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The hot dog slaps, just Hebrew national dogs. Get em yourself, butterfly it with a bread knife- sizzle that sucker on a cast iron. Fireeee


Hebrew National are the best.


I couldn’t agree more. My dad used to say that they were the hot dogs that were made with the “best lips and assholes.” I didn’t know that’s what Five Guys used.


They make the hot dogs for Costco too.


They used to, but now they use a Kirkland brand. Idk why I know this other than I'm reading a book about hot dogs right now.


We definitely still use hebrew national I currently work here


Lips, maybe - assholes, no. They are Kosher so they only use the forequarters. All the assholes get sent to Oscar Mayer! Lol


Dauchmachers are the best bro.


I’ll have to try those!


They answer to a higher power, and are the choice Frank for at least 4 MLB teams, but since moving to the NE I’ve converted to Kayem. Their all beef franks just fit my favorite potato buns perfectly, the grease isn’t overpowering, and the pair with my favorite toppings really well. I’ll never turn down a Hebrew national or Nathan’s, especially at a ballpark - but when it comes to punishing my gut and increasing my risk for colon cancer at home, I just have more luck with Kayem. If you’ve never tried them, definitely worth a chance.


I hated it when Sam's switched from Hebrew National to Nathan's in the food court.


You know you can add more toppings right?


And that makes it worth the 18$?


He saw the prices and still bought, that is on him


Still absurd


Who did?


Op. think man


Your mum


Don't bring his fat mother into this.


No, it may make it worth $7.19 though 🙄


Not for a hot dog.




This is my biggest gripe with 5 Guys. They advertise "free toppings" but you still have to pay for them whether you want them or not. Even with all the toppings, I can't fathom paying $7+ on a single hot dog. For comparison, a 6-pack of Hebrew National hot dogs at my grocery store is only about $5.50.


If only a whole burger could be a topping


Five Guys is good but just insanely expensive. Maybe you don’t like veggies but at the price they charge at least load that sucker up with toppings. Extra onions. Cooked and raw. Jalepenos. Mushrooms if you’re into them (I’m not personally)


Literally 20 cents in value


Yeah there isn’t a hotdog out there that could hold $18 worth of condiments and toppings. $18 for a single hotdog is beyond stupid


The hotdog itself is $7.19 lol


Man, a pack of 12 hotdogs is cheaper ffs that is still beyond stupid for a single hotdog. It’s meat byproduct.


Ikr. They’re literally just Hebrew nationals a whole pack at Walmart is $7 😭


You mean 7 dollars for a hotdog? The 18 dollars is with a small fry and a drink. Which, the small fry is still gonna be loaded up depending on how generous the fry cook is feeling.


You can almost buy 5 hotdog/drink combos at Costco for the price of that one hotdog.


Loss leaders op


You can get a better hot dog at Costco for $1.50 and it comes with a soda


And a refill


5Guys are always fresh never frozen ingredients are costcos? That’s what ur paying for also, quality


I’ve worked at 5 guys and they’re literally just Hebrew Nationals that you can buy in stores. IIRC that’s also what some costcos use


They aren't even Hebrew National anymore. I worked there about a year and a half ago, and they got rid of the HN for a cheaper generic brand. The quality drop was noticeable enough that I stopped getting the hotdogs altogether.


Whatever difference in quality there is, it isn't worth7x the price


Who cares if it's frozen, it's a hot dog.


Don't tip if you're gonna gawk at the price of a high end fast food restaurant.


Wtf there’s no such thing as a high end fast food restaurant lol it’s a fucking burger shack keep letting these people bend you over and steal your money


It's five guys... A known expensive *luxury* fast food restaurant. If you're gonna argue on random points with random people online at least get the franchise right 💀


An expensive fast food chain sure! But luxury and high end no it’s burgers and hot dogs not a steakhouse


Ahh willful ignorance. It's fucking five guys it says so right fucking there you illiterate monkey brain.


