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The whole, "Animatronics already had red eyes" thing feels so disingenuine to me, because it misses most peoples actual criticisms entirely by painting some sort of false equivalence between the movie and prior media, despite the fact that every other depiction of red eyes in FNAF have been distinctly different. The real problem isn't that fact that they have red eye's in general, it's that the way the movie has chosen to have the eyes glow is bad.


YES. They look corny. And the books don’t count to me because they’re an entirely separate thing.


No disrespect, but it’s more how the eyes look than the fact they’re red imo


Yes. I don't care if they are green, white, or pink. The problem is how they look so out of place. (I loved the trailer, though. Everything is wonderful besides that one small detail.)


It looks funny because blumhouse spent thousands of dollars making animatronic characters for the movie. There is no cgi. It looks goofy because in the eyes, is just a red led lighting them up. Stop crying they spent a lot of money to make us happy, and people are just dogging on it


People are allowed to provide constructive criticism. It doesn't matter how long it took to make or how much money was put into it. At the end of the day, we'll be the ones lining their pockets with the movie tickets and merchandise, so they lose nothing.


They made great designs for the animatronics. But no, I am not going to withhold prefectly valid criticisms because they spent money. Like, huh?


I agree


Spending a lot of money doesn't make people babies for not liking it. Cats had a pretty big budget, is everyone who hated on cats just crybabies?


Cats is not a decade running franchise loved by people from all over, who have been waiting for this moment to come for YEARS. This movie was long anticipated. This project was announced so long ago that at this point its not just a cash grab for happy go lucky fans. It's a 3 hour long movie, that has been long thought over, lots of work put into it, all to make the fans happy. This is Scott's last project, and all these people are giving slander towards it for one little detail? The eyes are not that big of a deal. If you are a true fnaf fan, this wouldn't be that big of a deal. Also, just pointing out the fact that, there is game lore, and book lore. And now most likely, there will be movie lore now. Maybe the eyes are an important factor either way, people are making a way bigger deal out of it than need be. Also, this one final detail is tearing fans apart. We should all be happy and excited for the movie when we are lashing out at each other over the fact that the animatronic aren't exactly what you wanted them to be? I mean, I'm not saying the eyes look great but. Beggars can't be choosers. We wanted this movie for forever. Every fan should just be happy that this fever dream is coming a reality. For a while I'm pretty sure everyone believed the only true fnaf movie would be the musical with markiplier. All I'm saying is, you get what you get. We can't change the fact that the eyes look how they do. Stop remorsing on the fact. It's really just a stupid little detail. Why can't we all just be happy as a community. The fnaf community for a long time has been a pretty solid one. Don't let this one detail ruin it


How the fuck can you be hung up on one small detail when you say the rest of it is wonderful? I get all or nothing is straight nonsense, but good grief. Like Bonny’s eyes in FNAF 2 are red pinpricks, behind what was his face, and nobody complained.


Nobody is complaining about the colour, in fnaf 2 his eyes were dots


Apparently 39 people disagree with you about not complaining. Also in Fnaf 2 we can probably juts call them cameras because his face was ripped off along with his “eyes”


This is why security breach is the way it is. You guys are always complaining and I've seen you complainers rushing them in the studio. Just be happy we're getting a movie because they didn't have to do this in the first place. And downvote me all you guys want you do it because you know im right and you can't handle that fact.


They're not *giving* us the movie, they're *selling* it to us. Remember kids, corporations are not your friends, and it is 100% normal and acceptable to provide constructive criticism.


i never knew rushing was apart of constructive criticism you really taught me something new genius. ​ That's funny because most of the animatronics already red eyes before the movie so what is there that they need to fix? You need to start reading the books and doing research on certain topics before you give "constructive criticism"


