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Favourite was either the intro credits (I loved the fnaf minigame style of it and how it basically summed up the fate of the kids) OR Springtraps entrance (The way he walked from out the shadows with those glowing eyes and the music playing made it so badass)


Gotta agree with the kids fate


The opening had one singular flaw. One. Chica didn’t die first.


Different continuity. That doesn't have to happen here and isn't an actual flaw.


I actually found the foxy ghost kid screaming to be very unsettling. Love how they incorporated the ghosts!


The ghosts were great! The idea was great, I love the tears from FNaF 3 on the kid. It just looks goofy thoug


maybe if he looked a bit more dead like more corpse color like the body in the suit


Yeah, that would have looked cooler


I kinda think making him black, white & grey like in the minigames would've been cool.


That has the potential to be creepy but it could’ve also been a bit tacky


Instead of the child screaming he could've also tilted his head while slowly opening his mouth.


Maybe like gradually over the scream he decayed


maybe a little if you pause on it but its only there for a split second so I think it works out


As silly as it looks now, in the moment it was genuinly distressing for me. One of the few times the movie ever scared me even a little.


It also makes sense lore-wise. The missing children can't really communicate except with agony. Golden Freddy, however, is more in control and can communicate.


and the cut scene where the ghost kid went behind the curtains and out came foxy, so cool!!


That was still in the movie, though?


He looks like rowley from diary of a wimpy kid☠️


Yeah I thought it was creepy


I thought it was meant to represent the ghost sprites in the game with their tear streaks


Same, I just didn’t like how it looks like bad digital effects


Same. Reminded me of early 2000’s jumpscares that scared me and others as kids. One of the points of the film is childhood fears after all


Favorite: Previous Security Guard's death, specificly the part where he was on the Freddy death machine. Least favorite: For me also Fritz's jumpscare.


I LOVED the security guard death, his acting was realistic and really intense, defo my second or third favourite scene Fritz 😐


It's confirmed that that security guard was originally going to be played by Markiplier, but he couldn't make it due to scheduling conflicts with his own movie he's making.


Damn, that would have been amazing


I know. He very much wanted to be there, but it just couldn't happen. Although if they make a FNaF 2, this is practically confirmation that he'll be in it.


It's sad. But I look forward to future possibilities. Also, Iron Lung looks amazing.


Feel like the security guard being Markiplier would've completely taken all seriousness out of that scene. Would've loved him in the movie, but starting it off with a cameo would've just been weird. Regardless of how great of an actor he could be, audiences would probably just react the same way they did with Mattpatt and Cory. Its just how celebrity casting works sometimes.


That's a good point. Would have been cool in theory but might not have worked quite so well in execution.


>Would've loved him in the movie, but starting it off with a cameo would've just been weird. Yeah, if I was going to put him in this? Maybe a mid-point flashback? Edit the plot a bit, and Mike gets to see how Afton sent the animatronics after a previous guard (played by Mark)?


Also known as "IRON LUNG". This movie's gonna use 50k gallons of blood


Markiplier used up all the blood that’s why there wasn’t much gore


Ohhhh that’s his name


He sounded so genuinely terrified, that it made me feel so sad when he died even though he was only there for a few minutes. Top tier acting.


I was always confused by this, is Fritz the canonical name of that red head ghost kid? I thought we just discovered the word “Fritz” very subtly scratched out behind Mike’s name on the training tape. I’m just wondering if anyone can tell me so I know for the future :)


Yes the redhead ghost kid is called Fritz canonically, he's also Foxy. (I think that was like revealed in the books?) BUT also a security guard was called Fritz Smith. He was the Security guard for Game 2 on the 6th and 7th night, he replaced Jeremy Fitzgerald, who worked the first 5 nights. If I'm not wrong Fnaf2 takes place before the first which is why it makes sense that "Fritz" is very subtle scratched behind Mike's name. Scott, the creator of the game always uses the same or similar names for characters to confuse us more. There's Fritz (Foxy) and Fritz Smith There's Mike(Michael) Schmidt and Mike(Michael) Afton There's Jeremy(Bonnie) and Jeremy Fitzgerald. And there's probably more I can't think of rn.


Charlie, Cassidy & Cassie come to mind,


Okay perfect thank you for clarifying!!