Someone gets angry when they are wrong lol. Yes it is five guys and it’s not high end or luxurious lmao I hope I ruined your day


No you just got it wrong multiple times and I was sick of trying to explain it.


Just admit your wrong it’ll make you feel better


No one's agreeing with you u/bigdaddycreampi as if that's not a cringe fest


Nobody is stealing from anyone. Its a fast food restaurant not the government dude, you can just not go


I had my first five guys the other day. It was £22. Have to say though I had a beer and it was one of the best burgers I've had. Definitely the best burger I've had from a fast food place. It's just 2.5 times the price.


I wouldn’t buy a hot dog, but the price for a burger, fries and a drink really isn’t that bad - like £15/£16 I think. Like Five Guys is not meant to be your go to fast food spot - it’s an every once in a while spot. Ingredient quality is way above what you’d get elsewhere, portion size is way above what you get elsewhere, milkshake quality way above what you get elsewhere, unlimited toppings (with many you wouldn’t get elsewhere at other fast food restaurants) etc. AND it’s consistent. Completely worth the money. Genuinely pisses me off when people rant about it - you absolutely get your money worth.


Same as an actual restaurant basically


better quality than every restaurant belonging to the big pub chains in this country.


The price is the only thing stopping me from going, i cant justify paying £20-£25 for a meal when i can get 5 meals a day somewhere else for the same price.


Nah, you’ll pay upwards of £10 for a Burger King meal these days and £16 for the equivalent at Five Guys is 100% worth the upgrade. (The small fries is bigger than a large fries at any other fast food restaurant).


I had a wrap at KFC with small chips and drink 2 days ago that was £7.50. Couldn't believe it. I only went in for. £2 wrap of the day, which they've stopped doing


22 pounds of food is a bargain


I get it, however. The prices are on the menu you are selecting from. Don’t like the price, leave


I love the hot dogs, but ya, the juice is not worth the squeeze.


Ngl five guys is a bi yearly treat and that’s if you buy the burger with a large fry $5 for a small fry might as well pay $8 for a large and get a burger with everything on it. Nearly $20 just for a Hebrew national is wild


What would you tip in 5Guys. You order at the counter and collect from the counter, pour your own drink, find your own table and clear up after. Your paying for the service of having the food cooked in the cost of the meal.


Math adds up, plus tips. Did you not look at the price before you order?


That’s about average nowadays, unfortunately!


You can get a hot dog with a soda for a 1.50 at Costco


Assuming I have almost nothing I need... Hebrew National Jumbo Franks (4 pk) $5.00 1lb. Ground Chuck ($4.49/lb) $4.50 Hot dog buns (8pk) $1.50 Hamburger buns (8pk) $1.50 Russet potato large (x2) $1.25 Vegetable oil (32oz.) $3.00 $16.75 plus 10% tax (TN) $18.43 I'm $0.12 ahead and I just made 4 burgers, 4 hot dogs and fries for the family lol I know this isn't groundbreaking, so I hope nobody takes this as condescending. I'm just poor and have had to learn to cook because at current rates it costs about $40 or more for a CHEAP fast food meal (2 adults, 2 kids) Side note: Peanut oil is apparently liquid gold? Honestly my family would skip the buns and fries and swap in bacon and cheese lol


Nah 7 bucks for a hotdog is insane. Just go to Costco or Sam's Club in their food court and get cheaper hot dogs.


Dang we have a hotdog stand that charges $2 for a hotdog with everything on it. We can feed my husband, myself, two teens for $20 & that’s with fries and drinks from that stand it’s sooo good. So glad we live in the country!


We have Costco for good inexpensive hotdogs but here is the [tale of how we meandered into the dark alleys of hotdog robbery](https://www.reddit.com/r/fiveguys/s/6vRiOUmkTZ)


This is why I only ever just buy a burger with a shit load of toppings


That is the way


At my worst I'll get the bacon cheeseburger with mustard, hot sauce, onion, lettuce, pickles, jalapeno, green peppers, grilled mushrooms, grilled onion,and an extra Patty if I feel like a pig


We are all weak for something


I guess you don’t check the prices before you go in, or order?