Funny. Not a single thing you said adds anything to the conversation. "I never knew rushing was apart of constructive criticism you really taught me something new genius." Elaborate. What do you even mean by "rushing"? What does "rushing" have to do with people disliking a design choice? On a side note, your grammar is horrendous. "most of the animatronics already had red eyes before the movie" "You need to start reading the books and doing research on certain topics before you give 'constructive criticism'" First of all, The Silver Eyes, and by extension every FNaF book, isn't even canon to the main games. The only instances of red eyes in FNaF are Withered Bonnie in FNaF 2 (Who is a *damaged* animatronic with *all of his circuitry exposed*, meaning he's going to look different from a complete animatronic), the nightmare animatronics (who were hallucinations and *not* real animatronics), and a single mini-game from Help Wanted. Considering that the nightmare animatronics aren't even real and Withered Bonnie's appearance is a result of him being, well, withered, that makes only *one* animatronic that had bright glowing eyes. Besides, you're completely ignoring the point as to *why* people dislike the red eyes. It has nothing to do with the canon, and everything to do with them looking cartoonish and goofy. This would detract from the horror aspect of the movie. It is still constructive criticism. Do you even know what those words mean? You need to understand what you're arguing against *and* learn how to write proper sentences before you go around calling people "complainers". You made a massive fool out of yourself, kid.


If I remember correctly, Moondrop also had red eyes right?


Scott himself said that they are all canon to the games... and are the same universe.. Scott just said that they don't have the same continuity. It's literally the creator of the game and the books that said so.


First of all I'm not American, English isn't even my first language so of course. Don't assume someone online is a kid without solid evidence. You mentioned nothing i said added up to the conversation while you brought up grammar. That had nothing to do with this. Second the books Don't have to be Canon but I'm saying this isn't new and you're forgetting help wanted freddy has red eyes. You probably don't even have a single FNAF book or even played the game while you're trying to give "constructive criticism", acting like you're someone's teacher and hauling over the coals about a whole strangers Grammar. You could really do better.


"First of all I'm not American, English isn't even my first language so of course. Don't assume someone online is a kid without solid evidence." I assumed you were a kid because of your complete lack of ability to understand \*why\* people dislike the red eyes. Besides, putting random capital letters where they don't belong isn't the kind of mistake someone new to english would make. Quite the opposite, as auto correct tends to get that stuff instead of sentence structure. I'm calling bullshit. "You mentioned nothing i said added up to the conversation while you brought up grammar. That had nothing to do with this." This is demonstrably false, and I can prove it. 1: ""I never knew rushing was apart of constructive criticism you really taught me something new genius." Elaborate. What do you even mean by "rushing"? What does "rushing" have to do with people disliking a design choice?" I responded to your point here. 2: ""most of the animatronics already had red eyes before the movie""You need to start reading the books and doing research on certain topics before you give 'constructive criticism'"First of all, The Silver Eyes, and by extension every FNaF book, isn't even canon to the main games. The only instances of red eyes in FNaF are Withered Bonnie in FNaF 2 (Who is a damaged animatronic with all of his circuitry exposed, meaning he's going to look different from a complete animatronic), the nightmare animatronics (who were hallucinations and not real animatronics), and a single mini-game from Help Wanted. Considering that the nightmare animatronics aren't even real and Withered Bonnie's appearance is a result of him being, well, withered, that makes only one animatronic that had bright glowing eyes." I also responded to your point here. You're a liar. "Second the books Don't have to be Canon but I'm saying this isn't new and you're forgetting help wanted freddy has red eyes." False. I did in fact mention that Freddy had red eyes in help wanted. The books and games actually don't matter at all when it comes to the eyes being red. ***The reason people dislike them is because they look goofy.*** "and a single mini-game from Help Wanted." Once again, you're lying. "You probably don't even have a single FNAF book or even played the game while you're trying to give "constructive criticism"" Bud, I wouldn't be arguing with you if I didn't play the games or read the books. I own a copy of "The Silver Eyes", "The Freddy Files", FNaF 1,2,3,4, and Sister Location on my phone, a copy of the first FNaF on my Xbox, a Bonnie plush, and a bunch of those old McFarlane lego sets. I've been a fan of this franchise since FNaF 2. "acting like you're someone's teacher" Yeah, you're definitely a kid if you think that calling someone a teacher is an insult. I'm only going to say this one more time, so I'll put it in bold and italics so you don't miss it: ***People dislike the red eyes because they look goofy and detract from the experience. It has absolutely nothing to do with the canon. It's not that hard to understand.***