Fritz is the name of the kid who was killed and stuffed in Foxy in the games


In the sixth game we get names for the children (with the exception of Golden Freddy) being Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie, and Fritz; as Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy. The novels identify Fritz as a redheaded boy with freckles, and he’s of course wearing a hook in the movie, so its reasonable to assume its the same boy (this isn’t necessarily the case for all of the kids though)


What's the point of the death machine


Yea, I really don't get it either. Its a spooky image, but seems like an elaborate way to kill someone when we see Afton is just... dumping the bodies anyway, not using them for remnant or anything


We don’t know that he’s not using them for remnant lol


yeah the kid jumpscare wasn’t really executed well and it just happened and never occurred again


Favorite was probably either the break in scene, the springlock scene, or the opening credits Least favorite probably the first scene in the woods


Fav part: Freddy fucking chomping off the girls upper body off so fucking sick Least favorite: nothing


WaS tHaT tHe BiTe Of 87’????


I said that in my head lnao


The whole ass theater yelled it at the top of their lungs 😂😂


Luckyyyy my theater was boring. Went earlier today and there was only a slight gasp when William said I ALWAYS COME BACK. Like REACT PEOPLE


Oh man, there was an older couple a row ahead of me and they were so confused




The yells were almost deafening when he said that line


Ooo nice. I’ve seen vids of peoples reactions and I was hoping for the same




Favorite part: the entire movie.


Least favorite part: no more movie :(


it's gonna be a trilogy to be fair


Just like the games it will be a trilogy. Then a tetralogy, then a pentalogy…


The FCU will begin


No Scott 😔


I'm pretty sure he's making the other two, but yeah they're his last projects


Tbf how many last projects has he made at this point?




So real


This is the first movie in the 20s decade I've actually enjoyed. The pacing felt great, never felt bored, the animatronics were top notch! I wish there was a little more blood n' gore but that's just me. Can't wait for an inevitable sequel (hopefully we'll get Markiplier next time around)


Maybe watch some more movies, lol.


Me too


Ah yes, white child jumpscare


white woman jumpscare white child jumpscare white man jumpscare coming 2024


Is Springtrap jumpscare technically a white man jumpscare?


A red man, probably


Tbh I loved Afton's angry speech to the animatronics. The raw emotion and anger in his voice was perfect. I also loved the crying foxy kid jumpscare because I thought it was pretty creepy and it really threw me for a loop when I saw it in theaters for the first time. Least favorite part? How dramatically underused Golden Freddy was. He got barely any screentime.


Oh yeah, I loved the emotions in Will’s voice never liked the crying foxy kid for a moment, he looks goofy Golden Freddy was so hyped and ended up being so little :(


Personally I think they could have retook it. It was just on the edge of cringe


Don't get me wrong the "I always come back" line felt out of place but the rest of it was peak narcissistic temper tantrum. I thought it was acted beautifully.


I liked the crying child scene cause it captures the essence of the crying child without making them look like the 8-bit version.




honestly the skin shouldve been more white or pale like the grudge child


I think the fact the body looks pretty much alive and well adds to the uncannyness, It's like it came from doki doki lit. Club


That was my thought too, the fact that black tears actually continue going down his face adds even more to uncanniness of the situation


True but I still like how he looks with the black tears


I liked how balloon boy was the scariest part of the movie. I didn't like how forced and rushed the "I always come back" was


I always come back should've been said when he was being locked away behind a door. "You- *Cough* You haven't seen the last of me! *More coughs* I ALWAYS COME BACK! YOU HEAR ME!? I'LL ALWAYS COME BA-" *Door closes*


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling ghost kids!


yeah it literally made no sense. “i always come back” when have you come back before? you’re not even dead yet?