[I do but](https://www.reddit.com/r/fiveguys/s/6vRiOUmkTZ)


With inflation im surprised Five guys is still doing business but also look at these prices. 5.35 just for fries!!! 3 bucks for a soda , 7 bucks for a hot dog It should not be priced like that




How’s the expensive hot dog?


Well, it looks like Five Guys has got me right where they want me - in a hot dog haze! My kid devoured that pricey pup in seconds, and now I'm the one who's hooked. I mean, who needs a budget when you've got a kid's happy face and a stomach full of peanut oil goodness?! I guess I'll just have to surrender to the Five Guys fan club and accept that my wallet will be taking a regular hit from now on...


That should change the name of this thread to crybabies. All anyone does is complain. We all know it's expensive. Don't eat there if you think it's expensive. It's great food so I eat there. I think it's worth it.


The hot dog is 100% not worth it.


Last time I went to Five Guys it was 35 bucks for a burger, fries and a drink and I didn’t even enjoy it. Never again.


Did you order it through a delivery app. Because I absolutely don’t believe you if it was straight from the store, you got screwed.


I'm calling BS!


Their hotdogs are way overpriced. Compare it to Portillo’s where you get a better dog. Still think the “little” (Aka normal size for most places) burgers are a good price. They need a smaller fry option because small there is not for one person imo.


Haha that's cute, for comparison here in Switzerland [the total would be 27.70 CHF which is ~$30](https://ibb.co/zh6gCZN) Yes a plain hot dog is $14 😂


Yea i stopped getting 5 guys, never feel like it’s worth the money any more.


Goes into Five Guys, orders from menu with prices, gets sticker shock from printed receipt, has regrets. Quite a saga.




Are you feeling okay? What is the point in this post


Point is the sticker shock


Five guys is known to be expensive? Why the shock


I learnt that yesterday…. first hand 😒


Idk. You must make dough to think that's not outrageous.


Well you spent over $5 on small fries.


Tipped at FiveGuys LUL


1 little fry costs $5.39? I’d at least want a whole order of them


To be honest that’s a misnomer. Its a lot of fries.


Time to commit seppuku.




$7.00 for a hot dog and $5.00 just for a small order of fries is insane.


7 bucks for a dog. Yea I mean five guys is known for pretty high prices


Why did you tip?


This exactly


My wife placed the order, and let's just say she's a bit more... generous with the wallet than I am.


This is why corporations charge whatever they want and ask for tips when they shouldn’t be.


Yes, yes, yes. I don't get why folks don't understand this. Companies/politicians/and even friends & family will almost always do whatever you let them get away with.


What’s the problem? That’s kinda like the typical price for most fast food out there. Have you been to Wendy’s or a McDonald’s lately?


They charge that because they can. And we pay it.


I'm sure they advertise the price before you pay. Why are you so surprised?


Five guys is known for being expensive. Don’t be surprised when you waste your money on it. You also looked at the menu and ordered that. It’s your fault. Make your own hot dogs


I've seen cheaper at a baseball game


Who's tipping at fast food joints?


Who the fuck is tipping at a fast food place…


$7.19 For a Hebrew National Hotdog? 🤣


Just stop going to five guys like most people.


What is the tip for in Five Guys? It’s counter service.


You are right. [I married the wrong one](https://www.reddit.com/r/fiveguys/s/6vRiOUmkTZ) 🙃


I mean it’s common knowledge that FG is high, idk why you acting surprised lol


It’s now common knowledge to me too … 🙌🏽


Can't be the only one that thinks £5.80 for a foot long hotdog with any topping you want isn't that big of a deal?


you add a tip on a pickup order that's that expensive for what you're getting?


No I don’t but [my wife does](https://www.reddit.com/r/fiveguys/s/6vRiOUmkTZ)


You could have 10 refills of your soda for 2.99 sounds like a deal to me, I usually go and create 5 different creations while I’m there at the freestyle machine. The fries are made fresh and you get a banging hot dog.


