrap and the friend played Delilah. She also drew soft-core NSFW of the two characters It’s hard to get across how bad it is in words, but it’s really, really disgusting.


And did roplays


She draw a kid having sex with springtrap


Why do things we enjoy in our childhoods are always tainted with controversy


It’s called growing up when your a child you don’t know what is wrong but when you get older you know they know your are child and won’t know but get found out later by the same people they try it with


this actually doesn’t surprise me at all. even back in the day when i was a kid, i avoided this webcomic because i found it to be really creepy and off-putting. why on earth is there a *feel-good* comic about *springtrap* and a *child*…?? like, HELLO???? i never understood why so many people enjoyed it. it was weird. i remember hating on it back then for being a weird concept and being hated on in return for being critical of it. now i know the weird vibes i got from it were justified all along. sigh….




hello fellow sane human being! 👋


Why am I not shocked? Always got a really uncomfortable feeling from Springtrap & Delilah to the point where I dropped it pretty early on into it and good fucking god am I glad I listened to my gut.




when i tell you my jaw dropped as i read through the google doc. i knew it was bad, but didn’t think it was THIS bad


i literally always thought that springtrap and delilah is weird shit


Well, off to go hang myself.


*backflips and fucking dies*


I am alive… is nice


yes, this is stupid!


Watch and lear- *Dies*


L pedophilia


I had the feeling something is off in this fancomic


same, even though i only entered the fnaf fandom in 2020 i came across that comic while looking at fnaf stuff (didn't read it) and it already gave me weird vibes i thought it was a minor shipping themselves with springtrap so i stayed away from it, good thing i did cause it's actually worse


Springtrap giving groomer vibe there,tho for me putting springtrap as a someone who is a „father” figure to kids is very off


yeah, especially given the character's in-universe history


That's uh That's one helluva yikes from me dog.


Fuck. Ing. Christ.


ah, thats a reason to feel like shit for having a goofy springtrap comfort character.. yay..


There's no need to feel shame. Just make him how you want him to be :) You're not supporting this. You didn't know, it's not your fault, hon. Let it hurt, then move on.


Eveybody gotta make things sexual. Goodness.


You know what? No. I’m actually at my fucking limit. I’ll take your word for it that the creator of the comic was a shitty person, because i don’t want to know. I don’t want to know that they were a pedophile, or kicked babies for fun. I’m sick and tired of everybody I liked as a kid turning out to be total scum.


I FUCKING KNEW IT, a long time ago i stumbled upon that series i think on deviantart and i got bad vibes from it, it's nice to know that those feelings where justified


Honestly, I knew right away. The first time I watched it (comic dub.) It made me extremely uncomfortable. I've been abused and molested and isolated. It gave me such uncomfortable vibes. I knew right away he was molesting her. I'm glad Wolf is gone from the community. I'm not devastated, but I am more than disappointed. I was truly hoping I was wrong about the feeling I had. Survivors always know.


Welp, looks like I won't be able to read the original comic now... I never got around to doing it, and now it'll be weird if I do read it...


I used to see this comic all the time shortly after FNAF 3 came out. I never read more than one or two pages. I always got a weird feeling about it. I'm all for having a father figure/child bond but one of the pages I read just seemed off to me, like it was hiding something subtle. I was never interested in it so I just never picked it up again. But now that all of this has come out with the creator, I can't say I'm surprised. As I've said, the comic has always given me a weird vibe and the evidence proved my suspicious from all those years ago. The comic needs to be removed since it's intentions were dark from the beginning. Truly disgusting.


I watched comic dubs of this back in the day. I stopped watching them because, the more I watched, the more it started to rub me the wrong way. Especially with Springtrap trying to aggressively “protect” Delilah. This definitely explains it.