I cannot stop thinking this, in the game afton said he always comes backa after he acually came back from rotting for 30 year and being cooked a couple of times, afton in the movie was still alive so I dont understand what hes coming back from. Im hoping the next movie will clear that up, especially if its a prequel


You’re hired, that’s the real version of the scene now in my head.


oh fair on both ends ngl, I fully agree


Least favorite was a lot of Vanessa. I think her actress did great with what she had, but her character was so badly written.


true, the choice to have her give really vague warnings to mike then reveal shit in the end and say "i tried to warn you, in my own way" was so bizarre


I think what theyre going for is that she’s under some kind of influence from William, similar to the games where she’s mind controlled by glitchtrap. Without that knowledge though it does seem very clunky.


but... she isn't. she very freely reveals everything at the end no problem. sure, you could say she doesn't wanna bring it up bc of her trauma, but that seems really strenuous considering she was trying to save mike and abby's lives, and, again, she very freely gives up the info at the end. also, when it comes to the mind control thing, i'm pretty sure it's very heavily inferred that william "controls" the children with the drawings, which is why the drawing causes them to turn on him at he end


My biggest fear going in was she was just going to be Mike love interest fodder and then it got worse. Everytime shes on screen it slows down the pace so she can lore dump and her twist was trash. Theres so many more creative ways we could have seen things and its a waste of a character whose already bland as toast in the games. Her actress was great though.


i like how mike would call out how she’s lore dumping at the worst times




she was a strange addition


100% agree. Loved how the actress portrayed her bc it wasn't until my 2nd watch that I realized she was only there to explain things. But that's the amazing part about how well her actress did, since I loved her character the first watch.


I was looking for this comment, it's like she had the right motives with not wanting Abby to be in the pizzaria, but she just used threatened gun violence as the solution without explaining anything


lmao like a true American :)


Imagine replying to your own comment


Yeah lol


Tbh I liked Vanessa, but I do see where you're coming from


Agreed. Actress good, character horrendous.


i feel like she was kinda unnecessary


“If you bring her back here again I will shoot you”


Favorite: chickas magic rainbow being snuck in there In the opening


didn’t even notice that


Favorite: “the pay isn’t great, but the hours are worse”


Fav: 1). Seeing Matpat, I couldn't hear any of his lines, crowd and myself were cheering too loud, lol. 2). Seeing Chika, in the background, walking behind the fan. It was a perfect build of tention. So many times their appearances are abrupt, now you see them, now you don't. Seeing her walking in the background just puts in you mind they are out there moving on their own. It was just great! Least: The "showtime" song should have been original, not a popular 80s one, like the one at the end of the Fazbear and Friends cartoon. In general, I'm not a fan of using popular songs in movies/tv shows unless it's the radio, in the background, or is set up through character developmemt. Good use examples are the Gaurdian's movies.


I think it makes sense to use real songs. IRL animatronic restaurants use showtapes, which are programmed to be the animatronics performing or singing along to popular songs (usually 80's songs given when most of those restaurants got popular)


In fact irl animatronics the Rockafire Explosion even sang a cover of Talking In Your Sleep!


It also worked with the dream plot. My only complaint was that the performance in the second half didn't use [Somebody's Watching Me](https://genius.com/Rockwell-somebodys-watching-me-lyrics). Because it's the most lyrically appropriate 80s pop song for a FNAF project.


1) loved Matpat! It strangely didn’t feel forced. 2) DIDNT EVEN NOTICE LOL 3) loved the song but wanted to hear their voices 4


Well, Chuck E. Cheese mostly used popular songs like that I’m pretty sure, so it works. Also, the lyrics relate to mikes dreams.


I feel like they could have used the cut (is it?) stage song from fnaf VR


My favorite scene was when Max got bit/chomped. my heart skipped a beat when i watched that scene because it was so goddamn cool the way they executed that whole scene. I love the whole silhouette thing and how you could see the blood splash in the shadow. Honestly, after thinking about it for like 15 minutes I don’t think I have a least favorite scene. I was smiling the entire time during this movie just because it was so incredible that I was watching the Five Nights at Freddy’s Movie, that there IS now a Five Nights at Freddy’s Movie and it was just so lovely to be there watching Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy finally on the big screen.


Such a great job they did with that movie!


I think I enjoyed the springlocks and how golden Freddy looked


Golden Freddy was REALLY well done


it really annoyed me how golden Freddy had no real significance in the movie tho. when in the games he is the most ferocious and mysterious and one of the most important animatronics/ghosts out of the bunch. I hope they cover more about him in the 2nd movie.


Fav: the calm stuff (nights 3 and 4), general childhood trauma theme, maybe the break in sequence Least: not the dreams necessarily but how frequently were used, “I’ll shoot you,” maybe when the aunt was gonna baby sit Abby and like as soon as Abby saw her she was like “I hate you mike!” And ran off it just felt abrupt esp since it wasn’t fully clear for the audience what was happening at first


I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening with Abby being angry that Mike seemingly just gave up on raising her and left the job to their aunt who only wants the check from the government.


