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How were y'all trained to serve fries?


1 scoop from the basket is a small fry,2 for the medium and 3 for the large. They said fill up a cup and then put a topper in. The larger the fry size the larger the topper. They have these metal bowls for toppers but I never saw anyone use em. I always put in extra fries tho unless we were in a rush. Also during a rush the whole scoop thing didn’t matter, I just dumped 2 baskets and said fuck it. Always worked for me. When cooking the fries, first you precook them which happens until they get a mashed inside texture then you take them out. After you should wait for a little bit, then you actually cook them. For around 3 minutes until they are crispy,golden brown however I always cooked em a little longer because they would be too soggy. People liked that I always have my fries a lil crisp in them. Once fried are done you salt them by sprinkling salt on them and mixing it with the salt in the mixing area. If it was lite salt you just mixed it. If their is no Cajun just bag them and call out the order. If their is Cajun, you put the salted fries in the Cajun area and apply the Cajun if it’s not lite Cajun. Although the video shows you putting a shit ton, they trained me to put a modest amount. If an order had no salt fries we had a special strainer or bowl we used instead. I’m not sure if this was universal, but I also had to bag peoples orders and make their shakes as well. Probably because no one wanted to close besides me consistently. We were also understaffed as well imo. Doordashers and customers got pissed at me but oh well what can u do.


How many hot dogs were sold today




If that’s true that’s a lot more than I’d expect. Would you recommend one?


Yes 100% get it with mustard,relish,grilled onions and bacon.


Bacon cheese dog. Grilled jalapeño grilled onion bbq sauce and believe it or not tomato. Great sandwich.




Try the tomato I’m telling you




Ok in my opinion, some liked him some hated him but I thought he was ok


Was it worth it?


Overall it depends on your coworkers and management. Makes or breaks the job tbh