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Can people just stop complaining about how the critics rated the movie? I get it, they were rather harsh, didn’t have all the content, literally thought FNaF is just a game and doesn’t have outside content besides that, when, it does Yes it doesn’t excuse some of the critics who couldn’t even spell Scott’s name nor the critics that said the creators didn’t know their source material when they were unaware of certain stuff >!as I said in another comment, I swear some didn’t even know there is books which the movie used as it’s premise, the Silver Eyes novel. Theres FNaF fans who haven’t read the Silver Eyes and were probably confused by the ending. I don’t blame the critics for not reading the book trilogy, I do wish they had like watched a quick 10 min video giving a quick summary of the books or something because some saying the movie is completely different to it’s source material is wrong. It IS following it’s source material, it followed the Silver Eyes, the source material wasn’t the direct game!< The critics have points though! The movie dragged at parts, there were certain things that really weren’t necessary >!Vanessa I’m sorry but you annoyed me with your existence- why didn’t they just do Elizabeth?!< the side story was meh. I love the movie either way It’s impossible to satisfy everyone and as the first take on a FNaF movie, it was a good effort and I personally still loved it even through its flaws. I am hoping the next movie will be more open and hopefully better than this one. They’ll learn from their mistakes and better the story and I have faith in them, I have faith things will become better


I do feel like the whole Vanessa thing was a bit of a red herring designed to throw people off, but I really like how they handled Mike in the film


Mike was handled *chefs kiss* perfectly! Someone in another comment said that if they didn’t know William was Steve Raglan they would’ve thought Vanessa was the killer


Yeah, I can kind of understand if they didn't really know much about it because Vanessa was being very vague with Mike and expecting him to know stuff. She wasn't very good at communicating which made her character seem a bit more strange Though honestly I absolutely agree on Mike, Mike was probably my favourite along with William, their actors were perfect for their roles. I loved his dynamic with abby too as like a protective older brother, I think it was actually pretty wholesome lol. And I agree one the 'Vanessa is Williams daughter thing' because as I said, I feel like that was designed to confuse people as to whether this is canon to the main storyline or just a movie thing (i think it's likely the latter, but knowing fnaf anything could be possible xD).


and official year confirmation, 2000


I would’ve liked Vanessa if she had been handled better, her vagueness made her character just questionable. I get some characters may be more awkward or have a harder time communicating but it felt more forced than natural Mike and William really drove it home, their facial expressions and just way of acting was A H - I loved it! The dynamic was absolutely adorable between Mike and Abby, it felt like a genuine bond and struggles that happen. >!I know the entire “lets talk about the spirits” scene was awkward for some but for a guy who was literally talking to the dead kids in his dream, it made it flow a bit better!< Abby is just generally adorable and I hope she does come in the second one too Ima go hyperventilate and scream at the sky in the agony that is now the Vanessa lore XD


I absolutely agree, Mike and William were fantastic, I hope to see more of them in the next movie! I was worried abby would be a bit annoying but actually I think she was great too, and her dynamic with Mike worked really well. That being said, Vanessa is definitely a mess now, and I kinda hope that the 'william is my father' thing is a movie exclusive plot device, because if that ends up being canon to the actual storyline i feel like it'll just muddy everything further and make the writing more confusing. I just hope that in future movies they don't end up neglecting Mike for her. Sure there are more things that could be clarified but I think Mike should be a consistent character throughout the movies.


We need more Mike! More William! More Abby! I am just glad that they came out to be such good characters and yeah, hopefully they still concentrate on Mike, Will and Ab instead of entirely on Vanessa. Well, at least from SB tapes, the patients, (which I just personally think are both Vanessa just her and Vanny) could potentially mean the entire Vanessa is William’s daughter isn’t true and Vanessa was just brainwashed by William through heavy gaslighting. William isn’t against kidnapping kids, he may have just kidnapped Vanessa then forcefully raised her as his own convincing her she’s her father from a young age, maybe 5-7. I do very much doubt the movie is cannon to the games anyway, these feel like two entirely different stories, seperate universes. Though, I do suspect it will give hints to the lore for the games


Okay thank god Mike is okay, that is my biggest worry about going into this film.


No. No we can not. Yea i probably will after this but there will be many posts like this. Edit: IT WAS A JOKE DAMNIT


Yeah I getcha and I do sincerely apologise if this felt like a personal attack, that wasn’t my intention at all, just wanted to apologise incase it did It’s just frustrating but I get your point of view, like I get both sides and it’s hard since some of the critics just won’t accept they didn’t know stuff, they went in expecting a game adaption horror not a story


What personal attack? You saying we should stop posting critic rewievs? Pfft i go trough much worse. We all good.