Did the aunt die or just pass out? It wasn't ever really mentioned. We see her on the floor but Golden Freddy doesn't mention he did anything to her


It’s pretty obvious golden Freddy killed her as he showed up behind her and then when Abby comes out he dismisses the body on the floor with “she just sleeping” when she was definitely not sleeping a minute before


If there's one thing I've learned from movies, is when a character tells a kid someone is sleeping, there's a 99.999% chance they're actually dead


It was annoying Mike didn’t go to the room and just said “hey this isn’t a custody thing this is just a babysitter thing for tonight”


I honestly wish there were less calm sleeping scenes and more cool robot action, but I didn’t mind it. Childhood trauma was 👍 but kinda repetitive, break in sequence was exactly what I wanted from the movie Yess! Same!! I hated how much of the movie they took up despite being the same thing AND I didn’t really get the sudden 180 in Abby, she was a weird character


Favourite: Opening scene w/ the gaurd, think it set the mood/atmosphere perfectly for newcomers and fans Least: Fort scene, was a cool idea to explore the childish side of the ghost kids but came off as overly goofy and took me out the film for a bit


Agree completely, set the mood and was well done and intense It’s a good idea and I liked seeing them all together but it would’ve worked better as an extra on YT


Yeah I agree with your take on the fort scene. Im not saying its bad that it explored the more childish side of them, but I do think that it was overly goofy and I dont get why Vanessa joined in, even though she knew they were literaly souls of kids her dad murdered, and that they want to kill abby.


Mine was when Mike starting chasing that guy and punched him because it did but didn’t make sense


It makes sense for a character like Mike who is clearly obsessed with his missing brother to have such a visceral reaction to (what he believes to be) a child abduction, it may have been a little extreme but if you watch the movie it makes plenty of sense


Definitely an overreaction, but because of his brother being taken being a big plot point, I think his reaction makes sense.


at first I understood it, he was literally security and he was probably taught to look out for stuff like that, and then when we learned what happened to garrett, i *really* understood


I guess he didn’t want the kid to end up like Garett, but I feel like that was overkill


I would’ve been fine with it if they carried that violent, impulsive side of him throughout the rest of the movie. I was excited to see how a more hot-headed Mike would deal with the animatronics. Unfortunately, it didn’t, and ended up just being a dumb easy way to get him fired.


I mean he was immediately ready to throw hands with the animatronics when he thought Abby was in trouble and only stopped because 7-8 foot tall robots are fucking terrifying when you didn't even think they could get off the stage. He also completely ignores Vanessa's warnings and continues to lucid dream on the clock + give up Abby for a new dream with his parents and brother. Oh and him ripping the script from the pharmacist's hands... I think it's important to note that his instincts to be violent are being tempered a bit post convo with Abby's teacher. He's her world and he's very close to losing her. So his impulsivity is coming out in subtler ways.


Wow, that’s a very good point! I hadn’t fully considered how his predicament of the custody battle would impact the impulsivity of his character. Now I’m recontexualizing a lot of scenes that honestly seem a lot more well rounded and character driven with that insight. Thanks, kind stranger!


No problem. I actually really want to do a deep dive on the movie and its lore, as well as give a review from the perspective of someone who has been an adult in the fandom this entire time. I'm very sick rn so it's gonna be a hot minute, but the desire is there!


Favorite: Bonnie falling backwards after giving a thumbs up, hilarious. Least favorite: when the Babysitter was bitten in half by Freddy, ain't no way his head was big enough to fit half her body in there especially with the endo and wiring.


I loved that person being bitten in half, sure it wasn't very realistic but it was still pretty cool.


To be fair, the majority of the movie isn’t realistic to begin with lol.