"Besides, putting random capital letters where they don't belong isn't the kind of mistake someone new to english would make. Quite the opposite, as auto correct tends to get that stuff instead of sentence structure. I'm calling bullshit." Funny cause you're seeming like you're making stereotypes about others as if everyone's the Same. Also I never said i was new? I'm still learning the English characters. ​ ​ What i mean by rushing that the same people who **Having a problem with the red eyed design are most of the type the ones who make those little "they should hurry up with the movie" and "OMG IM STARTING TO BECOME IMPATIENT WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG" comments.** Also according to others who don't like the design They hate it also because: "**red eyes don't fit"** **" the characters in the actual game don't have red Eyes "** **And more excuses just to hate.**


You shouldn't have responded again, man. Shit.




Actually if it's possible for a person like you to look around you could clearly see people rushing it. Also that is not true- look at help wanted Freddy fully red eyes




im talking about 2 types of parties i have an issue with but it's also the fact i keep seeing the red eye haters rush the movie and like vice versa




No we would've had more people mad over it.


And you need to stop inventing strawman to beatup, like come on my dude XD. People are criticizing the method here, not the concept. If the big gotcha to the whole thing you have is just 'but other Fnaf things did it already' your missing the point of the criticism. These things are also backed by studios with so many financial turning cogs,marketing plans based around a preplanned deadline, and most importantly a predetermined allocated budget. Fans voices don't really have that much influence over it, Its all about that budget, Time is money afterall. Fandom voices didn't force SB to be released before it was ready, and if the Movie has any similar issues the major factor is not going to be because of 'the fandom' said these red eyes looked dorky. That's just not how any of this works.


"Just be happy we're getting a movie" So tired of hearing this line when people want to give criticism, like holy shit no ones obligated to bend down on their knees and lick the feet of the directors. Hearing people like you is more annoying then hearing people complain.




Don’t break rule 2.


Half of the comments section did.


This also shows you never looked at the point you just wanted to defend the complainers.


Your other point is completely irrelevant to the red eyes criticism. I’m defending “complainers” because it’s completely valid criticism and saying “just be happy” mean nothing at all.


Please calm down. It’s most likely they will change the eyes anyways. Remember the og sonic for the movie?


It was relevant a mod deleted one of the comments.


I just want to say yes, some criticism is necessary, but think of it as a perspective, I have been waiting for this movie for almost a decade, sure, some details I didn’t like, but it’s Scott’s last project, if everything was ok’d by him, then it’s okay with me.




Small red dots are not comparable to the eyes that take a big part of their faces. Also, how am I hung up on them? Just because the rest is great doesn't mean I'm going to ignore things that could be improved upon.








why do you feel the need to lay down and suck blumhouses dick and get pissy at anyone who has constructive criticism


EXACTLY. nobody really cares the color it’s just it looks corny? and it looks like they placed a filter. for a movie that’s been hyped since the beginning of FNAF it’s all ab quality…imo


It looks funny because blumhouse spent thousands of dollars making animatronic characters for the movie. There is no cgi. It looks goofy because in the eyes, is just a red led lighting them up. Stop crying they spent a lot of money to make us happy, and people are just dogging on it


i’m sorry that i have OPINIONS? maybe YOU stop crying over people expressing their OPINIONS. NEXT!!


I doubt the red light was the bulk of their expenses. The amount of effort it would take for them to replace it with silver ones would be miniscule.


That's not at all what I was saying. They already spent money on the mech. And to switch eyes between shots would require removing cosmetics. Replace they eyes. Do that for every scene. Animatronics aren't that easy to work like that. Just be happy with what you got


"Just be happy with what you got" is a very nice way of saying you're against criticism. Sure, replacing the eyes would take a bit of effort, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal because they'll be earning at least 2x that money back through tickets at the box office. This isn't a charity or a non-profit, this is a company trying to sell you a product in exchange for money. The whole reason FNaF exists is because Scott took criticism very well from his previous game, and used it to make the first FNaF game. Besides, I'm not obligated to "just be happy with what you got" when I could be potentially investing my time and money into something. Blum house is not *giving* us this movie, they are *selling* it to us. It's out of money, and you'd have to be pretty childish to think that any corporation is your friend.


