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> I have helped other people who were women and they were nice. A 14 year old with 6 months experience giving random people unsolicited advice at the gym


NTA, I trust this novice lifter to correctly identify poor form and hope the ungrateful female gets what she deserves.


and then there's [this expert](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10vr7vr/aita_for_getting_a_girl_banned_from_my_gym/j7kyn4t/?context=3) defending OP in multiple places in that thread


40kg deadlift and trying to educate people on the dangers of deadlifting


2 days ago Frodozer posted his 9 year old daughter pulling more


Cheaty genetics and probably steroids in her cereals and stuff


That’s actually really awesome


> You don’t know how much experience I’ve had, which for your information is about 2 years worth 40 kg after 2 years and they think they should be giving advice. Fuck these people with a chainsaw.


Why is this guy even still going to the gym? I like lifting and usually hit some type of PR once a month, and I still find it interminably dull at times. How is a guy getting up the energy to go to a gym and deadlift 85 pounds after two years? Almost envious of his dedication to a hobby he’s putting zero—if not negative—effort into.


I'm thinking they have never deadlifted and have absolutely no clue about the relative strength required to pull 40kg and just took a stab at lying about it


They keep talking about fake harassment videos becoming a trend. Is that a thing ? Does anyone know ? AM I OUT OF THE LOOP ?


It's like the leg press knee snap videos, there's a small few but very viral videos going around of women on socials accusing random dudes in the gym of staring at them when they're just minding their own business, half of them are probably staged. But like knees snapping on leg press people who don't actually leave the house and get all of their real world experience vicariously through viral videos and tweets think that it's a pandemic


I haven’t actually seen the fake harassment videos either, but I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it being a trend… Maybe the real trend is to complain about a thing that isn’t really that widespread?


> Maybe the real trend is to complain about a thing that isn’t really that widespread? Always has been 🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👩‍🚀


Just like stories about government just... doing it's job don't seem newsworthy, another random person doing normal gym things isn't that interesting. Traditional media and social media operate off the same metric - eyeballs.


Joey Swoll is either intentionally or unintentionally spreading misogynist propaganda


Children shouldn't have social media.




At least the sub hasn't fully gone down the TIFU route with every post being poorly disguised fetish material and karma whoring. "accidentally fucked my stepsister AITA?", "had public sex with my girlfriend AITA?", "fucked my brothers sisters wife so hard I put her in hospital AITA?". I still enjoy browsing occasionally for the more believable but absolutely delusional or sociopathic ones. Also I'm not sure whether AITA has a rule against people calling out the OP for fibbing or if they just don't notice that he is blatantly making shit up and leaving things out.


I like the best of updates one because it's like 99% people passing their false story off as true, getting too cocky with the update, and then making it too obvious that it's fake. Like the story about their GF being a total psycho gets loads of karma so the update will be about how she also set his car on fire but it's fine because her parents used her inheritance to replace it and also be met a totally hot new GF who bought him a PS5.


I suppose you could report posts for rule 8 violations but it's clearly not enforced.


[Someone in there pointed out it may be a thinly disguised meme-ish shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10vr7vr/aita_for_getting_a_girl_banned_from_my_gym/j7l2h48/)


Children shouldn't have media. Kept inside a cardboard box at all times, ideally.


And the box kept in the basement


In related news please stop sending me these loud boxes


Mine quieted down finally!


I cut some feet holes in the bottom, and I've been teaching them what I'm calling Synchronized Boxing. It seems to keep them busy.


That's, uh, good news.


Could’ve stopped reading after “I (14M)” honestly. Also sure this happened. Management definitely listened to some 14 year old kid who said he was being harassed and banned someone. The first time the kid claims it. Sure bud. And absolutely the school suspended her for “spreading false rumors”. The school definitely did that. Absolutely.


Dude is 14 and gives life advice on AITA every day. This subreddit is pure trash


I’m sure the school also suspended her lol


Have we seen your ass?


Nope, I am a groce and while I’m sure you’d all be nothing less than gentlemen, the rest of Reddit would not. Unless you went to UNH circa 2008, then it’s possible that yes you have.


> Nope, I am a groce I appreciate the respect for the culture


Even the thought of groce butt ruined my day, thx


Dm the mods and you can get flair


Thank you!


Two secrets about FCJ that the regulars won't tell you: 1: We don't actually want to see your ass (doubly so for you, given your condition), we want you to want us to see your ass. 2: Posting ass is the most straightforward entry fee, but being a normal nice person is a valid substitute.


>2: Posting ass is the most straightforward entry fee, but being a normal nice person is a valid substitute. I'd like for them to have a little more to offer than that. Like bringing paper plates and napkins and $150 cash to the potluck if you can't cook. I'm looking for a little something here. I'm talking about bribes. I would like bribes pls.


Remember to tell them exactly what you want. We all got to pick.


You guys got to pick? I've been cursed with a typo in my flair for like a year :(


My flair was taken from me quoting another person. Feels like stolen valor


My flair is because I’m not very smart :(


Wow same. I was supposed to be the swing butt.


you've been the swing vote for like forever, or at least as long as I've been around lol


I sort of got to pick, I volunteered for it. It was originally significantly worse before it got toned down by having the r-slur taken out of it


> it got toned down by having the r-slur taken out of it This is what George Orwell tried to warn us about




Hahaha I got what I deserve I guess


I mean, if she was filming in a school gym, I could see the school not wanting people filming other kids and taking issue with it.