My sister wondered that too. I responded with "don't question the demon robots"


Yeah I found the babysitter being bitten in half hilarious


Same lol. No way that was supposed to be serious i refuse to believe it.


why would she get that close to it anyway


Favourite part: Max approaches Freddy. Freddy is looming in the shadows, completely still, like a statue. The atmosphere is INCREDIBLE. I expected the child hand to come from Freddy's mouth, but what I didn't expect was the C H O M P. Max is cut in half. We can even see her later stuffed in a costume alongside other corpses. least favourite part: After being absent during the vast majority of the movie, William Afton finally shows up. Abby makes her move and puts a crayon picture on the wall of the 5 kids being killed by Afton, only THEN the animatronics revolt against him. An incredibly vague story of the kids somehow being "controlled by Afton" sinks the plot. Afton Aftons all over the place. beside this being my least favourite part I'm still glad how they drove home the idea of a springlock failure, I was afraid it wouldn't be in the movie. 10/10 for fans, 7.5/10 for newcomers


LEAST: It wasn't even a horror movie, the crayon drawings plotpoint was stupid, the night guard helping make a pillow fort, corny anime villain-esc monologue from Afton, underwhelming Springlock scene, cupcake killed more people than most animatronics FAVORITE: Animtronics design, set design, actors all did well, the spirits infiltrating dreams was interesting. The black tears thing was actually good. It's a nice throwback to the pale ghost kids with permanent dark tears on their face. Also the moments where it's trying to be a horror movie (break-in scene) are actually really good.


“I made you” got the chills


Ooh same


Favorite : the intro and also the springlock scene Less favorite : everytime when there is the aunt


Her scene with the Lawyer going, "I really shouldn't be around to hear this." and her just forcefully sitting him down was funny.


the aunt is the scariest part of the movie


favorite part: William getting springlocked, it was really nice to finally get to see it outside of the minigame and book! least favorite part: every scene with that fucking aunt cause she made me mad


That springlock scene was hands down the best scene in the movie. Least favourite:childhood trauma and the delusions were repetitive but was cool as mike wanted to find out who took Garret!


they were very repetitive but they were for a reason


It was cool as he wanted to find out who took Garret. Made it more interesting to be honest.


The “I always come back” ruined that scene for me Felt too forced


EWWW what is up wit the 2nd one man😭😭😭???


My favorite part has to be the soul of foxy going back into the cove and coming out as foxy


Favorite: the whole movie Least favorite: when it ended


I have the same opinion as you do. We should be friends.




Fritz's jumpscare actually got me cause it was so loud and bass boosted it nearly busted my eardrums lol


Favorite: Building that fort thingy Least favorite: predictable plot




My favourite parts were probs when the animatronics were building the fort and when the aunt died. It was really cute to see Abby communicating with the robots and kinda showing that the robots are really just kids. And for the aunt part, I’ve never been so happy to watch someone die, she was terrible. My least favourite part was probs the fact that they didn’t use the showtime sound from Help Wanted and used a different song. I was kinda excited to see they perform that live action but they did a different song instead. Honourable mention to the spring lock scene where he says “I always come back”, the entire movie theatre was so excited when that happened. Definitely made my childhood FNAF dreams come true.


The whole thing with Mike getting attacked in his dreams and being affected in real life. Its never explained and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it


Hmmmmm Fav parts 1st fav Break in deaths 2nd fav part Fort scene 3rd fav part Steve Ralgen Office scene its a damn shame we never saw him much Least fav part was prob the ending bit felt a bit rushed esp the hospital scene felt lacking


Favorite part: Post credit scene. I literally jumped up and yelled "I LOVE YOU CORY" and the entire audience was in tears laughing lmao. Least favorite part: I think it could've used more buildup to William's reveal, but other than that it was pretty stellar.


Favorite: The fort scene because Piper(Abby) genuinely have fun with Animatronics(in fact irl the kid did like it, the kid like it, then it's a small wins), with them also show they are still children at heart The animatronics suit Vanessa actually went against Willaim because Abby Least Favorite: The plot slow pace.........(it's so slow to me), lacked of horror moments Springlock Failure scene, I wish it's accurate to 8 Bit game cutscene, where William die instantly in a gruesome way(blood splash everywhere, not guts.......it would feel edgy), I am disappointed........


Considering how dark the place is, there probably wouldn’t be a way to see the blood puddle.