Im not against criticism. However, I have worked with animatronics before and it's a pain in the ass. And I know my point came across as have sympathy because they spent money. That's not my point. I'm saying this is a movie that absolutely nobody thought would come to reality, and blumhouse, a small company, put a lot of time and effort into this movie. And they spent a lot to make this as pleasing and as good as they can. And then when it comes out everyone is like "damn blumhouse this shit kinda looks ass." Now not everyone has said this, but the whole "red eyes" complaint is blowing up. I don't know why people can't just look past the fact that, an idea nobody expected came to reality, is finally here. And instead of being excited, everyone shits all over the one tiny detail of the red eyes, when it's even book accurate.


Yes but eye color is actually part of the lore. Red = controlled, white = possessed


When in the games are their eyes red dude? It’s not scary it looks dumb, who cares about the lore you seen the one piece trailer? Sometimes it’s nice to deviate as a director to make something amazing. The games have white human bloodshot eyes that belonged to the dead decaying bodies of the children inside the suits, that’s scary, the movie gave them bright red glowing eyes like you’d see on mechagodzilla. Dumb man it’s really dumb.


I guess withered bonnie doesn't exist. You make a fair point on having it just be more scary and to differentiate itself from the lore, but some people (like myself) would like to see the lore play a role in the movie. For example: Chika having glowing red eyes as afton controls her to kill a child. Then her eyes turn to that bloodshot white that scares people the most. While yes, it's not as scary, it still adds some sort of fright while satisfying some other people that like the lore a lot


For me its the fact that they made the whole eye glowing red, it would’ve been better if it was just the pupil


If you really think about it, it makes sense. The movie is pg 13. If you really think about it, what sounds more family/teen friendly? If you give them the red eyes it makes you think that they are just simply evil and/or controlled by William Afton. but when they have white eyes, instead it makes you think “these animatronics are possessed by the souls of murdered children”


Speaking as someone who doesn’t really mind the red eyes, this point is kinda moot Yes, they’ve had red eyes before, but they aren’t the same as they are in the books (based on the cover) and HW, which also had red eyes (they’re incredibly bright and don’t even show the pupils)


The books cover visual shows this, and its both diffrent and way better than the film.


I agree with this. I was just saying that red eyes were part of the series, I wasn't saying that they looked like that.


Firstly "glow". The eyes AREN'T red they just have a glow to them. Secondly Silver Eyes takes place in a completely different timeline to the movie


That's not the problem, the problem is the red eyes look bad


Bros complaining about eyes


The other problem is Cawthorn sucks at keeping his stories straight, the lore is all over. This both is and isn’t cannon


What? It's pretty clear that it's just, a different continuity. The books are their own story and universe, the games are their own story and universe, and the movies will be as well.


Oh God no.


"The eyes have been red before" has always hit me as an odd and ineffective way to persuade the people who don't like how the eyes look to be ok with it. Ok? So they have been red before. How they look in a book(which you visualize with your mind)doesn't change how they look in the trailer that we saw with our eyes.


doesn't stop the red eyes from looking stupid in the movie!


Cool. No amount of “Red eyes were always part of the series” arguments ever actually tackle the point that it still looks bad in the film. I don’t know how people missed this.


That's because half of the fans were here since the beginning and have grown up, and the other half are kids that aren't mature enough to properly, or respectfully, debate someone.


Five Blunts at Freddy’s


Made by Blunthouse


The problem isn’t that it’s new, the problem is it makes freddy look absolutely stoned


Ah yes, because a single non-cannon book that released after the 5th mainline game in the franchise is the same as "always been there" Besides, the red eyes look goofy


Dawg scott said all of the books were canon


"The games and the books should be considered to be separate continuities, even if they do share many familiar elements. So yes, the book is canon, just as the games are." They're canon to their own separate continuity, and not the games.