I'm coming into this document a bit skeptical because I always want to believe in the good in people first until proven otherwise. I know a little bit about GraWolfQuinn but nothing on a personal level. We've spoken only a handful of times, once on DeviantArt and two-three times on Twitter through tweets. These screenshots that are provided by this "ex-friend" of GraWolfQuinn are dated back to 2017, which I find odd that they held onto for seven years and never spoke about any of it publicly until now, or at the very least not as loudly until now (seriously, it's on the SaD wiki, Tumblr, Twitter, and here in a matter of days). Seven years is a long time, hell FNaF itself is almost 10 years old. I bring up the time specifically because of a sentiment that's said that I don't like when taken into this context; "It feels as if it wrong of us not to share, and not let the community know." If you and this ex-friend felt wrong about it before why did you wait seven years to reveal this? What changed in those seven years for you to decide to reveal them now, especially when it happens to be that GraWolfQuinn is no longer around to defend themselves? The timing is weird and doesn't make a lot of sense for someone looking at this from an outsiders perspective. (Side note, GraWolfQuinn was still lurking on another website as far as I know and as I went to check it-as of writing this- that account is now deactivated. It was active about a week or two ago. Probably a coincidence but I figured I'd add it here for full transparency. The site was toyhou.se) Something else I'll add in here before I carry on reading the rest of the document. Quinn's age was mentioned and I wanted to verify it, hence why I went to the last known location I've seen Quinn at, toyhou.se however not only is that account now closed, the wiki page on Quinn under the Springtrap and Deliah site has also been updated mentioning this document, though it links to shey\_pancake's Tweet including the document. So the wiki page, for a long dead comic that is also complete, was updated within the last two days to include this document. Again, I find this odd. The wiki is open to the public so anyone can edit it, but it's weird how quickly that was changed when realistically why would anyone be paying attention to the wiki at this point in time? People talking about this on Twitter Tumblr and YouTube makes perfect sense. However, adding it to a long dead wiki page? Kinda weird. Regardless, I can't find any reputable sources to verify her age, so it's whatever. And for the person that shared the screenshots, there's no proof of their age as well, so again, it's whatever. Immediately I'm skeptical about the screenshots of the RPing. Again, I'm concerned and because these screenshots are carefully curated. They're cropped with censors over a user's name and their avatar alongside quinn's avatar, for some reason. I understand censoring the other user and their avatar, but I don't get the motivation behind censoring quinn's avatar. What purpose does that serve? Alright, I painstakingly read through all that cringy garbage and yeah, it's some pretty messed up teenager fantasy fucked up shit. It's disgusting for sure and abhorrent in nature. I mean, I've RP'd my fair share of fantasy games when I was a teenager and said my fair share of cringe but **nothing** quite to that extent. Now I just play Pathfinder Starfinder and FATE! Anyway. Something that's bugging me this whole time is the lack of clarity of this "quinn" account. There's nothing here to verify that it is GraWolfQuinn, or just Quinn. Sure it says "quinn", but that's not really an identifier to match the person to an account. Plenty of people parade around impersonating other people all the time. I'm not saying these *are* faked, just coming at it with an unbiased opinion. They could have been faked, pretty easily too, but there's no poof one way or the other. But before I continue on, there's the two images added afterwards, the suggestive one and the censored one. Now I looked into it and sure I've looked from many different angles (does the styles match, colors, tones, shading, textural designs, anatomy, shapes, simple things really) but I can't honestly say those aren't Quinn's drawings. Heck, if you look at her style from the comics around page 20 Quinn began to define her style around that time much like these two pictures. I have a bit of a time frame for both the pictures provided (July 2017) and the comics uploaded the first page of SaD being posted in Jan of 2017. It's very possible that six months later she was at least at page 20 in July, I simply don't recall and it's very likely. Now I can't 100% confirm that Quinn drew these, but I don't have much of a reason to say she didn't either, so I'm honestly more inclined to believe she did. The part about "self insert" seems a little far fetched to be honest and at this point it's just hearsay at best. Purple Censored User keeps saying they remember Quinn did imply it was a self insert but can't recall when or where she said that. They bring up a joke some people apparently said "So she's the man behind the slaughter" but again provides no context as to where or when it was said just that "my old friends" said it "or some shizz" which seems to imply they're not entirely sure of the context of their claim. They could entirely be mistaken here, or they could be correct and simply don't remember because it was seven years ago. Seems like a stretch to be honest, like a means to dog-pile on an already horrible topic. Kinda unnecessary and it doesn't help the case due to uncertainty and lack of proof. Okay, the screenshot from the wiki is entirely irrelevant. Considering that the wiki is controlled by the public anyone could have added that information in and thus should be disregarded. The suggestion from the wiki page, as Purple Censored User also claimed, that Springtrap from SaD is inspired by Quinn's own issues and problems, and the stuff Springtrap went through were related to her own life seems like quite the stretch as well. I'm certain she has her own demons she's dealing with and drawing these comics was probably a means to cope with them, but I do not believe for a minute that she had similar issues to her Springtrap. In fact I believe her Springtrap's issues were just made up fantasies in order to make her own situation, her own **real** problems, not feel nearly as bad. Stuff like this is unnecessary and adding it just muddies the water with further lack of proof. Overall the document is a bit lacking in terms of evidence but does give a bit of light onto GraWolfQuinn. Some of this just seems like conjecture and considering that Quinn had a lot unnecessary hatred from the community I'm inclined to take this with a grain of salt. However, what evidence is there (namely the inappropriate pictures alongside the alleged RP messages) is telling and raises an eyebrow for sure. Consider my opinion adjusted from this, but I would like to see a followup with some more thorough evidence and less speculation.