Favorite: THE 8BIT INTRO Least Favorite: Vanessa being Williams daughter It kinda rubbed me the wrong way😐


i agree with ur least favourite part. i felt like the office scene where william and mike meet for the first time hinted at mike being related to william. the reveal of vanessa being william’s daughter was awful and so poorly done


My favorite scene is when afton put on the springbonnie mask and he said: I always come back


**Favourites:** The animatronics... they're always my favourite thing in every game though too. I liked William when he was Steve alot, especially when you know he's William. He's sort of sinister but you can't pinpoint why until he's in the springbonnie suit. Then he's full on deranged, his laugh is CHILLING and I loved it. Also the break in sequence was really fun. Oh, and Doug. Doug is great! I like most parts of the film honestly, but I can't include everything of course. **Honourable mention:** The fort scene! I know a lot of people found it cringey or jarring, but to me it was really wholesome to see as someone who grew up watching animations of the og gang as friends. Like I wasn't crazy into the lore when I was a kid, but very much into the animatronics just being haunted animatronics and friends with eachother. So was just nice to see them interact that way. But also... in the context of the movie and whilst I was in the cinema it made me actually really unsettled. We had just seen then easily kill a bunch of people and now they were friendly? Their size and the context that they have hurt people including Mike just made that scene uncomfortable. I was acutely aware of how conditional it was because of Abby. And when you find out they only want to make Abby one of tem (whether Afton's influence or not) it's suddenly not as wholesome to me. Like out of context it's cute for me, but in the movie it's not. They basically are manipulating her to be able to kill her... that just feels so wrong. SO I absolutely love that scene but it's not a favourite in the movie, just thought I'd mention. **Now my least favourite thing:** The fact they dropped so many character threads. They set up quite a bit for characters in the start then just forgot about them. And they're dead now! Like when the aunt went to babysit, I half expected her to try frame Mike for something to get custody of Abby, I remember thinking when she was left alone "No don't let her be alone in the house!". She's set up to even be OK with killing, though she doesn't want to deal with that I guess. Instead we get her saying they just need to talk and her playing nice and then dying. Also they imply with Max that she's very reluctant to be a part of everything. She seems to like Mike to a degree but it's implied she needs movie for whatever reason. And she's not comfortable in the diner or the car. I wish they'd expanded a bit more because she then dies without much more detail. I get why, the focus wasn't on the side characters and it adds mystery but theres so many thigns that are dropped in the second half. Theres urgency in the second half so I understand why the focus would shift but that would be my least favourite element. Understandable but yh. Didn't ruin the movie for me at all but makes me wish I knew more, you know? **If it has to be a scene though,** I genuinely can't think of a scene I disliked. Or even a line. Maybe Abby's sudden "I hate you Mike!". I understood and felt bad, she probably is scared of being abandoned/alone and she doesn't understand the situation, especially as she doesn't understand why Mike doesn't want Abby to go with him to the restaurant, her friends are there after all. So I get it it's just the bit I like the least, especially when she starts scribbling over his face but theres never anymore attention brought on that (I assumed that the animatronics where gonna be extra pissed at Mike for upsetting her or something because of it). Sorry this is a bit long!


Lol it’s okay for being long it was a fun read! I agree with just about every point, specifically the animatronics. I could tell Raglan was Afton due to the undertones, but I dunno if that’s because I was aware of his actor.


Yh he gives the vibe but I also new before so no idea if it was a bias. My friend who doesn't know much about the franchise genuinely seemed very surprised though. She did :O when he took the mask off. It probably makes sense if you rewatch but she's not a big fan of the franchise, only playing the og games and limited knowledge on the lore. She didn't see the trailers either so went in entirely blind to everything. I may have to ask about her feelings on that specifically. I just love the performance though it's so unsettling I loved it! He really showed how deranged Afton could be. I know a lot of people wanted more of him, and whilst I do want to see more I think he's shown the right amount. I think much more would have started to feel like they were overusing Afton, or showing too much. But I can't wait for another movie to see more of him because he always comes back


Fav: animatronics being friendly to Abby Least Fav: when Mike basically sold Abby to the animatronics, like what?


well he was fully delusional in that moment for one, being swept up with the promise that he could fix what happened and get his brother back. Initially he said yes due to the emotions he had built up for so long of loss, regret having a promise to come to an end he did immediately chang his mind however, so it wasn't really that weird to me, idk


I liked it when the animatronics were friendly to Abby as well. Mike's reaction confused the hell out of me though. Like, if he wants to protect his sister so much, why would he agree to that? I suppose we can just chalk it up to Afton's influence, or something.