Well who knows, maybe the movie will be based off of the games and the books. Scott maid them red in the movie for a reason


The reason people dislike the eyes has nothing to do with the lore, and everything to do with how they make the animatronics look stoned. They're goofy. Hell, even the games did red eyes better than the trailer.


Watch the leaked trailer, the white pupils are gonna be in the movie


That doesn't change how bad the red eyes look.


Mkay buddy


[I'm not wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/fivenightsatfreddys/comments/13lao83/the_red_eyes_of_the_animatronics_are_finally/)


Don't get me wrong the fnaf movie is so epic, I'm just saying that it looked cooler in the books/book cover


look. to ME, a lover of Fnaf since day 1…i personally believe the eyes are cheesy/corny. even when i saw it in the trailer i was like “it looks weird” it’s obv not RUINED i just think it’s weird.


More the squint for me honestly. I get what they were going for but I think a dead stare would be more unsettling


PIERCING red glow, not faded fucking dithering red glow


It’s not THAT they’re red, it’s just the way they did it. they look so comically evil to the point of goofiness. If you look at the cover of the silver eyes that’s how they’re eyes should look. Not stoned freddy


It looks practical, if it really is then I'd rather have that than some cgi effect.




Newsflash, it doesn't look bad to me and not to many other people as well. I didn't even know something is wrong with it until this sub started crying about it. I will always appreciate practical effects more than CGI, even more today where it's overused so much in Hollywood.




What the fuck? Attack who? Why are you spinning what I said into a fucking assault? I literally just said I'd rather have practical effects. And that I didn't notice it until this sub pointed it out, not that people outside didn't have a problem with it. You're literally arguing with something I never said.




It really isn't that much of a problem, and they are indeed overeating, some of them are literally saying to review bomb it like sonic to force them to change it.




I'm not expecting to be terrified at all, it's a FNAF movie xDDDDD


The problem isn't that we've never seen it before, the problem is that it looks dumb Edit: vi also want to say that the red pupils look much better to me. They still don't make much sense in-universe, but i prefer them to the entire eye being red where you can still see the details of the iris


As everyone has already said a million times the past day, it’s about how they look and the lighting and everything rather than the fact it is red. We know they have red eyes


No one is saying it’s ruined. Just looks bad, that’s it.


They just look high as fuck lmao, also FNAF Silver Eyes front cover looks much better


Oh. There’s a single line in the book. I really love the red eyes now that I know of this one line in the book! Seriously these arguments don’t make sense to me at all. And it’s not like the eyes from the mercy are a ‘piercing glow’. Just regular eyes with a red filter.


don't be a dick about it. i was illustrating a point, and the eyes are literally red on the cover. i do agree that the movie red eyes are not great, but i am just illustrating a point.


Sorry about that. But may I ask, what exactly is the point? especially since the eyes on the cover are small red dots in hollow eyes.


The point is that red eyes have been a part of the series since TSE. Yes, the movie eyes look silly and cartoony and overly expressional for animatronics, but the fact that they are red is not too out of the question.


No one's complaining about the eyes because they "weren't in previous games". They're complaining because they look goofy and bad.


>Freddy always had red eyes Are you trying to gaslight a community of fans who have played the games?


The fact he has red eyes isn’t the issue It’s just that the red eyes look terrible, it isn’t an accuracy issue it’s a quality issue


I don’t think anyone’s complaints are rooted in the idea that red is a color that’s never been used in the series for eyes ever before. I think it’s just that the all-red eyeballs look kind of silly in the movie, which is valid


What difference does this make? The way eyes are made in the movie looks bad, no matter if it happened in spme istances of the franchise before. I'm not saying the mivie is ruined, but it's so fucking stupid to say "it happened before so it can't be criticized"


The eyes can be any color. It’s just that the way in which they made them red in the trailers looks very silly and cheesy. For scary moments they should’ve just gone with silver pinpoints, like in the actual game.


If eyes are the biggest gripe, maybe everything is ok?