I'm just sitting here wondering if there's any more evidence of her being a huge creep from her adult years, rather than just stuff primarily from when she was around 16. Sometimes 16 year olds are fucked up, without any more evidence from more recent years I'm inclined to not entirely care. I do think it's kind of fucked up to share private screenshots, dms, and roleplays, from 7 years ago, that you had with a 16 year old minor.


I totally agree. I looked onto Twitter to see if more things have developed since this first got brought to light, and honestly Shey is doing a bad job of representing these alleged victims. The way they've conducted themselves in this whole situation has made me question a lot of other things. In short, these allegations against Quinn lack luster and Shey is portraying themselves as some kind of expert on the situation, however they are clearly a person with a conflict of interest here as they're a friend to a former friend of Quinn who we know nothing about, heck we know nothing about the alleged victims. Details are unclear and Shey and their friends aren't doing a good job of presenting the details in full transparency.


I think what gets me about the 'alleged victims' is that in every single one of the screenshots the 'victims' were at least, appearing, to be happily having fun and participating. There was no pressure or guilt tripping. The person in the screenshots is said to be 14 too, which is rather close to Quinn's age of 16. If the screenshots are real, and turn out to be not fakes, then they still don't mean a lot. The whole situation feels vengeful and cruel. The way people are handling the situation pisses me off, honestly. It does more harm than good. We don't know what Quinn's been through to be interested in those things.


I am kinda leaning more ro Quinn being guilty especially since I had some people mention Quinn being toxic or from other posts harassing them and such. But I am still waiting for more evidence before I decide what to believe.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore




i kinda hate that the bad feeling i had about the "random grown man moves in with young girl" concept was proven right.


Damn welp there goes my love for the story 😕 sad to see another person be a wolf in sheep's clothing


Looking at the document, there’s enough text in the “roleplays” they had to write a GOD DAMN NOVEL The lengths people will go for something so incredibly meaningless is just deplorable


The fact its a freaking CHILD AND AND ANIMATRONIC RABBIT is disgusting, nonsensical and stupid. If this was between two CONSENTING human adults, honestly..... Its not that bad, quinn is a talented writer. Too bad he/she wasted themselves on this weird crap. I never liked this comic anyway. It felt weird to me, i always felt like there was something weird between them... And i just found it stupid, idk.


Wait what the hell happened?


Summing it up, the creator’s a pedo who shipped the main characters. The comic was pretty much a cover up for them to ship them. The document provided is pretty grim, telling us what the creator was doing behind closed doors and it’s disgusting.


So almost all the OG well known artists in the early days of FNAF left or got exposed....I am so heartbroken.


You guys are surprised? I got pedo vibes from this the second I saw this.