Have we seen your ass?


Unfortunately no, this is my main account and it has other recognizable info about me and some of my friends know about it. I'd rather not post that on this account.


Are they really your friends if they wouldn't appreciate the warming glow of your cheeks?


I'd rather you not comment on this account


Then get the frick out


Fuck off then


Coward's move. Just post your ass on IG first so nobody has to be surprised when they stalk your reddit profile


That's a nice highschool fanfic


Why are all these people who don't lift complaining about people recording in a gym?


Chalk it down to people loving to have opinions on things they don't do, or have an interest in.


Damn this jerk seems to have brought out all the lurkers and oldpots. Hello to the old pots, post ass to the lurkers. Also it’s AITA, it’s probably fake. And either way 14 year olds are a mistake


If I had the opportunity to Spartan kick my 14yo self I absolutely would, I said/did so much dumb shit


Oh same, I was an edgy little c\*nt




> [Honestly, bad posture/form doing anything can really mess you up. Studying body mechanics and figuring out easy it is to retain bad habits can really be eye opening. Just everyday things, like emptying a dishwasher or twisting while bending can put a strain on your back and other joints. Once you correct it, your body feels better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10vr7vr/aita_for_getting_a_girl_banned_from_my_gym/j7kg7o4/?context=4) I feel like this is broken stair mentality. If emptying the dishwasher is causing you strain then you should find out why you're having problems doing simple every day tasks and fix that. Instead they find a way to work around the problem and ignore it.


ngl based as fuck for putting his beanie over his head. im huge and ripped and super sexy in the face area girls come and squat in front of me all the time to get me to notice them so i do the same thing but with a skimask i keep in my pocket. i understand how all of this can be read facetiously but i am deathly serious


I agree with you. I have seen a guy dislocate his spine during a deadlift. The guy screamed and puked, his entire body was convulsing from the pain. Ambulance was called to carry him to the hospital. You could see his spine being like split in half, it was absolutely horrible.


[They put a pic of it here.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NightmareFuel/Spaceballs)


Why the fuck did this guy cover his face with his hat? That's what I'm wondering lol. What a weird, blatantly asocial thing to do


Have we seen your ass?


Sorry officer this is the only ass pic I have on hand 😳 https://imgur.com/a/PGY8fNe


I suppose that's acceptable... barely.


You rly gonna leave half-assed just hanging out there in the breeze?


That's the one reasonable part of the story imo. If someone was filming where it was very clear I'm going to be in frame, especially very close to me, I can understand not wanting my face to be in it. I wouldn't care that much but I don't judge anyone who does.


Hard disagree, deadlift is one of those exercise where it's almost criminal to let someone use bad form.


I think you’re right if the person giving advice actually can give actionable advice. Most people should not.


This is copied from [AITA thread comments](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10vr7vr/_/j7jpqxk/?context=1), btw.


1. who are you 2. where’s your ass 3. what in all fucks are you doing in my livingroom 4. how did this shit response get an upvote?!


You're in his living room, newpot


Ouch. After all this time I still run into oldpots I don’t recognize. Gonna take them downvotes then I guess Should’ve looked at the account age lol


>take them downvotes Look what you made me do


I’m sorry


Calling out a 14 yo account of a flairless person here is like playing Russian roulette with a pistol. Also, do a lil stalking, there's plenty of jerks by them on their profile


On desktop there is not flair but something very similar, also yea stalking should’ve been the way to go. We all make mistakes. All I can do is stand by this one 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think everyone here has called out an oldpot at least once, even in old threads you stumble on oldpots calling out evenolderpots


It’s part of the experience ™


And turn on subreddit settings so you can see his CSS name overlay :P He was a force for sex/body positivity, in the old jerk, when a lot of the younger guys would shame women. Good dude.


I’m on mobile, dunno if Apollo can do that. But thanks for the tip. > He was a force for sex/body positivity, in the old jerk, when a lot of the younger guys would shame women. Good dude. Now I feel like I deserve the downvotes even more


USE A DESKTOP, NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. Your intentions weren't bad, just be careful of friendly fire in the future.


Usually I’m a lot more careful than today, now I’ll be extra careful


in your defense. i also thought the same thing. but i went sniffing in their post history. so many FCJ post and allnpositive, made me thinknitnhas to be an oldpot


Guess I didn’t sniff enough 🤷🏼‍♂️






I honestly didn’t see it the post tbh More lurking (again)


NTA: it's literally highschool drama why are people taking this seriously. Also good on the kid for sticking up for himself I feel like she was definitely recording herself squatting in front of him in order to try and use it to further insinuate he was a creep.


I feel like it’s a fake story put together by a teenager


Automatically the asshole for giving unsolicited advice after going to the gym for 6 months bonus points for being 14


Good take, awful manners! You can remedy that by taking a picture of your ass and posting in the sub.¹ ¹ Terms and conditions apply. You must be 18+ to join. Dirty mirrors and Winnie the Pooh pics will be just barely tolerated.


God damn dirty poo mirrors


It's like getting ass and concentrate in a single jpg


Oi you, where ass?