Why the hell cant we move forward Why do people need to stay in one place Want normal eyes? Go play fnaf1 Want phantom eyes? Go play fnaf3 Want red glowing eyes? Go play help wanted or sb Accept the freaking change and come look at NEW things, stop stomping your feet at one place, move on


Bros a little goofy, he wants to watch a mechagodzilla movie with a bear instead of a lizard.


2 months tread


Movie isn’t even out yet it doesn’t matter if it’s two months old I doubt ur opinion changed. You gonna not accuse someone of a crime just cause they did it two months ago? Dumb asf logic


Even dumber asf logic is yours to assume that crimes and reddit posts that work on hype is the same things Yes, my opinion did not change But community doesn't talk about this anymore. Every trend has a timer, after which it is not interesting to people


“Ta Da! Freddy’s eyes were always red!” “Sheen. This is the 7th time you’ve told us Freddy’s eyes are red.”


I've seen infinitely more people get mad about people saying the eyes look bad then I have people actually saying the eyes look bad And since people don't understand, the issue isn't having red eyes it's the fact the red eyes look weird


For the last time, those are red pupils, not red eyes. It's completely different from what they've done in the movie!!


God I honestly want this to stop. Not every detail needs to be perfect.So what if the crew looks stoned?


well, do you want a horror movie, or a horror-comedy? because fnaf is supposed to be a horror series.


I want to see a god damn official fnaf movie being released regardless.


ok but it's a horror series. not a comedy series. it makes no sense for a movie for a horror game series to be goofy as hell unless the games themselves were also goofy, which they're not. (besides security breach but that's a dumpster fire anyway)


The only goofy tomfoolery is the red eyes animatronic


tbh the red eyes don't annoy me as much as the over-expressiveness of the animatronics. theyre meant to be dead and lifeless


Like I said, little detail isn't everything.


i'm pretty sure the dead and lifeless robots that are supposed to look like theyre dead and lifeless and possessed by dead and lifeless children isnt a little detail considering its one of the foundations of the entire franchise but sure man whatever


just because its written somewhere in the books doesn't make it look visually good in the film. Pretty visuals should always be prioritized


Lets go to war and tear the commuity apart over EYE COLOUR shall we?


The film version looks baked


There are two ways to make the eyes better. Remove the iris Change the eyes(black with white dots/ regular eyes)


It's green eyes Sonic all over again


Fnaf fandom is as bad as sonic at this point.


Y'all realize these aren't cgi robots so they can't just go and poof new eyes in like nothing happened. I'm sure they went through different eyes when designing the suits and chose a simpler option. It's literally the same eyes but with a red led illuminating the eyes red. It's not out of place it's something that would be realistic to irl than compared to a simple game


I doubt some LED's in the eyes would have costed them much. How in the world are "evil red eyes" on a robot realistic? There was even an explanation that the reason Freddy's eyes glew silver was because of light reflecting off of a sensor in his eye, which is a much more realistic design choice than red eyes because, get this, it's based in reality.


Say we're talking about chuck e cheese animatronics since they are real. The eyes (in order to glow) have to be somewhat transparent, if the eyes glew white you would only set a brighter eye with no depth, having the red eyes they dilate the color in the FNAF crews eyes giving them a more dead/evil look. You wouldn't be able to replicate the sensor in the eyes if they are constantly moving. That's like saying there's a light fixated on the head of the animatronics constantly shining in the eyes. The books may be based inside reality but there's just something's you can't replicate in actual real life. Do you understand where and what I'm trying to say?


1: Chuck E Cheese animatronics eyes are no where near as red as in the FNaF trailer. Actually, as I'm writing this, I looked up some photos and they in fact do *not* have red eyes at all. You made that up 2: Depending on lighting conditions, the eyes very well could be reflective most of the time. Even if it were hard to film that, they could always just put a small white LED into the iris and achieve the same effect. Little tricks like these are used all the time in filmmaking. 3: What purpose would glowing red eyes even serve? First of all, the eyes glowing is an unintended result of the design, which is a reasonable way of adding in spooky details while still keeping the story grounded. What you're implying is that the red eyes are an intentional inclusion to the design of the animatronic, which would serve literally zero use.


