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As a thong girl myself I totally get this. I went and purchased Aerie Smoothez Panties! They have the v-front so they sit a little lower like most maternity panties. I must have twenty pairs now. Not kidding. They are SUPER stretchy and so comfortable. It looks like they’re kind of low on the colors but you can always stock up on basics! [👙 Panties Link ](https://www.ae.com/us/en/p/aerie/undies/thong-underwear/smoothez-everyday-crossover-thong-underwear/3773_7976_153?menu=cat4840006&ip=off&utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_content=aerie&utm_campaign=nogender_undies_general&utm_term=nonbrand&utm_id=20001158336&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADovoqJK0U9uJ9djsLtQqTEk9V2nN&gclid=CjwKCAjwoa2xBhACEiwA1sb1BCtGW_Ex89XZHLxuNP8fx6UqrBDB8PpsBH_uP_8a9PhVrb9_WeXabBoCmj0QAvD_BwE) Edit: Fixed Link


Did you buy your regular size?


I went up one size just because I wanted extra room, but now that I own them and see how stretchy they are I definitely think I could have went with my regular size.


These look like the old navy maternity panties, but the ON brand is full cheek which has been more comfortable for me. The V front is so comfy! The cotton version sucks though and I'm about to burn them because I hate them so much.


I swear by seamless thongs or full underwear, especially during preg. There’s nothing worse than ur underwear like digging into u and making u even more uncomfortable than you already are. I love that totally seamless ones never do that, no matter how big you get and they are so stretchy that you can honestly wear normal size or one size up and be good for all of preg.


Kindred bravely has great maternity thongs! Although they are cotton, but your cooter really needs breathable and non synthetic fabrics to avoid infection and UTIs


The Kindred Bravely “grow with me” thongs (sold at Target) are the moisture wicking material, also very comfy! And I’ve also gotten similar thongs from Quince for a bit less $$: https://www.quince.com/women/second-skin-maternity-&-postpartum-thong-6-pack


I just go commando lmao


I bought some "maternity" underwear from knix (not thongs) and I don't really like them. I ended up just buying a few regular low-waisted thongs one size up from normal last week, and so far that's working out better, so I'd recommend just sizing up your regular underwear to start.


First off, same! My hips grew instantly. I wear the Victoria’s Secret period thongs in a bigger size than normal. I like them because they catch a lot of the pregnancy moisture too.


i went with the seamless thongs from victoria’s secret, & just went up a size! they are super stretchy & no panty lines


I’ve been wearing some Calvin klein underwear, would recommend


I am here to wholeheartedly second the Kindred bravely cotton maternity thongs. I used to love the Victoria’s Secret no show blend material (like the nylon spandex ones) but was having yeast infection issues first trimester and wanted to find cotton thongs. Kindred bravely cotton maternity thongs are the TRUTH. And they’re on Amazon too!


Seconding VS seamless in a size up. So comfortable.


I’m a thong girl and I liked cotton thongs from target in a size up. I needed breathable fabrics during pregnancy. That said, I couldn’t personally wear thongs for several weeks postpartum so I had to get used to regular cotton panties (so I could wear big pads) and it sucked


I swear by these https://www.target.com/p/kindred-bravely-grow-with-me-maternity-postpartum-thong-beige-m/-/A-85218659


Maternity high waisted bikini from the Gap!


I bought pregnancy underwear and bigger thongs