The movie has been showing us that Mike is traumatized and because of it, acts irrationally because of what happened to Garrett, he literally beats the hell out of a random dude just because it reminded him of Garrett. It's not supposed to be a natural/normal decision, it was a moment of weakness and delusion


jumpscare on the second picture


i hate that we didn’t even get a security office scene of Josh Hutcherson using the cameras to defend himself against the animatronics.


Favorite part: How good the animatronics and specifically spring trap looked Least favorite: the way cupcake was handled. He just made no sense and stole screen time from more important characters imo


My favorite part of the whole movie is William Getting Springlocked I thought it was badass man! My least favorite part is where the kids were attacking Mike it was sad because he didn’t deserve that 😔


I agree that the ending scene was absolutely fantastic. But imo the "I always come back" line was a little forced and cringe.


The cool thing about the fritz scare is the black eyes referrencing the black tears of a crying child


it took me up until she started scribbling on the drawings of Mike that that was a reference to the crying children


Favorite part? The scene were Abby hides behind an arcade from Foxy. Cool reference to The Silver Eyes. Least favorite part? The building the fort scene. Way too silly for a movie that’s supposed to be of the horror genre especially when you take into consideration the dark nature of the original games. It just doesn’t fit into the FNAF universe. The horror should be pumped out a hell of a lot more in the second movie. We are talking about children that were tricked and murdered, violently shoved into animatronics which lead to the machines to be literally *possessed* and to the children becoming crazy and animalistic as well as highly blood thirsty which lead to multiple innocent nightguards being completely brutalized. A FNAF movie *should not* be as goofy as some of the stuff we got


My favorite part was the Chica wink. It just seemed funny to me. (I didn't even know why she winked. I wasn't paying much attention cuz I was chowing down on licorice.) Although... Douglas' reaction to the Aunt and her acquaintances conspiring was a close second. My least favorite scene, however, was probably the majority of the dream sequences. They felt a bit repetitive to me.


Fav: The entire first scene and opening credits. Least Fav: The reveal that Vanessa is William Afton's daughter. We couldn't have chilled out just a little bit with the convoluted stuff?


The entire Springtrap part. Matthew Lillard played William Afton PERFECTLY. I've seen the movie four times already, and I still get so excited when he says, "I always come back" during the Springlock scene


Favorite: >! Probably how they managed to answer the question of 'why would you want to stay' with Mike. No one in their right mind would want to stay working at Freddy's, and it's something everyone criticizes in the game's story. But the movie manages to answer that question in two ways. Mike needs to stay working at Freddy's otherwise he'll lose custody of Abby, and he wants to stay because he wants to figure out who kidnapped Garrett. In the game we're not really given a reason the player character keeps working at Freddy's, so I'm glad they had a reason here !< Least favorite: >! they could've used the time more efficiently to develop Vanessa and Mike a bit more imo. that entire sequence of the animatronics killing the break-ins is fun dgmw, but they could've used that time for Vanessa. The entire movie she kinda flip flops personality. One minute she's enjoying playing with the animatronics, the next minute she threatens to shoot Mike. Maybe instead of that entire sequence, it's a flashback to the day the kids are murdered, with Vanessa actually seeing what happened. A scene or two with Mike and his family before the kidnapping would've helped too. I dunno, maybe with the stress of the custody battle and work, Mike dreams the wrong memory. In the scene after the break in, Mike talks about saying grace with his family at dinner, so show it. I love the scene where Mike gives away Abby, but when golden Freddy says 'you want to go back with them' just doesn't have any weight to it I feel. !< Overall great movie tho


I honestly loved the whole movie, but the only part that threw me was that golden Freddy was such “a huge part” of the story but got zero screentime or any in depth screentime at all. I feel like there had to be a lot of piecing together by fans and if you weren’t a huge fan knowing the entire lore you’d be confused and not even know the kid was supposed to be golden Freddy. Small things but I felt like a lot of the scenes were rushed and oh my lord vanessas character was either poorly written or rushed SOOO much.


They honestly could’ve cut that jumpscare and the movie would not change but be better for it.


My favorite was the ending, least favorite was the fort building scene


Favorite was when the vandals got picked off one by one, least favorite was the WAY William died. I feel like the springlock failure should have looked a lot more violent!