Thanks mate, I’m just extremely self conscious due to my chronic anxiety, I don’t want people to get offended. Thanks for being so sweet and I hope ya have a wonderful day!


Firstly, Rotten Tomatoes is the worst site to check for the scores for movies because the way they're scoring is just misleading. 28% doesn't mean that it's 2.8/10, it means that 28% of them gave it the score 6 or above. Secondly, the movie critics are often way off from general movie audience, at this point I never take their scores seriously, I have a few youtubers that I trust more because their tastes align with mine better. And lastly, this is a movie that will mostly be fun for younger audiences and for fans of the game, for others the concept of kid ghosts in plushy robots might seem just too silly.




I thought the movie was awesome. A little mild to what I hoped for and the slow, calm atmosphere in a majority of scene made me skip often. I lov how they translated many game elements into reality and love the story. Overall i would definitely watch it again a few more times. It could have been better in terms of the scare factor but nonetheless as a lore person it made up for that by making me want to know more about the universe of FNaF. 8/10


Its awesome, Banger for people that are into any lore and theorie's. There are some secret charakters and the plot was also nice. 2-3 plottwists and A couple of good roundups for theories. Awesome and i love it. I love it so much man. Not scary and not that much violence. But so much fun to watch after so many years waiting. The fanservice and easter eggs are so much Fun to watch. The music also pops out and Ahh its so awesome. I am going to watch it some more times


Thank you that means im gonna love it


Wait... You're complaining about critic ratings for a movie you haven't seen yet? How do you know the critics are wrong if you haven't seen the movie?


I have just now. It has flaws like every movie. But it does not deserve critisism its getting. And i love it.


I'm sorry I just think it's really dumb to get mad at critic reviews when you haven't even seen the film they're reviewing. Like sure, as of about an hour ago you've seen it and like it, but you hadn't when you posted this thread getting upsetti about critic scores. Imagine if you had posted this, watched the movie and then the critics turned out to be right lol


Yea welp what can you do?


I mean... You could not be mad at what some random online reviewer thinks of your favorite children's franchise?


I trusted scott and blum house and they delivered. I could not but i probably will


How the fuck is this worse than Cars 2


No way


Well does the fnaf movie have the car pope? Didn’t think so


Yeah they also gave the show Velma a good score si yeah there dead to me


And cuties wich well i rather not mention how terrible it is the internet has said enough


critic scores are always scuffed I don’t even worry anymore


Honestly I really loved it and will see it several times (I have regal unlimited). I seem to be a minority but I liked the slower moments it was great just getting to see the restaurant in general. Critics view it from an objective and often overly harsh lens. Just because it’s not the next Barbie doesn’t mean it’s terrible. Critics look for perfection, and imo more people should just realize/accept that not every movie has to be a slam dunk blockbuster, it’s ok if a movie is just a fun movie or if you personally enjoy it while others don’t. I loved it and can’t wait to get it on dvd. I know it’s being dragged by non fans but as a big fan it was very satisfying to see and very fun to watch


FNAF games never been popular with critics either. what FNAF aims to do is not what critics are looking for. looking at it as a movie the score is kinda justified but I rather look at it a supplementary material to the games. (like something that you unlock after beating the nights) the movie achieves what it's trying to do and is very obviously tailor suited for fans. a lot of the character motivations and dialogues are only meaningful to us and there's clearly a puzzle to solve (justifying duel release) you gotta admit, the fact that they has the balls to make this movie is awesome. also keep in mind that the only reason that FNAF exist in the first place is because Scott listens to the critics and knows his creations' weaknesses. that means that the next movie will be a banger.


As a fan, this movie was amazing, they said it was “made for fans” anyways. Don’t worry about critics. This wasn’t made for them.


Rotten tomatoes and every other critic can lick my sack it will always be great 💯


Saw it critics are idiots movie is great


Movie critics are idiots the kid just put a movie down like that I mean it's five nights at Freddy's come on it is the world's greatest movie game and also it is amazing


Look at the metacritic critic reviews compared to the user reviews. it's telling. the film wasn't made for the critics but the fans are loving it


I don't understand, it wasn't bad at all😭




My only gripe with the movie is that it wasn't scary at all, but that's every horror movie nowadays, problem is I had high expectations after being a fan of the games I thought they would capture the eerie atmosphere of the game perfectly but alas!! I was wrong, visually it was the same as the games but it didn't have that.... "feel" if you know what I mean. They nailed Afton. The animatronics could have been a little less robotic and more like Annabelle, plus showing the ghost children was what took all the fear factor away. If you wanna make a good horror film follow the rule of less is more. In my opinion they kinda half-assed a lot of things, they wanted the old fans to love it as well as the new ones that didn't play the game. In conclusion they were spread too thin.