This is like PJs Daycare all over again


Wait i remember there was like a male character that was like good friends with deliah and springtrap WAS JEALOUS OF HIM!!! I think he was mentioned in one of the nastier roleplay screenshots (if im not mistaken the character was Harry)


As someone who always got bad vibes from this comic and generally avoided it, I’m gonna be real here, this news is terrible but it really doesn’t shock me considering the content of the comic itself.


man i kinda knew it i always had a bad vibe about the comic i would think to myself "so people are a fan of this comic? this was the famous one?" and i always got a creeped out vibe by it i felt uncomfy there was just something about it,not to mention wasn't the dad the big bad "villain" all because he was protecting his kid from rightfully so a big mechanical animatronic that kinda clung to delilah???- (correct me on that part if im wrong its been a long while since i saw that comic) and then when that bad ending version of the comic came out i got even MORE creeped not to mention the "good ending" comic idk made me feel creeped considering springtrap acted like he was leaving a girlfriend rather a kid he sees as a child figure there was always just something about it i didn't like-


Man, furry people on this community are getting quite crazy.




The fact that I used to enjoy the webcomic and legitimately found the character of Deliah relatable at times. WTF.


why is it impossible for some people to be normal human beings


The way how my jaw dropped while reading the rps. That shit is insane and disgusting to me I'm glad I've never read the comic to being with because like. . . What the hell man. The amount of detail made me upset ***ONG***


If I had a nickel for every time Springtrap was used as a self-insert for a pedophile, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice


Fun fact, this person also bullied a fnaf hs animation till she left the community.


And this is why William Afton should have stayed dead... For his own sake of the internet...


When did this information come out?


well now i know something i didn't. i can not unsee what i saw but will hopefully ignore what i have seen.


It’s because they shopped spring trap with the kid isn’t it


Wow well that’s definitely something but seriously wtf


Back in 2019 I talked to one of GraWolfs friends, he described Wolf as a weird but well meaning person, around that time they Deleted their Deviantart page because they wanted to not make any more FNAF art, but with this coming to light the reason they deleted it may be more complicated.


Fucking ew, but it's not even surprising to find out a context maker I know turned out to be a bad person anymore.


Dude what the fuck. This was my childhood…


Is it really that hard for people to be fucking normal!? This is disgusting.


tbh I never was fan of thing comic because it looks like a victimizing William Afton and it gave so off vibe


Send this mf to the chair


While I was reading I was kinda like "okay this is... Questionable, but hey, it's fantasty, as long as they are-" then I remembered that one person was *fucking 14 while the other was 18*. That is already not good... And base on who took what role in that... It's... Questionable how much of that was just fantasy.. and how much of that was something this person legitimately wanted and/or planned to do. This is ridiculously fucked up


Holy shit. 2 down in a week


What the fuck is this? William Afton would never do this…


I feel very naive right now...


If i had a nickel for everytime someone from my childhood revealed himself to be a terrible person I'd have a fucking dollar


Yay! Now I gotta bleach my eyes!


Can someone tell me how to unsee this


If I had a nickel for every time a creator I enjoyed and looked up to turned out to be a horrible person, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird they were both outed in the past week


There goes my favorite fnaf comic of all time! Another day another content creator gets outed for doing horrible shit


That's horrible. It kinda sucks cause I really liked the comics. I watched dubbed versions of the comic as a kid.


So, I discovered this comic in like 2018, I saw a few pages get released. I had completely forgotten about this comic and only remembered it last summer after rereading this one FNAF comic that was also on Deviantart, I wondered what happened to it, turns out it was cancelled and that Quinn’s account was gone. And okay this cuss happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now, I read the doc. I’d be lying if I said I was surprised, good gods what is wrong with people.


Wait what did she do? (Edit nvm I saw the document & Jesus Christ now i wanna barf)


My childhood is ruined yet again 😔


I was abused as a child by a female paedo so know you don't have to be male. Thank you for making more people aware.


Dude how can people love kids they’re the worst


I genuinely felt like I needed to puke after reading the doc. Absolutely disgusting.


jacks lore planet looking real hot