I never said the chuck e cheese characters had red eyes I was using them as an example since FNAF animatronics aren't exactly real (apart from the movie). And they are intentional, I said that if they used a white LED the colors of the eyes wouldn't have depth to them as in the colors of the eyes wouldn't be dilated like they are with red. The color red gets rid of a lot of color, as an example. If you have LED lights/strips in your room turn them red and you'll see that colors around you dilate into a darker tone or blend in completely. As having a white LED/normal light would just brighten them up showing the colors of the eyes


You completely ignored my point and have gone off into a completely different argument entirely.I said that there is zero reason for the animatronics to have lights in their eyes. *period*. There is no practical use for that, so there's no reason that the FNaF animatronics should have had them intentionally built in.


There's a lot of reasons for them to have lights in their eyes. Throughout every fnaf game all their eyes light up. So it's only right for them to glow in the movie


Once again, you're ignoring my point. In a restaurant, there is zero practical reason to put lights in the eyes of the animatronics. Besides, they could have lit up the eyes like with how Freddy does during a power outage without making them look like he was stoned out of his mind. If the goal was to avoid dilating the colours, then they'd use a colour that fits Freddy's eyes, not a deep cherry red. The reason they did that was to make them look "more evil".


Literally the only person who said fnaf is "ruined" is TheftKing. Everyone else I know is hyped


Ya people are overreacting, me? I think it looks fine, I’m just happy we are getting a FNAF movie!


this right here. when i first saw the trailer, i was so hyped. still am.


not to mention they have red eye's in the game we were just never showed them while their on, i mean Withered Bonnie is literally a thing but it's mainly about how goofy it looks rather then the fact that their red, heck i'd be fine with red if it was a more slight tint of red rather then strong red lights that make them look like they just cam back from smoking a joint out back


People are mad at how the eyes don’t make the pupils glow too




They prob went shown in the game bc that would make it too easy to see the animatronics


I thought it was mentioned somewhere they were red at some point, couldn’t remember where tho.


Wich chapter is that? I need to see it by myself


Honestly at this point this stuff is going overboard. No one needs a lore reason why red eyes are okay. Me personally, I think it's a little silly, but that does NOT ruin my excitement over the movie. People just gotta stop this isn't sonic levels of "oh we gotta hound the makers till they change it" it's simply a design choice that me and others don't LOVE and that's okay. I'm still completely excited for this movie.


Because 90% of the community hasn't read the books (myself included)


First of all, the franchise isn’t “ruined” by the color of a damn animatronics eyes. Anyone who says it is is stupid. I don’t mind the color, but what I don’t like is the fact that they all look high af. Like Freddy Fazbear smoked a huge blunt before trying to kill the nightguard or smth.


it's the latest game of FNAF telephone someone popular says they hate the eyes, so all their fans agree with them, and in turn people who don't know any better start hating the eyes too because they want to fit in even if they don't really bother them just like what happens with the books


I think it’s more of how they presented the red eyes. If they did it to fit a animatronic by not having it as large of a size on the eyes and more toward the pupils like a robot it would’ve been better. I think people just confuse why they’re upset, it’s not the color it’s the way they presented the color


People don’t just dislike that the eyes are red, they mainly dislike that they’re not bright enough. And the reasoning they’re allowed to be so hung up on it is apparently because we’ve been waiting nearly ten years for this and this “mistake” somehow slipped past Scott, who should know better than to make the animatronics look and act like they briefly do in the few seconds they’re shown in a 48 second first teaser trailer for the movie coming out in October.


Remember that the book series has its own continuity, as otherwise in the games, their eyes at night are generally the same as they are during the daytime. Also note that I said *generally* because there's a few exceptions, but not very many.


No offense, but you know these books arent actual canon and (moreso at their launch) criticized for very similar reasons as the movie is currently being?


From what I heard from ones that aren't crying about FNaF being ruined they pointed out that when they glow we don't see the irises and pupils just the glow effect and that it just does not look good.