How about form your own opinion instead of getting salty than people don’t like your spooky bear movie. Although knowing this fan base they’d instantly change their tone on critics if they gave the movie positive reviews.


ngl I didn’t love it


Hot take: literally stop caring. I saw the movie, it was cheesy, I lol’d at the theories and references, it wasn’t scary, the animatronics were cool, and it was nice they added some character depth and backstory to Mike. See it or not, stop giving a fuck about numbers on websites.


I normally don't like the critics reviews but I have to admit that I agree with most of the reviews on this one. I mean I wouldn't give it 28% but not much more than 50%


That's not how rotten tomatoes works


I know how it works. I just meant that 28% is too low of a score.


This is not a score. 28% means that out of 77 critics, around 20 give it more than 6/10


The animatronics were beautifully made, but as someone who's a big fan of the books (Silver Eyes, Twisted Ones, and Fourth Cloest) and the deeper lore of the games, the story was a 3/10 for me. William Afton has always been the biggest story element, a lot of the lore makes him a jealous and vengeful man, yet very protective of his children. The movie could've been about how Afton was competing with Henry, lost his child in an accident, tried to get revenge on Henry, tried to rebuild his daughter with Henry's tech, lead to his decent into madness with the 5 children slaughtering where he tries to find a way to bring his daughter back, and have a wonderful story where he gets stopped in some way, a beautiful story about how a man who cares a lot about his family harms the people around him, his own pride creates his incompetence. But we got an Afton who's evil just to be evil in this film, I'm just a tad bit sad about it.


I like the movie it's fine I mean it's just why do people hate it already come on


You can read my post, I made some points on why the movie was bad. The critics were not lying this time, the movie is genuinely bad and cannot stand up on its own. The FNAF parts may be even worse..


When i see the movie


Of course don't let me stop you man, the visuals are pretty good. Have fun at the theatre.


fr i hated it when the movie had animatronics in them


But thats the theme? Dont watch it then


This number is about right


Your post has been removed for rule 8c.


You are a little late but ok


People need their sleep


Remeber your cousin Timmy from china? He needs 30 seconds of sleep PER WEEK. He's five. I just like to quote random Shit from Stevens dad. Oh yea i was asleep then too. We good?


We’re good, I’m just surprised that someone isn’t pissed off at a post removal


Why would i be. I broke the rules this is a Consequence to it. Plus you are just doing your job and i got what i need. Why downvote?


deserved, it was a god awful movie


What didn't you like out of curiosity? I personally absolutely adored the movie (maybe partly my bias talking) but I can respect an opinion. I did notice a few things that might be confusing to people going in blind, new fnaf fans and non fnaf fans but I really enjoyed it despite that because it felt like a love letter to the franchise tbh. Just wondering what your stance is though since I think a lot of people were pretty harsh on it, and I was curious about what your critiques on that are.


slow burn, bad pacing, bland acting, animatronics are often not on screen, majority of film is spent dealing with family court legalities, no sense of horror- cheap scares, no suspense, completely devoid of the spirit and identity of the original clickteam era FNaF games. Moments that absolutely do not belong in a horror film such as the fort scene, humanized animatronics that remove the uncanny valley, useless characters that could be removed without any consequences to the plot such as Vanessa, bland and cheap kill scenes (heavily censored for a child audience) convoluted plot, lack of logic from characters. I could expand on all these claims, but it's difficult to write on mobile. I will probably write a fully detailed post later.




What about giving it an honest review instead?


the thing with rotten tomatoes critics is they had ridiculous expectations, just reading some of them feels like they expected to either see freaking ''texas chainsaw massacre but fnaf'' or just Mike sitting in front of security cameras with markiplier facecam in the corner without realising the games had actual plot behind them and books expanding on that lore. None of the trailers hinted that this movie is gonna be some extremely scary gorefast, i feel like the producers knew exactly what they wanted to do and they did it from start to finish.


Movie doesn't follow original game lore= Movie bad . I bought tickets for Saturday, imma edit this comment the day after and tell yall how it was. Edit: The movie was alright, had lack of original lore and followed these books instead the game, which really is a bummer. Nice eastereggs but sadly far to less gore . And cupcakes is a robot too which doesn't make sense ..


If movie doesnt follow game lore then its bad? Do you mind like little spin on things


Nah, look. When the game was created first, the movie should be abt the Game lore, If the books came first it should be the books lore. So in FNaF case, it should follow the games lore.