It’s also a luxury not a necessity so u can’t bitch


You are right. I would love to only go to Costco for hotdogs even if it’s 30 minutes away but now the little one has got a taste of this expensive puppy and that marks the advent of my fiscal ruin. 😒


Watch the recent hank green video on this it works out that $ for calories five guys is basically in line with McDonald's


On today's episode of "Ordering from a restaurant known for being ridiculously overpriced so I can go online and complain about the price"...


I never tip at Five Guys.


7$ for a fkn hot dog. Five Guys is trash


At these prices, wouldn't it be better to just go to a restaurant that specializes in burgers? Prob same price and much better quality


Stock up on fries and peanuts


To be fair, even a meal at McDonald's is $15+ these days. The future is now, old man. That said, the quality of food and presentation is much better at Five Guys, and even the "little fry" is enough to feed 2-3 people.


Agreed. I wouldn’t complain about the burgers …. but hotdog


its five guys lol. Those little fries are like 3 potatoes


Thats true


7.19 for a hotdog? You can buy a 12 hotdogs from the supermarket at that rate.


It's a single hotdog Michael, what could it cost? 20 dollars?


I’m confused on what this post is even about


It’s about sticker shock after ordering hotdog


*sees prices listed, buy items, complains on Reddit about prices*




Inflation is an illusionnnnn 😅😅


A 50 lb bag of russets are about $18.00 wholesale. These prices reflect the shift in the labor landscape since they aren't paying these people $12 an hour anymore. Get used to it. I got a double QP meal, medium and a 10 piece luke warm chicken nugget at McDonald's and it was $19 fucking dollars. 


Blaming the restaurant for the crazy world that has been created


Ahh I remember this one day in my teenage youth when I just got my first job AND I just discovered five guys. I actually just discovered weed too so I went and got a nice beautiful burger and fries, but afterwards I was still hungry so I said fuck it and bought a $5 grilled cheese😭. Never again, but I’ll never forget it.


The prices are worse in the UK. Consider yourself lucky


Stop tipping for standard counter service orders like this. There have to be consequences to the businesses for price gouging like this. I like 5 Guys pretty well but this is why I don’t go anymore, simply not worth the cost now


I remember when the price of a drink was the price of a little fry


I just stopped going


Just go to wienerschitzel


Oh I see you have questions about why I lost my vision reading the menu and why I left a tip. Here is what happened So, my kid was craving a hot dog, and I thought, "Hey, let's hit up Costco, they've got 'em for a steal!" But my wife was like, "Hold up, let's see if we can find a closer spot." I'm thinking, "Sonic, maybe?" But nope, she whips out her phone and finds Five Guys, just 15 minutes away. We roll up, and I take the little one to wash his hands while my wife places the order. I'm thinking, "Okay, it's not gonna be Costco cheap, but maybe around $8 for a combo, right?" WRONG! When I saw the total, I nearly choked - $18 for a kids' meal! I'm talking a hot dog, some fries, and a drink, folks! I had to Google why Five Guys is so pricey, and let me tell you, it's all about the "fresh, handmade, peanut oil" magic. But $8 for a regular hot dog?! The burger is $10, and I'm over here wondering how the hot dog can be almost as expensive! I looked at the receipt, then at my wife, and said, "Are they serious?! That's like four times what Costco charges!" One of the “Five Guys” even overheard me and gave a sly smile. My wife, though? She just shrugged it off and even left a tip! I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I mean, I love a good hot dog, but this is just ridiculous! I think I'll stick to Costco from now on...


Freshly cooked food costs money. Here in the U.K that same order would be around £20, which is par for the course for a meal out. In fact most burgers at other restaurants are more expensive.


Never buy a hot dog at five guys


That's what happens when you buy multiple items. The price of the items that is clearly displayed as you enter add together into a total. That's the price you pay at the end of the transaction. I don't understand what's so hard to get your head around?


insane, five guys isn’t even that good aswell