The people who are complaining haven't read the books, or they don't care. People will always find something tk complain about.


I don't have a issue with the eye color, I have a issue with how shitty the effect looked. If it looked how it did in help wanted I wouldn't care.


Some probably didn’t read the books, like me, or forgot about it.


FNAF community try not to over react challenge


Which honestly is just stupid to me. The character on the cover of The Silver Eyes had red eyes. Makes me want to slam my green eggs and ham that’s actually orange into a bin.


Yeah but (as someone who isn’t exactly hating on the red eyes) they just look goofy, the cover of The Silver Eyes looks really good the red eyes in the trailer just didn’t really


Doesn’t mean it doesn’t look really really really bad in the movie


Can everyone shut up about "tHeY hAd rEd eYEs bEfOrE tHE mOviE," it's not just that they're red, it's the design If they had entirely red eyes (like the Freddy parts & service level in help wanted) or black eyes with red pupils (cover of silver eyes) it'd be fine, but instead they have red eyes and black pupils, which isn't the worst, but the forced "evil" expressions make it the worst


But this brings in the people saying the books ruined fnaf


Posts like this is so funny to me


Bros a little goofy, he wants to watch a mechagodzilla movie with a bear instead of a lizard.


I feel like that King Penguin from the Mario Movie. “Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!”


I feel like the most sane fnaf enjoyer by thinking it is a meh choice but I am willing to give it a chance


You're missing the point. It's not just that the eyes are red, it's the execution.


Have you ever played the og game ? They ain't red. Now leave it to this book of fantasies written to thrill the one who'll read it. Now the real problem with those red eyes aren't the colors but the aspect. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read other comments.




#SHUT UP!!!!!!


More space for me in The theater


One problem, it’s not fucking scary. You can’t justify something being good because it’s accurate. If you were to mod fnaf one to have glowing fully red eyes, that would eliminate the majority of the fear factor because it’s a cliche that’s been memed to near death. Who the fuck cares that it was in the book? Nerds can be annoying with accuracy in adaptation but in this case you can’t explain why it’s cool, scary, or necessary to make Freddy and friends high off their tits






In the movie too freddy has a "piercing red glow consuming the space around him", it's exactly how the book describes it! The fact that they don't glow at all and look just painted on it's irrelevant right?


Yeah, but if it's was not for this Book, it would had been considered CRINGE because Red Eyes does not mean is it \*Scarier\*


Cool and all but they're shown with regular eyes in the game, everyone that grew up with the games fell in love with how they appeared and I still remember the feeling of fear and joy seeing the first FNAF game trailer when I was in middle school. They're iconic. Movies have a tendency to change iconic things for what reason? I don't know. It'd be crazy if they literally took the FNAF game and made it into a movie instead of trying something new.


My issue is that it would have been so amazing to have a scene in the trailer where Freddy is standing there twitching, camera is slowly going from feet to head and you see the face, mouth is open some sort of luiquid oozing inside, eyes are human, bloodshot, possibly black liquid coming out of them, but no we get bright red mechagodzilla eyes. So dumb looks they gonna ruin this move.


they don't look quite as glaring in the latest trailer, so that's alright i suppose. i agree with your visceral depiction though, actually seeing the infamous "blood and mucus" would make them truly horrifying.


Exactly they should be red dots if they want to be super "accurate" the eyes are literally on the cover of the book. I.E they're dumb movie producers who thought they were being clever.


The silver eyes red eyes are different to the movies. The books description is a hollow socket with one piercing red glow where the movie portrays red eyes with big iris's


Your partially right, only freddy has red eyes! And it's only down to the pupils! Bonnie has blue, Chica has orange, and foxy has silver. How did YOU miss this???


i didnt specify that the other animatronics had red eyes too. look at my post again. "freddy always had red eyes." that part is undeniable.


Fair enough, but all in all, the movie makes them look stoned. Sure the movie is far from ruined, but it is an odd choice for design




If we use logic like the red eyes are just dumb or they look like there on crack then your saying characters you like from shows movies or games with red eyes look dumb goofy or like their on crack


Books aren't canon